Moonlight Blue

Chapter 10: Naomi (5)

“What do you think you are doing outside of your cell, Naomi?” asked Eren.

“Well, it was quite stuffy in there so I decided to let myself out. What about you? What are you doing with my little brother?”

“Your brother was supposed to receive a death sentence but instead, killed all the leaders. It seems that he is a ‘gifted’ but I’m sure you knew that already, didn’t you?”

Naomi remained quiet as she looked at the tired Raizer.

Raizer hasn’t fully recovered from last night’s wounds. Not only that, but it seems that using this newfound power places a ton of strain on his body since he hasn’t adapted at using it. Was it a mistake to ‘ask’ him to do this?

“Your silence confirms my suspicion. The fact that you didn’t report Raizer as a gifted makes you a traitor. I’ll let Pops decide on what to do with you after I execute him personally.” Said Eren as he drew his sword, placing it on Raizer’s neck.

The people behind Naomi responded by readying themselves for a head on confrontation.

“I’m sorry but I can’t let you do that.”

“Hmph. Are you going to stand in my way then? We out number you two to one. It doesn’t matter if you fight back. Raizer is going to die today and so are you.” said Eren as the people behind him readied themselves too. Other people of the gang appeared from the shadows to support Eren.

Naomi raised her hand, signalling the people behind her to drop their weapons. They were all puzzled by Naomi’s order and awkwardly sheathed them.

“Oh, giving up is a wise choice.” Said Eren as he smirked.

“I’m not going to fight you guys. I’m not going to fight any of you. Because at the end of the day. I consider all of you as my family.”

Eren was puzzled by the route Naomi was taking. “What are you up too?”

Naomi looked around the room, gazing at the members of the gang that had gathered due to the commotion.

“We can’t afford to fight against each other at this moment. While we are busy fighting, the South and North Alley Gangs are getting news about the destruction that befell the East Alley Gang. With one gang gone, the balance of power is tilting. If we fight against each other now, then our gang will be the next to fall.”

Everyone grew anxious at Naomi’s words. They started murmuring to each other about that possibility.

“Even if what you say is true. Are you trying to tell us that we should forget about what Raizer has done? What he did is the most traitorous act in this gang. It can’t go unpunished.” Said Eren infuriated with rage.

The people’s favour changed back to Eren once again.

“True. But do you think it is a wise idea to kill the very person who was able to single handily defeat Mike, the leader of the East Alley Gang? Not only that but destroyed their base in one fell swoop.”

Everyone gasped in shock. The East Alley Gang, even though it wasn’t at the top of all the gangs was still well known and feared. And the reason for their reputation was their leader, Mike, who was well adept at using mana. Even the leaders of the West Alley Gang feared him and never dared to anger him.

“You’re lying.” Said Eren as he narrowed his brows.

“Maybe I am. But think about it for a second. How were we able to escape out of their base with only twenty people who infiltrated it? How did the base crumble down in flames?”

Everyone then gazed at the scorched room before looking at Raizer. They had already concluded. Raizer and the others who knew this wasn’t the truth had sweat drip down their cheeks.

Eren paused for a moment and pondered about what Naomi had just said.

What she’s said makes sense. The other gangs will be coming for our heads since we are the weakest out of all the gangs. They probably don’t know that it was our gang that destroyed the East Alley Gang but if they do and we kill the only person who could strike fear into them, then we would be wiped out without a doubt.

And knowing Naomi, she’ll probably fight back to avenge her brother which would cause a lot of causalities in our gang making it an easy target.

If what she says about Raizer is true, then we do need him. But he still has to face some sort of punishment.

“What you say makes sense. But it still doesn’t change the fact that he killed our leaders. He needs some sort of punishment.”

Naomi smiled as they had taken the bait. She called out for Irene who appeared with some people who were all carrying sacks filled with something. They threw the sacks on the floor and silver coins glided out of them as they slide on the floor. The wasn’t only silver coins but other valuable treasures too.

Everyone gasped in shock at the sight of the amount of treasure that was laying before them.

“I’m willing to donate all this money to the gang’s treasury for Raizer’s sins to be pardoned with and also for my people and myself.”

When a person committed a sin or didn’t follow an order, there were many ways for that person to be forgiven. They could either do a set of missions without getting paid or face a punishment given out by the leaders. Another way was to pay an amount of money or anything of value, but that route wasn’t commonly used since the members of gangs never really had the riches to pay for their sins to be pardoned. And right now, Naomi was paying an absurdly high price for that.

Eren who was also shocked by the amount of money in front of him collected his thoughts.

So, she planned for all of this to happened. This amount of money is enough to have them all pardoned from their sins. Not only that, but it seems she also managed to win over the people with her sweet words and money. Even though I want to kill this son of a bitch for killing the captain, I can’t. Doing that will turn everyone here against me. But what I want to know is if she is also involved in Raizer killing everyone here?

Jasper who was surprised and amazed by what was going pondered to himself.

Huh, so that’s what the shovel was for. Last night when we were returning. Big sis told us to bury the treasure before arriving at the base. She said that it was for insurance, but I didn’t know that the insurance she was talking about was this. Jasper then smiled. That’s my big sister.

“Now since that matter is handled. There is also another matter that I would like to talk about.” Said Naomi.

“Before you continue talking. We still need Pops’ opinion on all of this. I’ll go and talk with him- “ Eren was interrupted by Naomi.

“No. I’ll go and talk to him. I’ve been meaning to speak with the old man.”

Eren narrowed his brows to what Naomi had just said.


Later that day, at night.

Naomi visited Pops at his bedroom. There, Pops rested as he coughed bits and pieces of his life away.

“It seems your illness is getting worse, old man.” Said Naomi.

“Hehe, it seems you’ve finally come, lass. I heard of what you did for young Razier. I was impressed when I heard it.”

“Really? I’m glad to hear you say that.”

Pops chuckled. “I knew that boy had a power inside of him. And now he has finally awoken it.”

Naomi didn’t respond.

“I’m also glad to see that you’re also doing fine young lass. I was worried sick when I heard you were taken away by those barbarians. I’m proud of you. Even though I don’t have a daughter but I would like you to know that I consider you as my own daughter.”

Naomi sat down on the bed next to Pops and held his hand. Pops smiled in satisfaction. Naomi then squeezed Pops hand as he groaned in pain.

“Cut the sentimental bullshit old man. I’m not so naïve as the rest of your so-called children. Did you think I would fall for that just because you said some flowery words at me?” said Naomi with rage all over her face.

“W-what do you mean?”

“You left me for dead at the hands of the enemy.” Said Naomi as she released his hand. “You call me your daughter but you see us as nothing more than disposable pawns.”

Pops paused for a moment. “You, out of everyone here knows that we couldn’t do anything about the matter. If we would have acted then war would have broken out and we wouldn’t have won it no matter what. You were a necessary sacrifice.”

“See. That’s what I also thought at first. The thing about being locked up is that you get some time with your thoughts. You get to think and realise some things. Now tell me, Pops. When you mean ‘necessary sacrifice’, do you mean setting me up?” Naomi said as she glared at Pops.

There was a little shock on his face but he shrugged it off. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, you were the one who told me to get concrete evidence about the East Alley Gang even after I told you about the information I had about them. I thought about it real hard. What kind of concrete evidence were you looking for?”

“Where are you getting at?”

“What I mean is that you’re the one who set me up, old man.”

Pops kept a solemn face as he looked at Naomi. “And what makes you think I was the one who did that? What would I have to gain on you being dead?”

“Don’t know. Maybe you hated me because I wanted to fight. All you’ve been telling us since we were young was that a balance must be kept. That we shouldn’t fight. But because of an over-ambitious girl who started an info gathering division to help strengthen our position, you were threatened. Not because I started the info gathering division but because I was actually good at it. And so, when I came with information about the East Alley Gang, you decided to work with them to have me killed. Tell me if I’m getting hotter.”

Pops let out a huge sigh. “You were always the smart one out of the bunch.”

“But what I don’t get is why, Pops. Why did you want me killed?” asked Naomi with a face filled with sorrow.

“We are facing something that is bigger than all of us here. I did what I thought was right for this family.”

“Does this ‘bigger thing’ have something to do with the magic guns and M-V bombs they had?”

A look of shock was written all over Pops’s face. “How did you know?”

“Doesn’t matter. Tell me, Pops. What the hell is going on? Why did you betray us? Why did you betray me?” asked Naomi frustrated.

Pops chuckled slightly, “I can’t tell you that. The only thing you had to be was a sacrifice. But instead, you fucked everything up. Do you think just because you managed to defeat the East Alley Gang, that makes you strong? You have no idea what’s coming and you destroying them has just made things even worse.”

Naomi ignored his words and took out some parchment paper, handing it to Pops.

“What’s this?” asked Pops stunned.

“Well, since you’re not going to tell me what’s going on, you might as well sign this edict.”

“What is it for?”

“Oh, it basically states about you are making Raizer the leader of this gang. It just needs your signature.”

“And why do you think I will sign this?”

“I don’t. But if you don’t then I’ll tell everyone about what you did. About how you conspired with the East Alley Gang to have the entire gang destroyed. How do you think everyone will take that? The very laws you created; you were the one who broke the most important one of them all.”

Pops looked over the document before letting out a big sigh.

“But if you sign this, then at least everyone will remember you as the Pops that raised us. The kind and loving Pops who valued the gang over everything else.”

“Remember?” asked Pops surprised.

“Yes. Did you think I would let you live after conspiring to have me killed? Not only that but you voted for Raizer to be executed.”

“So, it is like that.” Said Pops as he signed the document.

“Thank you.” said Naomi as she took the document. “Now, any last words?” asked Naomi as she took a pillow.

“This was your plan all along, wasn’t it? You made Raizer kill the other leaders even though you knew they weren’t traitors so that you can make him the leader who you will be able to use however you want. That brilliance of yours. If I knew that it was this dangerous, I wouldn’t have saved you from the streets when you were just a new-born baby.”

Naomi smiled.

“I would have left you for dead. Hell, I would have killed you with my own two hands.” Shouted Pops at Naomi as the pillow suffocated the life out of his lungs.

As Pops’ twitching body fell cold. Naomi looked at him and spoke. “You are wrong Pops. I would never use my brother like that. Now, go to hell you conniving old man.”

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