MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 18 You have Twelve Hours

In Genesis Flame Empress sighed before saying. 

"Though it's not surprising he accepted it is still a loss for the human race." 

"I hate to say it so bluntly to a friend, but it is your human's own fault this has happened." Silver Queen replied. 

"Unfortunately, mother, aunt Tanelia is correct about this, if the humans in Dawnscape city had treated him with even a modicum of respect things may have turned out differently." Red Rose pointed out. 

"I know I am just disappointed we will lose such a valuable individual for the human race." 

"I'm afraid your race lost him when they first started mistreating him, though I will say he does not seem to be completely against the human race since he has treated Sarah with kindness and respect." Oracle pointed out.

The other woman nodded in agreement before Fire Empress turned to Tia. 

"Tia, are you ready to announce our punishment?" 

"I am, though with the new development of John Michaels moving to the central continent I will not announce this immediately." 

"Since John Michaels stated that he did not wish for innocents to be harmed in the punishment I will change some of the planned actions." 

"Though it is impossible to not harm the innocents completely since a punishment has to be carried out, I will focus the human race's punishment on select individuals rather than the race as a whole, though you will still lose Stone-mist castle." 

Fire Empress and Red Rose sighed in relief after hearing this before the Fire Empress said. 

"Thank you, Tia." 

Tia simply looked at her before saying. 

"Do not thank me, it was John Michaels' choice on how the human race should be punished and I am just following his wishes, if he had not said anything and left everything up to me the human race would also have lost Dragon-claw Bay for attempting to poison John Michaels." 

Upon that realization all four women gulped at the level of punishment Tia was prepared to pass down, losing both of their great ocean raid resources would have damaged the human race in ways they could not imagine. 

"As for the actual punishment you will learn when I announce it in Genesis but in the meantime, I have a suggestion for each of you: Leader of the Elves and Leader of the Humans." 

At this silver Queen and Fire Empress gave their full attention to Tia because they knew a suggestion from her was something they should not dismiss lightly. 

"First off I will delay the announcement of the punishment for twelve hours, this will give time for the Elves to collect and transport John Michaels to the central continent, so he is not in any danger when I pass judgment because the humans of Dawnscape city will not be happy." 

"Leader of the Humans Empress Alexia Bristle, you have twelve hours to get trusted people to Dawnscape city so that when judgment is passed you can have them move to apprehend all involved individuals, also I suggest you carry out a thorough investigation into this incident and into your privy council." 

"Leader of the Elves I only have one piece of advice for you, treat John Michaels well, if my assumption is correct, he is far more important to Atlantia than any of you realize." 

As she finished speaking Tia disappeared leaving the four women to wonder what she meant by her last words. 




"Sarah, John, Tia has decided to delay the announcement of the human race's punishment for twelve hours, in that time I will send over a private aircraft to pick you up and bring you here John, is that acceptable?" Tanelia asked through Sarah's access band. 

"That's fine, it's not like I have anything to pack." John answered. 

"Very good, just make sure to bring your access band with you so we can do an update when you get here, just don't put it on and try not to let it come into direct contact with your skin anymore, we will also have you go through a full medical checkup upon arrival to make sure the poison has not spread to far." 

"Understood," John agreed before the next voice to appear from the bangle was Alexia's. 

"Mr. Michaels I once again apologize for what has happened and I hope in time we can try to earn back your trust and respect." 

John did not reply so after a few seconds they heard Alexia sigh before saying. 

"Mark my words, the people who wronged you will face severe punishment for their actions." 

"Sarah, return to the capital and come see me in the palace. There are things we need to discuss." 

"Understood Auntie." Sarah said before turning to John. 

"Well Mr. Michaels it was a pleasure and an experience to meet you, I wish you safe travels to the central continent and hope your life from now on is much more peaceful and enjoyable." 

"Thank you, Miss Lapis, it was a pleasure to meet you also and I hope you learn to be a better judge of men." John replied with a smile. 

"Boo." Sarah pointed playfully before getting up and moving towards the door. 

"I hope we meet again Mr. Michaels." 

"That would be nice Miss Lapis." 

After which Sarah left the shack, closing the door. 




In Empress Alexia's office herself and Adria woke up after logging out of Genesis. 

After gathering herself Alexia turned towards her study door and called. 


A moment later Maria entered and spoke. 

"Yes majesty?" 

"Summon General Vimes at once." 

Although surprised Maria bowed before working her access band. 

A few minutes later a knock came from the study door. 

"Enter." said Alexia, who was now drinking tea along with Adria. 

The door opened and a large man entered, he had several scars on his face, the most obvious being a large one crossing his left eye. 

"Majesty, Highness." HE said with a bow before approaching and standing at attention before Alexia's desk." 

"General Vimes you are to immediately deploy the army to Dawnscape city, but you must do so in absolute secrecy so that no one in the city realizes." 

Upon hearing the command General Vimes, Maria and Roberta were all surprised. 

"Majesty, may I ask why? I have heard of nothing needing the military's attention." 

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you the exact reason now, all I can tell you is that you have twelve hours to get your people into position before Tia makes an announcement, you are then to apprehend all persons Tia mentions in her announcement by any means necessary." 

There was silence for a moment before the General asked rather hesitantly. 

"Majesty is Tia about to announce a punishment on Dawnscape City?" 

Alexia looked at the man for a moment before sighing and saying. 

"Not just on Dawnscape City General." 

"Shit." The general cursed as Maria and Roberta showed concern over what was just hinted at. 



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