MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 17 Vedui’ tári Tanelia Kaegwyn, Saesa omentien lle

"Even though I do not blame you I will not show you any respect or address you as my empress because the human race really does mean nothing to me." 

There was silence for a moment before Alexia sighed and spoke. 

"I see, I understand, and I once again apologize for how you have been treated, even though you claim I am not to blame that is not really the case." 

"As the ruler of the human race it is my responsibility to make sure all my citizens live as comfortable a life as possible and, on that part, I have failed but mark my words I already planned to follow your advice and perform a cleaning of the Dawnscape officials. 

"I will also conduct investigations into my own advisers as to why this never reached my ears before now, on a last note I should thank you for not accepting Tia's offer of punishing the human race however you wish and even going as far as requesting she does not punish the innocent." 

"On this you have my gratitude." 

John only nodded in response to Alexia's words and there was silence again before Tia spoke up. 

"Very well, I am prepared to pass judgment on the human race." 

"Already? I thought you said you had questions for me?" John asked. 

"I did but you answered many of them when you stated why you don't care for the human race, I thank you for assisting me in my investigation and I will be sure you are compensated for the mistreatment you have received." 


"Please wait a moment Tia, may I request to speak to the boy for a moment?" Silver Queen suddenly asked, catching everyone's attention. 

Tia looked at her for a moment before nodding and granting permission. 


"John Michaels, this is Queen Tanelia Kaegwyn, Tia has granted me permission to speak to you." 

John and Sarah both looked surprised for a moment before John replied 

"Vedui' tári Tanelia Kaegwyn, Saesa omentien lle." (Translation: Greetings queen Tanelia Kaegwyn, pleasure to meet you) 

Sarah as well as the four women in Genesis and even Tia were shocked when John greeted in the Elvish language. 

"You speak our language?" Tanelia asked in surprise. 

"A little, as I said I picked some things up from the time I spent in the school library avoiding the bullies." 

"Impressive, what other languages do you speak?" 

"A few, though claiming I can speak them is a stretch." Michael replied calmly 

"Well John I would like to invite you to come stay in the capital of the elves Asyath Serin." 


"Tanelia!, what is the meaning of this?" Fire Empress asked. 

Silver Queen ignored her, however, and waited for John's answer. 


John was silent for a moment before he asked. 

"May I ask why?" 

"You said yourself you never left Dawnscape City before because you did not have the means, the money or a location in mind, I am offering you a location and I can provide the means by sending an aircraft to pick you up." Tanelia replied. 

"That still does not answer why you're making me this offer." 

"Because you are wasted where you are, you're far too smart an individual to be stuck doing menial labor all your life, I believe that if you got the chance to enter Genesis you would be very successful there and it makes me want to see that." 

"Also, I believe that time away from the humans who have mistreated you all your life would do you good in mending your dislike towards your own race." 

Everyone was silent for a moment, giving John time to think before Tia spoke up again. 

"I approve of this, and I will even make a special exception for you." 

"A special exception?" John asked as the other ladies also looked curiously at Tia. 

"Correct, under normal circumstances when a player first enters Genesis, they are placed on their race's continent to grant them a better start in game rather than being surrounded by enemies." 

"However, in your case if you agree to go stay in Asyath Serin I will also make your starting location the central continent along with the elves and other races that reside there." 

Everyone was surprised by Tia's suggestion as this had never happened before, no race had ever started on a continent other than their own. 

"Even if I was willing to agree, would I be able to find work in Asyath Serin to make money?" 

Before Tanelia could reply Tia spoke up once again. 

"That won't be necessary, included in the human race's punishment will be a clause stating that Dawnscape city has to pay you all the financial support they missed for the past eleven years, also from my announcement onward you will automatically receive two percent of all earnings the Dawnscape guild makes from any of its endeavors in Genesis." 

There was silence once again, while John was surprised, he would be receiving all his missed financial support in one lump sum. 

The women were all shocked that he would receive two percent of a guild's future earnings. 

Two percent may sound like a small amount but when you consider what a guild earns on a daily basis it was a huge amount. 

Guilds earnings came from multiple sources, entry tolls for entering the towns, cities, mines or dungeons that were under their control. 

Taxes for any buying or selling of goods in these locations. 

Selling of items gained by the guild from killing of mobs or other players, dungeons, materials from there mines 

And that was only the minimum everyone was aware of. 

"John with that two percent income from the Dawnscape guild alone you never need to work another day in your life." Sarah informed John with a smile. 

"Really? It's that much?" John asked unsure. 

"You would not know since you have never been on Genesis, but guilds can make astronomical amounts of money each day from their members' activities." 

"I see." John replied, nodding before adding. 

"Even if that is the case I can't play, however." He said before pointing to his access band. 

"That won't be a problem, I will authorize the immediate update of your access band to the latest model, if you decide to stay in Asyath Serin the update will be conducted there." Tia announced. 

"Very well I guess I have no reason to refuse everyone's generous offers." 



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