MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.


I came back to my house from the HID with a little Himiko in my arms. She also had her little arms wrapped around my neck, looking at everything with great interest like everything was new to her.

I gently put her to the ground so she could walk on her own but when her feet touched the ground and she tried to support her own weight, she wobbled. I caught her back before she could fall.

It seems like her body still needs some time to the changes made by the rewind.

After that, I gave her Eri's clothes to wear because they are of the same age, then I asked some questions about how we met and some things about her past, but she gave only one answer,

"I don't know that... Papa~!!!" Himiko answered in her cheery voice.

She now has no memories of me or her past. That explains her interest in everything around her because everything is new to her. I thought, After the Rewind, she would have memories which she had when she was 4-year-old but she has nothing. If she had those memories then she would've denied my claims and cried for her real parents. But that didn't happen.

She is now a blank canvas, like a newborn. And it is the responsibility of parents that a very beautiful painting is made on this canvas. A Beautiful Painting is not only beautiful outside but also contains a depth of meaning inside.

And I have taken that responsibility.


I was now sitting on a chair, looking at Himiko who was snacking on Almond Fish, and Pocky, while sitting on my lap. I was thinking about what I've done today. I turned a teenage girl into a 4-year old and told her that I am her father.

'Early this morning, I refused to climax inside Fuyumi because I said it's too early to have kids but now I brought a new addition to our family. Fuyumi having kids and me adopting kids are two entirely different things and all, but I know for sure that she will be mad about this.'

I adopted her because... I don't know. Initially, I planned to use her as an insider in the League of Villains and get information about the League's action and if possible, get the location of All for One. It was highly unlikely she would have chosen the 'Life with no responsibility,' because she knows that if she chose that I would've killed her for sure.

But when the time came to give her the choices, I gave her an extra choice, Choice of Normal Life.

I don't know why did I say that but I just did it. Maybe because I am also a father... Maybe.

I looked down and saw Himiko playing with Pocky sticks like they were swords, making the Pocky Sticks clash with each other and everything other than eating it.

I placed my hand on her head and slowly caressed it. Himiko closed her eyes and leaned more on me. I just stroked her head slowly, making Himiko comfortable.

'I don't know why I did that... But I will take care of her as I care for Eri. Maybe this time under my care she will find a true purpose of life.'

Rewinding Himiko's age and taking her as my daughter has made a lot of changes.

Now there is no Himiko Toga, so there is no prime suspect for the numerous cases of murders due to blood loss, all around Musutafu. All I have to care about is Himiko's new identity and the changes in the family due to the addition of a new member.

Himiko's Identity can be forged easily with the help of La Brava or Professionals from the Underworld. Legal Adoption is also a piece of cake with the lawyer from Endeavor's Agency.

But the changes in the family will be harder to tackle. Convincing Fuyumi about this, Division of Attention, Labor to take care of two children and all that. A lot of responsibilities but are necessary for the growth of a person. A person grows mature when they have something or someone much more important to them other than themselves.

But I have to pay attention to the immediate problem I have now.


The stocks of food and essentials in a home are all-time low. I now also have to buy clothes and essentials for Himiko. So I have to go shopping right now.


I was hopping between stores all around the street market with Himiko strapped to my back with a child carrier. I bought this carrier first then started running around the stores.

I first bought all the necessities and then went shopping for clothes for Himiko. I asked the ladies and mothers in the shopping in the store, for help in choosing which dress looks good or which suits Himiko. They helped me enthusiastically. I mean very enthusiastically. They asked me a lot of questions like,

"Are you a House-Husband? Your kind of man is so rare... I wish my husband could be like you."

"Ara~ Ara~ How old is this cute little pie?..... You take care of everything in the house while her mother goes to work? Quite the husband you are... Your Wife must be very lucky to have you."

Questions and Complaints came at me while the ladies were selecting the clothes. I answered some but I was outnumbered by the sheer number of questions after I revealed my identity as Noodle Shop Owner. All Questions deviated from Himiko and turned to recipes and what would I suggest to use as an alternative to a specific ingredient which is easily available?

I mean, why do you want to find an alternative for an easily available ingredient? Just go and buy that. It continued on and on. The Topics changed but the talks and gossiping didn't stop.

After they chose 6 sets of dresses, I could leave this chatter-storm. Finally, it all ended, and I could go now. Only 30 minutes have passed but it feels like a day to me. I am mentally exhausted. These women sucked me dry, but in the wrong sense.

For her undergarments, I had to ask the store helper for help in order to avoid the next round of Q&A and Chef Talks, if I asked the ladies again for the help. She took Himiko's measurement and packed some suitable size underwear for her.


I was on the way back home after the shopping with two bags in each of my hands and Himiko on my back. Most of the items were in the Inventory.


"Hmm... What is it?"

"Who is my Mama?" Himiko asked in a low voice. It must be the constant talks of ladies which induced this question in Himiko.

"Well... Wait a minute."

I went aside and put the grocery bag on the ground. I took out my phone and showed Himiko a picture.

"This your Mama and This is your Onee-chan."

I showed her the picture of Fuyumi and Eri standing in front of the carousel. I took this picture during our outing to the Amusement Park.


"Yeah. Your elder sister. Her name is Eri. She went out with Fuyumi but they will be back after a few hours. So be good to your Mama and big sister when they come home." I said and picked up the bag, continuing my return home.

During the walk, I saw a lot of students walking down the street, discussing questions about morality, values, and various hypothetical situations where they had to save someone. Some also talked about giant robots, this and that.

Listening to all of this, made me remind that today is the day when the plot starts. The UA Entrance Exams.

'So it has finally started.'

I transmigrated here a year prior to the start of the plot and made a lot of changes here and there. Eri is saved, Shie Hassaikai is gone, Himiko is now my daughter, the Population of Villains in Musutafu decreased to an all-time low, Lady Nagant is out of the Tartarus.

These things are not that major changes, and I hope I still can use the advantage of knowing the plot. But who knows if the changes I made, start driving the plot in a new direction.

I also had another thought in my mind, How did Izuku perform in the Entrance Exam? I trained him in fighting styles and made Toshinori give One for All a month prior to him. All this must have some changes in his performance right?

There is also Shoto, my future brother-in-law. Things must've gone like the canon for him because I didn't interact that much with him.


I entered home and started preparing lunch. In a few more hours, Fuyumi and Eri will be back. I gave Himiko a drawing sheet and some crayons to draw something. I don't want her to end up like Eri who only watches cartoons.

It was my fault in the first place to give her a tablet at this young age, but I cannot complain now Can I? She follows the time regulations I put on the usage of the tablet. Restricting it more will be just irrational now.


[General POV]

Fuyumi and Eri were walking down the road, returning from school. They were now just a few steps away from the entrance to the Kanzaki Noodle Shop.

"How was your day Eri-chan? How do the other kids treat you? Did the volunteers act kindly to you?"

"Everything was good. They treated me well Fuyumi Nee-chan..."

Fuyumi sighed when she heard Eri still addressing her by 'Nee-chan.' There seems to be a wall that is stopping Eri from accepting Fuyumi as a mother, and Fuyumi has been putting a lot of effort to break that wall between her and Eri down, but it seems it will take some more time to do that.

The two were now standing outside the shop's entrance. Fuyumi pushed open the door and entered the shop while thinking about how to make Eri recognize her as a motherly figure.


But a cheerful call in a child's voice took her entire attention to the source of the call.

A little girl, around the age of 3-4 years, walked towards Fuyumi unsteadily with a paper in her. The girl wobbled a lot of times but still made her way towards Fuyumi. She finally reached Fuyumi but couldn't balance, so she stumbled.

Fuyumi quickly ducked down and caught the girl in her arms. The girl hugged Fuyumi's neck.


Fuyumi was confused because she couldn't comprehend anything that was happening. Who is this girl? Why is she calling her Mama? And what is she doing in Shido's shop?

She was about to ask Shido about this, but before that

"Mama!! Mama!! Look.. Look I made this."

The girl showed Fuyumi the paper she was carrying. It was a wax crayon drawing with 4 people in it and a small house behind them. One Person had brown hair, The figure next to it had white hair and some red streaks, There were two kids in between them, a blonde kid and a kid with white/silver hair.

"This is Papa. This is Mama. This is Nee-chan. And this is me." The girl pointed to the people in the drawing and showed it to Fuyumi.

Fuyumi was too shocked to see what was happening. But she was also overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the feeling that this small conversation with this little girl gave her. She wanted Eri to see her as a mother but this unknown girl was calling her a mother in their very first meeting.

"Now come on Himiko. Let them rest a bit first. You come with me. You have yet to complete your lunch. Come."

Shido came forward and took Himiko from Fuyumi's arms. He then placed Himiko on a chair and handed her a small plate with Chicken Katsu Ramen in it.

"I know you are confused. But we will talk about this after lunch. Okay?"

Fuyumi nodded absentmindedly, as she was confused and overwhelmed at the same time.

But there was someone else, who didn't have any positive reaction. It was the first daughter of Shido Kanzaki, Eri Kanzaki. She didn't know but something was rising inside her mind. It was a feeling which sprouted when she saw Himiko and Fuyumi interact. It was subconscious and,

It was a Sense of Rivalry.

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