MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

School Girl and Kids.

I was standing in front of a girl wearing a school uniform with a knife in her hand. She said some things and lunged towards me with the intention to kill me.

So the most conscious move I made is, I raised my hand like a knife and let the girl come close to me. When she was at an appropriate distance, she slashed on my abdomen. I took a step back and evaded the incoming slash and then made a slash with my hand knife on her neck.

Her eyes rolled back, with her usual facial expressions vanishing into a dumb expression and she fell down on the ground unconscious.

I checked her again if she is really unconscious or not. Himiko may not have the most powerful quirk but she is exceptionally good at sneak attacks and manipulation and I don't want to leave my back unguarded against such an enemy.

After confirming that she is really unconscious, I took out a rope and tied her to a pole without leaving any room for movement. I then searched around the office of the boss of this warehouse. The boss is dead now as he was the man who was asking for my help earlier when Himiko was drinking his blood.

I found a broken computer and a file cabinet as the only useful thing in the entire office. There were some gold bars and briefcases filled with money in a safe but they are not that useful to me, as I have {HESOYAM} but it doesn't mean this money is not useful to others. I took the computer, file cabinet, and gold bars with money briefcases inside the Inventory.

'Giving this money to the orphanages will be a good idea.'

I got a good purpose for this money which was obtained by heinous acts. I will donate this money to the orphanages which are barely sustaining themselves.

I couldn't donate to these orphanages earlier because I don't know the origins of the money coming from {HESOYAM} and that money can easily be converted into any currency. And the money which I just took from the safe is coming from the monetary flow/economic system of Japan of this world.

This money was taken from the monetary flow and was stored as black money. I will let this money go back into the monetary flow of Japan by donating this money to the orphanages. This will not affect the market too much. And I am not so sure about suddenly introducing money of unknown origins ({HESOYAM} Money) to the market.

I use {HESOYAM} money to make some purchases such as the two residences and information from Giran. The money I spent is probably is stored in Giran's safe as black money and if he tries to turn the black money into white, he will slowly do that by Shell Corporations or any fake charitable trust. Whatever he does, he will make that money go into the market slowly and gradually. It will affect the economy definitely but not to that extent if I would have just used it directly.


After taking everything useful from the office, I went to the basement of the warehouse. When I went down there, I saw 20-25 children locked in cages. All the children were awoken even if it was midnight.

'Probably the sound of the fight above must have woke them up.'

I saw the kids huddled up together and crying. All of them were at the tender age of 4-5 years. I saw some of them calling out for their parents while crying loudly, without knowing whether their cries will be answered or not, they just cried. Some said incomprehensible words while crying and some kids tried to act mature and made an effort to calm others down but they also had constant tears rolling down their cheeks. They may act mature but they are still 4-5 years old.

Looking at what was happening in front of me, I didn't know how to react to this.

Should I be angry and disgusted or stay neutral when facing such a scenario in front of me?

Should I go on a rampage on these child traffickers all around Japan or just sit through this and let the heroes handle this because it does not affect me in any way?

Should I act like a hero here and console them or just free them and leave?

All these questions were going in my mind as I stood there and saw the children sleeping in cages. I was stuck in between the extremes. Do it all or just don't do it. When facing such scenarios, People do one of the two things, either they confront it or they refuse to even look at it and that is what is happening to me now.

If only killing villains were part of this Vigilante work, then I would've done that without any problem but moments like these which makes my mind have contradicting thoughts make me question why am I even doing this. And this is much harder when I don't have any serious reason behind it besides the reason it adds excitement to my mundane life.

'But why killing a villain is easier to me than watching this. Am I this sensitive? I wish the calming effect of the system could also stop these unnecessary thoughts.'

(The Calming Effect of the System only works on Feelings, not the thoughts which make you feel that specific feeling.)

Maybe I can kill villains easily because I don't feel anything towards them. No Resentment, No Hatred, No Anger, No Sympathy, Nothing. When I kill a villain that I have decided I will kill, I don't feel a bit of remorse or any feeling towards them.

I started doing this because I wanted to grow stronger and save Eri. Now I have achieved both but I am still doing this. The reason being I want excitement in life. I can get excitement and happiness from spending time with Fuyumi and Eri but still, I am doing this. The last time I faltered was after talking with Endeavor and now this time.

Even if I illusion myself to think that I am determined to do the Vigilante work but I still falter.

While I was thinking, A thought came to me. What if this happened to Eri? What would I do at that time? What would I feel at the moment when I will find Eri is missing and is locked in some cage?

The parents of these kids must be feeling anxious or the feelings I don't even know. I think will be in the same position as the parents of these kids, when something like this happens to Eri.

So I will help these kids reach their parents.

I may not be able to save every kid out there facing the same predicament but I will help whoever I can reach and these kids are definitely in reach.

'Maybe accepting the fact that I am doing this for no good reason is the best for me.....'


I walked to one of the cages and touched the bars of the cage. The kids who were inside the cage saw me and started crying much louder when they saw me.

"PAPA... MAMAA!!!..."


'It must be because of my suit. I may look like a mercenary to these kids. And I don't think I can do anything to console them with this suit and my cold-hearted parent personality.'

I knew I was terrible at consoling kids but still, I need to do something that can keep them quite for

I used Overhaul to make the bars bend to make a big opening for the kids to come out. I did this for all the cages.

The kids stopped crying when they saw me opening the cages. They started coming out of the cages one by one and gathered together but they kept their distance from me. I guess they are wary of me and that was natural and expected. How come a kid will trust someone after they were kidnapped and were kept in literal cages.

But still, I had to make an effort in consoling them,

"I am here to save you. I already have defeated the bad guys so you are safe now."

"...How can we believe you?!" One of the kids shouted.

"Believe it or not. I did what I just said. The ones responsible to send you back to your parents will be the police and the heroes... Now I presume you have been poorly treated and must've been poorly fed, so are you guys hungry?"

There was no answer to my question, so I turned back and left the basement. I locked the door of the basement because I don't want the kids to come up to the 1st floor and see the mess of blood and internal organs that I have created.

I went outside the warehouse and took out a flare gun. I shot several shots in succession in the air. I intended to make the authorities aware of this place. I don't want to take the task of sending each child to their parent so I will outsource the work to the police and heroes and let them have some piece of the credits.

I only came to kill the criminals thinking that this was the office but it turned out to be a storage and these kids were mistakenly saved by me, so now I will have to complete the 'saving' as well as I cannot just go away and let the kids stay in this warehouse which is in middle of nowhere of a forest outside the city.

After that, I went back to the basement. I was now again standing in front of the gathered children who were definitely not in a good shape. So instead of asking again if they are hungry or not, I took out every food product I had in the Inventory for the kids to eat.

I usually store snacks and some readily edible food products in Inventory for rainy days. I store the snacks inside Inventory especially because Eri usually snoops around the kitchen to find something to eat as she wants to eat while binge-watching cartoons and I know a fact that people eat more when they are in front of a screen, so I hide them in the Inventory so she only gets the permissible amount of snacks in a day.


The kids were shocked to see the packets of snacks coming out of nowhere. After some time, They were looking at me with respect and fascination. As I said before, kids are simple-minded. there is still some wariness but not to the extent before my act of bringing food out of nowhere, happened.

"Make a line and come to me one by one. I will give each of you one packet of snacks. You will get a second one if you complete your first packet."

I gave them instructions to come and get the snacks from me civilly, so there will be an efficient division of food among the children but it seems like they didn't even hear what I just said.

"*Sigh* Make a line and come to me one by one. I will give each of you one packet of snacks. You will get a second one if you complete your first packet."

I gave the instructions again but the children are still standing without any movement.

'Why these kids are not like Eri? Eri easily came into the bag when I told her to during the Raid on Shie Hassaikai Base.'

I then picked up the snacks and had to give the packets to each kid individually. The kids meekly took the packets and started eating from their respective packets. After the kids completed their first packet of snacks, I gave them a second packet. This continued till 3rd round and then the snacks ended. I then took the empty packets back from them because I don't want to leave any evidence with these kids.

I then heard the sound of sirens coming from outside the warehouse. So I quickly activated {AEZAKMI} and disappeared from the crowd of gathered kids. But I remembered that I forgot about something or more specifically I forgot about someone.

I quickly went to the 3rd Floor and found Himiko still tied to the pole and unconscious. I opened her ties from the pole but kept the ties of her hands and legs. I took out the duct tape and put it on her face covering her mouth. Who knows when she could bite me and if Fuyumi saw me having a bite mark from another girl, She will probably kill Himiko first, and then me, or maybe I will be tied to a chair in her basement or some other things that Yanderes do.

After the preparations were over, I hoist her over my shoulder and fused my palm with her leg, so she is also connected to me and will share the effect of {AEZAKMI}. And then, in the end, I threw a card on the dead body of the Boss of this warehouse.


The police entered the warehouse and saw the dead bodies. They were shocked that someone killed all these people and then used a flare gun to let the authorities know about the place. They continued their way and searched the entire warehouse. When they were finished with the three floors, they checked the basement and were shocked to see the kids in the basement.

They quickly cleaned the dead bodies on the first floor as the kids need to be taken out of this place as soon as possible and these kids cannot be exposed to this horrifying scene of blood and gore that is on each of the floors of the warehouse...

The police escorted the kids out of the warehouse but they had to blindfold the kids before escorting them out, as they could not clean the blood on the floor and walls so quickly. A large number of police vans were already standing in wait for the children.

Once the kids left in the police vans, the police started investigating the area and the warehouse.

And I was watching all of that from a corner while being invisible to the eyes of these people.

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