MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Slaughter of the Heinous.

"Oii bitch!!! Wake up or do you want me to torture you." A man said in a tone resembling a pirate.

He was threatening a teenage girl who was sitting on a chair and her one hand tied to a pole with ropes. The girl had ash blonde hair with two buns of hair on her head and was wearing a school uniform, which would anyone think that these criminals who are known for human trafficking had kidnapped her but it was different.

"Ne~... What will you do to me? Will you cut me? Make me bleed?... But people make others bleed when they love them... so you love me, but I don't love you, Uncle..." The girl started blabbering things with a blush on her face.

The constant blabbering from the girl made the man lose his already short temper.

"SHUT YOUR TRAP!! WILL YA?!" The man shouted at the girl but took some deep breaths to calm himself down and then he grabbed her face with one hand and squeezed it.

"Now tell me why did you kill Akio? Was there some personal grudge or someone sent you to deal with him? Whatever your answer is, it will result in your death. But whether you answer or not decides how will you die.

If you answer, I will give you a quick death but if you don't, I will make you a vegetable and sell you to the slave market. You know there are a lot of people with a lot of interests. I am sure someone will find you attractive enough and give love to your vegetable self.

I hope you will answer me or I don't think you will like being fucked while you cannot do anything besides seeing yourself getting fucked." The man threatened the girl and lifted his grasp off her face.

"Hah hah... That was some intense thing Uncle... But I already said I don't like you. And I liked how Akio was being beaten by another guy, so I killed that guy and had some fun with Akio. He really made some good expressions when I said some words of my thoughts to him..." The girl had her face red with blush and her eyes trembling.

"Fucking Psychopath!! Akio had to die in the hands of one. He was the most competent man under me and this bitch had to kill him..." The man complained and then looked at the girl, "Since you answered, I will give you a quick death...

BOYS!!! Play with her until she breaks and begs for death, then kill her as then her last wish will be fulfilled." The man turned and was about to leave,

"Hey Uncle... You didn't introduce yourself." The girl said in her usual girly and cheery tone.

"Well... it doesn't matter what my name is... because you will die."

"If you don't introduce yourself, then I will... My name is Himiko Toga. You can call me Toga-san, Uncle. And I love blood."

The man didn't listen to her ramblings and left the room. The grunts who ordered to 'play' were now excited and started approaching their play toy.

"A good material for today, I was already bored with the kids. Now we will get some fine meat in thighs and breast."

"Want me to videotape it? We can show to others how we got a fine chick while they are still fucking kids."

"Yeah... Yeah... Do that."

While the grunts were busy talking to themselves, Himiko started shaking as her hands and legs trembled. The grunts noticed the 'fear' in the girl.

"Hey, guys look... She is trembling in fear."

"No... I am not trembling in fear... I am trembling in love and excitement.. that you will be making love with me... Hey, Uncle in a green shirt... Come and kiss me... I can't wait anymore."

Himiko's invitation made the grunt with the green shirt more excited. He never have thought that a beautiful girl will invite him to have sex. The other grunts encouraged the Grunt in the green shirt. He then moved forward and was close to Himiko.

"Do it Uncle... Kiss me..."

Himiko again urged the Grunt. He closed his eyes, lowered his face, and kissed her. The other grunts cheered for their colleague.

The Grunt then pushed his tongue inside Himiko's mouth. His tongue snaked around her mouth. He was having fun and Himiko's hand started roaming around Grunt's body, tracing his body with her delicate hands. She then delicately squeezed his butt. The grunt thought the girl was really getting into it. But,

After a few moments, The Grunt's eyes widened and he tried to pull back from the kiss but he couldn't. He opened his eyes and looked at Himiko, who had the usual crazed look in her eyes but this time these crazed eyes were more horrifying to him. He could see the love but it was not for him... That love was bloodthirst mixed with some craziness in her eyes.

A knife came and stabbed into the head of the Grunt. He fell down on the ground with his tongue out which was bleeding profusely.

The Grunt who was just having time of his life was now lying on the ground lifelessly.

"I call that Kiss of Death... Hehehehehe...." Himiko stood on the chair and cut the rope with the knife, freeing her other hand.

The grunts were shocked to see one of their friend who was enjoying a kiss, die in front of them.

"Now Uncles... I am not satisfied with this much blood... I need more... I need more... Would you be kind enough to give me some donations? I promise it won't hurt that much." She said and lunged towards the grunts. The grunts also attacked Himiko.

'Hehehehe... This is so~ good. Give me blood... More Blood.'


[Shido's POV]

"Go Ahead. Make my day."

Just as I said my one-line before the fight, the grunts who had assembled and circled me, rushed forward without any preparation. They thought they can win because they are numerous while I am one.

I shot several bullets and each bullet hit one grunt, reaping the grunt's life. With this, I started thinning out their numbers. The grunts rushed with more speed and finally came close to me. They prepared their attacks. So I did the same.

I took the Uzi back and took out the second katana which was strapped to my back. I then slashed the person closest to me with the dual katanas. The slashing went on and on, but the grunts only increased as the backup came, so I took back the katanas and two sawn-off shotguns came in my hands.

With these babies out, I started pulling the trigger and each bullet claimed the life of a grunt with an explosion of flesh, blood, and internal organs.

This time, the numbers started thinning out profusely.


After cleaning the grunts on the ground floor, I took the way to the office of the Boss of this business and these criminals. On my way, I encountered grunts who tried to kill me with surprise attacks but all they met was a bullet to the head and what I saw is a head explosion, splashing brains, eyes popping out of sockets.

[Ground Floor] - Grunts.

[1st Floor] - Grunts.

[2nd Floor] - Boss Floor.

On the second floor, I fought several grunts armed with high caliber guns but all of that was for naught again because I was faster than them in aiming and pulling the trigger. I cleaned all the grunts that came in my way.

I am now currently standing in front of a metal door. I knocked and tried to open the door; surprisingly the door was open.

I went inside and saw a girl in school uniform, sitting on a bleeding body of a man and drinking his blood with a straw. The man was flailing like a fish out of water but he couldn't do anything to the girl as his body was powerless, only capable to flail and shout. The two of them were surrounded by dead bodies of several grunts.

The man saw me entering through the door.

"Hey... Hey... Help Me... Help Me... This bitch..aah!! ...She will kill me... She will kill me... AAAHHHH.... HELP ME..." He shouted, in hope that I will save him.

I ignored his shouts of help and focused on the familiar-looking girl who was sitting on the man's body.

The girl was sipping the blood casually, without any pause. After her 'drink session' ended, she stood up and turned towards me.

"Thank you for waiting for me to complete my drink... Now, where was I?" She then took a knife and stabbed it in the man's head, relieving the man from his misery. Watching someone drink your blood through a straw, when you are dying from blood loss is not a good scene for anyone.

"So Mister?... I don't know about you... So what can I do for you?"

"Himiko Toga?"

The girl's eye widened and her smile vanished for a moment but it returned back to her usual cheery smile and crazed eyes.

"You know me?... Well, it's nice to see people who know me.... then you should know about my love for blood too right? Right? Then...

...Give me your blood..."

She said and lunged towards me with a knife in her hand, intending to slit my throat.

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