Mantle of the Gods

Book 2 The Test - Chapter 9

Edward finished with the weapons and was already asleep.

Part of me was jealous. I would have loved to not be concerned about knowing who was going to be on watch while I slept. I knew that even if the Bramble Skeletons got around our barrier, all they'd be able to do was cut us up with their thorns, but it would still leave us with a bunch of cuts that'd get infected. And we didn't have a good way to deal with infection, which would weaken us considerably. Not life-threatening, but still.

Aelin had started a fire, so we at least had light and something to take the edge off of the cool night air.

“When did you learn how to do that?” I let the warmth wash over my tired muscles.

“Rix…” Aelin choked. "Rix.., she showed me how.”

I hadn’t realized that Rix had been the type of person to teach others, but I also didn’t read others well.

“I’m glad she did.” I looked at the three women. "Speaking of Rix, we have a problem.”

“We’re not going to make the deadline.” Aelin covered her mouth when she realized that she’d said dead.

“It’s okay, we’re making good time, but we can’t keep it up.” I felt a tingle run down my spine as Ether came up behind me and rested her head on my shoulder. It was distracting to have her breathing on my neck, but it honestly helped wake me up a little.

“By my estimation, we still need over sixty-five experience in the next three days.” I saw the disappointment in their faces. "The way we’re going we aren’t going to make it.”

“What are we going to do?” Aelin stood up. "I could be the bait while you’re resting!”

“Actually, I think there’s a better way.” I bent my arm so that I could caress Ether’s hand. "We’re going to have to split the party.”

“Wha-?” Aelin’s face contorted. "How is that going to help?”

I leaned forward so that I could draw in the dirt. Ether shifted so that she could see over my shoulder. I was keenly aware that most of her body was leaning over my back. Despite how sore I was, the connection was relaxing.

“There are woods right here.” I drew a circle, then traced a path beside it. "If Edward and I keep hunting snakes here.” I made an X on the road. " And the three of you go after Bramble skeletons here." I made an X in the circle that was supposed to be the woods. "Then we should be able to almost double our efforts.” I looked from Aelin to Justia. "Justia, You and Ether should be able to handle the Bramble Skeletons by yourselves, which-” I looked back at Aelin. "Lets Aelin stay with us as backup.”

Edward’s snoring cut off Justia’s reply. We all turned to where the blonde Noble was sleeping.

“We should get some water.” Aelin looked around. "Anyone want to go to the stream with me?”

“Let him sleep.” I shook my head. "As satisfying as it might be, we need him at his best.”

“What about us?” Aelin flicked her blonde hair off of her shoulder. "I haven’t gotten a good night's sleep since we’ve been here.”

“You can take it.” I jerked my thumb in the other man’s direction. "He can’t.”

“Do you really think it will work?” Ether’s warm breath tickled my ear.

I knew she wasn’t trying to distract me, but she was doing a good job.

“I don’t see any other way.”

We sat in silence for a little while. Everyone seemed to be thinking about Rix.

“What are we going to do if they want to fight?” Aelin’s voice wavered.

“I don’t know…” My voice trailed off as I tried to think. “It’s likely that we’ll get skills, but they’re all probably level eight, that’ll be twelve stat points higher and a lot more skills.” I shook my head. "Plus they have actual armor and weapons.”

Justia ran her thumb across the blade of her ax. "He got this sharper, I’ll give him that.” She looked at the sleeping noble. "But I don’t think I’d do well in a fight against trained fighters.”

“We’ll just have to hope that they have integrity and honor their word.”

Ether coughed behind me. I didn’t hear what she’d said, but I knew it had something to do with Nobles and integrity.

“It’s the hand we’ve been dealt.” I felt my eyes getting heavy. “We need to figure out who is going to be on watch.” I blinked to try to stay awake. "I don’t think I can go first.”

“I’ll take the first watch." Justia offered.

“I’ll stay up with you.” Ether’s voice was more eager than I thought it’d be.

“What?” The white-haired Tank shrugged. "I’m going to have to share the watch with her first or second shift, might as well get it out of the first.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?” I wasn’t sure how she was so certain.

“Justia is going to want to stay up for two shifts, so whoever stays up with her for the first one will also have to do the fourth shift.” Ether pointed at Aelin. "To let you get the most uninterrupted sleep, Aelin takes the second and third shift, you take the third and fourth shift and I get the fourth shift.” She looked around as if she was seeing if anyone was going to object.

“Sounds good to me!” Aelin headed towards the fire and laid down.

“I guess I’ll see everyone in a few hours.” I used my arm as a pillow as I laid down. Sleep took me as soon as I closed my eyes.

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