MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

News Coverage.

[5 Days after the Meeting]

I am currently in the shop downstairs with Himiko in my arms, moving around while slowly rocking Himiko. She just had her lunch and now she is having her afternoon nap.

Himiko turned out to be a very energetic child. She wakes up at 7 AM, around the time I, and Fuyumi return from the gym. She also stays awake till late at night, which is harmful to her. I tried to enact the rule of afternoon nap for Himiko, but she just cannot sleep. So I started rocking her body slowly while her head rests on my shoulder.

And that turned to be effective, so I am doing this for the last 5 days.

In these 5 days, I also found something odd. Eri is making some distance from Himiko. She is actively trying to avoid contact with Himiko for some reason. She is now regularly going to the Babysitting Club of the school where Fuyumi teaches, just to avoid contact with Himiko. This started when Himiko wanted to hug her 'Onee-chan' but Eri refused and left to watch cartoons.

What can I say? It was as expected. Eri has some issues trusting others and letting them inside her life. A good Example is Fuyumi, who had to put so much effort to make Eri comfortable around her.

In these 5 days, I explored a lot. Like I started learning guitar as planned, and I am also learning Biology related to Genitalia because there is a friend of mine in another world who is in need. So in order to help him, I am trying to learn more about penises and vaginas.


Aside from the family drama, Night Raid has started making huge strides in the Heroic, Political circles as well as, among the general masses.

The reason being, the release of information. Information about the villains we killed, Information about the idea behind the Night Raid.

But the thing which blew up was Information about the 'Two-Explosion Incident.'

It spread like fire among the general populace. But the momentum of spreading stopped when HPSC deleted all the information we uploaded, and all the related material from the Internet.

They may have a truce with me but it is to not intrude in my actions directly, and this doesn't act as direct interference. And they are doing these indirect actions against us to look less suspicious. If they don't take any actions against them at all, then that will make them look suspicious.

The HPSC may think that they are at peace now but in the future, I will bring them down.

Bringing down a top National-level Law-Enforcement Agency is easy, but the chaos that will come after that is uncontrollable. Heroes will be the new enemies of the public and villains will be the ones who will take the profit out of it. So I have to do it carefully.

Taking down HPSC is a gradual process. It will take some time but I will make sure it happens.


I turned on the TV and changed it to a news channel.

:: We are back and we are bringing you the most sensational news of the entire week. [The Real truth of Two-Explosions?] Yes, you heard that right. The truth behind the Two-Explosions which happened in Hosu. You may be wondering why are we telling you this when No.2 Hero himself cleared the entire situation but that is where you are wrong.
There is an application going around the Internet which is said to be the mouthpiece of Night Raid, the team responsible for the Incident. In the application, a lot of information is provided by the team and there is an article, which contains a full story behind the Incident.

According to the Story they presented, Shie Hassaikai is a yakuza clan that was doing research on More-Potent Trigger Drug. Trigger is a contraband drug, which is used by villains to increase their quirks' strength by many folds but the side effects are too unbearable. Blood thickening, Body Disorders, Brain Damage, etc. This drug has left a prominent scar on the city of Naruhata.

4 Years ago in Naruhata City, Trigger was forcefully injected into civilians through unknown means and they turned into reckless, quirk terrorists known as Instant Villains. It took the top heroes such as All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist to curb the situation. And after that, the situation only turned for the worse.

Constant skirmishes between heroes and villains took place and the affected were the citizens who didn't know when and where the next attack will take place. After putting a lot of effort into the heroes, the city is now in peace.

This is enough to tell what threat of Trigger possesses towards society. And the claims of research on a more potent Trigger are horrifying. It is impossible to imagine what would happen if such a drug is mass-produced and distributed around Japan.

In the next paragraph, they mentioned the reasons for the two explosions. The first explosion happened because they blew up the entire research facility of the trigger, which happened to be the base in the residential area. And the second explosion was an aftermath of the fight between Team Leader Night Slash and Clan Leader Kai Chisaki.

They have also given the time-stamps for the events which transpired during the whole Incident. We fact-checked that and found it consistent with the police reports.

In my opinion, they are making all the efforts to justify the killings they are doing by distributing this application. I think they are under heavy pressure after Endeavor's Announcement and now they are trying to gain public sympathy but Endeavor has already made his stance of Zero Tolerance. But We will discuss more on this with the experts present here.

Endeavor released his story about the Incident and now, a month after the Incident, the Perpetrators of the Incident released their side of the story. How do you see this? :: The News Reporter turned to the expert sitting on the side of the panel.

:: Thanks for having me here. So before jumping into the story. Let's talk about Night Raid first,
Night Raid is a team of Vigilantes, headed by the well-known Vigilante Night Slash, who is currently being chased by No.2 Hero Endeavor. Night Slash is known for the 'Villain-Slaughter Week', and the 'Two-Explosion Incident of Hosu.' And it seems he pulled the last Incident with his team. The team follows the motive 'To Punish those who are not Punished by Authorities.'

And I checked the application myself. Now it is unavailable but I was able to grab my hands on one before the banning. In there, apart from this story. There is a list of villains they killed and it is not a small number, I must say. The crimes they committed, the place they were killed, all those things were listed. And I found a tab that classified villains as Redeemable or Beyond-Redemption, based on the severity of the crime they've committed.

You see, this is not an insignificant thing. These are no psycho, cold-blooded, mindless killers or arsonists. They are well-organized, and well-informed people who are coming out of their normal lives to do this work, even if it is illegal.

Maybe there is a Savior or Messiah Complex involved, but they are not going out of the lines they have drawn themselves, which is to not kill mindlessly any villain they find. There are reports of criminals surrendering voluntarily and they admitted that someone threatened them to do so. And it all is not just about killing or threatening villains.

On Monday this week, 25 Children were saved from a human-trafficking gang. This is a story shared by this app and If you look up in the app, you will find Night Slash was the one who killed all the gangsters there and called the police through flare gun to rescue the children. But it was not credible because the Police didn't say anything about a case like this.

But this story became credible when the police were pushed to say something about this seemingly fake story, and they confirmed that the incident happened. But they didn't accept it at first. There was an insider who brought this out and then they had to accept it after the leak.

What is it showing? The Police didn't release anything about it themselves and accepted it when public pressure was on them, and when they did, the Media didn't cover it. What are you all doing? Are you all colluding in this?

These Individuals who are killing villains are not the problem, the problem is you. The people who are trying to hide the incompetence of Hero Society, not showing its faults to society. You don't know what will happen if you continue to do this. What are you doing may seem harmless now but it will backfire...:: The Expert went on a full rant about how all of them are colluded and deceiving the public together.


The screen suddenly changed and showed the face of a new reporter,

:: Sorry for the Disturbance. Due to some technical problems the show had to be canceled. Please continue with the next report on Tokyo's Pro-Hero Students' life. ::

I turned off the TV and went to the bedroom, to put the sleeping Himiko on the bed.


[Todoroki Abode]

"What is the progress Nighteye? The Director is infuriated and has started asking me for the progress. It was I who made the proposition of arrest of Night Slash and forcefully passed it. Now the director is biting me back as there is no progress and Night Slash has made it to the news again." Endeavor asked on the phone.

:: It is nearly completed. One more week of time is all we need now, and then we will be all set for the next action::

'Time... Time... Time... It is the only thing that I don't have right now. While I am searching for him, he is doing all those things out there making my work more and more difficult. If things continued to go like this... It will be a huge humiliation on my name... You just wait till I get my hands on you. I will make sure you will pay for all the trouble you have caused me.' Endeavor squeezed his fists in frustration.


[Hawks' Agency, Fukuoka City]

Hawks walked towards the window and looked at the view of the city.

"He is doing all that while ignoring my invitation to meet which I sent through Lady Nagant? Quite the humiliation. But I will wait... Maybe he forgot... Yeah, that would be the case... Maybe I should do something to turn his attention towards me. That will be good. I need to do this because if I don't meet him, then how will I start my plan."


[Los Angeles International Airport, LA, USA]

Knuckleduster just arrived on the land of the US in his civilian form. He entered the US legally through a flight and was about to meet with the 'connection' of Giran here.

It was decided by Night Slash that he will be responsible for forming the foothold here for the team to make the mission go smoother. Night Slash contacted Giran and asked him to provide some help in the US. Giran said there are some connections he could pull to help us there. And here was Knuckleduster at the airport, waiting to meet the 'help' that Giran has arranged.

But the moment he tried to leave the airport, he was surrounded by 4 men in black suits and black shades. They were clearly agents of some organizations.

Knuckleduster calmly looked at the men in suits but didn't do anything. Currently, he is Iwao Oguro, an employee of a local non-profit organization. He cannot do anything extraordinary here.

"How may I help you, gentlemen?" Knuckleduster asked in a polite tone, resembling a typical Japanese 9 to 5 Office Worker.

"We are here to take you from here." One of the four agents replied.

"Who won the cake?" Knuckleduster asked.


"Who won the cake?" He asked again. Knuckleduster's body started tensing up when he didn't receive the answer he wanted.

"What are you talking about?" The agents noticed Knuckleduster's wariness and also readied to attack.

"Wrong Answer... The Correct Answer is... I did."

Knuckleduster said and was about to pounce on the agents but he stopped when he heard something.

:: Quite the temperament you have Mr. Oguro. But I would like you to stop and come with them voluntarily:: The sound came from the walkie-talkie the head agent was wearing.

"And why would I do that?"

:: I know you are here for a purpose and I can help you with that... Knuckleduster::

Knuckleduster's interest was piqued but he was still wary of the unknown in this unknown land.

:: I know that you are hesitating, but all I can do is a promise. So I promise you that, if you deny my proposal, you will have the complete right to leave and I won't do anything about it. Aside from this, I cannot do anything to assure you::

The man behind the speaker tried to assure Knuckleduster but the wariness didn't stop.

"I agree. Take me to him."

But he still agreed to it. The airport was packed with people. If he tried to do something outlandish here. He may escape these agents but then he will have to hide constantly in this unknown country. So he took a leap of faith and decided to go with these agents.

The agents sat in an SUV and urged Knuckleduster to sit in. When he entered the car, he was hit by a white light which made his vision and hearing senses go off for a while. He was then blindfolded and put on the backseat of the SUV.


When the blindfold opened and Knuckleduster's vision returned, he saw he was in a dark room with little to no light.

"Hello?" Knuckleduster shouted but there was no reply.

"Hello..." He tried again but this time, the ceiling opened and a platform started descending from up there.

Knuckleduster saw the platform and found a small blue car on the descending platform. He was intrigued by the scene happening in front of him.

The platform finally reached Knuckleduster's level and stopped. From the car, a thin woman with a pointed nose, wearing a turquoise spaghetti-strap-slip dress, came out. She was about to go to the trunk of her car but she noticed Knuckleduster.

"Oh Hello there~... Are you also brought here?? Well, quite the party they are arranging here isn't it?? Hehe~" The woman asked Knuckleduster in a somewhat careless and cheery tone.

"Enough Chit-Chat for now Agent Wilde with our guest. Now, will you....?" The same voice which talked to Knuckleduster earlier scolded Agent Wilde.


Agent Wilde quickly tapped on the trunk of the small blue car and a bald man wearing black clothes popped out from the trunk. He had slim hands and legs compared to his bulgy torso.

"Aah,~ Where am I?? Ohh~~ Ho~ Ho~ My Leg... It is numb... Leg asleep... Ahh!!Pins and needles." He shook his leg repeatedly and finally stood up.

"Where am I??"

"Boss... Boss..."

Two new characters entered the scene. These two quickly huddled around the bald man.

But these two were not humans. These two were bizarre-looking yellow creatures with cylindrical bodies and goofy-looking eyes.

Before Knuckleduster could wrap his head around this entire thing, The Voice again resounded in the room. Knuckleduster turned and saw a fat man coming out of the shadows. The fat man sat on a chair and crossed his hands.

"Welcome, Mr. Iwao Oguro and Mr. Felonious Gru. Sorry for the methods we used to bring you here but we meant no hostility. And now you may be wondering who are we.
We are the Anti-Villain League, an ultra-secret organization, dedicated to fighting crime on a global scale.

And We called you here is because we need your help."

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