Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Book 21: Chapter 7: Turning Over and Picking Up the King Piece

Part 1

Hello everyone.

Rudeus Greyrat here.

Presently, I'm surrounded by those guys.

You know, those guys in polished blue armor. Eight knights were closing in around me.

Today I think I'll take a moment to introduce them one by one.

Knight #1, Therese, directly in front of me.

Therese Latreia.


My aunt, one of Latreia's lot.

Out of all the Temple Knights in the expulsion faction, she has a slightly different nature.

She was sympathetic to me despite my ties to the demon race…

Rather, demons and humans, we're really not all that different, are we?

You'd normally show me a kindhearted face, but what kind of expression are you wearing now?

Your face is hidden by a helmet, so I can't tell.

Let's proceed clockwise, to the right.

And, on Therese's right…

A man wearing a skull-like helmet.

The side of his breastplate is cracked.

That injury looks familiar.

I don't know his name, but he looks like a knight with a name like [Skull Ash].

He's a skull-head, no doubt.

Next to him…

A man wearing a garbage can-like helmet you'd see on the street corners of Milis.

Out of the 7 other people here, only you chose to wear a red cloak.

The Miko really likes that cloak, she would always wipe her dirty hands on it.

I think his name was [Dust Box].

And to his right…

A man wearing a smooth helmet with the words [Sleep Peacefully] engraved in it.

He's probably over two meters tall.

Once I'd seen the Miko ride on top of his shoulders to pick fruits off the trees in the garden.

His name was something like [Grave Keeper].

Number four…

He's wearing a helmet like a bamboo broom on his head.

His armor is featureless.


Broom… cleaning…

Ah, perhaps this guy was called [Trash Sweeper].

Three remaining.

Honestly I can barely tell them apart, I won't be able to remember them.

If I'm not mistaken, they should have names like [Death] or [Grave].

Whenever the Miko would call out to them, they would proudly puff out their chests.

They were code names that made my back itch.

Oh, that's right.

[Black Coffin].

[Burial Garment].

[Cortege Head].

It was something like that.

The team name… what was it… um…

"It is time to commence the inquisition! Inquisition Chief of the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)], Therese Latreia initiating!"


The seven knights surrounding me stabbed their swords into the ground.

That's right, they were called the [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)].

I think Therese told me that once.

"Then I shall begin questioning the accused. Are there any objections!?"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"Objection! Movement for immediate execution!"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"Objections dismissed!"

Aw, Dust-san looks depressed.

That's right, finding out the facts incidentally, after passing judgement with a smirk and no investigation, that's no good.

… Ah, it's my turn.

"Rudeus Greyrat stands as the accused!"

Um… Please wait a moment.

I can't swallow this situation.

Somebody, give me a hint.

Here's what happened…

In order to rescue Zenith I met with Therese, the captain of the Miko's guard, at the religious headquarters, to lay the groundwork for negotiations, and was captured in a king-class barrier.

According to their story, I'm apparently suspected of being a heretic plotting to kidnap the Miko.

Ah, that's right, thank you inner monologue.


Yeah, I might have considered kidnapping the Miko once or twice.

However I gave up on that, I came here to ask Therese to help negotiate for Zenith's release.

In other words, this situation is some kind of mistake.

Has somebody been spreading false rumors?

I haven't told my kidnapping idea to that many people.

Aisha, Gisu, Cliff… and the Pope?

The Pope is the most likely suspect.

Or, maybe Gisu was caught, and spilled everything after being tortured.

… Is Aisha safe?

"The trial has begun! Defendant Rudeus, you are required to answer all questions honestly."

"… Yes."

I don't understand the situation.

For the time being I should settle down and listen.

If I start acting violently here it will only send me back to square one.

"Defendant Rudeus Greyrat.

Have you or have you not been distributing books claiming that demon races are not evil, in order to seduce the hearts of believers?"

They seem to have been investigating me.

Well, the Pope also knew.

I wonder if they have a database somewhere.


"Please answer honestly. Are you claiming that our investigation was misinformed?"

"I'm not freely distributing the books, I'm properly making money."

"That can't be possible, selling them at such a cheap price."

Well, I guess it is cheap.

I'm more focused on volume than profit margins.

"Therese you should also understand, I--"

"The defendant is not permitted to speak outside of directly answering questions."

I just want you to listen for a moment.

I have a reason, to help Ruijerd.

Even you should know that Therese.

We've spoken about this in the past.

"Defendant Rudeus Greyrat.

Do you worship the demon race and revere them as God?"


There's no use answering these kinds of questions.

"No, I do not believe in God."


"The accused has lied!"

"It's a lie!"


"He must be lying!"

"It is my judgment that the defendant is lying!"

"That's a lie!"

"According to the majority vote, it is concluded to be a lie."

It was concluded.

A majority vote, how democratic.

That's right.

I guess an inquisition is this kind of thing.

"This is the last question.

Defendant Rudeus Greyrat.

Have you planned to kidnap the Miko, the symbol of the Milis religion?"

"No. I may have said as much as a joke, but it never reached the level of creating a plan."

Well when I said it, it certainly wasn't a joke…

But that doesn't mean I'd made preparations.

Take it with a grain of salt… it was a joke.


"The accused has lied!"

"It's a lie!"

"He's lying!"

"It's a lie!"

"It is my judgment that the defendant is lying!"

"That is a lie!"


Well this is an interesting turn.

I absolutely can't start laughing at my own inquisition.

That's no way to determine if someone is lying, but laughing at this farce won't help.

However, that was the last question…

"According to the majority, it is concluded to be a lie."

At Therese's solemn words, the seven knights struck their swords.

Wow, that's intimidating.

If I hadn't been observing their substance this past month, it might have gotten to me.

"As a result of the trial, the defendant Rudeus Greyrat is hereby recognized as a heretic."

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"I object, such a judgment is unnecessary! I recommend sending the defendant home to tend to his rice harvest!"

"… No objection!"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

When I butted in with my objection, they glared at me for a moment.

I'm sorry, it was Trash-san's turn.

"The inquisition has been concluded. For the crime of attempted kidnapping, the judgment is capital punishment!"

"What, is that like the death penalty?"

I don't really expect an answer, but I decided to ask anyway.

"No… your life will not be taken.

Your hands will be cut off to prevent the use of magic, then your arms will be sealed within a barrier and encased in earth."

I got my answer.

Well, this isn't a situation to mess around in, what should I do…

Their goal is to confine me.

I'll have plenty of opportunities to attack later.

However, they plan to seal me.

They plan to cut off my hands, and me in a barrier.

Furthermore they plan to encase my arms in earth.

If that's the case, I won't be capable of magic or swordsmanship.

I guess that's the meaning behind being [sealed].

If you do that, I won't be able to touch my wives' breasts.

I'd have to go back to using artificial arms…

Zariff's prosthetic hand doesn't have a bad sense of touch, but it doesn't feel very good for the person being massaged.

After all, a human hand should be warm and soft, and there's no warmth in a prosthetic hand.

"Therese-san, do you like to cripple people as a hobby?"

"… Isn't it a good hobby not to kill people?"

I feel like I've gotten a glance at her true nature.

I wonder if she really thinks that way.

The hands are used to kill people if they're allowed freedom…

Even though it's the opposite… I need these hands for love, not war.

"Er, but if I embrace my wife without any hands, won't I look stupid?"

"Ha? What…?"

"Eh, ah, for example, embracing my wife… pleasurably, you know."


After being told such an embarrassing thing twice, she finally got it and clicked her tongue at me.

What for…


Even if you catch me being ero, it's not like I need your approval.

"Well in that case, I guess you guys aren't just going to let me escape?"

"That's right."

"That trial was a joke, are you serious?"

"That's right."

"If you called over Miko-sama, I could prove my innocence… Certainly Miko-sama should be at such a trial?"

"… A gathering of seven Temple Knights has more than enough authority to convict a simple heretic."

"In other words, you do not plan to call Miko-sama over."

"That… is correct."

I can't see Therese's expression under her helmet.

But her voice was trembling, just a little.

"You've been kind to me up until now, was that all an act leading to this moment?"

"… No, we, even Miko-sama had accepted you. This is your betrayal Rudeus-kun."

"This is not my betrayal, I trusted you Therese, and came to get along with Miko-sama who is important to you."


No answer.

She should have heard me.


It's a pity.

It's really a shame.

This time, I really intended to get along with both sides.

I tried to restrain myself, I denied my rage, I was going to try to rescue Zenith peacefully.

"Therese, what will become of my mother?"

"… I will take responsibility in persuading Claire. But at this time, that is irrelevant."


Judging from her answer, it doesn't seem that Therese is the main culprit.

"I am certainly not a Milis believer, though I do have a connection with the Pope… But you understood that from the beginning, didn't you? So why--"

"Haven't you asked enough questions?"

My question was cut off by a cold voice.

No sign of an answer.

Though I suppose this wasn't a 'give and take' in the first place.

"Then allow me to ask a final question, was this information given to you as a divine revelation in a dream?"

"No. This information is from a credible source. We would not trust the words of an incredible person."

"Even if the God in the dream calls himself Milis?"

The moment I said that, the knights around me began shouting protests.

"Milis is not an oracle!"

"That is why Milis is God."

"Even if there was a divine revelation, such a thing would not be given to lowly knights such as ourselves!"

"Only Miko-sama could be worthy of receiving such a revelation."

"That's right! Milis-sama doesn't even call out to the Miko!"

"Milis is God!"

"Those who doubt God are the devil!"

Then, surrounded by those voices, Therese proudly said…

"Yes, that's right. Well said everyone… Rudeus-kun, our faith is absolute."

"… I am relieved to hear that."

For the time being I may be surrounded by fanatics, but there doesn't seem to be an apostle of Hitogami among them.

Everyone here seems to be a pious Milis believer.

It's enough evidence just listening to them.


I lifted my hands out of the sleeves of my robe.

The sound reverberated through the cool air.

My left hand is equipped to deal with this kind of situation.


I activated the magic absorbing stone in my palm.

The barrier at my feet disappeared without a sound.

The Temple Knights' eyes opened wide.

"Well then, shall we begin the fight?"

Part 2

"All hands! Spread out!"

At Therese's command, the Temple Knights jumped back.

I sidestepped towards the Temple Knights as they were trying to take distance, and started generating rock bullets with both hands.

Speed and hardness so-so.

Only to the degree that they might die if I hit them in the vitals.


You're up first, Dust Box!



The two rock bullets I fired towards Dust were deflected by the Temple Knights at his sides.

In their hands were something like translucent shields.

Elementary ranked barrier magic, [Magic Shield].

… Is that really elementary ranked? I was stopped by an elementary ranked spell?

"Dust, Grave, Skull right flank!

Trash, Coffin, Burial take the left!

Cortege and I will act as a mobile unit!"

Three people on each side fired magic off in unison.

Fire, water, and earth.

Three different attributes, not that it matters.


While dissolving the magic with my gauntlet, I fired rock bullets to counter.

But, they were repelled.

The guy casting the barrier magic seems to be defending from behind.

"--With your blessing the small ember becomes a searing flame! [Flamethrower]!"

"--Bring down your majestic sword of ice, and strike! [Icicle Break]!"

At the same time magic was fired off from the other side.

Fire and water.

That's not it! The third one had his hands on the ground.

An Earth Lance!


I dissolved the fire and water magic simultaneously.

At the same time I countered the Earth Lance by creating a quagmire to disable it.

Oops, I was too slow.

I can't fire a counter.

But my legs still work.

I instantly back-stepped to avoid the magic flying at me from the other side.

Only one spell.

Only a fire spell. It looked like a normal [Fire Ball]?

Only one?

There are three enemies on that side, why not three?

I don't have time to think about that.

I aimed my hands at both their left and right flanks.

"[Stone Cannon]!"

Because I had gained some distance stepping back, I saw it well.

The Temple Knights' formation had three people on each side.

Among them, two people had translucent shields, and jumped to defend from my rock bullets.

Well played.

Though I'd increased the speed and mass of the rock bullets from earlier, they easily deflected them.

That style looks familiar.

The Water God Style.

I see, it can even be used in conjunction with barrier magic. That's amazing.

"Spirits of the earth! Answer my call and rise fourth to pierce the heavens! [Earth Lance]!"

"Magnificent spirits of the water, I appeal to the Emperor of Thunder! Bring down your majestic sword of ice, and strike! [Icicle Break]!"

In that moment, two of the Knights without the shields fired off spells.

Naturally, I dissolved them… Now, what to do.

The enemy has separated into a left flank and a right flank with three people each.

Among those three people, two use barriers to deflect my magic.

Because I've only been firing two bullets at a time, their two barrier strategy has been serving them well.

The third person counters by firing off an attack spell.

Then the flank that I didn't attack momentarily drops their shields.

And, when I'm defenseless, they fire off three spells.

They were able to fire off spells with three different attributes because they didn't leave two on defense.

I guess they're a bit short on information about me, since they're unaware that my magic absorption stone can simultaneously negate all magic.

At first they were only able to use magic to attack me from one side, probably because of the distance.

At that distance I was able to break into the core of their formation.

It should be possible to get an attack in while they're chanting…

They should be particularly vulnerable while their shields are down…

But, it won't work unless I break into their formation.

… That might not be a good idea.

Well, let's see how you like this?


While deliberately shouting loudly, I started packing mana into the spell.

Enough to generate a fire ball about two meters in diameter.

It had the size and heat of an advanced ranked spell.

But compared to the rock bullet's speed, it's slow.

Gently, I threw it like a slowball.

Aiming for both flanks.


Two knights stepped forward with barriers to block.

But, the magic barrier has a weakness.

"Ran Ma [Disturb Magic]!"


I dissolved their barriers with [Ran Ma].

Both of the barriers protecting the left flank fell simultaneously.

Barrier magic, like most spells, continues to consume mana as you use it.

It's the same even for elementary ranked barrier magic.

In other words, even if they aren't chanting, I can negate it with [Ran Ma].

The right flank will still be protected, but, this is their loss.


And the moment I thought that, something came flying at me from behind.

While looking back, I brought my right arm up to defend.

With a loud [Ga~an], something broke into pieces and shattered.

A brown rock, flying towards my face, was reduced to debris.

I received some of the impact around my elbow.

It was a rock bullet.

This was the first time my opponents have used that spell.

"Rudeus can use magic with both hands!

Two people are on defense, if an attack comes switch.

There's no room for mistakes!"

Therese and another person had snuck up behind me.

Now, I have to defend from the rear as well.


Before I noticed it, I had been surrounded.

I'm beginning to fall behind, that was a blunder.

No, I wonder what kind of countermeasures they have for close-combat.

The knights who received the fireball earlier are alive and well, with the exception of some smoke coming off their armor.

"Rudeus-kun. We are the strongest in the Temple Knights. You have no chance of winning."


"In the past ten days we have investigated your fighting style.

Thanks to your fame, we were able to arrange countermeasures."


Then, why haven't you drawn your swords?

I only use magic.

No, in the current situation, they may not be able to avoid my magic in close-combat.

Of course, I still have some tricks up my sleeves.

They might be weary of that, and avoiding close-quarters combat as a precaution.

Given my present situation, their strategy could be called effective.

But, if this becomes a fight of attrition, then I will have the upper hand.

They might have more countermeasures…

Then, it's about time I made my next move.

"Rudeus-kun, please surrender! You may have been able to use your magic tool to escape our barrier, but this is your loss, give up!"


"The entrance to the garden is blocked by barrier magic! Help will not come!"

Is that right.

If you say it like that, then it's perfect.

They must have carefully devised this strategy to capture me.

I can't win with half-assed tactics.

I have to be thorough.

I might have to experiment in order to break through.

But, if I lose as a result, that would be disastrous.


It's time to get serious.

Part 3

--- Therese's Perspective ---

At the same time Rudeus let out that murmur, my feet sunk into mud.

We were given information about this magic as well.

It's the same as Rudeus Greyrat's nickname, [Quagmire].

Normally, this magic would just produce a slick puddle at your opponents' feet.

But, as expected, this is a massive spell.

The entirety of this huge garden has become a muddy swamp.

Miko-sama's beloved Saraku trees and Balta trees began to creak as they started to sink into the mud.

But, you can't stop us with something like this.

Trash has already started the chant to counter it.

"…[Dense Fog]."

In the next instant, we were swallowed by a vast white fog.

This is bad!

"Stay alert! First we'll counter the quagmire, do not accidentally attack your comrades in the fog!"

The next moment, purple lightning leapt over the ground.

It was too fast, in an instant I heard a sharp [kii~] and the sound of an explosion.

"Do not panic! Our armor is resistant to [Electric]! Make sure he doesn't escape! Go!"

[OK!] echoed out from the fog.

All right.

According to our information, Rudeus is weak in close combat.

All of the members of [Defense of the Holy Sepulcher (Anastasia Keep)] are advanced rank or higher swordsmen, and capable of all advanced rank attack and barrier magic.

Even standing alone we are powerful, we are all well-versed in one on one combat, the fight is still in our favor.

Though I'm only around the intermediate rank in the Water God Style, Cortege is nearly saint ranked.

Even if Rudeus has power on par with an emperor ranked magician, it will not be possible for him to break through our defense.

We have not made a mistake in our strategy.

"--We are countering the [Quagmire]!"

"[Shifting sand]!"

As Cortege finished his chant, Trash's voice was heard.

The mud at our feet quickly turned to sand, and we freed our feet.

I'm sorry, Rudeus-kun.

[Quagmire] can be countered with the advanced rank magic [Shifting Sand].

But this isn't something they would have taught at the magic university.

Research for countering melded magic is still in its infancy…

I wonder if this is the first time his quagmire has been countered?

I don't know what you were planning, but this is checkmate.

Of course, I don't believe you were plotting to kidnap Miko-sama.

Miko-sama truly treasured your friendship.

You were sincerely worried about Zenith, and asked for my help…

I understand that was all you wanted.

But, it can't be helped.

Because these are instructions directly from the Cardinal.

Regardless of the authenticity of the information, we have to follow our orders.

Only Dust was truly enraged, because he earnestly loves Miko-sama…

At the very least, your life won't be taken.

I give you my word.

To be labeled by the Cardinal as a heretic and only deprived of your hands is an incredibly lenient judgment.

Therefore, we aren't even using poisoned swords.

It's all right, Rudeus-kun.

Although you are still young, don't you have a good bride?

With Eris supporting you, you'll be able to survive even without hands.

Moreover, you're even the Dragon God's subordinate.

I heard about it when I was a child, the Dragon Tribe has a mysterious power.

By some chance, it might be able to break our seal.

You can live out the rest of your life in a place our eyes cannot reach.

And, as for Zenith, I'll manage somehow.

But even though I told you that…

"--Resist the [Dense Fog]."

Cortege's voice brought me back out of my thoughts.

At the same time, I suddenly had a sense of discomfort.

… Something's strange.

What is it?

Nothing has happened.

That's it. After creating the dense fog, Rudeus hasn't moved an inch.

Will he try to escape? Or continue to fight?

However, even if I can't see more than a meter ahead, I should still be able to hear him.

After the initial [Electric], there was nothing.

Has he already escaped?

A [Quagmire], followed by [Dense Fog] and then [Electric] certainly stopped our advance.

Using so many different magics, but it's already too--

"--[Wind Blast]!"

The wind magic cleared the fog in an instant.



"…… Eh?"

I can hardly believe my eyes.

After the fog lifted, Rudeus was gone.

All that was left was a torn, crumpled scroll.

And a huge… rock?

A statue?


"… Summoning magic?"

I muttered those words to myself… Then, in the next moment…

The huge armor began to move.

This is beyond imagination, huge. It was moving at a tremendous speed.

Part 4

--- Rudeus' Perspective ---

I may have been at a disadvantage, but it's time to take the kid gloves off.

The fog is rapidly clearing.

Those guys are dumbfounded, they weren't prepared for this.

While opening my foresight eye I confirmed the positions of the guys with the barriers, one shot, two shots, three shots.

I easily penetrated their defenses.

Then smashed them with the MK-I's shield.

Of course, I went easy on them.

I only knocked them out.

They probably aren't dead.

At the same time I took another three down with the Gatling gun.

I swung my left arm in a wide arc.

There was a sound like a loud hum as my Gatling gun spat out a stream of rock bullets.

The three folded like twigs as my rock bullets crushed their shins.

I took care not to blow their legs off.

I also avoided their vitals, they shouldn't be dead, just stunned.

But, just in case, I nailed each of them in the head with another rock bullet to make sure they were out cold.

Two left.

I took a step back before turning around, like Orsted taught me to.

If an enemy attacks from behind, you have to use quick footwork to avoid them.

I didn't feel an attack coming, but it was just to make sure.

When I turned around, Therese was in front of me.

Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was hanging open, watching me.

The one next to her started to unsheathe his sword to defend her.

But, too late.

You're too slow.

If it had been Eris, she would have cut him down ten times before he had drawn his sword.

With the MK-I I can easily deal with this level of speed.

These guys can't compare to my training.

Before he could unsheathe his sword, I swatted him away with my fist.

He was blown away before he could make a sound, and crashed into the wall of the headquarters, stunned.

Therese was still standing there with a frozen look of amazement.

She had a face as if she had no idea what had happened.

"W-, what…"

To her, I gave my minimum considerations, and knocked her out with a rock bullet rather than my fist.


After all, the MK-I can only be described as overwhelming.

I was able to finish off my opponents before they had a single opportunity to attack, and unceremoniously broke through all of their defenses.

I wonder if I'm being immature?

Therese, and the other Temple Knights, were scattered on the ground around me.

Nobody died.

Unless I find one of Hitogami's apostles, I'd like to avoid killing as much as possible.

That's my rule.

I was able to afford it this time.

"Haah~… I feel refreshed."

Recently, perhaps because I've had so much frustration accumulating, that was awfully refreshing.

After all, it's no good if you don't go on a rampage once in awhile.

At least according to Eris…

No, that's too violent.

However, what should I do now?

After all this, the Temple Knights will undoubtedly turn into my enemy.

To begin with, who was I betrayed by?

The only ones who knew about the kidnapping idea were me, Aisha, Gisu… also Cliff and the Pope?

What about that girl in Cliff's house?

First of all, it absolutely wasn't Aisha.

If she wanted to betray me, she wouldn't need to do such a thing.

It would be something like [Oniichan, give me a piggyback ride!] and then, while I was enjoying the feeling of her breasts on my back… she'd slit my throat.

Or she could just mix some poison into my drink.

Cliff and Gisu are also unlikely.

They're in similar positions.

They wouldn't need to use such a roundabout way to get rid of me when my back is exposed.

Then, is it the Pope?

Would the Pope try to kill me off with this timing?

What would he gain?

No, maybe it's the opposite.

Perhaps he simply wanted me to remove a few Temple Knights from the board.

From the Pope's perspective, even though I gave him my support, I never actually did anything to support him.

Perhaps this was his plan to put me to use.

And then, while I stall her escorts, the Pope has the perfect opportunity to kidnap the Miko…

Wait wait.

Therese said that the information came from a credible source.

For her, would the Pope be a trustworthy source?

The Pope is her enemy.

Above anyone else, wouldn't he be an untrustworthy source?

In the first place, there's also the possibility that accusing me of plotting to kidnap the Miko is just a coincidence.

Although there's a grain of truth, someone could have just made it up.


Rather than thinking this is an accident, I should consider Hitogami's involvement.

Once again, it's possible that one of Hitogami's apostles is lurking behind the scenes.

Yeah, compared to a betrayal, it seems likely that guy was involved.

What is Hitogami's intent?

I can't see the future, I have no idea.

Everything bad happens because of that guy.


I have no idea who the culprit is.

Thinking about it is useless.

I have more immediate problems.

The problem is determining who my enemies are.

Currently, I don't know what has happened to the Miko.

But the Temple Knights guarding her are already in this state…

From this, I can assume the Cardinal's faction will start moving against me.

First of all, they tried to arrest me for attempting to kidnap the Miko.

From here on out, they'll probably go after Cliff who brought me here, and Cliff's grandfather the Pope.


I guess that means this wasn't the Pope's plan?

Uugh, it's troublesome to even come up with potential culprits.

What should I do…

What can I do…

I could gather everyone and escape from the capital?

No, what about Zenith?

I can't leave without Zenith.

I need to go to the Latreia house and rescue Zenith…

But, what if she isn't there?

If they're carrying out this kind of strategy, wouldn't they move Zenith to another location?

Still, do I just keep fighting with these knights until Milis is destroyed?

That seems like something Hitogami would want.



I could do it…

For the time being, I'll evacuate Aisha, Cliff, and Gisu.

Then I'll go to the Latreia house to rescue Zenith.

If that doesn't work, I can always go up to the palace and capture one of the royal family to use in a hostage exchange.

That could also work.

It's all good.

I'm tired of thinking.

"… Ah."

Suddenly, a voice.

Someone looking out from the edge of the garden warped by my quagmire…

In front of a door in the headquarters that could only be unlocked with a special key, a lone girl stood.

Standing there, key in hand.



It felt like she was looking into my eyes.

I tried to look away, but it was too late.

She had a look like she saw through me, and smiled.

Then opened her arms towards me.

I recognize that gesture…

It may have been intuition…

It was a split-second decision…

I kidnapped the Miko.

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