My brother is an Idol

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Hyunsuk explained kindly to Kiwook on the phone, “You can tell me what happened to you later. I assume you are calling about Hyoyoung. She went to her grandmother’s with Hyojun.”

“S-she’s with Hyojun?”

“Of course, Hyojun would be by her side. Do you really think he would leave her to be on her own at this point?”

“I’m… I’m worried about her, but I guess I’m also relieved since he is with her. Thank you, Hyunsuk. Thanks for telling me.”

“Whatever. Apparently, their grandparents live in Chungnam, so they are probably close to arriving by now…”

“I know where it is. I’ve been there a few times when I was little.”

“Just so you know, it’s not a good idea to drive when you are this upset.”

“… thanks for the advice.”

“Hmm… and if you get beaten up by Hyojun when you see him, call me. I will take you to the hospital.”

“I think it’s not an if, but when.”

“Well, I will need to know how severely you get beaten. You know, will you get a concussion? Or will Hyojun punch you so hard that your intestines burst?”

“… you are so scary, Hyunsuk.”

“You will get hurt physically but remember how much you hurt him emotionally. When he hits you, just stay still for him.”

“You know you are the scariest person I know, right?”


“I will call you later.”

“Good. If you don’t… I’m gonna get worried. Call me whatever happens.”


After hanging up, Kiwook felt a little better. He was ready to face Hyojun and deal with him in whatever way necessary.


Meanwhile, Hyojun finally said to Hyoyoung.

“We are here. Get up,” Hyojun announced, but when Hyoyoung didn’t wake up, he leaned towards her and whispered, “Hyoyoung Ahn.”

“Kiwook… Oppa?”

“Nope, it’s me. Are you so crazy about him that you now hear his voice?” Hyojun mussed her hair in annoyance, and Hyoyoung blushed.


Hyoyoung pouted and Hyojun smiled as he pinched her cheek. He replied, “You were sleeping so soundly that I waited for you for two hours. My legs are cramping up now. Let’s go.”

“What? You waited for me in this car for two hours? Are you serious? Why didn’t you wake me up!?”

“You were sleeping like you were dead. Snoring, grinding your teeth, and drooling… it was quite an ugly sight. I’m not sure if anyone would be willing to marry you when they see how you sleep.”

“Gosh, you are such a jerk! And by the way, I… I’m sure there will be a man who thinks my sleeping habits are cute!”

Hyojun smiled bitterly, knowing who Hyoyoung was talking about.

“Sure, Hyoyoung. Now, let’s go and eat.”


Hyojun got off first and grabbed their bags. Hyoyoung stretched her arms and legs. Hyojun was right. She slept so soundly in one position that her body felt stiff.

She was about to get out of the car when suddenly, she heard Hyojun screaming angrily.

“You bastard! How dare you come here!”

A dull sound was heard, and she saw someone fall to the ground.

Hyoyoung got out of the car quickly, and when she did, she saw Kiwook on the ground. His nose was bleeding and swelling up.


When Kiwook heard her voice, he looked up.

The way he looked at her…

As soon as their eyes met, Hyoyoung felt her legs weaken. At that moment, she hated him. She couldn’t understand why he did what he did.

On the other hand, she missed him terribly. She was worried about him.

The feelings she had… It was confusing, but one thing was certain.

She was never going to be able to live without this man.

Kiwook looked at desperately. His eyes looked so lonely that she decided she was never going to let his hands go.

As if he read her mind, Kiwook whispered her name gently, “Hyoyoung…”


Hyojun quickly walked to place himself between Hyoyoung and Kiwook. He said to her, “Hyoyoung, you go on ahead and get in the house right now.”

However, Hyoyoung continued to look at Kiwook, who was slowly getting up. She was afraid that if she walked away now, she may never see Kiwook again. If she lost him again…

Hyoyoung shook her head firmly, “No.”

“Get in, right now!”

When Hyoyoung refused, Hyojun grabbed her shoulders.

“Oppa… please…”

“Hyoyoung! Please just listen to me for once!”

Hyojun’s face became red with anger. Hyoyoung realized that this was no time to insist, so she quietly walked into the house. As she walked towards the house, she looked at Kiwook longingly. Kiwook seemed to realize how she was feeling, as he smiled and whispered, “It’s ok.”

Hyoyoung didn’t believe him, but still, his voice made her feel calmer. When she stood in front of the front door, Hyoyoung suddenly stood still.

Her grandparent’s house always made her feel cozy and comfortable, but today, the house felt cold to her. She walked inside.

Hyoyoung wanted to look out the window to see what was happening, but she was too afraid to do it. If Hyojun was beating Kiwook, she didn’t think she could watch it.

It wasn’t that she had never seen her brother and Kiwook fight, but this time, she knew it was going to be very bad.

‘What should I do…?’

She sat down nervously and covered her face when suddenly, Hyojun walked in.


Hyojun looked grim as he held his right hand, which looked swollen and bloody.

Hyoyoung quickly grabbed his hand and yelled, “What happened to your hand?!”

To her surprise, Hyojun pushed her away.

“It’s fine. I scraped it a little, that’s all.”


Hyoyoung felt sad that her brother pushed her away, but she knew why he was acting this way. She wasn’t sure how she should react. Should she say something to him? Apologize?

When she hesitated, Hyojun said to her, “He…”


“That bastard got hurt more than I did.”


“There is an emergency kit in the car. The key… is still in the car too.”


“Go grab the key for me. I’m going to lie down for a bit.”

After a few seconds of hesitation, Hyojun walked into a bedroom.

Hyoyoung murmured, “I’m sorry, Oppa.”

After Hyojun closed the door behind him, Hyoyoung ran out.

Kiwook was leaning against the car and looking up at the sky quietly. Just as Hyojun said, Kiwook looked awful.

His eyes were already puffing up, and his cheeks were red and bruised. His nose was still bleeding as well.

It seemed that his back and waist were injured as well because he kept touching them. Kiwook looked very tired as he closed his eyes.

Hyoyoung walked towards him quietly and started to pat his head gently.

“Miss Hyo.”

“Shut up. Don’t call my name. I want to hit you too, but it seems like he beat you up pretty badly already.”

“There is one spot he didn’t hit me though.”

Hyoyoung looked at him closely and replied, “Hmm… no… It looks like Hyojun Oppa got you everywhere.”

“Right… here.”

And with that, Kiwook pulled her closer and kissed her hard. Hyoyoung felt his lips trembling and without even thinking, she hugged his neck and kissed him back. Kiwook’s right hand caressed her hair while he used his left hand to grab her waist and pull her closer. Hyoyoung got closer to him and started to caress his chest.


After their long kiss, Kiwook called her name as he hugged her tightly.

He whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“I know.”

“I missed you.”

“… I know.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I know.”

“I love you.”


“You… you don’t want to answer me?”


“I know I made a huge mistake, but…”

“I love you, you jerk.”

“… Hyoyoung.”

“There hasn’t been a single moment when I didn’t love you.”


“Even when I was little, even when you were my brother. Even when I saw you on TV with your mask on… Even when you were my older brother’s friend… And even now… You are the only one for me.”

Her voice wavered, but she was genuine in her confession. His whole body hurt, but listening to Hyoyoung, Kiwook felt like everything was going to be okay.

Hyoyoung continued, “So…”

“I get it. I understand and I will.”

“You will what? I haven’t even said anything.”

“I will always tell you everything. I won’t run away like I did this time. No matter what happens, no matter how hard it becomes… I will always be by your side. I will never leave you again.”

“You idiot.”

“D… did I not give you the right answer?”

“No, you did.”

“Then why are you calling me an idiot?”

“Just because. Because you really are an idiot. You knew the right thing to do, yet you still left. That is why you are an idiot.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I am an idiot, but…”

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