My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 82: Curbed and humiliated

Yun Jhin found himself in a hall full of people, they were eying him like someone would do an animal at the zoo.

Some sneered at him, others looked interested, but most of them had disdain on their faces, that was because most of them were purebred draconic beings, and just it was mentioned before, pure draconic beings looked down heavily upon halflings.

Yun Jhin ignored their gazes, but one peculiar gaze was looking at him with sympathy, and what seemed to be understanding?

Yun Jhin eyes turned to that peculiar gaze he felt, it was a weak-looking young man with shaggy hair and a trashy bloodline, his cultivation base was around the 2nd stage of the King Realm and he seemed to be understanding of his feelings even though he didn't put any on his face.

The masked man that took Yun Jhin to the Zhu household gave out a big smile as he clapped his hands to take everyone's attention:

"This is Yun Jhin from the Sumo Empire, please welcome him to our Zhu Household, don't be shy."

The weak-looking young man walked forward, but suddenly one of the other spectators struck him in the back, he was a tall burly looking man of around the same age as the weak-looking young man, however, due to his big figure and manly looking face he looked older.

The man sneered as he placed his knee on the young man's neck and said:

"You want to befriend the new hotshot so you won't be bullied anymore don't you?"

The weak-looking young man wanted to shake his head vehemently but he couldn't due to the knee that was on his neck, if he made any sudden movement his neck would snap and he would be a goner.

Yun Jhin looked on coldly, but the burly man waved his hand at him and said:

"If you want to be accepted here you should what we say, after all, we have seniority in the Zhu household."

The man gave out a smile as the others nodded, then he pointed at Yun Jhin and then pointed at the man below him:

"Humiliate this trashy brat, look at his bloodline, you are a halfling and your blood is even purer than his by around 200 times or so from the intensity of your aura."

The masked man watched on with cold eyes, he couldn't care less about the trash brat, even though his parents were both of high standing and talented, they were both dead and their savings passed around his relatives, he was at his weakest now and everyone bullied him, however, this wouldn't have happened if he wasn't born with such a trashy bloodline.

Yun Jhin walked slowly towards the downed young man, the burly man got up from the man's neck and Yun Jhin crouched down to be eye to eye with the young man, the young man gave out a weak smile as he saw Yun Jhin's offered hand.

The others were glaring and were almost ready to boo Yun Jhin and spit at him, but when the young man took Yun Jhin's hand, Yun Jhin's other arm that stood behind quickly appeared, his hand turned into a punch as his fist hit the man's head directly making him bleed.

The hit wasn't that strong so he didn't become unconscious, but it was made at such an angle that it made him bleed quite severely.

The young man gritted his teeth as he got up from the ground and shouted:

"I Zhu Ling won't ever forgive all of you even if I become a ghost!"

He glared at Yun Jhin with hate-filled eyes as he said:


Yun Jhin shut him up by punching him in the mouth breaking all of his teeth, a knee in the stomach, followed by another punch in the face, the young man fell but he wasn't dead, Yun Jhin was ready to deliver the finishing strike when the masked man coughed a bit and said:

"Even though such type of events happens regularly around the Zhu household, we don't condone the killing of other clanmates, even though he is a cripple now from what you have done to his inner ki pathways, he is still a clanmate, you cannot kill him."

Yun Jhin stopped his palm that was ready to go on the man's forehead, he looked down at him and spit on his face then looked away and left. The others left with Yun Jhin leaving the young-man downed there, the masked man shook his head as he murmured while he left:

"Such brilliant parents, such a trashy son, disappointing!"

Zhu Ling eyes turned misty as he started crying and crying, he coughed a mouthful of blood and almost collapsed as he tried to get back to his feet, his whole body was aching and his ki pathways were crippled, his bloodline was trashy and now even his ki cultivation was taken away from him!

Zhu Ling clutched a strange silver pendant that he had under his clothes and he took his beaten form towards his room, he wasn't sure if the burly man or Yun Jhin would come to him to end his life despite what the masked man said, as long as he wasn't present who would care if he died?

Zhu Ling got to his room and took out his clothes and other necessities then left the Zhu household and swore revenge on everyone there.

Yun Jhin was taking a tour of the gigantic household as the Burly man who introduced himself as Zhu Mingo showed him around, the household was bigger than the Emperor's palace and that said quite a bit, there were 3 main houses and 3 outer houses, each half of the size of the palace, meaning that the whole household was around 3 times bigger than the palace!

Yun Jhin was then sent to his room where he meditated for a bit before he was summoned by the masked man to talk with the head of the Zhu Household.

The head of the house was a middle-aged man with a buzzcut, he had an athletic build and wore a nothing but some white robes.

The man's cultivation base was around the 5th stage of the God Realm, he was equal to the Emperor.

The man had a small smile on his face as he said:

"I heard you had been introduced to the house by our Mingo, he is a good child but he has a heavy temper, I also heard you crippled Zhu Ling, you don't have to worry about him, he was set to be crippled a few days from now anyway, I think I should even reward you for that!"

He clapped his hands as an attendant came with a box filled with different items and said:

"You can take one item from the box."

Yun Jhin looked inside the box and saw a few weapons, armors herbs, and pills, he looked through the pills one by one but he couldn't find anything that could help him at the moment, then he looked through the herbs and he found some supplementary herbs for a pill that he could use so he took them and bowed to the head of the house.

The head of the house gave out some more perfunctory words before he let Yun Jhin go back to his room so he could rest, he also informed him that there would be a tournament that all of the top 10 houses would attend in a few months and that he should focus on cultivating.

The masked man looked at the head of the house and asked:

"Bundo, should I send some assassins for that Ling?"

The head of the house was called Zhu Bundo, the man shook his head as he looked outside the window of his room and said:

"There is no reason to waste assassins on that trash, as he is crippled he might go ahead and die to any wild beast, we should focus on training the young generation for the tournament, that's why I sent you to take that Yun Jhin, this tournament is of utmost importance to us and you should know why."

The masked man nodded then bowed and left.

The head of the house shook his head as he looked at the sky from his window and sighed:

"Such high expectations from Ling, such a failure."

Zhu Ling hiccuped as he was now in the city, he didn't know what to do so he went ahead to meet with one his friends in the Bing family, he hoped that he could house him for some time up till found what he could do with his life as a cripple.

Yun Jhin opened his eyes as he felt a peculiar aura getting intertwined with his, this was very strange, this type of aura intertwining wouldn't happen unless some type of fortuned one would take him as an enemy.

Yun Jhin's eyes widened, could that trashy brat be a fortuned one? It was highly unlikely considering his aura said otherwise, however, there were instances where one's fortune energy would be transferred to someone else through objects.

Yun Jhin frowned as he didn't recall seeing anything of worth on the man, but he felt like he made a strong enemy so the first thing he wanted to do was find where Zhu Ling went and kill him!

Fortuned ones were extremely annoying opponents as the universe itself helped them to achieve what they wanted, this type of protection would only wear off when one reached the God Realm.

Yun Jhin frowned as he went to an elder of the Zhu household and asked about Zhu Ling, however, he came up empty-handed as not many people liked or knew much about Zhu Ling besides the basics, then he just went to the man that bullied him the most, Zhu Mingo!

This is where he came in luck as the man himself wanted to kill him, he was ready to head out as he knew where Zhu Ling would most likely go and he became quite happy when Yun Jhin came to him and asked about his whereabouts, Mingo responded with a smile on his face:

"So you want to kill him as well? I know the little twerp was annoying, but he annoyed you so hard from the first beating? Just follow me he has a fatty trash friend in the 7th ranked Bing family, since we are higher ranked the family won't help him if they know what happened to him."

Yun Jhin nodded his head and hurried the man on, the more seconds the man was left alone, the higher the chance he would get some fortune from the heavens to help him!

Yun Jhin didn't know why he got his aura intertwined only at this moment, after all, he beat the tar out of him quite a while ago, their aura should intertwine the moment he became enemies with him, this was truly strange!

Yun Jhin cursed this shitty universe, it wouldn't let him get eternal life, and now it sent him some fortuned trash that would trouble him.

While Yun Jhin and Mingo were going to the Bing Family, Zhu Ling was clutching his pendant with shining eyes inside the room of his friend Bing Jung as he muttered:

"Such a cultivation technique, it could even repair my broken inner ki pathways and improve my bloodline, my parents died to get this... I..."

Tears started to stream down his face as he started cultivating the technique.

Yun Jhin could feel the intertwining aura intensifying around him, that meant the fortuned energy of that fellow was getting stronger and that wasn't anything good!

Yun Jhin slapped Mingo and grabbed him like a sack of potatoes as he said:

"Just tell me the direction and I will take us there faster."

Mingo didn't say anything as he complied with Yun Jhin, he became very scared as he was easily picked up by him like a little chick, might make right, so he could only tremble in his boots and comply with Yun Jhin.

After a short while of running Yun Jhin finally reached the Bing Family, he ignored the guards that told him to stop and ran directly towards the fortuned aura that he could feel.

Hopefully, he won't be too late!

Yun Jhin frowned as the aura intensified and crimson energy exploded from Zhu Ling's friend house, this type of energy alerted everyone, Yun Jhin looked on with a hardened gaze as Zhu Ling came out of the house and gave Yun Jhin a small smile that said 'You are too late'.

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