Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 793 Danger Brewing

Chapter 793 Danger Brewing



"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing..." She shook her head quickly. "Just thinking about how lucky the youngsters are to give birth to as many kids as they like. I wish I had a girl too. At least she wouldn't delay getting married."

He chuckled tenderly again, his gaze softening. "You are no baby, Li An but then if you really want a child to look after, how about adopting?"

"Adopt? But why adopt? I do not want my time shared if Li Jing would soon give birth," she argued.

Fong Cai face palmed himself. "She isn't even pregnant yet," he reasoned.

Li An stared at him blankly, then she gave a smile. "And what do you think this vacation is for?"

He lifted his brows quizzically, hoping that something else would be the reason—

something like escaping the weight of Chairman Zhang and his plans.

"Dumdum... To get her pregnant, I bet."

He face-palmed himself again. Right now, all of his pity went to Li Jing, thinking about the pressure she must be getting.


"Nothing, just that I am wondering if being your daughter-in-law now is such a great thing," he teased.

She poked his side and shook her head. "How did you come up with such a thought? I am the best mother-in-law out there."

"Sure. Well, it is obvious that they want to have fun and relax from work stress and other things." He shrugged casually. "So yeah, I bet a child can be underway."

"Now you get what I mean. Anyways, even if it doesn't work out, I wouldn't want to bug them and get their brain pressured. I'll just pamper them instead."

"Great. Now that is a good plan." Fong Cai winked at her.

"Hahaha, happy I could think of it." She smiled back.

Their conversation continued, delving into dreams, hopes, and fears. Night fell, casting a magical aura over the park. Reluctantly, they realized it was time to call it a day.

They walked back to their cars, but little did they know that someone was watching 21:50

from inside a car nearby. The watcher quickly made a call, reporting their movements to a woman on the other end of the line.

"How did it go? Did they find you?" the woman's voice inquired, tinged with anticipation.

"No, they didn't find me. I believe it is time to trail Ms. Li An," the watcher replied dutifully.

The woman on the other line chuckled softly, a touch of menace in her voice. "Good. At the appropriate time, you can strike."

The watcher hesitated, concern evident in his tone. "Strike? The last time we got involved, it caused trouble with Ye Cheng and Li An. Do you really want to risk it again?"

The woman's voice turned icy, her words laced with determination. "We are not afraid of anyone or anything. We will take care of our own business. After all, they touched my daughter first."

The watcher couldn't help but shudder at the steely resolve in her voice. "Yes, ma'am," he responded, understanding that there was no room for further argument.

The scene was set, and Li An and Fong Cai remained oblivious to the storm gathering on the horizon.

They bid each other goodnight; their hearts filled with gratitude for the precious time they had spent together.

Little did they know that their peaceful interlude was about to be shattered, and the reality of their lives would come crashing back with a strong vengeance.


Li An woke up early the next morning, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. She stretched lazily, enjoying the feel of the cool air against her skin.

She glanced around the bedroom, taking note of the opulence she was living in.

A smile graced her lips as she recalled how much fun they'd had yesterday. They laughed until tears streamed from their eyes; they talked nonstop till late into the evening.

She wondered what her son and daughter-in-law would be up to and decided to place a call to them.

Ring! Ring!

"Mother!" Ye Cheng exclaimed at the other end, his voice filled with excitement.

"Hi!" Li An greeted cheerfully. "How are you doing?"

Ye Cheng's face beamed with smiles as he answered, "I am fine. How are you?"

"I'm great," Li An replied happily. "Just wanted to check on everyone."

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you last night. Your uncle called us earlier yesterday."

"Uncle?" Li An asked curiously. "What did he say? Did he ask about me too?"

"No, he just said hello and wished you well."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that is it," Ye Cheng confirmed. He paused before adding, "Also, thank you."


"For everything." His voice sounded strained.

Li An frowned slightly. "Everything? What do you mean?"

"You know... For pushing me with the baby thingy. And also..." his voice trailed off.

Li An waited patiently for him to continue but when he didn't speak again, she prompted gently, "And also...?"

"Well, for being my mother."

The words hit her hard. She swallowed thickly, trying to keep her composure and tears at bay.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with that," she managed to say finally.

"No, I am just happy because you are making this more possible."


"Yes, listen." He thrust into Li Jing, causing her to moan as her eyes widened by what he was doing.

They were in the middle of having sex when his mother's call came in and he tried his best to act normal. Little did she know his normalcy was going to be so naughty.

Li An's cheeks flushed red as she listened to their conversation. When Ye Cheng finished speaking, she cleared her throat and spoke softly. "I see. That sounds like fun."

"It does!" he agreed enthusiastically. "Hehe got to go now, I have a duty to perform."

"Yes, yes. My regards to your lovely wife for me."

"Will do," Ye Cheng responded cheerfully before hanging up abruptly.

Li An stared blankly at the phone after hearing the click, then slowly put it down on the table beside her bed. She smiled calmly now.

She had been blessed with two wonderful children through marital ties—a boy who loved her dearly and his wife whose love for her was even stronger than she had thought possible.

More than anything, she was grateful to God.

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