My brother is an Idol

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Chapter 49
Chapter 49

Mikyung was stunned for a full three seconds while gaping at Hyoyoung.

After a few more seconds, Mikyung screamed so loudly that some kids from another class peeked out to see what was happening.

Mikyung hugged her tightly and exclaimed, “OMG! OMG! OOOMMMGGG!”

“This is why I brought you out here. You gotta be quiet, Mikyung. It’s like you have a built-in microphone.”

“Hyoyoung, you are my soulmate. I love you! I love you, Hyoyoung Ahn.”

“I didn’t do anything. It was my brother the idiot who did everything.”

“As of today, your brother is my hero. Don’t call him an idiot anymore! Your brother, my hero, needs to be respected. He saved my world for sure!”

“I can see you are ecstatic.”

“Are you kidding me? Of course I am! Aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I’m happy too. I’m happy because you’re happy.”

“… You are making me blush, girl.”

Mikyung became emotional. She hugged Hyoyoung tightly and whispered, “I love you so much, my pretty girl!”

Aran came out of the classroom and approached them slowly.

“Hey, what’s going on? It looks like you are filming a love scene or something.”

“Haha, at this point, I would be willing to do anything for Hyoyoung. HAHAHA! Hyoyoung’s brother got us The M concert tickets! HAHAHA!”

Aran exclaimed, “OMG! Hey, did he only get two tickets?”

Mikyung replied, “Four!”

“What?! Hyoyoung, you need to sell me the other two tickets! I will pay you double the original price.”


“I need to go and Jihye does too. She is crying in the classroom because she didn’t get a ticket. Please, please sell me those tickets! Jihye will die if she doesn’t get to go. Please?”

“You don’t have to pay me, Aran. I will just give them to you.”

“WHAT!!! Hey, Jihye Yoon! Come here, RIGHT NOW! This angel has answered our prayers!”

When Jihye, who was sobbing, ran out and heard the story, she almost fainted. She cried and laughed at the same time, making Hyoyoung feel awkward.

‘So… this is how much a true fan cares about her idol? So desperate to get closer to The M. Did… did I selfishly use Mikyung’s love for the group to make me feel better?’

She was starting to feel guilty, but Mikyung distracted her as she asked with excitement, “Hey, Hyoyoung, shouldn’t we do something for your brother to show our appreciation? I mean, we are just poor students, but we should do something for him, right?”

“Oh, don’t worry. He is just thankful that I have any friends at all. He thinks you guys are angels for hanging out with me, so don’t worry about it.”

“Well, okay. Oh, and I will pay you the ticket money tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about that either. I got a text from my brother and he said it’s on him. So forget about it.”

“He… is giving us the tickets? For free?”

Mikyung turned around to Aran and whispered, “Aran… you remember seeing Hyoyoung’s brother, right?”


“Did he have wings on his back? Because he is clearly an angel.”

“No, I didn’t see them, but… obviously, I just missed them. He must have wings.”

“Gosh… girls, I think I need to be very careful today.”

“Why, Mikyung? What are you talking about?”

“Well, it seems like I’ve used all of my luck for this year on today. If something this great and miraculous happens, I feel like something bad is going to happen next. I am so happy, but I’m also scared.”

Aran replied, “Yeah… me too. I better be careful as well. Jihye, you take care of yourself too.”

“Alright. Well, firstly, we should go back to our classroom and just sit still. Let’s go.”

Mikyung, Aran, and Jihye started to walk slowly towards the classroom, making Hyoyoung laugh loudly.

“Gosh, you guys kill me!”


“What the hell!”

Hyojun screamed in frustration. The M members were practicing at the agency while Hyojun was annoyed. He asked, “Just what is wrong with me?”

“Well, this is a concert. It’s not a single performance, obviously. We need to learn at least a few choreographies for different group songs, plus our individual ones too.”

“I’m going to lose it. I can’t remember all this!”

“You just need to keep practicing until your body has no choice but to remember the moves. If you do it a thousand times, you will be fine.”

“Easier said than done.”

“We’ve done this before, we’ll be fine.”

Hyojun was on the floor complaining, but when Kiwook encouraged him, Hyojun stood up with determination and started to dance again in front of the mirror.

“See? You can do it.”

After dancing a few more times to many songs, Hyojun collapsed onto the floor. Kiwook brought him a cup of water and grinned.

“You complain, but you are having fun, aren’t you?”

“Yeah… they say there is no better drug than being on a stage, and I believe it.”

“Feeling the music in your veins; dancing while your fans are screaming… This kind of excitement would be hard to find anywhere else.”

“I agree. My heart beats to the rhythm of our song, and it’s the best feeling.”

“Yeah, to me, I feel like I am being enveloped by the sounds of the instruments.”

“And my arms and legs move accordingly without me even trying…”

“Our bodies dance instinctively…”

“I think that is the definition of true happiness.”

“Totally. And…”


“I am so happy that we can talk this freely again, Hyojun. It has been such a long time since we could.”

“… Idiot.”

“Oh, come on. We are having a beautiful moment!”

“Shut up. We need to get back to work.”

Hyojun stood up in embarrassment and wiped away his sweat.

They started to dance again to the music. The four of them were working together when suddenly, Hyunsuk’s phone rang. He checked it and his face became rigid. Quietly, Hyunsuk left the dance floor to go to the private changing room.

He answered the phone, “Is there a problem?”

After listening on the phone for a few seconds, Hyunsuk’s face darkened with worry. He asked, “And there is no way to stop it?”

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