Melodies Of Power

The Test

The carriage came to a stop with a creak, and Lance stepped out into a bustling courtyard. All around, groups of students milled about, some clearly nervous, others looking determined as they glanced at their fellow competitors. In the middle of the courtyard, several mages stood watching, their gazes sharp and assessing. The air buzzed with excitement and tension.

At the far end of the courtyard stood a tall, gruff-looking man in faded robes. He had a stern expression and crossed arms, clearly waiting for the next group. His presence exuded authority, and the other students quickly quieted down as they approached him.

“Alright, listen up!” the man barked, his voice rough as gravel. “The test is simple. Each of you will hold the box and channel your companion into it. If it lights up, congratulations, you’re capable of magic. If not... well, you'll figure it out." He shrugged dismissively. "There’s a lot of runework involved, but I can’t be bothered to explain it all. That’s what the colleges are for.”

Lance exchanged a glance with the others. Felix stood tall, a hint of confidence in his posture, while Bella had an eager glint in her eyes. Kade, as usual, looked ready to punch something, and Oliver was trying to blend into the background.

The mage held up a simple, yet intricately engraved cube, pulsing faintly with energy. “One by one, you’ll come up, hold the cube, and channel your companion. Don’t overthink it. Just feel for the bond inside you.”

Several students ahead of them took their turns, some managing to make the box glow brightly, while others merely caused a faint flicker before it faded. The successful ones were swiftly led away, presumably to be sorted into their colleges.Felix, looking calm and composed, stepped forward. He placed his hands on the engraved cube, closing his eyes. A low hum filled the air as he concentrated. Moments later, the cube pulsed with a steady, silver glow.

The mage gave a curt nod. "Next."

Bella strode up confidently, her head held high. As soon as her hands touched the cube, it blazed with a bright crimson light. She tossed her hair back, clearly pleased with herself.

"How did I do?" Bella asked, smiling smugly.

“You did,” the mage replied dryly, waving her aside without further explanation. Bella's confident smile faltered for a second, but she quickly recovered and stepped back beside Felix.

Kade swaggered up next, rolling his shoulders as though preparing for battle. He grabbed the cube with both hands, his brow furrowing in concentration. For a moment, there was silence—then the cube flared with electric-blue light, crackling with energy.

The mage barely reacted. “Fine. Next.”

Oliver shuffled up to the cube, his nerves clearly getting the best of him. He hesitated for a moment, wiping his palms on his robes before placing his hands on the cube. The seconds stretched, and Lance could see Oliver's jaw tighten. Then, to everyone’s surprise, the cube lit up with a soft green glow, bright and steady.

The mage studied the cube for a long moment, his brow furrowing slightly.

“Interesting,” he muttered under his breath, barely loud enough for them to hear.

Oliver blinked in surprise and quickly stepped back, looking relieved but also a little nervous under the mage's scrutinizing gaze.

Finally, it was Lance’s turn. His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the cube. He could feel the weight of his friends’ successes, and the pressure mounted. He took a deep breath and placed his hands on the cool, smooth surface of the cube. For a long moment, nothing happened.

Come on, he urged silently, reaching out for his wisp, the elusive companion that had been eerily quiet since the summoning.

Still nothing.

His throat tightened as he mentally nudged the wisp again. Wake up!

A faint stirring—finally. His companion’s presence flickered in his mind, waking slowly. Without saying a word, the wisp seemed to stretch out, and Lance pushed as hard as he could. The cube lit up with a faint but unmistakable glow.

The mage grunted in acknowledgment and waved him back with a motion that felt almost dismissive. Lance exhaled, feeling the tension leave his body as he joined the others.

They sat down on a nearby bench, waiting as the mage moved off to speak with other students. Bella leaned toward Lance and gave him a quick nudge. "You did great. See? I told you you’d pull it off."

Lance smiled weakly. “Barely.”

Oliver sat beside Felix, still looking a bit pale. “I was sure I was going to mess that up,” he mumbled, fidgeting.

Felix gave him a reassuring nod. “You did well, Oliver. The cube lit up strong.”

Oliver forced a nervous smile. “Yeah... I guess.”

After what felt like an eternity, the gruff mage returned. “Right. You’ll all be walking through Portal 21. It’ll take you to your university. Your luggage will be delivered shortly after.”

He glanced at Oliver, then muttered, “Good luck,” in a tone that left the group wondering what he meant. He turned away, giving no further explanation.

Bella raised an eyebrow and asked, "What does that mean?"

The mage only shrugged. “Walk through the portal and find out.”

They approached Portal 21, a shimmering archway that twisted with swirling, ethereal light. Kade, never one to back down from a challenge, stepped forward first. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered, then disappeared into the swirling colors.

One by one, the others followed. Lance hesitated as he watched Oliver step toward the portal, looking visibly uneasy.

Before Lance could ask what he meant, Oliver stepped through, leaving the others confused. Lance shook his head and followed, feeling the world spin as the portal swallowed him.

Everything turned into a whirl of light and sensation. For a moment, Lance felt like he was tumbling through nothingness, his stomach churning as the world around him twisted. Then, just as suddenly as it started, the sensation ended, and he stumbled out onto solid ground.

They had emerged in the courtyard of a massive university. Towering buildings surrounded them, each humming faintly with magic.

Before they could gather their bearings, a young woman with short, messy hair appeared in front of them. She was dressed in casual student robes, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She looked them up and down, then smirked.

“First time?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at their bewildered expressions.

They didn’t respond, too disoriented to answer. The woman shrugged. “Happens to everyone. You’ll get used to it.”

Lance was still recovering from the portal’s strange effects, but he couldn’t help but glance at Oliver, who stood nearby, trying not to look as queasy as he felt.

“Well,” Bella said, rubbing her temples, “that was... an experience.”

“Could’ve been worse,” Kade added, though even he looked a little pale.

The woman gestured toward the towering buildings of the university. “Welcome to Arcanis University,” she said with a grin. “This is where the real fun begins.”

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