Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 132 – Showing the world [2]

On Sunday morning, Prime woke up early and prepared breakfast for the girls. That day, the grand opening Prime had been planning for the past few months was finally set to take place. Although most of the guests were shareholders and people connected to the medical field, the event would also be open to the public. Of course, not all areas would be accessible on the first day.

“Good morning, Prime. You’re up early, as usual”

While finishing up breakfast, Prime heard Sara’s voice echoing through the space. He turned to her, noticing that she still looked somewhat sleepy. Their eyes met for a moment, but seconds later, Sara just yawned and sat down in a chair.

“Just out of curiosity... did you go to bed late last night or something?”

Hearing these words, Sara stopped her yawn and turned her gaze to Prime, surprised. However, there was also a glimmer of interest in her eyes, clearly revealing her thoughts.

“How do you know that?”

“What do you mean? I heard noises coming from your room last night. Were you playing a game or something?”

Upon hearing Prime’s words, Sara briefly raised an eyebrow but soon lowered it again. It was true that she had been playing games, but with headphones on. The question was: how on earth did he hear anything, even with the headphones on? In fact, the answer was simpler than it seemed—he could hear everything thanks to his exceptional hearing.

Though Sara was tempted to ask Prime a few questions, she decided to set her thoughts aside. After all, there wasn’t much she could do about the situation. A few minutes later, feeling bored, Sara watched as Prime continued to finish breakfast when Annie entered the kitchen.

“Good morning. I thought Ema was with you”

When Sara asked the question, Annie simply pointed to one of the doors in the hallway behind her, more specifically towards the door labeled “Ema” In short, Ema was still in her room, probably still asleep.

“Ema is still sleeping. I came to the kitchen to get some water. I’ll go to her room to wake her up soon since we have a long day ahead”

As Annie had mentioned, Sara nodded in confirmation. Today was the day of the grand opening, and Prime wanted everyone to be present. After all, they were his family, and it would be a bit odd not to bring Sara, Annie, and Ema to the event.

“By the way, Peter and the others will be there too, right? You mentioned you made an offer for them to work as assistants. Did they accept?”

Prime recalled his conversation with Peter. Although the final response to the offer had been postponed, Gwen and Ned ended up accepting, becoming the company’s first interns. Prime hoped this would open many doors in the future and also generate a bit of publicity.

“There haven’t been any issues, at least for now. From what I could tell, Gwen and Ned were quite enthusiastic. They’ll have to present alongside the opening speakers since they are the assistants. We’ll see how their performances turn out”

Upon hearing Prime’s words, Sara and Annie turned to each other, slightly pursing their lips. Sara voiced her thoughts, followed by Annie. Both, however, seemed to know exactly what the other was thinking.

“Do you think they’ll do well?”

“Not a chance. I believe Peter will be the first to embarrass himself in front of all those people”

“I think Gwen will do fine. She seems to be the confident type for this kind of situation, unlike Peter”

And so, the morning passed for Prime. With less than an hour until the opening began, Prime and the girls were in the apartment’s basement, where Prime’s car was parked. Once everyone got into the vehicle, Prime started the drive to the location of the grand opening, which was about a 20-minute drive away.

“Ema, how has Agony been behaving? You haven’t mentioned her much in the last few days. Has something happened?”

While looking through the car’s rearview mirror, Prime asked Ema, who immediately turned her gaze to him. After a few seconds of reflection, Prime began to wonder if something might have actually happened. It’s worth noting that he hadn’t asked the question expecting anything to have occurred.

“Nothing’s happened. Agony just keeps talking about how cool Dad was and things like that. She hardly says anything else”

Prime sighed in relief, realizing that his worries were just that—worries. The rest of the trip passed in silence. Not that there weren’t things to talk about, but overall, Prime, Ema, Sara, and Annie enjoyed the drive in their own way. Even without words, they could understand each other’s intentions.

After a few more minutes of driving, the building Prime had constructed finally appeared in the distance. Although Annie, Ema, and Sara had seen it before, they continued to admire the impressive multi-story structure. The building, almost entirely white, gave the place an air of purity.

“No matter how many times I’ve seen it, it’s still impressive. It’s strange to think that this whole building is ours”

Prime gave a wry smile at Sara’s words and internally questioned why she was acting so shy now. After all, months ago, she was practically running the place, indicating where she wanted everything to go.

Setting those thoughts aside, Prime parked the car in the building’s parking lot as they approached. Once everyone got out of the vehicle, Prime began to lead the girls into the building. After walking down a long hallway, they reached the area where the presentation would take place.

The venue was already quite busy, with several guests taking their seats as they awaited the start of the presentation, which would also mark the grand opening. Prime guided the girls to their seats in the VIP area, located on the upper floors, which offered a panoramic view of the space.

Few people occupied the area, reserved for shareholders and individuals of great influence and wealth. Prime settled comfortably with the girls while waiting for the presentation to begin, marking the start of a new era, whether Prime was aware of it or not.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it

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