Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 806 His Unexpected Reaction

Chapter 806 His Unexpected Reaction



"A compromise, really?" Li Jing chuckled.

"Look, all I am saying is that, he can be your friend but remember I am always first before anyone else."

"Exactly, now and forever. I chose you and not him, remember? Till the day we die."

Ye Cheng pouted at her. "I prefer eternity."

Li Jing couldn't help laughing at his remark and nodded. "Of course till eternity. You and I both."

She looked over at Tang Zixin who was seated beside Rong Bolin while Yi Wang Lie sat across from them both.

"So, can we go eat now? I'm starving after getting worked up by you yesterday..." Her words trailed off as she glanced at Ye Cheng's miscellaneous expression. "You're naughty."

Together they walked over to the table, greeted the three men and took their seat.

"So what did we miss yesterday?" Ye Cheng asked rubbing his hands together. He had been looking forward to this since last night when he received word about the party.

"Nothing much," Fong Wei Ling replied casually. "We just talked business mostly."

"Oh yeah! What happened with business? Which deals are you closing now?" Ye Cheng inquired eagerly.

"Well... nothing yet," Yi Wang Lie answered hesitantly.

"What do you mean 'yet'?" Li Jing asked. She turned towards Tang Zixin with an accusing gaze.

Quickly he lifted his hands in the air and shook his head. "Believe me, I do not know what this is about," he said apologetically.

"It seems like everyone has something to hide today," Ye Cheng commented dryly.

"I think it is more of a case where no one wants to talk too openly because of fear or concern for others' feelings," Tang Zixin explained calmly.

"I see," Ye Cheng remarked thoughtfully. "I guess there is a lot going on behind closed doors these days."

"Oh please," Fong Wei Ling rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Now that's an attitude I could definitely exploit," Ye Cheng pointed out and pointed at Fong Wei Ling.

"Exploit away, bro," Fong Wei Ling retorted.

"Sure would. Now tell me what about the company has gotten you so edgy."

"You sure you wanna know, Ye Cheng?" Yi Wang Lie cut in sharply.

"Why wouldn't I want to know?" Ye Cheng countered.

"Because if you knew then you might get upset and start acting rash again."

Ye Cheng laughed heartily. "You worry too much, man. Besides, you guys have always told me everything anyway."

"That doesn't mean you would be okay with this!" Yi Wang Lei exclaimed angrily.

"Hey calm down, will ya?" Ye Cheng chided him gently. "I am fine with whatever happens as long as you don't keep secrets from me."

Yi Wang Lei sighed heavily before turning back to face Tang Zixin and Fong Wei Ling. "Okay, here goes..." He paused briefly as though gathering courage before continuing. "We were informed about an issue with Dream Star Corporation."

"And...?" Ye Cheng prompted impatiently.

"Just and?" Fong Wei Ling snapped.

Ye Cheng shrugged and focused on his meal that was served before him, thanks to Li Jing paying attention to his stomach while he drew out the words from his friends.

"We got some intel from my sources indicating that Chairman Zhang was about to burn the company," Yi Wang Lei stated bluntly.

"What? How can that be possible?" Li Jing blurted out, shock swirling in her eyes.

While everyone was concerned, including Tang Zixin who talked with clear mind, only Ye Cheng seemed unshocked by the news.

"Ye Cheng, you ain't worried?" Yi Wang Lie questioned incredulously.

"Why should I be?" Ye Cheng replied nonchalantly. "I already know how ruthless Chairman Zhang is. If anything, I'm surprised it took them this long to do it."

"But why now?" Tang Zixin asked curiously. "Why not earlier when they had ample opportunity?"

"Good question," Ye Cheng answered thoughtfully. "Maybe it is because the law suit backed him into a corner and he feels dealing me such big blow would shift my focus from him for a while 2hixh would buy him the needed time to do as he pleases."

He picked up his cup of coffee, sipped from it and smiled.

"I mean escape."

Li Jing had to admit, she found herself getting turned on once more by his cool headed nature in the face of adversity.

"As expected of the heir to the Ye's fortune."

"Hmm, don't patronise me, besides you said almost. That alone means something happened and you saved the day. So problem averted, now it would be solutions and payback."

"Sure there big guy," Fong Wei Ling chimed in quickly and placed his hand on Ye Cheng's shoulder. "I bet you, you are no way in hell gonna be prepared by the news that comes next."

His lips lifted in a smile but then fell flat again. He looked at Li Jing who stared back blankly. She didn't understand what was going on either.

"You're right," Ye Cheng agreed after taking another sip of his drink. "I am sure we will hear about some new deal or other soon enough."

"No," Yi Wang Lie cut in, his gaze turning cold. "Dream Star Corporation was saved alright but not by the Fong family."

"Then who do I have to thank no"

"None other than the previous Chairman of DSC."

Ye Cheng's eyes widened to Tang Zixin's surprise, who didn't think Ye Cheng would be affected.

"Your father, Ye Sheng," Yi Wang Lie added.

Li Jing paused midway, the food and her fork only a few inches away from her lips as she turned her head to look at her husband.

"Ye Cheng," her soft voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "Calm down."

Ye Cheng swallowed hard before answering her. "He told me that he would be working behind the scenes trying to find ways to save Dream Star Corporation from being destroyed by Chairman Zhang."

"And?" Li Jing prompted impatiently.

"I just didn't think his selfish ass would do it. Guess he did love his baby well enough."

"You mean his legacy, right?" Yi Wang Lie added.

Ye Cheng scoffed and shook his head. "I do not want to owe favours from someone like him." He clenched his cutlery hard under their penetrative gazes.

The dining area went silent for several seconds until Fong Wei Ling threw an open question.

"So what happens now? He is your father."

"Yeah, one I ain't in talking terms with. I guess that will have to change now."

"But you...?" Tang Zixin began but stopped abruptly as everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Sadly, this vacation has been brought to an abrupt end."

"Hold up!" Yi Wang Lie interjected. "I pushed the party till this night. We ain't calling nothing over till we get that tonight. After that, we can spend the whole year trying to destroy Chairman Zhang for all I care."

"I couldn't agree more," Li Jing agreed with a smile.


The crackling of the fireplace filled the spacious room as Ye Sheng sat cross-legged on an ornate, high-backed chair.

The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the antique furniture and paintings adorning the walls.

Ye Sheng stared pensively into the fire, his eyes reflecting a lifetime of triumphs and setbacks.

"I did what I thought was necessary," he replied, his voice carrying the wisdom of experience.

As if breaking the tranquil ambiance, the double doors creaked open, revealing Li An, standing in the doorway.

She was a formidable woman, elegant yet determined, with a hint of vulnerability hidden beneath her composed exterior.

The years apart had etched lines of wisdom and experience on her face, and her eyes gleamed with a mix of surprise and gratitude.

Li An hesitated for a moment, taking in the scene before her—the lavish mansion, the crackling fire, and the man she once loved seated before her.

She composed herself and walked gracefully toward Ye Sheng, her footsteps echoing in the grand hall. Ye Sheng turned his gaze towards her, his face a mask of calm curiosity.

"Ye Sheng," Li An said, her voice filled with a blend of appreciation and uncertainty. "I came to thank you. You saved our family's company from the plot of Chairman Zhang. If it weren't for your intervention, we would have lost everything."

A faint smile played at the corners of Ye Sheng's lips as he listened to her words. He nodded slightly, acknowledging the weight of her gratitude.

"I did what I thought was necessary," he replied, his voice carrying the wisdom of experience.

"Despite being voted out by the board, my love for our family and the company runs deep. I couldn't stand idly by while Zhang's greed threatened everything we had built together."

Li An's eyes widened with surprise at his words. She never anticipated this level of dedication and selflessness from him, especially after their divorce.

Her heart swelled with a mix of emotions—gratitude, admiration, and perhaps a hint of regret.

"But why, Ye Sheng?" she asked, her voice filled with a delicate vulnerability.

"After everything that happened between us, after the pain we caused each other, why did you choose to get involved? Why risk so much for a company you were no longer a part of?"

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