Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Book 21: Chapter 8: Bullish Negotiations

Part 1

If eating poison, finish up the plate.

That's a saying.

If eating poison, don't forget to eat the plate.

That saying came about back when hard baked bread was used instead of a dish.

The hard bread would absorb flavor from the main dish, like meat, and then you could tear off pieces and dip it into soup to soften it up before eating.

So eating the plate means eating everything.

Swallowing everything despite the fear of poison.

It's the spirit of a feast.

… No, that's a lie.

The truth is, since he'll die anyway, he might as well keep looking forward and finish his meal, rather than die with an empty stomach.

I don't usually eat plates.

If the poison is going to kill me anyway, then there's no sense in eating porcelain and ripping apart my mouth.

But that's also a lie.


I'm currently sitting in the property that Aisha prepared for the new mercenary branch office.

It's in the commercial district, in the basement of an old tavern that went out of business.

Barrels of preserved food were littered about, and there was a row of half-finished black cloaks.

I used a teleport scroll to get here.

Bi-directional travel.

That's why I set up this magic formation.

And, there's a girl standing in front of me.

A usually cutesy girl with childish gestures.

But her actual age is over 20.

"Truly, this is a quaint office."

The Miko girl sat down.

I didn't do anything like tie her up.

She sat with a [plop] on the dusty stone floor.

In the end, that's what happened, I took the Miko with me.

"What is your intention?"


"Coming out with such timing, you didn't even try to run away…"

Thinking about it, the Miko came out with perfect timing.

Her timing was so perfect, it was almost as if she was waiting to make her appearance.

And then she was obediently caught.

"… I came out by chance. I didn't know there would be a fight… I was surprised because the garden was suddenly covered by a fog."

That's an unexpectedly hasty decision.

"Are you lying?"

"Yes, it's a lie. I read the memories of my caretakers, and found out that Therese was going to do something to you, so I came out."

"Ho~o… so you came to help me?"

"Yes. So, I went out, and once I saw your eyes, I realized it."

The moment she met with my eyes, she read my memories.

She was able to see right through the MK-I.

The abilities of Mikos really are mysterious things…

I don't even really understand the principle behind Zanoba's superhuman strength.

"We are friends. I want to help."


I silently turned my fingertip towards the Miko.

That's the poison dish.

I've already kidnapped you, there's no going back.

There's no backup plan.

I have to make a move.

I have two cards here.

Myself, and this person.

That's it, I have to assume the worst case scenario.

The Pope, the Cardinal, Therese, and Claire are my enemies.

Cliff, Aisha, and Gisu are already in Hitogami's clutches.

Although only an hour has passed, the Temple Knights must have mobilized.

Even though I didn't think anyone saw me teleport, I have to assume that I was seen and that the Temple Knights will arrive here at any moment.

Since there's no time to reset the MK-I's summoning setup, I already used a bog to hide it underground.

That would be the worst case scenario.

Just thinking about it makes me feel helpless.

All I have on hand is my own power, and the Miko.

With these two cards, I have to overcome this situation.

"Miko, before I can trust you, please answer my questions."

"Of course."

I need to question the Miko.

She did say she wanted to help me.

But before I put my trust in her, I need information.

"Please describe your ability as a Miko."

"Don't you already know?"

"I would like to hear it again directly from you."

It may be different from Orsted's information.

I need to reconfirm it.

"I can see the surface of a person's memories."


"Yes. I can see a little bit of what a person is thinking and the memories associated with it."

"Isn't that the same as being able to read minds?"

"No, I can only see the past, the longer I look into someone's eyes the farther back I can see…"

She can see a person's memories…

But she can only see memories related to a person's present thoughts.

That kind of thing.

"Can you only look?"

"Yes, I can only look."

"It's not possible for you to return a person who lost their mind to their original state?"

"I cannot. If I used my power in conjunction with healing magic, it might be possible to come up with some kind of way…"

She can't restore Zenith's memories.

"… So you're not able to freely read your target's mind."

"Well, I can guess as much."

So she can only see memories related to what her target is thinking.

However, it's not like someone can just stop thinking in the middle of a conversation.

If someone asks [What did you have for breakfast?] then that's obviously going to be their next thought.

"Then as a guy with a shady background, I'd like to avoid making eye contact with you."

She's basically a human lie detector.

She can condemn anyone she doesn't like.

All she needs to do is make eye contact.

Even if she were to tell a lie, nobody would know…

It wouldn't matter.

The Miko is that kind of existence.

I understood as much by watching Zanoba.

Someone like that is of incredible political importance.

"But Rudeus-sama never looked away before."

"Because I wasn't doing anything shady."

Before, I wouldn't avert my eyes from the Miko.

But I'm getting desperate.

If she can see my memories just by looking into my eyes, then it would save time explaining everything.

"Oh? Is that okay? If you look into my eyes like that, I'll see everything…"


"Huh, Orsted-sama has such a curse… I see, Hitogami… His first advice… Ara?"

The Miko suddenly blushed.

What's wrong?

Did you see something erotic?

Well, if you were at my inquisition, you would have seen something like that anyway.

You've probably seen stuff like Milis priests' affairs before.

"So, two people at the same time… being in love with two people… Ah, an altar… eh? … EH?"

At last, the Miko finally looked away.

She broke out into a cold sweat.

Her breathing was also rough.

She seems to have seen something she shouldn't have.

"What did you see?"

"Impure memories… And, a book, one that isn't allowed by the Milis religion, and… a strange ritual…"

"Then you have seen into my soul."

"Y-, yes."

The Miko retreated a little bit and adjusted her skirt to cover herself.

I have my peace of mind.

Roxyism may not be as white as the Milis religion, but it's still a beautiful blue.

It's not something out of an ero-doujinshi.

"Let's return to the discussion."


I cleared my throat.

I'm sure I should be embarrassed right now.

In any other situation I would certainly feel ashamed.

Like getting caught being intimate, or suddenly blurting out some dirty line.

But this is different.

I didn't suddenly blurt anything out.

I have restraint…

Anyway, let's continue the talk.

"First of all, why did this happen. Miko-sama, who do you think the person behind this is?"

"The Cardinal, or perhaps the Pope trying to frame him. I do not think Hitogami is involved."

In other words, it's the head of Milis' Expulsion faction.

The Latreia house isn't involved…?

Then I might be able to launch a surprise attack…

"You don't think the Latreia house was involved?"

"Possibly, but I don't think they were the mastermind."

So it's unrelated to Zenith being kidnapped.

That's good.

Anyway, it's either the Pope or the Cardinal.

Both of those guys are suspicious.

"Why don't you think Hitogami is involved?"

"If his eminence followed the advice of Hitogami, he would not be a true Milis believer. Even though his eminence is a bad person, he is a pious Milis believer."

"But, what proof do you have?"

"If I look into someone's eyes, I will know."

I guess that was a stupid question.

But, can I believe her…

"If you cannot trust me, then use me as a hostage to exchange for what you want."

"As a card alone, you are not enough. The Temple Knights should already be prepared for that. If I tried to initiate a trade, in the end--"

"I am the will of the Temple Knights."

The Miko interrupted me and said that.

Then continued with an airy smile.

"The Temple Knights… rather, the entire Expulsion faction will lose their chance at victory if I die."

"In other words, you're confident that the other side will negotiate?"

"I take my value to them as a point of pride."


I don't want to see something like Aisha being cut down before my eyes.

"Even the Temple Knights wouldn't be that stupid and incompetent.

By now they could have captured Aisha and started looking for this location.

No, it's not even necessary to capture her. If they had been watching me, then this location should be known.

Even if I try to initiate negotiations, there's also the possibility that the Temple Knights try to rescue you."

"Then, I'll go with you when you start the negotiations."

"That's a bold idea, but if we're surrounded on the way, then it may become an all-out-war."

"If Rudeus-sama is there, wouldn't it be possible to brush them aside?

After all, you were even able to hold your own against people like Orsted and Auber."

You saw that too?

Well, it's possible.

I'm not bragging, they're small fries, I've gone up against far worse odds.

As long as I don't hold back.

If I fought with the intent to kill, then even those guys I just defeated awhile ago could have been wiped out instantly.

"If we were to be attacked, I think it would be by the Pope's faction rather than the Temple Knights."

"Why's that?"

"The Temple Knights do not want to risk my death.

However the Pope's faction would."

The Pope's faction would ostensibly move to protect the Miko.

But, even if she's killed during the confusion of a fight, they would profit.

"The Temple Knights could just use barrier magic or something to recapture you though."

"Out of all the Temple Knights, you have already defeated their strongest group.

If you consider the nature of the Temple Knights, they won't be able to come up with a stronger force.

Acting against you would be too dangerous."

… The strongest in the Temple Knights, were those guys?

Come to think of it, they did say they were the strongest.

Yeah they had good coordination, but…

No, I can't call them weak.

They were able to parry my rock bullets with barrier magic, and counter in rapid succession.

Even against the MK-I, they still tried to fight without being daunted.

They seemed to be around the advanced rank in the Sword God Style and Water God Style for the most part, and were capable of a minimum of intermediate attack, barrier, and probably healing magic too; taking that into consideration, they were a considerably high spec party.

Their individual strength might not be that high, but with the seven of them together, I can understand them being called the strongest group.

Therese didn't have much combat potential, but she had a good head for battle, her command was admirable.

I don't think I would have lost, even without the MK-I.

But, they could have managed to pull something.

Anyway, I've already defeated the strongest guys, so certainly…

No, but they were only the strongest Temple Knights.

"What about the Knights of the Order of Instruction, and I think I've heard there's an Order of the Church too?"

"The Order of the Church is the only other group of knights currently in Milis.

Although they act within the church, they don't interfere in these kinds of matters.

The Knights of the Order of Instruction are not currently in this country."

That's reassuring.

Hearing that gave me a confidence boost.

I can just take the hostage, and brazenly go out demanding negotiations.

This one is Orsted's subordinate! What do I have to worry about by being attacked!?

The fact that the Miko hasn't already been ripped apart limb from limb and tossed in front of the church is only because of THIS ONE's generosity.

Maybe, if you get on your knees to apologize and meet my demands, I'll spare the Miko's life.

While I go through that act I'll just have the Miko cooperate and determine who Hitogami's apostles are.

Of course, a few bad weeds might end up being overlooked…

Depending on how the negotiations go, I should be able to get out of the country safely.

I'd have to give up opening a mercenary branch here.

In a few years, if Cliff gains influence, I might be able to ask again.

But depending on the flow, if the Pope is one of Hitogami's apostles for example, Cliff might have to give up gaining influence in this country…

It can't be helped.

Sorry Cliff, there's no choice.

"If you're worried about the other knights, it would be good to move quickly. If Rudeus-sama's friends have been captured, then time is not on our side."

"That's right…"

Still, it's only been about an hour since the kidnapping.

Even considering the worst case scenario, if Aisha or Gisu is caught and tortured… No, it's still too early.

However if I keep hiding myself, the other side will become impatient.

When you don't know what to do, you get impatient, everyone is the same.


From here, it's a gamble.

It's no good if someone dies in exchange for the Miko.

I need to be prepared.

I need to want it.

Even if I can't have it…

I need some sort of trump card.

"… I wonder, Miko-sama."

"What is it?"

"Why are you siding with me? Allowing yourself to be captured so easily…"

The Miko gave me a puzzled look.

Then smiled softly.

It was a smile worthy of the symbol of the Milis religion.

"I am only alive now thanks to you and your Supard friend."

Is that what she understood from my memories?

Or did she see Eris's memories in the past?

I don't quite get it, but I guess Ruijerd and I did bring Eris to Milis.

However that answer is slightly suspicious.

"Since you're still not convinced, it's because I'm really angry that my subordinates tried to kill the first friend I've made in such a long time."


"Telling me all sorts of fun stories, even drawing me a picture, Milis-sama said [Thou shalt not be discourteous. Thou shalt not forget kindness.]"


"Originally, if you asked me for help with your mother's matter, I had planned to lend you my power in secret… But, you never asked."

When I remained silent, the Miko started to make a pouting face and sulk.

"Generally, Rudeus-sama, wouldn't someone in your position normally consider someone like me an enemy at first glance, and not hesitate to kidnap them?"


I never really considered you an enemy.

That's why I wanted to hear your story after kidnapping you.


In any case, what's done is done.

I fell behind, and ended up in this situation.

Thinking about what could have been won't improve my current situation.

In the next act, I need to take a dominant position and make my stand, otherwise I won't be able to accomplish my goals.

My goals are as follows…

First, rescue Zenith.

Second, ensure the safety of Aisha, Gisu, and Cliff.

Third, try not to trouble Cliff.

Fourth, install a mercenary branch.

Fifth, permission for Ruijerd doll sales.

Sixth, establish Milis as an ally.

For now I'll focus on the first two.

Alright, then it's time to make my next move.

I now have a card in hand.

I have a very strong card in hand, the Miko.

I'm also a strong card in my own way.

If possible, I would have liked to have someone else.

Someone unrelated to this situation, someone who could make preparations.

I need to turn things around, this is the time for a pre-emptive attack.

"This mess would have been settled leaving nothing but a grudge if I'd just brought Eris along…"

"Yeah, I would have liked to see her again."

Then, it's time to begin.

Part 2

I returned to the religious headquarters.

It's been two, maybe three hours since that fight started.

I didn't see a single Temple Knight in town, like a charm.

At the same time I determined that Gisu and Cliff hadn't informed on me.

We initially escaped using a teleport scroll.

The existence of that type of teleport magic is not generally known.

With that in mind, it would make sense for the Temple Knights to blockade the entrances to the headquarters, thinking that I should still be inside.

After about an hour, the field commander might judge that I could have escaped the area.

In order to search the city, they would probably request the main force of the Temple Knights, and take another hour organizing the search corps.

It wouldn't be strange for some sort of delay to occur, so that adds another hour…

Though the entrances to the city might already be blockaded, but they shouldn't be moving in full scale yet.

Mobilizing such a large organization is always difficult.

Cliff and Gisu, only those two know about the teleportation magic.

Gisu was present when I installed the magic circle in case we needed to make an emergency escape.

And Cliff even helped me draw the magic circles in the office's basement back in Sharia.

If they had betrayed me, then the Temple Knights would have known exactly where to start looking.

So I immediately discarded that suspicion.

But, it wouldn't be funny if the Pope or the Cardinal guessed that I'd used teleport magic.

They might be able to obtain that kind of information.

Or Hitogami could be informing them from behind the scenes.

… When I think about that, I have a strange feeling.

It's been two hours, I feel like my opponents are falling behind…

Could Therese have been moving at her own discretion?

While thinking that, we approached the religious headquarters.

Then, guys wearing blue armor poured out in droves.

"Miko-sama has…"

"Rudeus has appeared with Miko-sama!"

"Call for support!"

Droves of knights were pouring out in a stream.

Not just from the headquarters, from the surrounding area too.

I was quickly surrounded.

Will it really be all right?

"Rudeus-sama, do not separate from me."


I grabbed onto the Miko's arm like it was my lifeline.

Although it's not like I'm holding a knife to her throat, some of the Temple Knights started to stir.

But they didn't attack.

The Miko was right.

"Treating Miko-sama that violently…!"

"You, Rudeus… Even I have not touched the miko like that…"

"Taking Miko-sama hostage, you are a disgrace to all Milis believers! Impermissible!"

One of those seems like a slightly strange thing to get angry about…

However they seem to have decided that I'm holding her hostage before I even said anything.

Well, naturally.

I annihilated her escorts and whisked her away.

What else could it be.

Even the mastermind behind this whole incident would see it that way.

"Captain, let's do it…! After fighting the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)] he can't have much mana left!"

"Wait, even so, he might still have enough strength left to harm Miko-sama."

"It's okay, if we all attack in unison, even that guy would defend himself instead of harming Miko-sama…!"

There's only one guy arguing.

I wonder, is he a direct pawn of the mastermind behind this incident…

"Miko-sama, there, whose underling is that? Is he being manipulated by Hitogami?"

"No, that is one of the Pope's underlings. Hitogami is uninvolved. He doesn't even seem to know the details."

I asked her in a whisper, and she whispered back a response.

Well, without knowing any details, I can understand thinking that.


For the time being, I should start.

"I demand to speak with his eminence the Pope! Clear a path!"

I shouted as loudly as I could.

The knights started to stir again hearing me act so arrogantly.

"What did you say!"

"You bastard, how dare you ask for an audience with the Pope!"

"Release Miko-sama now, and receive judgment!"

Several people had already drawn their swords.

But, when the Miko started trembling in my grasp, the knights hesitated and returned their swords to their sheathes.

Ahh, wow, so that's the power of a Miko.

After watching those guys from the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)] I started to understand…

This girl is more like an idol than a princess.

Well then… let's start the script.

"My name is Rudeus Greyrat!

A representative of the Dragon God Orsted!

In the name of my lord, I do not intend to harm the Miko, the symbol of the Milis religion!"

I raised my right hand.

The bracelet I got from Orsted shone brilliantly on my wrist.

It may be weak as an ID card, but it should at least work in a bluff.

"But, if you do not meet my demands, I will make no such guarantee!

By making enemies of me, know that you are turning the entire Milis religion into an enemy of the Dragon God and his subordinates!"

I decided to open the negotiations aggressively.

I properly prepared my lines.

I used Orsted's name without permission, but it's no problem.

He doesn't really have any other subordinates, but it's no problem.


The Temple Knights winced, and took a step back.

With that they should understand that I'm not some random kidnapper, I'm a big wig in the organization.

As long as they understand that, I'm OK.

"I demand an explanation of my matter directly from his Holiness!

This is a demand directly from the Dragon God's representative!

I demand to know where my mother is being detained!

The fate of the Miko's life is dependent on the answer!"

I just want to talk in the end.

Suddenly, being accused of kidnapping, and then convicted in a farce of a trial.

I'm angry.

I'll demand an apology and reparations.

I'll take that opportunity to make Zenith's matter the entire Milis religious organization's problem.



"Taking Miko-sama hostage for such a reason is…"

However the Temple Knights didn't clear a path.


Can you not let me through because there's no one important enough here to make the decision?

If I wait a bit, will a commander come out?

"Open the way!"


"Do you intend to let Miko-sama die!?"

While I was thinking, the back suddenly became noisy, and a group of four men and women appeared.

Among them, three looked familiar.

They were members of the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)].

Their armor looked like it had some painful dents in it.

Therese was with them.

When she saw me, she lowered her eyes apologetically.

Another person was with them, a man in what looked to be his late fifties with a white beard.

Although he had deep wrinkles on his face, he had sharp eyes, his age had not weakened him.

I don't recognize him.

He's wearing the same blue armor as everyone else, so he should be a Temple Knight.

But, his armor's design is a little more elaborate.

It felt like it was an upgrade from Therese's armor.

Presently, I'm surrounded by normal Temple Knights.

Only a short distance away are the rest of the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)].

And Therese, the commander of the elite Temple Knights, is with them.

This guy seems to be something like the king of the Temple Knights then.

"Temple Knights, Sword Group [Battalion Commander] Carlyle Latreia."

… Ah.

This person… is Carlyle.

My grandfather…

"Despite our current situation… Nice to meet you, Rudeus Greyrat, son of Zenith Greyrat."

I got my answer in an instant, as Carlyle focused in on me.

His gaze is sharper than Claire's.

Can a married couple really be that similar?

This might be troublesome…

"Is that right?"

"… No."

I thought upon his meaning for a moment, then shook my head after remembering my interaction with Claire.

I am here as Orsted's subordinate.

I am Zenith's son as well… but I'm not here in that position.

If you don't insist on equal footing, then it's impossible to negotiate on equal footing.

"I am the Dragon God Orsted's representative, Rudeus Greyrat. I demand an audience with his Holiness."


I stuck out my chest, lifted my chin, and struck Eris's pose to answer.

For a fraction of a second, it looked like Carlyle showed a gentle smile.

However his expression immediately stiffened.

"Very well, I will guide you there."

While keeping a tough face, Carlyle turned heel.

Therese was making a difficult face, and followed Carlyle.

"… What about them, Miko-sama?"

"… Therese only followed the Cardinal's orders. Carlyle did not make eye contact, so I do not know."

I consulted the Miko again in a whisper.


Carlyle is undetermined.

He doesn't feel like an enemy, but he gives off an odd feeling, I'll keep my eye on him.

Disregarding the other Temple Knights, I followed after them.

Part 3

We were guided straight into the center.

I was in the middle, there were members of the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)] to my front, back, left, and right.

They aren't wearing their helmets anymore.

They're all firmly walking on two feet, they must have received healing magic.

Although I remain on guard, it doesn't seem like they intend to attack me.

I easily broke through the king class barrier they boasted about.

Then, crushed them head on.

But I didn't kill anyone, they should clearly understand that I was holding back.

The difference in strength was obvious.

Moreover, I have the Miko.

They shouldn't be stupid enough to challenge an opponent they lost to only a few hours ago and jeopardize the Miko.

I mean, these guys should be completely embarrassed.

Especially Mr. Dust.

He's been deliberately avoiding eye contact for awhile now.

But I don't sense any malice.

No hostility either.

He doesn't even seem that guarded towards me.

Rather, he's positioning himself as if he were protecting me.


We've been walking through the center for a few minutes.

Before I noticed it, I lost my sense of direction.

The passages almost felt circular, but we also went around a few 70 degree turns…

When I came here before, I thought these passages were tricky.

They're like a labyrinth.

"It's like a maze."

"Yes. In case of emergency, these halls were designed so people like the Pope and I could easily escape."

The Miko answered.

The walls also seem to be covered in a kind of barrier.

For a moment, it was almost quiet enough that you could fall asleep.


"Miko-sama knows all these passageways!"

"We used to run through here playing tag!"

Then all at once, her lackeys started boasting.

So, it really was designed to let important people escape.

However, I can't help but feel lost.

There's no way I could find my way out of here…

I'd probably have to blow a hole through the ceiling.

The walls… since they're covered in a barrier, I wonder if the magic absorbing stone would work?


I may have come in here nonchalantly, but I'll be OK.

"We're still not there? I'll be troubled if we have to go much further."

"Only a little further."

Carlyle responded without looking back.


This doesn't feel like a trap.

I'll be cautious, I'm keeping an eye on the guys behind me as well.

Then, suddenly, those guys start shouting.

"Carlyle! Don't be impolite! At the very least look at him when you speak!"

"Rudeus is holding Miko-sama's arm!"

"What if he becomes angry and harms Miko-sama!"

"Please look, look at the dents in this armor! Only someone with superhuman strength could do this to the Temple Knights' armor!"

"Even if he becomes a little displease, if Miko-sama is bruised…"

"Everyone be quiet!"

Therese had to scold them to shut them up.

At the same time, Carlyle paused and faced me.

"It is only a little further."

"… Very well."

I nodded again, and resumed following him.

It couldn't have been more than ten steps later…

Carlyle stopped in front of a door and knocked.

"We have brought Rudeus Greyrat."

It really was just a little more.

Sorry, I didn't mean to rush you.

Come to think of it, even though I completely lost my sense of direction, we only made two turns.

I might be able to find my way back.

"Please, enter."

I heard the Pope's voice from within the room.

Carlyle murmured a light prayer towards the door, and then opened it.

While holding the door open, he motioned to invite me inside.

"Please enter."

"Yes, excuse me."

I entered the room holding the Miko's arm.

Well, I kind of feel like I should have let go of her arm by now…

No, no.

I can't relax my guard.


I entered something like a conference room.

There was a long table, with ten or so seats arranged so you could sit face to face.

The Pope was there, Cliff too.

There was another person who looked similar to the Pope, wearing an expensive looking vestment. I wonder if that's the Cardinal?

Aside from Carlyle, there was another guy wearing an expensive looking set of armor.

White armor.

Behind them stood seven knights, with their arms crossed.

Two of them had familiar faces.

They were the Pope's bodyguards.

Everyone was facing me.

It looks like I interrupted a heated debate.

Holding their breath, silently, they were watching me.

And, at a somewhat secluded place at the table.

There were two people sitting alone.

One person, an old woman with her lips tightly closed.

She was glaring at me.

Claire Latreia.

And, next to her.

It was…


A woman absentmindedly looking up at the ceiling.

Just under 40 years old.

The woman my father loved more than anyone else.

My mother.

Zenith was sitting there.



… Why are these two here?

What is this?

I still haven't made any demands.

I didn't tell them to bring Zenith.


That sound broke the silence.

The door closed behind us.

The Temple Knights arranged themselves as to protect the door.

They stood opposite the other knights in the back of the room.

Only Therese was seated.

"Well then, now that all the actors are on the stage, let's commence."

The Pope sat back and said that.

Apparently, in the last few hours, something seems to have changed.

I thought I took the first move, but was I beaten to the punch?


"Rudeus-sama, Miko-sama, would you please take your seats?"

I wonder if I've fallen behind.

But, this situation, it's not bad.

I can work with this.

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