My brother is an Idol

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

President Kim yelled angrily, “Who is it? Come in!”

Hyunsuk walked in and replied, “It’s me, sir.”

“Oh, Hyunsuk. How are you? Are you guys all ok? I’m sorry I yelled. Come in and have a seat. I’m really sorry about everything.”

“Why should you be sorry, President? It’s not your fault. By the way…”

“Yes? What is it?”

“Was… there a fire here or something?”


“Why is there so much smoke in this room?”

Hyunsuk coughed a few times, waving his hands.

“Oh sorry, Hyunsuk. That bastard, Jaehoon was here just a moment ago. He smoked, so I had no choice but to smoke as well. Gosh, I am so frustrated. I will open the window, it’ll clear up in a minute.”

“I don’t think opening a window will help that much. You might have to change to another room.”

“No, no. I just need to open a window and turn on the air purifier. It will be fine after a while.”

“I actually did see President Shim walking out from your room.”

“Oh no! Did he bother you again?”

“No, I hid in the washroom before he spotted me.”


“The talk with him didn’t go well, huh? Based on the amount of cigarette smoke here, it looks like the conversation went on for a long time. What did President Shim say to you?”

“Don’t even mention his name, I am sick of him.”

“Is he still making unreasonable demands?”

“Just stop! I don’t want to talk about him.”

“Sir, there is something I want to talk to you about.”

“Oh, sure. What is it?”

“Your company… how about selling it?”


“Well, technically, you won’t actually be selling it. This company can turn a satellite agency into a Chinese entertainment company. You will still have full control over this place and the headquarters in China will just take care of the financial aspect of it. Sir, you will still be able to keep all of your stocks, and in fact, the stock value will probably go up. The only thing will be that this company will technically belong to the Chinese agency, so there will be some minor changes…”

“Hyunsuk… what are you talking about?”

“This change will prevent President Shim from coming after you. He won’t be able to do anything since this agency will belong to a much bigger and stronger company. He won’t dare.”

“It’s just a thought… but do you really think it would work?”

“Yes, definitely.”


“If you are serious about it, then I can give you more details.”

“Yes, absolutely. Let me just lock the door first, we need to talk.”

President Kim brightened up a little. He seemed hopeful because this could the solution to all of his problems. In fact, this might even help with The M entering the Chinese entertainment industry; they would also get more financial help.

The only thing was that President Kim may lose some control over how things ran in the company, but he didn’t care at this point. He even thought that perhaps not having all the control was better. After what happened with President Shim, he was sick of being the boss. Being responsible for everyone… he didn’t want that anymore.

President Kim could even see himself leaving this industry sometime soon. He thought that maybe he could sell his stocks soon and make enough money to live his life comfortably.

This could be the solution he was looking for!

Meanwhile, President Shim was walking on the street murmuring angrily.

“That bastard…”

He was upset. The way President Kim acted like he was better than him… it was so annoying. President Shim also hated the fact that he had to blackmail like this.

Just then, his phone in his pocket rang. When he saw who it was from, he was surprised.

“What? Why, why is she calling me…?”

As soon as he answered it, the woman on the phone screamed. President Shim flinched.

“What the hell! You crazy b*tch! What’s wrong with you?”

He screamed back at her, “Are you insane? How dare you yell at me like that? What? Is it because your son will be ruined, and you are worried you won’t get any more of his money?”

It was Kiwook’s mother. She called President Shim after meeting with Kiwook, but President Shim didn’t seem apologetic and worried. He was furious.

“You stupid cow. Don’t you know you are the one who ruined your son’s life? I am able to do all this because of everything you told me while we were together. I am only telling the reporters the truth, so I’m not doing anything wrong. You are the one at fault, yet you try to lecture and blame me? The only thing you can do to fix this is to pay me what is owed to me. Give me my money, and when you do, I may be convinced to leave your son and his friends alone.”

He hung up the phone abruptly and panted in anger.

“Does everyone think they can push me around? Idiots. They are all idiots! I will get them all. I’m going to ruin them all! That boy… falling in love with his adopted sister… What a crazy bastard. I will get him.”

Quickly, President Shim called someone on the phone.

“Hello? Mr. Lee? The reporter, right? Yes, hello. It’s me again. Oh, not at all. I should be the one thanking you, sir. You are helping me tell my side of the story. By the way, sir…”

Jaehoon grinned and continued, “I have one more story for you. It’s the best one yet. It will be the biggest story you ever print in your career! Are… you interested? Oh, yes, I know that Japanese restaurant. Tonight? Sounds good. I will see you then.”

After hanging up the phone, President Shim looked up at The M’s agency building again one more time.

“You just wait. It will all be mine very soon.”

He felt much happier now. He started to walk to the restaurant.

And the next day…

Breaking news was released.

It was about Hyoyoung.


“Hyoyoung, you need to quit school.”

“No, I won’t, Oppa.”

“Just for 6 months. You can take a break for 6 months, and afterward, we can both go abroad to study. Together.”

“I said no.”


“I don’t want to. Why do you keep pushing this idea?”

“Do you really want to live as someone who didn’t even graduate from high school?”

“What are you talking about? I’m gonna go to school. I’m going to graduate.”

“But you can’t. This situation… you know you can’t go to school right now. It won’t be possible. Just think of it as taking a short break. After a few months, we can go abroad and you can get into a high school there. You can graduate from there and go to college…”

“Why do you keep saying that? I am currently attending a perfectly good high school here, so why would I quit now? Why do you think I can’t keep going to school?”

“You… you read that article today, right?”



“We have been talking about this for the past 6 hours and 45 minutes. The same thing over and over again. Why won’t you listen to me? I am telling you, I have known this for a while now.”


“I am telling you that I already knew everything! I knew that I was adopted to Kiwook Oppa’s family first. I also knew that I was un-adopted and was re-adopted by my current family. Just how many times do I have to tell you?”


“The article is about me, and I am ok with it, so what is the problem? If I am fine with it, it shouldn’t matter.”


“It’s… something I have been expecting to happen for some time now. And finally, it happened. I mean, if this fact wasn’t released, maybe it would’ve been better. Easier for me. But you know what? It’s ok. People will forget about it eventually, and I will live a normal life. I am okay with all this. It will be uncomfortable and awkward for a little while, but whatever. I’m already over it.”

“You… I don’t know if you have a strong mentality or are just very naïve.”

“It’s neither. The truth is…”

“What is it?”

“The last few months have been really hard, and recently, I realized something.”


“The world is full of strange incidences, and you never know what will happen to you. If you give up every time something happens, you will not survive. I realized that you need to hang on to your life. You need to stand solid and that is the only way to survive in this world. That is the only way you can carry on a normal life.”


“That is why I will continue to attend school. I know people will talk, but I am going to endure it. I will wait strongly for my life to return to normal, so please, stop pressuring me into doing things I don’t want to. Please… don’t you think it’s ridiculous that we have been talking about this same thing for the past 7 hours? I mean, this is stupid…”

“Hyoyoung… you sound all grown up now. So mature.”

“Of course I’m grown up. Honestly, I am more mature than all you oppas by at least 5 years. Do you know how immature you guys act sometimes?”

“Yeah, I agree. You are definitely more mature than us.”

“So, that’s it? This conversation is finally over?”

“Fine… but…”

Hyojun nodded and was about to say something when suddenly, they heard the front door slam open.

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