Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

However, a gag was still tied around his mouth. It was a punishment that left him witnessing the end of his world in shame, unable to utter a last word.

Dergha blinked his bloodshot eyes and wore an indescribable expression.


Countless people chanted for his death. Stripped of his clothes, he was merely a pathetic human. It was unclear what exactly had made him so repugnant.

Hang the rope.

Hang the rope!

The rope was placed around Derghas neck. Below, five soldiers began to pull on the thick rope. Dergas body slowly began to rise.


Anyone who has grievances against him, throw a stone. The stones you throw will be the cornerstone of Bariel and will fortify the stature of the imperial palace.

He struggled and shook his body, but that only tightened the noose further. As he was lifted into the air, he resembled a skinned pig.

Laughter erupted from the crowd. Kakantir and the other Cheonrye warriors emotionlessly stood up for his final moments.


Throw! Kill him!

Thud! Thwack!

Dozens of stones flew towards the execution platform all at once. Erika retreated, protected by the investigation team, and watched as Dergha, hanging in the air, was pelted by rocks.

It was then.

Shhhhk! Whoosh!

A spear flew like lightning and lodged itself into Derghas side. It had been thrown by one of the Cheonrye warriors. The crowd was momentarily stunned, but the once-boiling fervor cooled down not one bit.


Shhhk! Shhk!

Dozens of spears flew into the shaking body of Dergha. It symbolized the Cheonrye warriors revenge, a punishment. Most of them stuck into his thighs or back, and soon blood began to drip down the shafts of the spears.


And finally, Kakantir, who had been carefully watching the trajectory, narrowed his brows. Derghas body began to slump. Without hesitation, Kakantir threw his spear, and with a sound incomparable to the others, it pierced through the chest.

Precisely the heart, Ian thought.


Derghas eyes rolled back as he coughed up his breath. Soon, the trembling of the rope ceased completely, and everyone witnessed Derghas death.

Dergha Bratz is dead.

Dergha Bratz is dead!


The horn that signaled the end sounded. People cheered, hurling insults at the dead Derghas corpse. They celebrated, taking the horns declaration as their battle cry.

Ian just stared at the spectacle strangely.

Is Sir Ian alright?

Huh? What are you talking about?

You didnt throw anything. In fact, shouldnt your hands have been the ones to strangle Derghas neck instead of that rope?

Kakantir discreetly glanced at Ian. To strangle someone in place of a rope is not a pleasant act.

Well, its strange how I feel now that hes dead. I think of words I couldnt say.

Words you couldnt say?

Ask Crown Prince Ian for forgiveness.

Not Emperor Ian, but Crown Prince Ian.

In this lifetime, history has changed, but had things gone as they originally would have, Ian would have crossed the border and become nothing but a handful of sand. At a young age, just for having the blood of a mere count. After Ians death, Philea, the childs biological mother, would have died as well. Lady Mary wouldnt have left her be.

Dont you feel relieved now that its over?

I do, but I know this is just the beginning.

Ian stared at Derghas body swaying in the wind. From this moment on, the name Bratz was decimated forever from the world.

* * *

Derghas corpse was to be hung in the square for several days. There was a need to clearly convey the fate of those who opposed Bariel.

As she cleaned up the execution ground, Erica asked her subordinate.

Any contact from the Central support troops?

We got it. But

What, what now?

Mary and Chel have disappeared.

Ah, dammit. From where?

It looks like they couldnt find any trace of them entering the forest. They are still searching based on traces like fire, but it dropped off near the valley. They say its tough. And also

And also?

Please, let it not be more bad news.

Reading Ericas eyes, her subordinate answered rather awkwardly.

They also received a letter of protest from the general assembly.


If Mary and Chels pursuit is delayed, the soldiers are to head toward the central. I hear theres an order to recall all the soldiers dispatched to the provinces. Im not sure if this is a decision from the General Assembly.

It was Prince Mariv, the first prince. It was a natural countermeasure since he had discovered that Prince Gale, the second prince, had stationed soldiers in provincial territories. However, Erica, who was unaware of this, clenched her eyes and muttered.

What a nuisance.

Even if they dispatched the central reserve troops, how could they chase Mary and Chel with just the investigation team? Even if they did catch up, it was certain that they would be torn apart by the two Cheonrye tribesmen.

But, Commander Erica. Have you not received a letter from Sir Molrin?

What letter?

The captain of the support troops says that there was an order from the assembly to follow Sir Molrins decision for now. He asked what we were planning to do later, but I couldnt answer since I hadnt heard anything.

There was a contact from Molrin?

Erica turned her head in surprise. It was unthinkable that Morin would send a message to the central armys captain and not to her. Only then did Erica realize that there had been a problem with the messenger pigeon.

Theres a magic stone, so it couldnt have lost its way.

Operating under the same principle as a brooch, the magic stones led the pigeon more accurately to its target. It would have come to the window and waited without moving.

One of her subordinates hesitatingly offered a suggestion.

There are many hawks in the mansion. Could it have been caught and eaten

It made sense. Erica frowned and immediately left. Her subordinates, who were cleaning up the square, called out to her, but Erica rushed straight into the mansion.


Ian! Ian!

Whats going on?

We need to slit open the bellies of all the hawk chicks here.

Suddenly appearing and talking about slitting the bellies of the hawks, Ian put down the documents, and the Cheonrye tribe warriors also wore incredulous expressions. But they soon realized she was serious and put up a fuss.

Dont talk nonsense. Before the hawks bellies are slit open, Ill slit yours.

If even a single feather is plucked, handle it yourself. Do you want to be hung next to Derghas?

The hawks seem to have eaten the messenger pigeon!

Ah, the messenger pigeon.

Only then did Ian nod, as if he understood. He had been wondering what she was talking about. Seeing that, Erica hesitated, her expression saying surely not.

You knew?

Technically, the hawk didnt eat it. There was an accident. The messenger pigeon has been properly buried, and the magic stone has been separately stored.

How dare you steal the imperial palaces messenger pigeon? This is a serious crime, Ian!

It wasnt the palaces. It was personally sent by Morlin.

Upon hearing that, Erica felt as if her heart dropped. What could Molrin have written? Hes not a fool, so he wouldnt leave their plans in writing. But it could serve as evidence of rebellion later on.

Ericas attitude softened.

Return it to me.

Of course. I intended to gift it to you when you leave Bratz. You should deal with Derghas corpse as a filial sign within three days.

Leaving in three days, then he would return the letter. Even though she was going to be driven out regardless, Ian had kindly created an excuse for Erica to choose.

It seems like Sir Molrin sent the letter in quite a hurry. Wed be even more grateful if you could leave immediately, not just in three days.

Ericas pupils quivered as she speculated about the contents of the letter.

In reality, the issue was with her lordship appointment and that he would be coming down with the advisers soon, but Erica had no way of knowing that. The letter was essentially written to console her more than anything else.

Erica recited each word with trembling hands.

Fine. Ill retrieve the corpses and leave first thing tomorrow.

That sounds like a welcomed decision.

Ian, just like I have to leave before the advisers arrive, so do you. Dont think youll be free just because you didnt inherit the name of Bratz.

The tone was almost like a curse, filled with desperation and wishes.

But Ian was completely unfazed. Seeing no reaction from Ian, Erica turned her glare towards the Cheonrye warriors.

The adviser is officially appointed to manage the fiefdom. Dont think you can pretend to be a noble just because youve lifted some barbarians off the ground.

It might be best to retract the word barbarian, Commander Erica. If the adviser comes and inquires about you, it could be troublesome for me.

Such an elegant way of saying I will kill you if you mess up. But Erica, who was already stripped of her position and had no choice but to chase after Mary and Chel, was not particularly moved.

I will be back. And you should be prepared when that happens. Ill turn the sands of the desert upside down.

I doubt that will happen.

Dont indulge in futile dreams, Ian. Its disgraceful.

At Ericas words, Ian placed a hand over his chest and exhibited a noble gesture. Then, an overflowing aura of magical energy. His eyes changed from green to gold, and an inexplicable flow of power was felt. Erica could only look on with a dumbfounded expression.


As for you, Erica, dont harbor futile hopes of returning. Just find Mary and Chels bodies and think about going back to the central. Otherwise, you might meet an unfortunate fate.

A magic user?

Then go. I wont be able to see you off far.

Even the warriors, seeing this for the first time, looked at Ian with interest. But that was brief. As they watched Ian return to his original state, their enthusiasm quickly waned.

So thats what magic is? Thats it?

Ah, thats what Beric showed us before.

Being a mage changes you, huh?

What is that? How did he do that?

I dont know, I just heard it, you jerk.

Leaving the jovially chatting Cheonrye behind, Erica walked out the door, dazed.

A magic user.

She now finally understood how Ian had enticed the Cheonrye and gained the confidence to become a lord.

Commander Erica, are you alright? What did you say?

A magic user.

Rather than Ian being relegated to a slave, he would be called to the central instead.

Erica realized for the first time in Bratz that she had been completely defeated. A subordinate approached to check on her complexion, but she had no mind to respond.

Commander Erica?

Pack our things.


We will leave the territory. Go and hand over Derghas corpse to the central army, and we will chase after Mary and Chel.

Could there be anything more desperate than chasing after the dead? Since they were going to suffer anyway, it was better to start as soon as possible and show some sincerity to the imperial palace.

Meanwhile, Ian, who was checking documents while listening to the jokes of the warriors, looked far off into the blue forest, thinking of someone.

Its about time.

It was time to see Philea, Ians biological mother hiding somewhere in the forest. With the death of Dergha and his family, and the return of her son, there was no need for her to continue hiding. However, what was even more important existed separately.

How did Ian come to possess the flowerpot?

Only she who knew that clue.

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