Lunar Marked

Chapter 38

[Content Warning: More smut]

My eyes rolled, mind going blank. My body felt electrified, tingles of pleasure rolling across my skin at every small touch, every shift of the air and brush of skin against skin. Camilla’s fingers moved continually lower, at a pace that was far too slow. When she finally met the tip of my cock, it throbbed and I shuddered, letting out a needy moan. 

It was supposed to be the symbol of my masculinity, the part of my body that epitomized everything it meant to be a man, especially when it came to having sex with a woman. As her fingers slid further down, wrapping gently around it, ‘masculine’ wasn’t at all how I'd describe the way felt. No, I felt desperate, needy. She was the one in control here, the one who was filling my mind with uncontrollable lust as she teased me and made me beg for pleasure. Hands bound up above my head and pinned against the wall, it was she who would decide what pleasure I would receive or what orgasms I might reach. 

Perhaps it was just because in my mind I’d always expected it to be the man in control, the man that I was supposed to be — leading in the bed as I was expected to do in the home. But in that moment, having given my body and control over to her, I felt truly feminine. From the little ears atop my head down to the tips of my toes, it was as though, at least for the moment, I really was a girl. Even the stiff cock between my legs, clutched as they were within her frighteningly strong grasp and surrounded by dangerous claws, felt only dainty and delicate, not at all the strong symbol of manhood it was supposed to be. 

I gasped and buckled as her fingers gently slid up its length. Were she not holding up my wrists, I was sure that I’d have long before fell to the floor. In a way, it was silly. Women could be strong and powerful. That was blatantly clear from the woman standing just in front of me. So as I trembled, pinned up and held there in front of her as she did whatever she pleased with me, why did I feel so girly, so womanly

As she leaned forward and downward, bringing her soft lips to one of my nipples, I decided that perhaps it didn’t matter at the moment. For now, I could enjoy this — enjoy being a feminine maiden for just a little while. Enjoy the pleasure she was bringing me. Camilla could handle everything else. 

She pulled away from my breast, the warm air of her breath tickling my skin as she took in a breath and released it. “You smell like a lovely flower. Perhaps you should have called yourself something like Rose instead of ‘Pearl.’ Or maybe Lily?”

She gave me a smile, her fingers leaving from between my legs to cup my cheek. I felt the wet smear of sex on my face as her hand slid across it, and the light scent of my lust reached my nose. I didn’t need to look down to know that I was so wet that it was dripping down my leg at this point. Yet frustratingly, Camilla was still teasing me. The gentle caress of fingertips wasn’t anywhere near enough. With how horny and on edge I felt, I was surprised I hadn’t came just from her light touch. If she wanted me to beg, then I supposed I would have to beg. 

Through heavy breaths, I spluttered out whatever series of words came to mind, “Mistress Camilla, please. I — I need your touch.” No, “I need you to fuck me! Please, please.”

She pressed a finger to my lips, silencing me. “I’m not sure you’re ready just yet for me to fuck you, little Pearl.” She flashed me her teeth in a smile. “But I believe you’re right, I’ve denied your pleasure for too long. I don’t want to break you. Not just yet.” 

With a sinister smirk, her hand left my face, leaving only the wet cum stuck to my skin behind. When her fingers wrapped around my cock once more, it was no longer with the gently teasing touch of before. Her hand circled it fully, a thumb swirling briefly across the tip as though to remind me of who was in control. Pleasure tingled in my mind and across my body, and I full-body shuddered. 

 As a loud erotic moan left my lips, my legs finally gave out beneath me and her grip around my wrists became the only thing still holding me up. My eyes closed, the sight of her devilish happy smile in front of me seared into my vision. With her firm grip around it, her hand slid down to the base of my cock, and then back up again. I moaned once more, and stars sparkled in my sight, despite my eyes being closed. As her fingers slid down once more, she leaned forward, pressing her body into mine, and my upper back was wedged forcibly against the rough wall. 

As the next shudder ran through my body, she whispered into my ear, “Look at you. You’re already close, aren’t you? I’ve already teased you so much that you're all pent up and ready, hmm? Don’t try to hold it back, my Pearl. Let it out. Cum for me.

I squeaked and then let out a gasp as her hand moved back up my slippery cock and then slid back down. And then, almost as though in answer to her request, I came. A high-pitched moan I didn't recognize echoed throughout the room, as my back attempted to arch upward. My girly little cock throbbed and I shivered, eyes shooting wide open. I watched as a squirt of cum shot out and into the deep shadows covering her, some of it landing visibly on her arm, marring her beautiful smooth skin.

Good girl,” she whispered. 

Throbbing once again, the rest of my body shuddering, I orgasmed out once more. 

“What an obedient little maid you are.”

Moan followed deep breath followed moan as I came. My mind and body were flooded with stunning pleasure. Thoughts ceased, until eventually, mercifully, the orgasmic high began to ease. Camilla released my hands, grabbing onto me and pulling me against her. Her shadows wrapped around me, as though clinging to my body. I could feel her skin against my own, parts of it quite clearly slippery from cum. My cum

I felt mortified, hot, loved — I felt — 

My mistress’s fingers caressed my still hardened cock. I felt so fucking horny. I moaned, and her lips met my ear, nibbling it.

“Would you like me to continue?”

I attempted to nod, and failing, managed to mutter out a shaky, “Yes.” 

My mind wasn’t nearly as clouded over as it had been, but in a way, that seemed almost worse. Now, more than before, I could feel the self-conscious embarrassment tinged with a layer of humiliation that had engulfed me. I’d came, I’d came on Camilla. She’d strung up my arms and toyed with my body until I’d been so horny and near to bursting that with only a couple strokes of her hand she had me cumming all over her. All while telling me — telling me how good and obedient of a girl I was. I felt like I could just die. 

She gave me a pleased hum. “I expected that likely wouldn’t be enough to satisfy you, not with how overcome with lust you were. Your core is very much craving mana, and if my guess is right, far more than it really should be. I hadn't expected you to be like me, but it will certainly simplify keeping you satiated.” I let out several more shudders as she continued to gently rub my cock, once or twice using her claws to trail up or down it. “You’ve been such a good girl for me, it seems only right that I give you what you need.” Her hand squeezed tightly, and she began to stroke it up and down at a quick pace, much faster than she had been previously. “And then you can give me some of what I need as well, hmm?”

I didn’t respond, too lost in my pleasure to pay much attention to her words. Within a few seconds, I was meeting her movement with my own tiny thrusts. The lust boiled within my body once again, never truly having dissipated. I was nearly there. Almost there. My breath picked up, the small squeaks turning into moans, and then she slowed, and a hand grabbed my side ceasing my own oscillations as her powerful strokes became slow and gentle again. 

I groaned and whimpered in frustration, and to my surprise, Camilla moaned into my ear, her other arm wrapping tightly around my back. 

A hot breath of air left her lips. “Mmm, you’re too good to me Pearl. I know I said I’d make you cum again, but I just can’t resist teasing you. Just a little more.” Her voice went high, her breath as shaky as my own. If she hadn’t had both of her hands on me, I’d have been certain that she was playing with herself as well. 

But no, she was — she was getting off to teasing me! I slowly put it all together in my head. She liked playing with me, bringing me oh so close to cumming and then holding me there. In my frustration, I began to squirm and whine, hoping to somehow bring myself just over the edge. But the more I fidgetted and flailed, the slower she became, drawing out each movement of her hand, keeping me just on the edge of another orgasm. 

“That’s my little maid, squirm for me. How long do you think I could keep you like this? A few more moments, certainly. Minutes, even. Perhaps…” she paused drawing it out much as she was drawing out my heightened state of desperation, “hours,” she purred. 

I moaned, despite myself, my head feeling increasingly faint by the moment. As my eyes rolled when her fingers slid against a sensitive part of the tip, my head fell against her shoulder. With barely any thought to the consequences, I bit down on her skin, hard enough to draw blood. 

She moaned and her grip around my cock tightened. My eyes widened as I realized what I'd just done, fear rushing through me that she'd only prolong my suffering even further.

“Please,” I begged. “Please, please!” It took me a few seconds to think up something a bit more coherent. “Please let me cum, Mistressss.” 

I whimpered and Camilla moaned once again, taking pleasure from my obvious desperation. “Alright, little Pearl. Alright. You can cum.”

With that, she picked up the pace of her strokes, and barely a second later, I came. My eyes rolled, mind becoming blank, too full of searing hot pleasure to do much else. I could still feel the way my cock pulsed, shooting spurts of cum all over myself and my Mistress once more, coating the both of us in the slick liquid. Camilla gave me words of encouragement, telling me I was a good girl again, among other things. But I didn’t really hear any of it. 

When my mind began to properly clear once again, my orgasm was fully over, having ended perhaps a full minute ago. Though the effects of it still lingered. My body twitched and shivered, and I found myself moving down on my knees, realizing that Camilla had just asked me to do so. 

Looking up, I met her eyes and found what almost appeared to be hesitation hiding behind the confident gaze she gave me back. 

“Are you ready then?” she asked. 

I nodded, absently agreeing. 

It took a second before I realized the meaning behind the question, as my brain sludged through connecting the dots in front of me. I was down on my knees in front of her. That could only mean… 

The shadows around her body slowly faded, and my gaze trailed downward. Realizing how dry my lips felt, I ran my tongue along them. As I looked below her belly, my mouth parted and I stared. 

“You…” I began, only to find my voice lost. 

I glanced back up to her face, only to see a pleased smirk as she seemed to relish in my stunned bewilderment. 

“You have a…” 

A cock, yes,” she finished for me. 

I looked back down, my breath giving a slight shudder as I stared at the large cock not far from my face. 

“But,” I started, still not entirely sure what to say. She picked up on my confusion. 

“I’m quite adept at keeping it hidden, even from you. Though, I’ll admit that seeing the sentinel captain’s pale look of shock was very much worth it.” 

I wanted to voice an objection. I’d seen her naked. I’d seen the vagina between her legs. Hadn’t I? Yet, thinking back, I couldn’t remember one moment where I actually had. Only dreams of it. I’d seen her naked body several times by this point. Yet somehow, never the area just between her legs. Still, part of me couldn’t help but wonder how she’d managed to hide, well, that. I stared once more, blinking as it swayed and throbbed, precum already dripping down it. I wasn't imagining it. It was very real. 

As I stared, almost becoming lost in the sight of it, Camilla’s voice breached through the fog in my mind. “It took a little getting used to. I can tell you more about it later. At the moment, though, you’ve got work to do.”

Her cock seemed to pulse in agreement, and all I could do in response was gulp. She raised an eyebrow, a question as to whether I was up for the challenge. There was one thought floating around in my head. Could I get all of it in my mouth?

Surprise! Or at least I assume it was a surprise? I’m not much of a mind reader lol. Did you see it coming? 

Hope everyone had a good week. If you’re itching to read the next (also very horny) chapter, you can of course join my Patreon and read not just one, but 10 chapters ahead! And hopefully 11 soon, just as soon a I finish this next one. I might try and actually post that extra chapter I’ve been promising on Tuesday, if the writing goes as well this weekend as it has been over the week. Till then~ Have a pleasurable week!

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