My brother is an Idol

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Kiwook demanded, “I am telling you that you need to return my money. You know, my earnings you took to keep safe?”

“What? I don’t have it. What are you talking about? I put everything into investments and real estate, so I don’t have any cash on me. And don’t even think about touching them. You can’t. If I sell any of them, we will lose money. Now isn’t a good time to sell. By the way, are you crazy? Are you asking for the money because you plan to give it to President Shim? You can’t! That’s stupid.”

Kiwook slammed the table and yelled, “GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY, RIGHT NOW!”

His mother flinched in shock. She looked around as she whispered to him, “Hey, what’s wrong with you? People are staring at us.”

“You care about a few people staring at you, yet you don’t care about the entire country badmouthing and hating your own son? All because of money?”

“Kiwook? What are you talking about? How could you say that to me?”

“I have someone I need to protect. I am willing to give up all of my money and even my life for her. If it will help her, I will be happy to kneel in front of President Shim and beg a thousand times. For her, I will do anything! But you… my own mother! You plan to let me down and ruin my life for some money?”

“How dare you! You are delusional, Kiwook. You are making up stories. You are too young and naïve to understand this world. If you give in to everyone who threatens you… if you start giving money to your enemies… you will never become financially successful. You will never become rich. Stop being a baby and listen to your mother.”

“I don’t want to be successful. To me, Hyoyoung is more important than success!”

“You! Could it be…?”

“Yes, that’s right, mother. My little sister… the daughter you abandoned. She is the only person in this world that I love. And I will protect her with my life. I have to, and I will!”

“I didn’t believe it when I read the articles… I thought they were just silly gossip, but you really…”

“That’s right! So give me back my money, all of it! Or else, I am going to lose it. Do you really want to see me go insane?”

“NO! Never! I won’t give you anything. Also, I will never give you my permission to be with that girl. You can’t!”

“Who gave you the right to tell me who I can love? Who do you think you are?”

Kiwook was furious. He stood up and screamed at his mother. Everyone in the café stared at them, but Kiwook didn’t care.

“You have never acted like my mother. I never considered you my family, so don’t try to lecture me now.”

He glared at her and growled, “You make me sick.”


“What do you want now?”

“Jaehoon, why are you doing this?”

Inside The M’s agency, President Kim’s office was filled with cigarette smoke. President Shim and Kim sat across from each other and smoked silently. President Kim looked annoyed while President Shim looked relaxed. He even grinned and stretched his arms just to annoy President Kim.

A few minutes ago, President Shim visited President Kim out of the blue. They looked at each other up and down as they smoked. Finally, President Kim opened his mouth, asking what President Shim wanted.

President Shim replied, “As I mentioned before, all I want is money. Everything those boys made for you. It’s only fair since they were supposed to be my trainees. My idols.”

“Are you serious? Do you really think you are making sense right now?”

“If I wasn’t, then why are you listening to me? Why are we here?”

“Jaehoon, you need to stop this.”

“Don’t call me by my first name, you bastard. You have never been a real friend to me. You pretended to care for me, but you always acted selfishly. You always looked down on me, as if you are better than me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you really not know? Think about it. Think about what kind of life I had to live in Bali. To visitors, Bali may be heavenly, but to someone who has to work there, it’s like a jail. Do you know how awful some of the guests were? The mess they made, the way they treated me like they owned me just because they were my customers. It was the worst time of my life. You have no idea…”

“But how could you think…”

“Why can’t I think like that? I may have lost my agency at that time, but I could’ve created another company easily. The money you spent on that Bali guesthouse… If you would’ve given it to me, I could’ve gotten a few trainees and created a successful idol group! After that, I could’ve formed a sexy girl group, which would’ve made me so much money, I could’ve been a success! But you… you stopped me. Why? Why did you do that? Was it because you were afraid that I would become more successful than you?”

“Are you SERIOUS? Do you not remember that you could’ve gone to jail? The only reason you avoided being sued and possible jail time was because you left the country. The trainees couldn’t sue you since you were no longer in the country. Did you really forget all that? And most of all, you were the one who wanted to go to Bali! Of all the options, YOU chose to go there, Jaehoon Shim!”

“All the options? You bastard… you made me have no choice. You ruined my life, and so going to Bali was the only option you left me. You imprisoned me in a life of misery. And while I suffered, you lived like a king. A luxurious life…. don’t you think I know that you took all of my business after I went bankrupt?”

“What are you talking about? A life of luxury? Me? You know this industry more than anyone, so how can you accuse me like that?”

“It’s because I DO know this industry that I know how you enjoyed your new success!”

“Hey, Jaehoon Shim…”

“And all I asked of you was to take care of my niece, yet you couldn’t even keep that promise. How could you! You still believe you HELPED me?”

“You want to talk about Myunghee? Fine, let’s do that! I gave her more than enough opportunities, but she failed all of them!”

“You told me once that people never change, right? Well, right back at you. You never changed. You always blame others for your problems. You always have and you always will. It’s so hilarious to watch you.”


“And you are right. I will never change. I have always been a greedy man, so here I am. I am demanding money from you. Money, money, money. The money that is rightfully mine. If you continue to refuse, then I will have to do something about it. I have my ways. I will give you three days, so make it happen, or else.”


“Why? Are three days not enough? But that’s exactly the amount of time you gave me before I had to leave the country, remember? Three days to pack up my life… So here we are. Now, I am giving you the same courtesy. Three days. Make it happen.”

“You are insane…”

“Whatever. You can say whatever you want. Let’s see what you say in three days.”

It was clearly a threat. President Shim stood up and threw his cigarette on the floor. He looked at President Kim and said to him, “You can clean that up. From now on… you will have to do a lot of cleaning, so this would be great practice for you.”

President Shim turned around and left the room.


President Kim was so angry that he laughed dryly. He realized that he should’ve never helped President Shim.

He should’ve never bought him that guesthouse in Bali.

He should’ve never agreed to help Myunghee.

Or… he should’ve helped President Shim emotionally first. To make him see reality and accept it. And if President Shim refused to take responsibility, President Kim should have left him on his own.

However, it was too late.

‘Gosh… I’m so angry! What should I do? What can I do to get rid of that crazy bastard?’

He was getting a severe migraine. He remembered The M members’ faces when they saw President Shim, and it made him feel even worse. His headache was getting worse, and President Kim wondered if he should go to a hospital. Maybe he could be admitted to a clinic for a few days? Or maybe he can run away by going abroad again?

Maybe… he should just reveal everything to the media and get it over with.

He just couldn’t figure out what was the right thing to do.

Just then, someone knocked on his door.

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