Melodies Of Power

Courses And The Future

Lance sat at the library desk, tapping his fingers lightly against the smooth wood surface. The course selection form lay before him, every line filled with possibilities—each one a doorway to his future at Arcane University. But instead of feeling excited, Lance felt weighed down. It was a lot. More than he’d expected.

His thoughts drifted to the past few days. Communication with his wisp had become easier, much easier than the dusty books in the library had made it sound. At first, Lance had tried the calming techniques, the meditations—none of it had worked. But when it had finally spoken up, it was clear why.

“Don’t let those useless scraps of paper fool you,” it had said with a snicker. “No amount of meditation or mind-clearing is going to get you to communicate with me. I only talk when I want to.”

And talk the Wisp did—a lot.

It had even decided on a gender and name— it insisted on being addressed as male. And was now officially "William", saying it had a certain "flair" that suited him. Lance didn’t argue. It had definitely added to the wisp’s personality, and their conversations were more lively now that William had fully embraced his role as Lance’s companion.

Lance’s gaze drifted over the form again, where the first course, Wind Magic, was already checked, at the majors section. That had been an easy choice. With William’s powers tied to wind, it made sense for Lance to focus on mastering the elemental manipulation of air currents and gusts. He could imagine himself someday soaring through the air, slicing through enemies with blades of wind. It would give him mobility and versatility in combat.

But the next choice was harder. William had been adamant about it.

“You’re not getting away with skipping Combat Mastery,” William’s voice echoed in his mind. “No way.”

Lance leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “But I’m not really the physical type,” he muttered, half to himself, half to William.

“Doesn’t matter. You think you’re gonna survive out there by flinging wind around and hoping for the best? Get real, Lance. You need to learn how to fight, how to think on your feet. Not every battle is gonna be won from a distance.”

Lance frowned, unsure. He wasn’t exactly a fighter. Growing up, his strengths had always been in his mind—learning, strategizing, thinking things through. The idea of physical combat, or even combat that relied on quick reflexes and movements, didn’t appeal to him at all.

William laughed, his voice loud in Lance’s mind. “Come on, don’t be a coward.I’m not saying you have to become some muscle-bound warrior, but you need to know how to hold your own in a fight. We’re not gonna be a couple of pushovers.”

Lance sighed, glancing down at the list again. Combat Mastery: Tactics and Practical Application was a class that focused on fighting with magic, battlefield tactics, and making split-second decisions. Even though the thought of throwing himself into combat made him anxious, William wasn’t wrong. He checked the box in the minors section, feeling an uncomfortable mix of dread and determination.

“So that’s two,” Lance said aloud, running his fingers through his hair. “But I need one more. And Magical Theory is compulsory.”

Magical Theory was a given—every first-year had to take it. It focused on the lifestream, spell flows, and the fundamental mechanics of magic. Lance didn’t mind it. In fact, it would probably help him refine his abilities and improve his connection with the lifestream, especially now that William was around.

That left one more class to choose.

lance scratched his head, trying to figure out what else might round out his skills. He didn’t feel like he needed something overly technical like Rune Crafting, but he did want something that could help him in a practical way—something that might make him more adaptable.

Next, he glanced at a course that intrigued him: Force Manipulation. This one had come up during his research into vibration magic, which was one of William’s specialties. The class focused on manipulating kinetic energy—pushing, pulling, and even breaking objects by applying controlled forces. It seemed like a natural fit for his growing abilities.

“This one makes sense,” Lance said aloud, tapping the pen against the paper.

“Obviously,” William scoffed. “Force magic is perfect for us. You’ll be able to do all sorts of cool stuff—like knock people off their feet or break through barriers with a well-placed vibration. Plus, you’ve already got the basics of wind manipulation, so this will just add another layer.”

With that, Lance checked the box for Force Manipulation in the minors section. It was the right call—combining air magic with force would give him the ability to control the battlefield, not just with wind but with kinetic force, too.

It felt like a solid addition to his curriculum, one that would give him the theoretical and practical knowledge he needed to better control his magic—and, eventually, become as powerful as he dreamed.

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