MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Ex-Hero and Ex-Villain.

"And we called you here because we need your help."

Gru and Knuckleduster were looking at the fat person with confusion, as he said that.

"You just basically kidnapped me here in front of my house. And I don't even know you. What makes you think I would help you?" Gru made his stand against the fat man, and Knuckleduster watched in silence.

"Well, Sorry for the late introduction. I am Silas Ramsbottom, Director of the Anti-Villain League..."

"Psst... Bottom... Hahahahaha" One of the two creatures said in a funny tone, and after that, both of the creatures started laughing.

A butler came, added a cube of sugar to a cup of tea, and handed it to Silas.

"Hilarious *sigh*" Silas sighed, "As I was saying, We are the Anti-Villain League, an organization dedicated to fighting crime on a global level.
Rob a bank, we're not interested. Kill someone, not our deal.
But you want to melt polar ice caps or vaporize Mount Fuji or even steal the moon, then we notice." Silas pointed the spoon towards Gru when he said the last part. It was clear that it was indicated towards Gru.

Knuckleduster who was just watching everything silently was shocked that the man standing beside him tried to steal the moon. He turned towards the tall woman and asked,

"Did he really steal the moon?"

"Yeah, It was a very big thing you know. But it was kept a secret from the public to prevent chaos."

"But How?" That was the main question Knuckleduster wanted to ask.

"Ohh Boy~~ You are not gonna believe what he did. He flew to space. Used a shrink ray gun, *Sheee* to shrink the moon to the size of a bowling ball and stole it...." Conversation of Knuckleduster and Lucy got interrupted by the shout of Gru.

"FIRST OF ALL, You have no proof that I did that. And second of all, Even If I did do that, I put it back in its place." Gru said while moving to and fro, making his point.

"We know that Mr. Gru. That's why we didn't take any action against you."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because we need your help. There is a potential threat that we need your help to terminate in its bud stage. Agent Wilde if you may.." Silas gave the cue to Lucy.

"Oh, it's my turn now?... Okay.. "

A projection started playing in the background.

"Recently, an entire top-secret lab disappeared from the Arctic Circle. Yeah... The entire lab just went ** "Whoosh* *Woo* Gone. Where did it go?" Lucy added a tone of mystery, with a lot of hand gestures.

"I don't care." Gru just averted his eyes and said in a non-caring way.

"Okay... The lab was devoted to experiments involving PX-41, a transmutation serum.

What is PX-41, you ask? Mmm pretty bad... look it for yourself." Lucy pointed to the projection.

In the projection, two scientists wearing a Hazmat suit came into view and a white rabbit came into view. One of the scientists had a syringe filled with a purple-colored serum. The man grabbed the rabbit with one hand and injected the serum with the other. After that, both the scientists backed off a few steps to observe.

The rabbit started twitching, and after that, changes started to take place. The size of the rabbit increased drastically, the color also changed to purple.

The Scientists started petting the mutated rabbit, and the rabbit didn't show any change in behavior but all of a sudden it became aggressive and attacked the scientists. After killing both the scientists, the mutated rabbit sabotaged the camera, ending the footage.


"Huh, You don't quite see that in bunnies."

"As you can see, in the wrong hands, PX-41 serum could be the most devastating weapon on Earth." Silas made his way towards Gru and Knuckleduster. "Fortunately, it has a very distinct chemical footprint. And, using the latest chem-tracking technology, We found traces of it in the Paradise Mall."

"A Mall?" Gru scoffs at Silas.

"Precisely. And we believe that one of the shop owners is a master criminal and that's where you come in. As an Ex-Villain, you know how a villain thinks, how a villain acts." Silas said to Gru.

"And the plan is to set you up undercover at a shop in the mall where hopefully you will be able to..." Lucy tried to explain the plan but Gru interrupted her.

"Okay... Okay, I see where this is going, with all the Mission Impossible stuff, but no. NO." Gru said and stood with his back straight, "I am a father now, and a legitimate businessman. I am developing a line of delicious Jams and Jellies."

"Jams and Jellies?" Silas chuckled listening to the remarks of the Ex-Villain, who literally stole the moon.

"Oh!! Attitude. That's right. So thanks but no thanks." Gru pushed away Silas and made his way towards the exit. But he turned back,

"And here's a tip. Instead of tasing people and kidnapping them. Maybe you should just give them a call.
Good day. Mr. Sheepsbutt."


"*Chuckles* Oh, yeah, like that's any better," Gru said and left the conference hall with the two creatures following him.


"Don't you have to ask something Mr. Oguro?" Silas turns to Knuckleduster.

"Why am I called here? And if your answer is to investigate this case, then why me? Where do I fit in all this?"

"Your guess is right Mr. Oguro. You are called here to be a part of the investigation on this case. As a Hero, you have performed a lot of versatile roles. Undercover in Underworld, A Pro-Hero serving justice on streets."

"For your information, I am retired now."

"I know and we don't care about that part. We are very much intrigued by your Vigilante period, 4 years ago."

Knuckleduster was surprised that this Organization knows about his identity and past actions, but it was something expected of an International Secret Organization.

"I didn't know the Director of an International Villain fighting organization took notice of such a small-time Vigilante from a small city in Japan."

"But that small-time Vigilante saved the life of the top-ranked American Hero, and the contribution in locating the real producers of the trigger when everybody was searching for that was also a factor for our interest.
After the entire incident of Trigger ended, the small Vigilante team of yours disbanded and you also disappeared from the scene. Vigilantism... We thought it was not a good way to use your skills and experience, and that's why we wanted to hire you as an agent for the AVL back then but we forgot to proceed on that."

"Then why remember me all of a sudden?"

"When we were looking for suitable candidates for this mission. We found your file again. So we decided to contact you but you yourself came to America. We looked a bit into your activities, and it seems you are back in the game of Vigilantism. And not in a good way this time. Killing Villains directly. Taking Law in your hands.

You know what you are doing is homicide. We may take action against you. And if you are wondering why AVL can act against you. That is because Your team leader Night Slash is a Demon/National-level threat according to our classification system. We know that he defeated 6 heroes in a matter of minutes, including No.2, No.3, and No.10 Hero of Japan, and came out of it unscathed as nothing happened. And we also know that he was holding back most of his strength or he could've killed all of them.

He is clearly at the level of Dragon/Global-level threat and he may become one in the future. So do you think we will leave a potential Dragon/Global-level threat running amok freely?"

"Don't beat around the bush and Get to the damn point already." Knuckleduster was fed up with Silas going around the question and spouting random things.

Silas took his seat. He brought his hands together with his fingers crossed, in front of his face.

"Cooperate with us in this mission, and we will turn a blind eye to you and your friend's deeds."

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