Mantle of the Gods

Book 5 - The Recruit - Chapter 46

No one spoke until we were back in the temple.

“Did you have a good..?” The Priest from earlier greeted us. "By the gods! Is she hurt? Do you need medical attention?!”

“Gesai is a Tier Four Healer.” I cut in front of everyone. “We’ll be fine.”

“Oh, well, yes, that would be as good as the best Healer we have right now, but is there..?”

“Thank you.” I put my hand on his chest. "But we’ve had a long day and we want to go home and rest.”

He started to talk and I held up my hand.

“If you want to know anything else or offer any more help, then you can reach out to my dad, Trent Vowler.” I smiled as broadly as I could fake. "We’re staying with the God, Tres, while we’re here.”

The Priest blanched and took a step back. “I’m so sorry if I bothered you. Please have a blessed day.”

I walked towards the door and heard Ether speak behind me.

“You too!”

I shook my head. I should have remembered to say that, I was just done. I opened up the door for everyone to walk through, but Mitchel and Jovena were staying by the counter. I met Gesai’s eyes and nodded at the pair.

The older woman turned around. "Come you two. Whichever one of you isn’t joining my team is going to the Cathedral. We’ll drop you off on our way to Mive."

Both of their faces brightened up at that news and they followed everyone else to the RV.

Once we got inside, Gesai laid Fray in one of the bunks and shut the screen, then got in the driver’s seat and started it up.

I sat down in the passenger’s seat while the rest of the team tried to find something to do in the back of the RV.

“I’m sorry.” Gesai’s voice cracked as she spoke. "I wanted to show Trent that I could..." She looked over at me. "I went too far.”

I took in a deep breath and held it for a moment. “It’s not okay.” I closed my eyes so I didn’t have to see her tears. I was tired of watching people I cared about in pain. I opened my eyes to look at her. “But it will be. I’ll talk to Trent, maybe he knows something we can do to quiet this…” I glanced behind me. Ether was the only one who didn’t look away, though Justia, Oz, Ren, Jenne, and Aelin weren’t in the room. That only left Mitchel and Jovena and they were both afraid of being left behind too. I looked back out the windshield. "Fear that everyone is feeling.”

“Sorry." Gesai apologized again. "I’m not helping. I know I hated when Uncle Farsch treated me like this, I just…” She wiped her eyes. "I have no idea what I’m doing.”

I put my hand on her shoulder. "We’ll figure it out.” My brain was spinning trying to figure out what to say. I really wished Justia or Ether would have taken over. Both of them were so much better at this.

We rode the rest of the way to the palace in silence. But my mind was anything but silent.

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