Mantle of the Gods

Book 2 The Test - Chapter 10

Morning came too quickly.

"Atlas." Aelin was shaking my shoulder. "Wake up, it's your turn."

I opened my eyes. The blonde was squatting next to me shaking my right arm. Something was lying on me.

I looked down and saw Ether. The white-haired woman was using my chest as a pillow and had her left arm draped over me.

"Someone slept well." She winked, then wiggled her eyebrows.

"You've been watching us the whole time." I tried lifting Ether's arm so I could slide out from under her without waking her, but was having trouble navigating the task. "A little help here?"

Aelin got up and walked over to the fruit. I was about to admonish her for walking away when she picked up my jumpsuit and rolled it up.

"Use this." She held out the clothing roll.

I slid the blue fabric in between us. Aelin came around by the fire to hold Ether's head as I placed the jumpsuit under it.

"That was a good idea." I looked over at the blonde once I had successfully separated. "Have you done that on siblings or..?"

"My mother." Aelin looked away. "Before she died anyway. Sometimes I'd have to go help her when a client fell asleep."

"Oh…" I didn't know how to respond to that. I had a feeling I knew what profession she had alluded to her mother having, but didn't want to come out and say it if she wasn't.

"When did your mother pass?"

Aelin looked back at me. "Earlier this year. When the plague came through."

It had been a particularly nasty sickness that had made its way through Zeb earlier that year. The local clinic was able to cure people who had it, but they were very expensive. I'd had to use a good portion of my savings on myself.

"Sorry, that had to be rough." I put my arm on the woman's shoulder, pulling her in for a side hug.

"I got over it on my own." Aelin wiped away a tear. "But she wasn't strong enough." She stared out at the woods. "I know she tried to contact my father, but he refused to help." She balled her fist. "I saw him for just a few moments when she went to him." She shook her head. "I know what he looks like now, but…." she shrugged. "He didn't want to have anything to do with me."

"I'm sorry." I was feeling awkward about where this conversation had gone, but didn't see a way to pull it back. "Well, I'm sure that your mom would be proud of what you've accomplished so far."

Aelin nodded. "She would be. She hoped that I'd never have to get into the life she got trapped in." She sniffled. "That's why we can't lose. I've got to show him that he was wrong about me…"

"Hey, if he didn't want you, then he's an idiot." I squeezed her shoulder. "Because I know that everyone here is glad to have you."

She glared at me. "Edward?"

"He's a Noble, that doesn't count."

That got her to let out a soft laugh.

"Besides, you know he's glad that you can make a fire." I nodded at the Noble, who was snoring with a content look on his face. "So see? All of us are glad you're here."

That got her to smile like her usual self. "Thanks. Oh!" She pulled out the bag. "We've got four skellies so far!" She smiled. "Ether, let me chop them up."

I had wondered if the monsters would approach camp. Given that they were, it had been a good idea not to camp in the grassy area. I couldn’t imagine the group dealing with snakes sneaking their way in.

“Do you want to beat the ones that show up during our watch?” I nodded at the ax.

“Sure!” She covered her mouth when she realized that she’d spoken a little too loud.

I watched the other three, but thankfully, Edward’s snoring had drowned out her shout.

We sat in silence, just outside of the fencing for what seemed like an eternity, but I knew an hour had passed when a Bramble Skeleton ran out of the woods. I grabbed it and tried to ignore the tiny thorns that dug into my fingers. It took Aelin a few swings before she broke the crystal and the monster vanished in a puff of smoke. She picked up the crystal and nodded at my hands.

“Are you going to be okay?”

I could feel the wounds already healing. Ether hadn’t healed this fast and I wondered if it was because of my increased recovery stat.

“It’s just a scratch.” I held up my hand for her to see. "I’ll be fine before the next one spawns.”

“So…” Aelin walked over to the bag and put the crystal inside it. “What do you want to do for another hour?”

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