Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The people of the fiefdom gathered in the square, murmuring as they stared at the gallows. Having lived their entire lives in the remote areas, this was the first time they had seen such a grotesque and terrifying execution device. Behind it, the Bratz mansion stood as serene as ever on the hill.


Tax evasion is a serious crime, and he even resisted.

My goodness, how did it come to this?

So, he collected taxes from us but didnt send them upward? Then where did the money go?

It must have gone into his belly, making it bulge.

Crazy bastard, really! We had to sell our house to pay the taxes. My daughters back is bent from learning farm work as soon as she can walk!

Hey, keep your voice down. Do you want to cause trouble?

What does it matter! Hes no longer a noble, just a criminal now. He should die quietly on his own! Why did the soldiers stir up trouble?

If only I knew this would happen, I wouldnt have sent my children to the mansion

If the count hadnt done such a thing, everything would have been fine. We suffered all the damage. Our money was stolen, and our house was destroyed in the battle

For them, execution was indeed a disgraceful death. As a nobleman, especially one who faced barbarians in the borderlands, it was fitting to end life by the sword.

Especially the prospect of being hanged in front of commoners, struggling and writhing. Execution was a punishment that killed dignity along with life.

But the barbarians are building the gallows?

Who else could move such a huge log?

Ironically, those preparing Derghas execution stage were not the people of Bariel, but the barbarians from the border. Of course, they had never made gallows before, so they were following the instructions of the investigation team, but the atmosphere didnt seem to belong to those who were commanding.

Ah, tell me all at once. Dont make me go back and forth.

Sorry, but after setting up the pillar, tie it tightly with a rope to secure it.

On a high platform with a clear view of the gallows, Kakantir watched the people in the square and the gallows slowly taking shape, feeling a strange emotion.

Just a few months ago, Dergha was maintaining a delicate relationship between ally and enemy. Now, however, his counterpart was going to be hanged in front of the commoners, and he was going to watch it from a high place.

Life is truly incomprehensible.

Meanwhile, at the mansion, Erica was writing a public announcement, clutching her head. It was an essential task to explain Derghas crimes in a way that the commoners could understand, and to announce the dignity of the imperial palace and her own achievements to the world.


Below, Ian was visiting the underground dungeon. Dergha, imprisoned in the last cell, was blindfolded and biting a pebble. His swollen limbs were shackled, hanging limply. He looked as if he could die at any moment.

Open the door.


Upon Ians command, the barbarian opened the door without question. Dergha seemed to perk up his ears at the sound of Ians voice. The foul smell of excrement and blood emanated from him.

Count Dergha. Its Ian.


The titles of father and son had long been removed, even in address. As Dergha seemed to respond, the shackles rattled eerily.


The date of your execution has been set.


You sent a letter to the imperial palace in that short time, probably scheming something with Crown Prince Mariv, right?

Dergha looked up at Ian, but his eyes were covered, so his expression was unseen. Ian, however, guessed that his eyes beneath the cloth were shaking intensely.

Thanks for that. It helped. Erica didnt get the appointment letter. That gave us a reason for them to leave Bratz in a hurry, and your execution date was moved up.

Dergha tried to reach out with all his might, but he couldnt touch Ian.

He regretted it. When he first picked him up at the brothel, he should have done as Mary said and disabled him in some way. What was he thinking, worrying about external appearances!


Mary and Chel are also dead.

Among those bearing the name Bratz, you are the last survivor. Congratulations. Youve attained an honor that not everyone can have.

Derghas face turned red. His blood seemed to rush to his head. Ian grabbed his hair and left his final words.

Dont feel too wronged. Its all the result of your deeds.

A child born from a prostitute after being harassed. If that was not enough, he separated the child from its birth mother to sell it as a sacrifice, and abused him as if it was a mere meal. His greed went so far as to secretly deceive the Cheonrye tribe, resulting in him being shunned by both the central authorities and the local citizens due to excessive tax games, and others.

From one to ten, there was nothing he didnt bring upon himself.

Ian-nim. Kakan is looking for you.

Lets go.

Ian left the underground dungeon, leaving behind Dergha, who was letting out a silent scream.

Outside, spears much taller than an average man were lined up in a row.

Oh, Sir Ian. Take a look at this.

What is it?

Do you think the length of the spears is fine?

Ian glanced over the spears that would pierce Derghas heart. He then briefly glanced at the window where Erica, the leader of the investigation team, was.

Since its the focus point of the execution ceremony, it might be good to discuss with Commander Erica and highlight it in the public announcement.

Um. Yes. That would be good.

He had only glanced casually, but Erica was looking down at them with a surprised face. Their eyes met, and she nervously closed the curtain.


What a shitty situation.

Erica muttered a curse, holding her head. There wasnt even an explanatory letter from Molrin. Since the decision of the assembly was known, a correspondence letter should have arrived around the same time.

F*ck you, old man!

Meeting Molrin directly would solve the problem somewhat, but after Derghas execution, she certainly had to leave Bratzs domain. Ian and the Cheonrye tribe would not hesitate, even for a moment. Even if they left with the letter, they were probably halfway there now

It wont work. Ill have to come up with a plan as well.

Erica thought hard and then started writing a letter. It was to Molrin, demanding an explanation, and also to Crown Prince Mariv.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, it wouldnt be bad to pave the way to them, to avoid becoming a dog chasing a chicken.


Instead of using her seal, Erica cut her thumb and put the blood in it. It could be identified through magic potions.

Commander Erica. I found the documents you asked for.

Ian really went all out, didnt he?

Its thorough enough that we can proceed immediately.

Unlucky bastard. Tsk! Just leave it there.

A member of the investigation team handed over important documents that could accuse Dergha of tax evasion to Erica, and she detailed the contents in the public announcement.

To explain the meaning of Derghas death to the domains citizens on the day he died.

* * *

The day finally arrived. It was the day after the gallows were made. All the people of the mansion gathered outside, at the entrance of the underground dungeon.

Bring out Dergha.

Yes, Sir Ian.

At Ians command, two Heavenly warriors went down and dragged Dergha up.

Dergha Bratz. The time has come to execute you.

Derghas body trembled at Ericas words. Besides his limbs being untied, his eyes and mouth were still covered. Erika signaled her subordinates to lead him to the square.

Hurry up.

What? Dragging your feet, huh?

He had to walk barefoot on the land of Bratz, showing an act of atonement. Each time he stumbled, the sound of chains clanged. Slowly, like livestock being led to slaughter, he kept his head low.

Dergha Bratz, move.



The investigator reluctantly whipped, and Dergha groaned, taking one step at a time. It was almost as if he was being forced to move.

Its Count Dergha Bratz

What on Earth, whats with that appearance?

He looks even worse than us after being stripped of his skin!

Die! Die! You sucked our blood, and in the end, our families died too! Because of you!

Really? Is that really Dergha?

Along the way to the square, the cries of the domains people were heard from all around. A first glimpse of the lords miserable sight. It was so shocking that almost the same words were heard until they arrived at the square.

Is that really Dergha?

Get up there.


Swoosh! Thump!

Dergha! Is this truly your best?

You wicked child! So, do it right then!

Die in agony! Please!

The moment when the accumulated resentment exploded had come. A stone was thrown at Dergha as he stumbled up the stairs.

Someone burst into rage, claiming his wife had been insulted by Dergha, while someone else pleaded that they had become lame from being beaten for not paying taxes. The names of Mary and Chel were also briefly heard.

Have Countess Mary and young master Chel been caught?

Im not sure.

But if the two are alive, isnt it not a complete extermination?

I heard rumors that the remaining investigators will join the pursuit squad after the execution.

Really? Then the foreigners will really leave.

The Cheonrye tribe remains, but they also wont be able to survive the winter.

Ah! Finally, normal daily life returns.


The investigating officer blew the ox horn. The buzzing crowd gradually quieted down. Soon after, Commander Erica stood next to Dergha and raised the public announcement.

I am Berti Erica, the commander of the Imperial Investigation Squad. On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, I will now announce the crimes of Count Dergha Bratz.

She then read each of the allegations against Derga and the evidence supporting them.

To be honest, the commoners had no idea what she was talking about, but as the content grew longer, their anger at Dergha for his misconduct deepened. They also realized that this was the price for sucking their blood and sweat.

Especially, the production of the Monne coal mine reached 60,000 tons, but the central report was only half, and the profit amounts to no less than 8,000 gold coins. This is only a fraction of the property that has been missing for the past few years

What? 8,000 gold coins?

Did I hear that wrong?

Ian, who had been listening from below, could physically feel the rising heat. How much was harvested and what percentage of the profits meant nothing to them. To the commoners, what was clear was how many gold coins were involved.

Hey, you bastard! How could you?

Kill him! Kill him right now!

Stones and trash began to fly again from below. Commander Erica ignored the accumulating items at her feet and read the final sentence.

Henceforth, only eternal death awaits those bearing the Bratz surname in the Bariel Empire. By the Emperors command, the Bratz family will be exterminated.


At that moment, a stone struck Derghas temple violently. Erica signaled her officers to proceed with the execution.

Remove the blindfold.

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