Mantle of the Gods

Book 5 - The Recruit - Chapter 45


I mimicked Oz’s opening move and jammed the dagger in the monster’s neck and pulled out Fray’s katana. It was a lot heavier than I expected, but I could handle the weight. I finished taking off the tentacle Fray had started and turned around to see that Jenne had bound the head.

Fray slid under the boss and used my sword to stop herself and started on the neck. I wanted to admonish her for how she was acting, but now wasn’t the time. We could talk later.

It only took a few seconds with the two of us chopping before the boss vanished. I picked up the dagger and offered it to Ether.

“I didn’t know you kept this.”

“I keep everything.” She put the dagger into her crystal band and held up her hand to show me that she was wearing the ring we’d gotten when we’d beat the Giant Slime boss back in Harror.

“How long have you had that on?” I had a feeling I was about to get in trouble.

“Since just before the Floor One boss. I thought I’d take some of the healing strain off Ren." She grinned. "Just now noticing that I’m wearing the ring you gave me?

There was no use trying to deny it. "Yep.” I pulled her close to me and kissed her. "What can I say, with a face this beautiful, how could I look anywhere else on you?”

“Smooth.” Jenne slapped me on the back. "Very good save.” She leaned on Ether as she looked me up and down. "I like him.”

“Does that mean..!”

“AELIN!” I scowled at the blonde. "Not NOW.”

Aelin held up her hands. "I’m just saying…”

I shook my head. “Look, I’ve got to talk to Fray. Can you handle Gesai?”

Ether nodded slowly. "I don’t know about handle, but I can slow her down.”

“I can help!” Jenne bounced and flicked her hair. "I’m so fabulous that it’s hard for people around me not to get distracted!”

“How did we get two of them..?” I muttered under my breath as I walked past them to the brunette that was on her knees where the boss had vanished.

Fray had tears running down her face and was staring up at the ceiling. My anger and frustration at her putting herself in danger vanished as I looked at the broken woman.

“Fray?” I knelt in front of her, “Fray, can you look at me?” Her hood was down and her hair was everywhere. I brushed it out of her face. "Fray.”

“Atlas…” Her eyes focused on me and more tears streamed down her cheeks. “I didn’t back down…” Her voice sounded so far away even though she was right in front of me. "I didn’t stop…”

“Yes, you did good.” I put my hand on her cheek and she leaned her face against it. Before I could say anything else she wrapped me in a hug and clung to me like her life depended on it.

“Don’t let her send me back!” Fray squeezed me tighter than I thought she was able. "I’ll do better! I can be better! Please don’t leave me!”

“Hey, hey. No one is going anywhere.” I pulled her face back so I could look at her eyes, but they were closed. Her erratic breathing was calmed.

I looked up and saw Gesai standing in front of me. I had expected rage, frustration, or contempt, but instead, I saw concern. I realized the rest of our team was behind her.

Ether mouthed “Sorry”

“What did you do to her?” I balled my fists.I wanted to get mad. I felt like I needed to be mad at something, but I couldn’t hold onto it. Not when there was nothing threatening around.

“It’s a sleeping spell.” Gesai bent down and picked the other woman up. She looked down at me. "We need to get out of here before the boss respawns. You do NOT need to fight an Elite floor boss right now.” She swallowed. "I pushed her too hard… I just…”

I picked up the dropped item and the boss crystal. “You’re just like her.”

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