My brother is an Idol

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Ever since Hyoyoung told him that she already knew about the fact that she was adopted, Hyojun hadn’t been himself.

That morning when the article was released, Hyojun ran into Hyoyoung’s room and woke her up. Hesitantly, he told her what was on the article, and when Hyoyoung replied calmly that she already knew everything, he almost fainted. He stammered as he asked, “W-when did you find out?”

When Hyoyoung didn’t reply, Hyojun asked again angrily, “Who told you? How did you find out?”

Hyoyoung shook her head quietly and replied, “I… just remembered everything one day.”

“O-one day?”

“Yeah, just like that. One day, I just knew.”

Hyoyoung explained calmly so Hyojun didn’t say much, but he couldn’t help but feel upset. He couldn’t believe her. To remember everything… just like that? At first, Hyojun was suspicious that Kiwook may have told her everything, but it didn’t make sense.

If Kiwook told her the truth, he would’ve had to tell her the fact that they lived as brother and sister, at least for a while. Hyojun knew this would be an awkward topic for Kiwook, so he couldn’t imagine him doing this.

So many thoughts crossed Hyojun’s mind, so he was grateful that he could drive in peace while Hyoyoung slept.

In the small car, Hyojun squeezed the steering wheel and widened his eyes as he tried to figure it out.

‘Did… did she hear me and Kiwook talking?’

The way Hyoyoung talked to him… her behavior. Suddenly, Hyojun remembered that night when he had a conversation with Kiwook outside her window in the garden.

Hyojun remembered telling Kiwook how he felt. Kiwook did the same. Hyojun was sure that the light in Hyoyoung’s room was turned off. She had to be asleep. Hyojun knew how well Hyoyoung slept. She was a very deep sleeper; she slept through plenty of thunderstorms.

But… now that he thought about it, this was the only plausible explanation. Hyojun realized that it was very possible that Hyoyoung heard the conversation.

Then suddenly… Hyojun remembered what she said to him before taking a nap.

“Please… always be my older brother.”

“You will always be my oppa, right?”

Hyojun realized that this was her way of rejecting his feelings for him. This was her way of telling him that he would always be her older brother, nothing more.

He had always known that this was the right thing to do but had hoped that she would never find about how he felt about her. But now that she knew his feelings… and that she had been acting normally around him despite knowing it… Hyojun felt bitter and sad. He felt sorry too.

‘Hyoyoung… you surprised me, again.’

He reached to pat her head gently.

“I will always be your oppa. I will always… remain by your side. I promise.”


If hell really existed, then this had to be it for Kiwook.

Every day felt like 10 years, and every moment, he felt breathless, like he was choking.

During the concert, Kiwook could find Hyoyoung easily among all the fans that were sitting in front of him. He knew approximately where her seat was, but Kiwook expected it to be harder.

However, when he stood on the stage and looked ahead, it took only a second to spot her. It was like a dream because everyone became a blur except for Hyoyoung.

She was the only one Kiwook could see clearly. And from the very beginning of the concert till the end, Hyoyoung was the only one Kiwook stared at as he performed.

Only her.

He saw her cry and cheer for him. He saw her wave with the other fans and lowering her face to sob. He even saw her shoulders tremble.

Even though he was on the stage, it felt like Kiwook was alone with Hyoyoung. When it was his solo, he couldn’t help but confess his love for her.

He said, “I love you, Hyo.”

When the concert was over, all he could think about was hugging Hyoyoung. He ran to the waiting room and when he saw her, he pulled her tightly into his embrace. Kiwook didn’t care if the other members saw. He was about to kiss Hyoyoung when suddenly, he noticed someone else in the hallway.

Mikyung and Myunghee.

And from that moment on, his life was a living hell.

Kiwook could endure President Shim’s childish revenge. Whatever President Shim would and could do to him… Kiwook didn’t care.

But… his own mother. The person that hurt him the most was his own mother.

Kiwook could understand his mother choosing money and status over her own son. She may have been his mother, but she was also a woman. He could understand that she chose her personal life over being a mother.

But… it was very difficult to see how her selfish choice hurt others.

His father still panted in anger every time his mother was mentioned. His grandmother still had nightmares about her son’s divorce. She also cried every time she saw Kiwook.

Despite it all, this woman was still his mother and he secretly wanted to believe that his mother cared about him. This recent incident, however, proved to him that he was dead wrong. His mother only wanted to use him.

At first, Kiwook thought that it was his responsibility to give his mother his money. He was her son, so Kiwook felt like it was his duty to support his mother.

But… his mother dated the man who hurt him. If she dated him for love, he would’ve understood, but she only was with President Shim so she could use Kiwook.

All of Kiwook’s hopes finally crumbled; he knew he had to face reality. His mother was the kind of woman who adopted a girl for fun, then abandoned her when she didn’t need her anymore.

Kiwook truly hoped that Hyoyoung would never have to meet his mother again.

The woman who was once her mother.

The woman who hurt Hyoyoung when she was only a little girl.

The woman who could hurt Hyoyoung again if they met again.

It pained Kiwook to know that that woman was his own mother.

On the day of the concert, as he watched President Shim drag Myunghee away, he felt true fear. It was from the text message sent by President Shim.

-Dating your adopted sister. Wow, that’s a shocker. That girl… She will always be remembered as someone who dated her own brother.

When Kiwook read the text, he felt like he was falling from a cliff. His eyes blurred and his heart skipped a beat.

‘I can’t let him hurt Hyoyoung.’

It was the hardest thing he had to do, but Kiwook did it without hesitation. He texted President Shim.

-I will disappear, so please don’t hurt her.

If he could keep Hyoyoung safe, Kiwook could endure anything. Anger and criticism from the other members, the loss of his career, the loss of money and fame…

Kiwook didn’t care about all of those things, all he cared about was Hyoyoung. He needed to protect her at all costs.

But President Shim refused to listen.

Jaehoon Shim used what he learned from Kiwook’s mother. He released the article and thereby ensuring Kiwook was separated from The M members and Hyoyoung. President Shim made sure Kiwook was hated by everyone he cared about.

And it worked. President Shim’s plan was a huge success.

The day after Kiwook left Hyoyoung, President Shim released that cursed article. He was in a hotel room when Kiwook read it. He sobbed uncontrollably, unable to leave the hotel room for a long time.

The way he was described in the article… it painted him as a horrible creep. Kiwook knew things might not end well, yet he still pursued Hyoyoung and he hated himself for that.

And to be destroyed by an asshole like President Shim…

Kiwook didn’t mean to, but it was clear that he ended up hurting Hyoyoung. It was all his fault.

He punched the walls in anger and frustration.


What he did to her was unforgivable. He should’ve never left her. He should’ve never hidden like this.

He was scared, but he should’ve thought of Hyoyoung first and the most.

He made such a huge mistake.

Kiwook could now think clearly. He quickly left the hotel room and called Hyoyoung, but there was no answer.

It was no wonder because Hyoyoung was in the car with Hyojun on their way to their grandmother’s. Her phone was turned off.

But Kiwook obvious didn’t know about this, so he felt anxious.

‘She… she has to be fine, right? I hope she at least found the notes I left in her castle…’

When he couldn’t get a hold of Hyoyoung, Kiwook called Hyunsuk.


“Kiwook, have you eaten?”

Hyunsuk answered immediately, yet the first thing he asked was if Kiwook had eaten. Just hearing Hyunsuk’s calm voice made Kiwook almost cry. He had to take deep breaths so he wouldn’t burst into tears again.


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