Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 792 Old Friends Time Off

Chapter 792 Old Friends Time Off



After bidding farewell to her son and daughter-in-law as they embarked on their much-anticipated vacation, Li An and Fong Cai felt a sense of freedom settle over them.

It was a rare opportunity for them to enjoy some time to themselves and reconnect.

Li An contemplated going back to her house, but she knew better. Instead, she wanted to have her own fun, to break free from the routine and responsibilities.

Fong Cai, ever supportive, agreed wholeheartedly, thrilled at the chance to spend quality time with her. The thought of work didn't cross his mind even once, and Li An was grateful for that.

They decided to meet at their favourite teahouse, a place that held cherished memories from their younger days.

Nestled in a cozy corner of the city, it exuded warmth and tranquillity. As they stepped inside, the familiar aroma of brewed tea enveloped them, creating an inviting and soothing ambience.

Li An guided Fong Cai to a quiet corner table by the window, offering them a view of the bustling street outside.

It was their private sanctuary, a space where they could escape from the world for a little while.

The teahouse staff greeted them with genuine warmth, recognizing them as regular patrons. Li An ordered their usual tea blend, a fragrant concoction that never failed to invigorate their senses.

As they waited for their tea to arrive, they engaged in light-hearted conversation.

They discussed recent events in their lives, including the antics of Chairman Zhang's lackey, and reminisced about the treasured memories they shared.

Laughter filled the air as they exchanged playful banter, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

The teacups were brought to their table, emanating gentle tendrils of steam. Li An poured the tea with practised precision, her movements graceful and steady.

The first sip brought a delightful warmth, spreading through their bodies and filling their hearts with contentment. It was a moment of blissful tranquillity, shared between two souls who had weathered life's storms together.

Hours slipped away as they lost themselves in each other's company. They laughed, they talked, and they cherished every minute. It was just like old times when they were inseparable before Li An's relationship and marriage with Ye Sheng came into the picture.

"I missed us, you know...missed this," Fong Cai confessed, his voice laced with nostalgia.

Li An nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of joy and sorrow. "I know. I missed it too. We used to have so much fun, but...we're not kids anymore."

Fong Cai chuckled softly, his laughter a balm to their shared memories. "No, we aren't. But that doesn't mean we still can't have fun."

Their conversation continued, flowing effortlessly as they finished their drinks. When the bill arrived, they paid for it and left the teahouse hand in hand, ready to explore a bit more before heading home.

"Let's walk around a bit more then head home?" Fong Cai suggested.


Outside, the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow over the city streets.

They walked together, their steps in sync, their hearts light. Li An and Fong Cai relished the beauty of the moment, knowing it was fleeting but grateful for the respite it provided.

Alas, this was a life that couldn't be their everyday routine, not until their families remained protected.

And the memories they had created and the bond they had strengthened would linger, providing warmth and comfort in the days to come.

"At least your uncle wouldn't be breathing down my neck that I did not treat his niece well," Fong Cai stated, his cheeks slightly flushed at the thought of the scolding he got back then.

"Well." She smiled and pressed his palm. "All he did, he did because he loved us. Just like what I would do for my Cheng."

"Aye, the same goes for Wei Ling. You see, our children have grown to be fine respectable men. All we need to do is see that they have a protected future."

They reached a small park, where a bench faced a serene pond adorned with lily pads and lotus flowers.

The water shimmered beneath the sunlight, and the harmonious chirping of birds filled the air. Li An couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as she gazed at the tranquil scene.

"It is beautiful here, isn't it? This place reminds me of my honeymoon," Li An mused, her voice tinged with wistfulness.

Fong Cai nodded, his gaze fixed on her. "You want to go down that road, thinking of Ye Sheng?" he asked gently.

Li An looked away, a blush gracing her cheeks. "Not entirely," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

They sat down on the bench, side by side, enveloped in the serenity of their surroundings. Fong Cai, unable to contain his curiosity, pushed the topic further.

"Why? Do you still love your ex-husband?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Li An's eyes met his, a mix of emotions dancing within them. "Yes, I still love him but I am happy now too," she sighed, a hint of melancholy in her voice.

Fong Cai understood. "You're worried about your son, aren't you?" he ventured, his voice gentle yet perceptive.

She nodded, her eyes revealing a mother's love.

"I know Ye Sheng wasn't the best father figure to Cheng, and now with this baby on the way, it makes me wonder if I am being too pushy, too demanding of my son and daughter-in-law."

Fong Cai reached out, his hand finding hers, offering reassurance.

"You're not pushy. You want the best for your family. It's natural to worry, to want to protect them."

Her eyes searched his, gratitude shining through. "Thank you for understanding," she whispered.

"But wait a minute," he chuckled lightly. "You want a grandchild that bad?"

"Of course!" Her eyes widened as her face lit up in a smile. "I don't care what you say, I love kids."

"Yes, maybe birthing one wouldn't be bad," he said lightly and burst into laughter.

She laughed with him though she felt a pang of pain at his words.

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