Melodies Of Power

Goodbye to the Past , And Hello to the Future

**Chapter Two: Farewells and New Beginnings**

The day lance went to college his mom made cookies –

The sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow over Elara as she baked her famous choco chip cookies. The delightful aroma filled the house, mingling with the anticipation of Lance’s departure for Arcane University. Elara's movements were brisk but her eyes betrayed a hint of sadness as she prepared a final feast for her son.

Lance lounged at the kitchen table, his mind busy with excitement. “Mom, you know you don’t have to go all out with these cookies. I’ll be fine,” he said, trying to hide his grin.

Elara’s eyes sparkled with playful defiance. “Oh, but I must. These cookies are a tradition! They were the one thing that was not completely miserable in the king’s army. Besides, you’re not leaving until you’ve had one last taste of home.”

Lance chuckled, accepting a warm cookie. “I guess I can’t argue with that. They’re too good to pass up.”

As they enjoyed their last breakfast together, Elara’s expression grew serious. “Lance, promise me you’ll be careful. I know you’re eager, but you can’t predict what might happen.”

Lance rolled his eyes with a smile. “Moooom, I can handle it. Besides, I’ve got my companion now.”

Elara face contorted in worry “How’s that working out?”

Lance shrugged, his smile fading slightly. “It’s still quiet. Haven’t heard a peep from it since the summoning. I hope it decides to speak up soon.”

Lance took another bite, savoring the rich, sweet taste. “They’re amazing, Mom. I’ll definitely miss these.”

Elara’s eyes sparkled with a mix of sadness and warmth. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a neatly wrapped package. With a gentle smile, she handed it to Lance. “I have something for you.”

Lance carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing a cloak. Its deep blue fabric shimmered subtly in the light. Elara continued, “This cloak has been with me through many battles. It’s not just a piece of clothing—it’s a part of my past and my way of ensuring you’re protected. When you channel lifestream into it, it will give you resistance to physical attacks. It might not cover your face, but it’s a reminder of home and my support.”

Lance slipped the cloak on, feeling the weight of his mother’s care and protection. He embraced Elara tightly, feeling the sting of parting. “Thank you, Mom. I’ll keep it close.”

With final goodbyes and a heartfelt hug, Lance made his way to the carriage.As Lance approached the carriage, he noticed four students inside, already deep in conversation. They looked up when he arrived.

Before he even sat down, a sharp voice cut through the air. “Can you fight?” It was a blunt question from a boy with spiky hair and a hardened expression. His tone carried a challenge, not a greeting.

Lance blinked, taken aback by the suddenness of it. “Uh, what?”

The boy, clearly unimpressed, folded his arms. “Can you fight? Do you know magic?”

Before Lance could answer, the boy sitting next to him, with a calm, composed demeanor, gave the spiky-haired one a nudge. “Kade, be polite. Not everyone wants to get into a brawl right away.”

Kade grumbled something under his breath but leaned back, crossing his arms and looking out the window.

The calm boy extended a hand toward Lance. “I’m Felix. And that’s my sister, Bella.” He gestured to the girl sitting next to him, who offered a small smile, though there was an air of intensity in her eyes as they assessed Lance.

“I’m Lance,” he replied, shaking Felix’s hand.

Bella leaned forward. “What kind of magic do you have?”

Lance shifted uncomfortably. “I, uh… haven’t figured it out yet.”

Felix raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know your magic yet?”

Lance was about to explain when Oliver, the cheerful boy who had been quietly observing the interaction, chimed in. “Felix and Bella are high nobles. They’ve got some of the most powerful mages working for them. They found out what magic they had as soon as they summoned their companions.”

Lance blinked in surprise. “Wait, you already know what magic you have?”

Bella smiled, though it was the kind of smile that held a hint of superiority. “Of course. I have fire and healing magic. My companion’s a phoenix.”

Felix gave a small nod. “And I have light and illusion magic. My companion is a silver serpent. We’ve known our magic for a while now.”

Lance was still wrapping his head around the idea. Meanwhile, Oliver grinned and shrugged. “I’ve got a stone golem. My magic’s earth-based, but, uh, let’s just say I’m still figuring out the details.”

Kade, who had been silent, spoke up again, his tone still gruff but less confrontational. “Lightning and enhancement magic. My companion’s a thunder bear.”

Felix leaned forward, clearly impressed. “Kade’s quite the fighter too. One of the best hand-to-hand swordsmen you’ll find.”

Kade gave a small, self-satisfied smirk but didn’t add much more. It was clear he wasn’t one for long conversations.

“And you?” Felix asked, looking at Lance again. “You summoned your companion, right?”

“Yeah,” Lance nodded. “It’s a wisp from the Plane of Fury, but… it hasn’t really said anything since the summoning.”

“A wisp?” Bella asked, slightly incredulous.

Lance shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m sure it’ll figure itself out. It’s just… taking its time.”

Oliver jumped in again, ever the optimist. “Don’t worry, Lance! I’m sure your companion will speak to you soon. Mine took a while too. It’s all about the bond, right?”

Lance nodded, but he couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. Everyone else seemed so sure of their magic, their companions, while he was still in the dark.

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