Moonlight Blue

Chapter 11: Naomi (6)

Last night.

As Naomi and the others were returning to the base. Naomi suddenly stopped and called out to Raizer. She instructed the others to give them a minute while they discussed something.

“When we arrive back at the base, they will capture us.” Said Naomi with a stern face.

“Wait, what? Where did you get all of that from?”

“Well, you did disobey their orders.”

“Yeah, but we managed to destroy the East Alley Gang. Won’t they pardon us for that?”

“That would be the case under normal circumstances.”

“What do you mean by that?” Asked Raizer as he narrowed his brows.

“The leaders are traitors.”

“What?!” shouted Raizer.

“And they are going to have you killed off. After, they’ll probably have us killed too.” Said Naomi as she looked at the others who were ten steps away.

Raizer looked at Naomi, not believing her.

“I need you to kill them.” Said Naomi with a sinister look.

“You going too far, Naomi. Plotting to kill the leaders just because of your assumptions. I can’t even recognise you now.”

“They need to die, Raizer. How do you think I was captured in the first place?”

Raizer kept silent not knowing how to respond to her.

“That’s because they set me up. They made a deal with the East Alley Gang. I don’t know what deal they made but whatever it was meant that I had to die. You’re a gifted now but they still don’t know that yet. Surprise them by releasing your power and kill them.”

The other leaders listen to Pops’ every command. There is no doubt that Pops will want us killed and he’ll use the excuse of Raizer and the others disobeying orders. All because he’s afraid of something. And that something probably has something to do with those magic guns and M-V bombs.

“Sorry sis, but I can’t do that.”

“Then you’ll die. And know that after you die, we’ll follow you. Whether we are executed or fighting to avenge you. That’s all I have to say. But you’ll understand what needs to be done tomorrow.” Said Naomi as they resumed their way back to the base.


Early morning, news about Pops dying in his sleep echoed throughout the base. Since his death was expected because of his old age and sickness, people didn’t look further in this matter. But just because no one looked into it didn’t mean no one was suspicious of what had happened. What shocked people that morning was the edict that Naomi revealed to everyone that stated about Raizer being dubbed the new leader of the West Alley Gang.

“What?!” exclaimed Eren shocked. Not only him but everyone was shocked including Raizer himself. “When did you get that?” asked Eren as he narrowed his eyes.

“Pops gave it to me himself last night.”

“Doesn’t that mean you were the last one to see him alive then.”

“I was. So?” asked Naomi as she glared at him.

“I just find it weird that you were the last one to see Pops alive.”

“Stop beating around the bush Eren and say what you mean.”

Eren stared at Naomi then everybody that was in the room.

I shouldn’t be hasty and say something I don’t have proof of.

“Anyway, even if it’s an edict. We can’t just make Raizer our leader. There are steps that need to be taken before that can happened.”

“You’re right. In the gang’s rule book, it says and I quote. “In the absence of all the leaders, the members of the gang shall decide on any decision by voting.” Now West Alley Gang. Who do you see leading us?”

The people started murmuring to themselves.

“Raizer is the only person in this family qualified to be our leader. Not only will his name strike fear in the hearts of our enemies but his power will make them realise what we are. We are no longer the weak gang we once were. Today, we are reborn like a phoenix. And Raizer is the only one who can show the people our rebirth.”

Everyone’s eyes sparkled as they all cheered for Raizer. Noise echoed throughout the base as Raizer was named the new leader. Eren, who could do nothing since Naomi had already won the crowd, forfeited his questions and walked away.

“Boss. Are we going to let them get away with this?” asked one of Eren’s underlings.

“We are not giving up. We are just retreating for now until an opportunity presents itself. We might have lost the battle, but the war is long far from over. I won’t forget this, Naomi.”

And just like that, the West Alley Gang was reborn with Raizer as the leader. Naomi, Jasper and Eren were also dubbed leaders but their role was to support Raizer. At least, that’s what Naomi said, who was the one who gave them those positions.

The other two gangs heard rumours about the person who defeated the East Alley Gang. They already knew about the East Alley Gang’s demise but the rumours, orchestrated by Naomi left chills down their spines. Thanks to those rumours, the two gangs didn’t quickly attack them which gave them time to heal and train. They instead, focused on the other bases the East Alley Gang owned.

And just like that, five years passed.

In the last base of the North Alley Gang. Explosions echoed throughout the building as people ran screaming.

“What the hell is going?” asked the person in charge of that base to a fleeing person.

“The West Alley Gang is attacking. Not only that, Razier is the one leading the charge.” Said the man terrified.

“What?!” exclaimed the leader shocked.

How come they are here already? And not only that but Raizer came himself. Doesn’t that mean this is the last base standing? Damn it. Thought the leader.

This was in fact the last remaining base of the North Alley Gang. Not only that, but they were also the only enemy base remaining in the entirety of Waham city. In these five years, the West Alley Gang grew very quickly by annihilating the enemy bases left and right.

This forced the two remaining gangs to form an alliance to fight against the growing West Alley Gang. But that was already in Naomi’s prediction. With Naomi’s orders and strategies, the West Alley Gang gained the upper hand on the war every single time.

And now, Raizer was just finishing up the leftovers. The roof of the building exploded as rubble came falling. The leader in charge of the base managed to survive but the people that were with him didn’t. They were flattened by the rubble.

From the giant hole formed in the roof of the building jumped Riazer who was followed by Eren. They landed and locked their sights on the one in charge.

“There you are, Charles.” Said Raizer as he smirked. “You know, you are a hard man to find.”

“Wait. Wait. Please don’t kill me. I’ll do anything you want so please spare me.”

Well, Naomi did say we should bring him back alive. I don’t know why though. Thought Raizer.

Before Raizer could tie Charles down, Eren pushed him out of the way and stabbed Charles in the heart. Charles jolted from the attack and looked at Eren’s eyes. “You don’t… know what you have done.” He said that as he collapsed to the ground.

“What are you doing?! We needed him alive.” shouted Raizer at Eren.

“We needed him alive? Wasn’t that your big sister.”

“Yeah, so.”

Eren clicked his tongue. “So, oh great leader. What was I supposed to do, huh? Charles has killed a lot of our people. Not only that, he was also the one responsible for making me an orphan. Was I supposed to let a scumbag like him live after all the terrible things he has done?”

Raiser didn’t know how to respond. Eren chuckled slightly. “And you call yourself a leader.”

“Don’t push your luck!” said Raizer as his eyes glowed and his hands crackled with embers.

“Now that’s what a leader should do. Instead of following orders from someone else like a bitch, the leader is the one who makes them. And if people don’t listen, then they enforce it.”

Raizer stopped and pondered what Eren had said.

“Who cares if Naomi needed him alive. You, the leader, needed him dead. That’s all there is to it. But if you’re scared that your big sister might spank you for disobeying her. You can always just tell her that Charles died after debris fell on him.” Said Eren as he walked past Raizer intentionally bumping on him with his shoulder.

Raizer was filled with rage. Not because of the way Eren talked to him. But because all he had said was the truth. Naomi was the one who always made the plans and gave the orders. Even the people of the gang don’t take Raizer seriously because of Naomi’s influence. And Eren’s words just poked the bee’s hive.

Back at the West Alley Gang base.

Raizer, Eren and the few people they brought for the mission were showered with praises for their victory. In Eren’s hand, he was dangling Charles head. People cheered even more when they saw his head hanging by itself since Charles was well-known especially for his cruel nature like killing someone’s loved ones in front of their eyes and sparring them so that they could be tormented.

Naomi, on the other hand, wasn’t happy about the results of this mission and called Raizer and Eren for a meeting.

“I thought I told you to bring him back alive?” shouted Naomi as she slammed her hand on the table. “Why did you disobey my orders?” Naomi looked directly at Eren who didn’t respond. Instead, Eren looked at Raizer.

“He had to die. We couldn’t… I couldn’t spare such a man.” Said Raizer as he glared at Naomi.

Naomi was shocked by Raizer’s answer. Raizer had never once disobeyed Naomi’s orders. That was because he trusted her. Another reason was because five years back, they were not in a good place. But now, times had changed.

“But I told you not to. We needed him alive. After getting all the information I wanted from him, I would have left him to you guys to do- “Naomi was cut short by Raizer.

“And what information did you want?”

Naomi was surprised by Raizer’s way of speech.

“We’ve defeated all the enemies we have. We finally have Waham under our control. Even the Lord of this city will do nothing against us. So, what information did you want from him?” asked Raizer angrily.

Naomi became annoyed as she glared at Raizer.

“Not answering. Well, that’s to be expected. You always kept things to yourself. Kinda like how you killed Pops.”

A look of shock spawned from Naomi’s face. This was surprising because she hadn’t told anyone about that. So, it was impossible for him to know about that. She turned and looked at Eren who was smiling besides Raizer.

I see. So, this bastard was behind everything. What did he tell Raizer for him to go against my order?

It turned out that when Raizer and Eren were returning, they had a little talk.

“I trust my sister, you know. I don’t know whether what you said to me was to get under my skin but thanks to my sister, we’ve accomplished so much.” Said Raizer to Eren.

“I know that. But are you going to spend the rest of your life doing what your sister tells you?”

Raizer couldn’t respond.

“Even though it’s thanks to Naomi that we’ve grown so much from before but you keep on forgetting that all of this was possible because of you. Your name, your power. That’s what made us reach the top. Never forget that.” Said Eren. He also decided to add a few words after. “And because you trust her, doesn’t mean she trusts you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“She was the one who killed Pops.”


“Yeah. It took me a long time but I finally figured it out. She was also the one responsible for having you be our leader. She did all of that so that she could use you. To her, you’re nothing but a chess piece. She has never once considered you as a leader.”

Raizer’s face became pale.

“Now, if she trusted you like you trust her, then why hasn’t she told you about Pops? Better yet, why hasn’t she told you why she needed Charles alive?”

Raizer pondered Eren’s words. Even though Raizer felt like Eren was trying to drive a rift between him and Naomi. Even he couldn’t ignore the signs anymore. Eren smiled in satisfaction.

Back at the meeting.

“Your silence is giving you away sister.”

“Raizer, I can explain.”

“No need Naomi. We are done here. I’m the leader of this gang. It’s time I acted like one.” Said Raizer as he stood up from the chair and exited the room. Eren followed behind him as he looked at Naomi with a smirk drawn all over his face.

That bastard. I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. He was always busy snooping around after I killed Pops but I wasn’t worried since I didn’t leave any evidence. He probably pieced everything together and gave Raizer a half-baked pie. My silence was the thing that turned that half-baked pie into a fully baked one.

Sigh, but Raizer chose a bad time to rebel. After I was so close. So close at finding who provided the East Alley Gang with those weapons five years ago and the person Pops was talking about. Damn it. Now I’m back to square one. Thought Naomi as she threw the chair against the wall, breaking it.

She sat at the corner of the room as she tried her best to hold her tears in.

Everything was weird these past years. The alliance of the South and North Alley gangs happened quicker than I anticipated. Not only that, but they also were equipped with magic weapons. I’m glad that they didn’t have magic guns. Maybe their benefactor couldn’t afford to waste another bunch of expensive weapons on nobodies like them.

The city soldiers were another nuisance. They busted a lot of our bases over the city but thanks to my quick thinking, I was able to set a bunch of traps for them. Some would even say that the soldiers were helping the two gangs. Yeah right.

Naomi took a huge sigh as she grabbed a cigarette out of her pocket. She lighted it as she took a huge puff out of it.

I swear, to think I’d be a smoker. It must be all the stress I’ve received all over these years. Sigh, fucking punks.

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