Melodies Of Power

A Strange Encounter

After leaving the restaurant, with a full stomach and thoughts of magic swirling in his mind, Lance wasn’t quite ready to head back to his dorm. The night air was crisp and refreshing, and the campus had quieted down. The stars were visible, twinkling faintly in the dark sky above, while the distant hum of students slowly faded as most returned to their dorms.

"Not a bad evening," Lance mused aloud, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He felt a gentle nudge from William in the back of his mind. You still need to practice, you know. Don't get too caught up in the calm.

Lance chuckled at his companion’s constant push for discipline. "I will, I will," he whispered under his breath, strolling along a quiet path.

As he wandered toward the university’s central courtyard, he saw a lone figure sitting on one of the stone benches beneath a large tree. The man seemed to be quietly reading a book, his long cloak draped over the bench, and a small lantern beside him casting a soft glow.

The man shifted his gaze up, and a broad, easygoing smile stretched across his face. “Ah, good evening to you too,” he replied. “Out for a stroll, are we?”

Lance nodded. “Yeah, just getting some fresh air. I’m still getting used to everything here.”

The man chuckled. “I remember those days. So, what are you studying? Or have you not dived into the magic yet?”

Lance smiled, a bit proud of himself. “Actually, I’m working on learning Lesser Gust right now.”

The man’s eyes gleamed with interest. “Lesser Gust, eh? Fine choice! Wind Magic, in all its forms, is one of the most versatile schools out there. Of course I might be a bit biased. After all—" he smirked—” I teach it.”

Lance immediately felt a rush of embarrassment. “Oh—um, I’m sorry, sir. I didn't realize.”

Ellard waved him off. “None of that ‘formalities’ nonsense. I’m not one of those uptight professors who expects students to bow and scrape. Name’s Ellard, Proffeser elemental magic, specifically wind and fire. You’ll probably see me around quite a bit.”

Before he could respond the air around them shimmered and warped,and a familiar figure walked through. Korra, the combat professor who had tested Lance’s group just a few days ago, stood tall in her astral projection. Her presence radiated authority, her stance poised for action, even in a holographic form.

Ellard grinned widely as he recognized her. “Korra! How you doing? Haven’t seen much of you these days,” he said with a casual wave.

Korra’s expression remained serious, “Ellard, the Chancellor has called an urgent meeting for all professors.”

Ellard huffed in irritation. “Not a moment of peace, eh? Can’t a genuine professor hang out with his students without getting dragged off every other minute?” He shook his head dramatically, clearly more annoyed than concerned.

Before he could complain further, Korra glanced at Lance, her expression slightly softer but still serious. “Lance, a word of advice. He might seem nice now, but Ellard is one of the most power-crazed people in the kingdom. If you take my advice—keep your distance.”

Ellard chuckled, not missing a beat. “You flatter me, Korra!”

Korra let out an irritated sigh, turning her gaze back to Ellard. “Just be there, Ellard,” she said before her image flickered and disappeared.

Ellard sighed, shaking his head. “I suppose duty calls. I’ll take my leave for now, Lance. See you in class soon.” He gave a mock salute, and with a powerful gust of wind, blasted off into the sky, leaving Lance standing alone, slightly bewildered.

Lance stood in the now-empty courtyard, still feeling the lingering energy from their strange encounter. William stirred inside his mind, muttering, “I’d take her advice, Lance. That guy’s got power—and something is not quite right with him. Not a combination you want to mess with lightly.”

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