Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 807 Hope, Plans and Terror

807 Hope, Plans and Terror



Ye Sheng's gaze softened as he looked deep into Li An's eyes, seeing the echoes of their shared history. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, his voice gentle yet tinged with a touch of melancholy.

"Li An," he began, his voice carrying the weight of years gone by. "Our love may have faded, but the bond we forged through years of building this company together remains. I couldn't let it crumble under the weight of someone's greed, not without doing everything in my power to protect it."

She gave a weak smile as he continued.

"The memories we created, the struggles we endured, they are all interwoven with this company. It's a part of who we are, even if we are no longer together."

Li An stood silently, absorbing his words, her heart both warmed and burdened by the realization of the depth of their shared history. She had expected gratitude and answers, but what she found was a renewed connection—a reminder of the intricate tapestry of their lives that still lingered, even in the face of their separation.

"I am sorry about what happened between us," Ye Sheng said softly. "It wasn't easy on either one of us."

Li An shook her head slowly. "You don't need to apologize. We made mistakes; we can only learn from them." She paused briefly before adding, "I'm glad you helped out though."

Ye Sheng smiled gently at her words. He knew how hard it must be for her to come back to him after such an extended absence.

"I know you're here because of the company s," he added. "I hope you will stay long enough to see me off when I leave for the States tomorrow morning."

Li An shook her head. Not even what he did today could change the past of what happened.

"I would have but my coming here isn't to rekindle our relationship. I shouldn't be there." Her lips curved into a faint smile as she spoke. "I huh... umm... I should go now," she murmured. "I just wanted to thank you again for saving Dream Star Corporation."

Ye Sheng rose gracefully from his chair and walked toward Li An, taking hold of her hands in his own. His eyes searched hers intently as he asked, "What is your plan?"

Li An hesitated slightly before answering, "I'll return home first then take care of some business matters. It is high time I invade the Zhang Corporation."

Ye Sheng nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. You've been away from business too long already. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I would let Cheng deal with him however he pleases but for me, I would deal with him my own way. No one crumbles the Ye Dynasty except the Ye family members."

Ye Sheng smiled at her. He particularly lived the fact that her words simply pointed out that she was part of the family since she was part of the company.

He released her hand and turned around, walking towards the door. As he reached it, he stopped abruptly and looked back at her with a warm smile.

"I am glad that we could have this conversation," he said softly. "Hopefully we get a next time, Li An."

Li An's heart swelled at his words. "I'll leave that to fate to decide. Have a splendid day."


The party went on till late night, everyone enjoying themselves thoroughly until they were all exhausted by the end of it.

As they left the party together, Yi Wang Lie's voice rang through the air like thunderclaps, earning him laughter from the others considering how drunk be was.

"We are going to destroy Chairman Zhang!"

"Quiet down, Wang Lei. We ain't done yet," Tang Zixin replied calmly.

Yi Wang Lie laughed loudly as if amused by their response. The rest joined in as well—even Fong Wei Ling.

"You guys really do love each other don't you?" Li Jing remarked quietly as she watched her husband laughing along with his friends. She couldn't help but feel happy seeing her man having fun after such a long time.

"Of course we do! And you too, my love. What kind of couple wouldn't? Besides, we're not just married; we are partners in crime now."

Li Jing chuckled lightly before asking, "So what happens when you all go against someone else and implicate me?"

Tang Zixin shrugged nonchalantly. "We will cross that bridge once we come across it."

"But why did you agree to join us anyway?" Yi Wang Lie asked curiously. "I mean, I know you dislike Bai Qing Mei. Is there anything else?"

Li Jing gave an exasperated sigh. "I'm tired of being bullied and threatened every single day. And I hate anyone going after my family. I want to live life without fear anymore. I can only hope that our plan works so I won't have to worry about anything ever again."

Yi Wang Lie nodded slowly. He understood exactly where she was coming from. "Just relax and let the big boys handle it all."


With that party their vacation came to a close and the bond of their friendship became tighter than ever.

What lay ahead was going to be a bumpy ride.

"Once we get back, Long Lei it's your turn. We implement the hospital issue first and we act fast. We won't give him a chance to strike back. The end is here," Ye Cheng stated as he stood tall and watched his friends.

Within seconds, all of their drunken stupor stopped as a fiery passion danced in their eyes.

"I may just be joining but anyone who hurts Li Jing and tampers with her future would answer to me. Count me in as well," Tang Zixin added.



The morning sun shone brightly over the city streets as Bai Qing Mei walked into her room from the bathroom. Tiredly she had sauntered to bath and freshen up for a new day without paying close attention to her surroundings till now when she returned.

The early morning breeze carried the scent of fresh flowers around the mansion mixed with a foul smell that made her stop in her tracks but the second she clicked on the light switch and looked up, her eyes landed on the body lying on her bed.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the blood-soaked pillow beneath the headless corpse whose head laid close to the edge of the bed.

Her mind went blank as she stared wide eyed at the lifeless figure sprawled out before her.

She had never seen such a gruesome scene before—not even during those dark days when her grandfather was around the house.

She felt sickened by what happened—bile rising in her throat and then the next second, she opened her mouth and screamed out her lungs, unable to stand the sight anymore.

"Aaahhhh!" She covered her ears with both hands as if trying to block out the sound of her own scream echoing through the air. Her whole body trembled violently while tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.

"Bai Qing Mei! What's wrong?" A voice called out from behind her.

She turned quickly to see her mother who had just opened the door and stood there looking worried. Watching the horror in her daughter's eyes, she trailed where her fingers pointed at and as her gaze fell upon the dead man on her bed, a gasp fell off her mother's mouth.

"Oh my goodness!"

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