Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 131 – Showing the world [1]

At the end, the conversation in "Revelations" that the girls had with Prime ended quite anticlimactically—perhaps "strange" would be the more appropriate word. They shared with Prime what they had noticed during the conversation, but for him, it was just "Normal" However, Prime acknowledged that he didn’t fully grasp the extent of what he considered "Normal".

Still, a question lingered in Prime’s mind: even with the destruction of his world, should he really feel sadness? To him, his memories felt more like dreams he could recall, nothing more. Prime had never realized how deep his detachment from humans was. Even now, if someone asked him if he would feel anything if the whole city were destroyed, his answer would certainly be no.

He didn’t know most of the people, so why should he care? Except for a few like Tony, Peter, and a few others, Prime definitely wouldn’t care if the rest perished. This occupied Prime’s mind for a while, but in the end, he just sighed and decided to accept it. According to Sara, Annie, and Emi, Prime had always been this way; becoming a monster just seemed to amplify his nature. What else could he do? He simply decided to accept and move on.

Setting those concerns aside, the week passed quickly, and Saturday arrived like magic. As usual, Prime was the first to wake up that morning. It was part of his daily routine, and he enjoyed making breakfast for the girls.

Unlike other times, Prime was on the phone while skillfully moving around the kitchen. The number on the screen was familiar, so when the person on the other end answered, Prime spoke in a friendly manner.

“Oh, Peter, I’m surprised you’re awake at this hour. The girls are still asleep… I suppose most normal kids would be asleep now too”

Prime’s tone was smooth and good-humored. Peter, on the other end of the line, never quite knew how to address him. From Peter’s perspective, Prime seemed like someone very wise with vast knowledge. Of course, that was just Peter’s perspective.

“Mr. Ryan? Can I help with something? You almost never call me. I thought you’d forgotten my number”

Peter’s tone was respectful but also good-humored, just as Prime remembered. Setting his thoughts aside, Prime decided to get straight to the point.

“Kid, you know I’m inaugurating the new building with the labs tomorrow, right?”

“Of course, Mr. Ryan, I’ll be there without fail. I’m really looking forward to the presentation. But was that the only reason you called me?”

Hearing Peter’s question, Prime cracked a half-smile. He already had an idea of what he wanted to say but was genuinely interested in seeing if Peter would accept his offer.

“Actually, I wanted to make you an offer: how about interning at my company? You, Ned, and Gwen would be the first interns in a new program I’m planning to implement”

After saying this, Prime stayed silent, waiting for Peter’s response. After fifteen seconds of complete silence, he raised an eyebrow, wondering if Peter was still on the line.

“Hey, kid, are you still there?”

“Oh, yes, I mean, yes… I was just quite surprised by your sudden offer. Are you serious, Mr. Ryan?”

Prime expected Peter to be surprised by his offer; after all, as Peter had mentioned, it was sudden. However, Peter seemed much more apprehensive than Prime had anticipated. This made Prime wonder how exactly Peter viewed him.

“Why wouldn’t I be? As I mentioned, I’d like you and your friends to intern at my company. Of course, if you don’t want to, I’ll understand. Don’t feel pressured; take your time to think it over. And even if you don’t accept now, my company’s doors will always be open for you”

Peter was silent again. Prime, assuming that Peter was still just surprised by his sudden words, thought about saying something. However, before he could say anything, Peter’s voice echoed from the other end of the line.

“Sir, may I ask why you’re doing so much for me and my friends?”

Hearing Peter’s response, Prime reflected for a few seconds. Despite thinking a lot about the matter, there was only one clear reason for Peter’s reaction. Moreover, his personal desire to see Peter under new influence also contributed significantly to this.

“I won’t deny that my personal feelings are influencing my decision, but I know you guys. You have true talent, something rare to find these days. I’m not making this offer by chance; I’m making it because you three truly deserve it”

Silence fell on the other end of the line once more, but at this point, Prime already had an idea of the reason. Moreover, he could accurately predict what Peter would say next.

“Thank you, sir. I appreciate your trust in us. I’ll consult with Ned and Gwen, but it’s almost certain that they’ll accept. Honestly, your offer is too good to refuse”

“I understand. Well, I hope to hear good news. If possible, give me an answer by tomorrow morning. If you accept, I already have some plans in mind for you”

After saying these words, Prime hung up the phone and began reflecting on the future. He was likely to create more symbiotes, though he wasn’t sure. However, Prime felt that more beings like him would be needed on Earth.

Additionally, he needed to learn more about his past. The more time passed, the more Prime felt lost, unsure of who was truly inside him and what his true purpose was.

Although Prime had a vague sense of his true purpose, just as the voice revealed to him in his dream, he was also part of that purpose. In summary, there was a purpose imbued in him, but it was so vague and distant that Prime didn’t know exactly what it was. Since he entered this new body, Prime felt that something like that had been within him from the start, lurking, waiting for the right moment to manifest. However, in the end, Prime had no idea when that moment would come.

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