Marvel: Reincarnated As Tsunade With A System

Chapter 24: Let Big Sister Show You Some Magic

Emma couldn't help but feel a little complicated. The reality of life had always been the law of the jungle, but the way it was applied had just changed in the modern world; it's still the same, though.

She had always known herself best. As someone who had been abused, she wouldn't deny that her heart had become dark.

It was her childhood that gave her a different point of view, unlike most people who followed the masses and accepted what they were told as right.

She is the kind of person who would do anything to keep the people dear to her safe, but unfortunately, whether in her last life or in this world, Emma hadn't found anyone worth her all. This makes her jealous of Tsunade, who at least has people who love her and are ready to sacrifice their lives for her.

Fortunately for Emma, she doesn't have the mentality that, because she didn't have a good family, no one else should. On the contrary, every time she sees a united family, she feels envious and wishes they would stay together forever.

Most of the people here recognized Emma. Their family members had been victims of the mutants' fight, so of course, they would follow the news about the case to see if the criminals had been captured. This is also where they learned about Emma, the woman who saved many lives.

Emma could perceive many emotions from these people, some were grateful, some regretful, and some had a little hatred towards her, likely blaming her for not saving the people they cared about.

This, unfortunately, is human nature. Some people like to blame their problems on others. Fortunately, they didn't voice their sentiments but kept them inside. Over time, when their anger subsides, they would probably become rational, or they're really just a pain in the neck.

This is one of the drawbacks of being a hero: people only see the victims you haven't saved or try to blame their problems on those trying to save them, like the pitiful little spider.

Emma is sure she couldn't go to such lengths as to sacrifice her life to protect these people who blame her for their problems.

In fact, there weren't that many injured people, it was just the presence of their family members that made the place seem more crowded.

There were exactly seven injured people, and Emma recognized one of them from the memory of the original owner of this body. Before she lost consciousness, she had been evacuating a father and daughter, and one of the gravely injured people was that father.

At this moment, a little girl about eight years old approached with a woman who seemed to be her mother. The girl was the daughter of the injured man, as Emma recalled her calling him "dad" at the time.

The little girl's eyes seemed so hollow, without the light one would expect in a child's eyes, and full of blame. She didn't even seem to notice Emma but only followed the adult woman instinctively.

The adult woman also looked like she hadn't slept well for days, with red eyes and a messy appearance, suggesting she wasn't taking care of herself.

She opened her arms, wanting to hug Emma, and Emma instinctively opened hers in response.

The woman was visibly emotional. She said, "Thank you, thank you so much for saving my daughter. Words are never enough to express what I want to say."

The woman had been the one who suggested that her husband take their daughter for a walk, giving them a father-daughter moment while she took care of their newborn baby.

After the baby was born, their daughter had started feeling as if her parents didn't love her anymore, so the woman wanted them to have a good talk. Who could have known that her idea would lead to something so horrible?

Her husband was now suffering from a severe spinal cord injury (SCI). Unfortunately, modern medicine can't repair severed spinal cords, and his life had been hanging by a thread for the past few days, he could die at any moment.

Her daughter, traumatized by the event, would never be the same. She might even end up blaming herself for what happened to her father and suffer from depression. Who knows if she might take her own life in the end?

Just because of a fight between two mutants, a normal family that had been happy for at least eight years could come to an end, creating a widow and two orphans. It's no wonder there are so many villains in this world.

Unfortunately, Emma didn't know the family's full story, but she could feel the gratitude from the woman. She used a little bit of her chakra to give her warmth.

Afterward, Emma knelt to be at the same height as the little girl. She placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and said, "Let big sister show you some magic later."

She saw the little girl finally look at her, though she still didn't speak.

Emma stood up and said to Dr. Hill, "Can I see the file on all the injured people here?"

At this moment, Emma fully displayed Tsunade's authority, speaking as if Dr. Hill was her subordinate and showing the charm of the leading medical ninja and Konoha's only female Hokage.

Dr. Hill didn't know why, but he felt that this newly awakened mutant might actually be able to heal the injured. He nodded to Nurse Ellie.

Ellie didn't have much to say, since Dr. Hill himself seemed approving. She returned to his office and retrieved the file containing all the information about the seven victims.

The mother of the child Emma had saved overheard what Emma said. She remembered seeing on the news that Emma had been severely injured, but now, Emma didn't seem to have any injuries. The woman couldn't help but feel some hope that Emma might have a way to treat her husband.


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