Lunar Marked

Chapter 37

[Content Warning: Smut]

“Strip,” Camilla demanded. 

The breath squeaked out of my lungs as I stared wide-eyed up at her. She advanced toward me, and I took a step backward in the unfamiliar room. We’d been assigned new bedrooms, Camilla’s old one no longer fit to stay in. Apparently, the lock wouldn’t get fixed until tomorrow, and so we were asked to move. This room was a little smaller than the one from before, a tad less fancy and without the desks-space or adjourning room for a handmaid. The room also felt a bit more private and cozy than the last, however. And I didn't mind staying in a separate room, so long as it was still close. None of that was particularly important at that moment, however... 

“B-but…” My words escaped me, my mind too paralyzed to form coherent thoughts. 

A hand came down on my shoulder, and I jolted as she pinned me on the spot. 

“You want to learn magic? To become a sorceress? Then I’m going to need to know everything about the state of your body and your core.”

A breathy word slid quietly from my lips. “Everything?

She smirked, and leaned down, bringing her face level with my own, inches away. Her hand slid up to my neck brushing against sensitive skin. “I told you,” she whispered, “I would be keeping a close eye on your body to watch for how it develops. You didn’t think you could do that clothed, did you?”

I shook my head, just gently enough to be noticeable and she smiled. 

“Well?” She took a step back, looking at me expectantly.

With a gulp and then a deep breath, I began to slip out of my dress, thankful that I was at least no longer stuck in Lena’s complicated and tight wedding dress. As I pulled it up over my head, Camilla took it from me, laying it behind her on the bed. With an arm, I covered my exposed chest, no longer able to look up at her face. Somehow, this was even worse than when she’d stripped me down earlier in the day. Then it had been quick and desperate, fueled by the fear of the men pounding at the door. I hadn’t had as much time to think about what was happening. Once they stormed in, that admittedly changed. I felt like I could have fainted from all the blood rushing to my head. This situation, on the other hand, felt so much more intimate

I was also starting to see a strangely repeating trend... How did I continually end up being naked in front of Camilla? It wasn’t even always her doing! How many times was this now? The fourth? The fifth? This wasn’t like all the previous ones, however. They had either been accidental or in the most recent case, perpetrated by Camilla’s hands in a desperate situation. This time it was my own choice, something done entirely out of my own free will. Why did that feel so significant, so different?

The sorceress pulled off the headband atop my head as I slid out of my shoes and scooted them to the side. When I glanced back up at her, she raised an expectant eyebrow. “Those as well,” she demanded and gestured to the smallclothes that kept what little modesty I had left. 

I bit my lip before finally bending down and sliding the socks from my feet. After a moment of hesitation, I pulled the fabric of my underwear down with it. With one hand covering my chest and the other hiding what laid between my legs, I felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable. Camilla circled around me, a predator scoping its helpless prey. I stared firmly down at the ground below, not willing to look beyond my feet, and taking flushed breaths of air. 

The sorceress came to a stop in front of me once more, facing me. “I really meant seeing everything, little Pearl.”

At that I did look back up, eyes wide and cheeks beet-red. 

Her face looked a little warm, but it did nothing to prevent the completely serious stare she was giving me back. “Assuming you’re serious about committing to this?”

I nodded once, though it took a moment for my mind to fully come to terms with just what I was agreeing to. Then with another breath, I moved my hands. Camilla smiled as I looked away, worried that I would melt if I continued to meet her gaze. 

It was far more than just that mortifying sense of embarrassment that I felt. So much more. I was exposed, vulnerable beneath her leering gaze —so out of my depths, and out of my own control. I was surprised to find myself feeling increasingly turned on and flushed by the moment, more so than I had been already. I couldn’t deny that there was something hot about being commanded around like this, even knowing that I could put a stop to everything with a word. Even earlier in the day, with the sentinels, there was something about it that had my lust flaring to life. I’d pushed it aside then, ignoring it in the face of everything that was happening. Now, alone in the room with Camilla and naked once more, I couldn’t push the building heat aside any longer. And nor could my body. 

Perhaps worst of all, Camilla could see; she could see just how turned on I was. My nipples were hardening, my breath and legs becoming increasingly shaky, and the little cock between my legs rose up to life, enlargening as I stood exposed there in front of her. Frozen beneath her gaze and wide-eyed, my legs wobbled beneath me, and the sorceress reached out a hand to steady me as my balance began to falter. The warmth of her hand felt like a hot iron pressed against my naked shoulder.

She cleared her throat. “Do you… mind if I touch you?” she asked, seemingly ignoring the hand that already held my shoulder.

Somehow, I managed out a breathy “Okay.”

With a smile, she circled around to my back, her hand never leaving me, as though she worried I would fall if she let go. Admittedly, I might have. Her other hand began to trace the Mark on my butt. The hot symbol seemed to almost flare at her touch, as though it were reaching out with warm magic to the soft fingers tracing the lines embedded in my skin. 

I hiccuped as her finger trailed up and over, ending around the area of my tailbone. When her touch left me, I took in a breath only to release it as her hand ruffled my hair. 

“Would you get on your knees for me?” came the soft request from behind, inches from my ear. 

Memories flashed through my mind. A passionate kiss. A glowing smile. Lena down in front of me, her lips between my legs. A hand rubbing my thighs and trailing upward. And then my imagination took over. Me on my knees in front of Camilla, my mouth inching closer to her sex, followed by orgasmic bliss swelling upward within us. 

My legs wobbled once more, and my Mistress helped to ease me down the floor. Leaning over top of me, she shuffled my hair around, closely examining the small ears growing on my head as I squirmed from her touch. 

She hummed. “Alright, you can get dressed again.”

At first, I didn’t understand her words. Why would I put my clothes back on? When the dress portion of my maid’s attire was draped across my shoulder, my mind finally cleared. Hastily, I got back up to my feet and slipped into it, not bothering to tie the ribbon that hung loosely from my sides instead of circling my belly. Nor did I bother with the panties or socks. Instead, I stood in place taking deep, hot, and flustered breaths. 

Camilla tilted her head as she watched me and her expression shifted to concern. “Are you alright?” 

I gave her a nod, not trusting my voice. But I was not alright. The lust had become a storm inside of me, a raging hot and vicious tempest with seemingly no intention of releasing me from its grasp. My body shuddered and a feeling of vertigo overcame me. Then a welcoming arm caught my side, and I managed to stay on my feet. Blinking, I looked into the glowing red embers of the sorceress’s eyes. She said something, but I wasn’t listening. It did draw my attention to her lips, however. A moment later my eyes were closing as I leaned forward. 

My lips met hers. 

I kissed her with a fierce passion that I’d never fully felt before. It wasn’t gentle and sensual like our first true kiss, but one full of fire, my lips seeking to devour her. Within a few short seconds, that fire seemed to spread to her. She pressed forward, her long tongue dancing with my own. A hand reached up and circled around my upper throat below my jaw, forcing my face up towards her. My back pressed hard against a wall, despite not having been near one before. She took full control of our dance, guiding our kiss and taming my fierce passion into flame fully under her control. I melted against her, and rather than being stifled, my lust seemed to shift into a torrential rapid trying to follow her stringent yet guiding pace. 

When her lips left mine a few seconds later, a low moan reverberated through my body. The hand around my throat loosened but didn’t release me, and I sucked in a deep breath of air, my body shuddering violently. When my eyes opened, I saw the hungry stare of a demon ready to devour me whole. I hoped she would.

The kiss, fantastic as it was, wasn’t enough. I needed more.

“Perhaps trying to suppress your growth wouldn’t have worked out as well as I might have thought.”

My arms, already curled around to her back, tightened instinctually, fearful that she would insist on attempting to repress the heated desire flooding me. I only then realized I’d wrapped them around her sometime during our kiss. 

“Do not worry, my little Pearl. I can feel that desperate need within you. So close to consuming you. Though how you’ve managed to get yourself into such a ravenous state,” she paused thoughtfully, “I’m not quite certain. I do believe I know exactly how to fix it, if you would allow me?” The smile she gave me promised pleasure.

Realizing that she was waiting on my response, I gave her a pleasant hum and a nod. My voice seemed to be lost somewhere in an unreachable corner of my mind.

Her eyes narrowed. “Now that won’t do. I need a proper answer.” With a hand still around my throat, she leaned forward. Her own eyes staring into deep into my own. “Focus, Pearl. Focus your mind, your thoughts. Take a deep breath for me.” I nodded, and took a breath of air. As I released it, it almost seemed as though the embers in her eyes flickered. The lust within moved from the forefront of my attention, and my mind felt momentarily clear. “Tell me if this is what you truly want.” 

My lips parted. “You’re beautiful,” I said in a delicate whisper. 

She blinked, not having expected the compliment. Then her cheeks filled with an alluring rosy tint. 

“Yes,” I finally consented with a grin. “Yes, definitely yes.”

She smiled back. “Good.”

Her hand left my throat, leaving it feeling naked. Before I could try and pull her closer to me, she stepped back, her hands gripping my dress. With one sharp pull, she ripped it almost entirely in half, before slipping it from my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Within a moment, I stood nude before her once more. But as my lust hit me with the full force of a train, I felt far too hot and horny to care. My hands reached out for her, and she grabbed both wrists. The force of strength with which she pushed them back behind my back left no room for argument. 

“Be a good girl and keep these out of my way, would you?”

I nodded absently as she released them, only to realize a heartbeat after that my hands had immediately betrayed me! One moved to her chest as the other slid below my belly. Oops? She grabbed them with another grip of steel, unmoving no matter how much I fidgeted or tried to pull away. 

She eyed me, and I whimpered beneath her gaze. Why was this so— so hot?

“I can see you’re beyond controlling yourself at this point. But that is no matter. I can manage with a single hand.” The horny sorceress gave me a teasing smile. 

Gripping my hands together, she pulled them up above my head, pressing them tightly against the wall. With her other, she trailed claws down my neck, and I shuddered once again, letting out another whimper. A single finger curved up below the line of my jaw, tilting my head upward to gaze into her eyes. I leaned my lower body forward, taking a step as if hoping that by touching her I could spurn her into action. I needed her to touch me, to really touch me. 

Red glowing eyes searched my own. “I had wondered what you would look like, helplessly writhing beneath me. But I hadn’t anticipated just how truly delectable it would be.” As I wiggled and writhed from her words, she said, “Have patience, my little Pearl.” Her smooth thumb swirled circles against my cheek and she stared deep through my eyes right into the core of my soul. Breathy words flowed from her lips. “You’re so beautiful.” She brushed the hair from my eyes, seeming to be overcome by me.

My embarrassment shined through the cloud of lust in my mind. Captured as I was by her eyes, I couldn’t look away, even had I wanted to. Revenge was sweeter than I expected from this side of the quarrel. 

A sharp hot pain met my nipple, and I yelped out in surprise before wincing and letting out a deep groan. Glancing downward, I watched as she twisted one of my nipples, and I found out just how painfully sensitive they were as my mind briefly saw white and I cried out again. 

She began to rub it gently, and I blinked several tears from my eyes, whimpering from the still lingering sting. When I looked into her eyes again they held a predatory glee. A small smile seemed to promise more to come, and I swallowed down the building fear in my gut. 

I also came to realize that the pain had momentarily cleared my mind, only for the lust to engulf me once again. 

Just when I started to wonder how much more I could take of this, she asked, “Tell me, are you ready for me to touch you? To relieve that aching desire that consumes you?”

I nodded repeatedly, my relief feeling so close now, just barely out of reach. If I could just convince her how badly I needed it.

She twisted my other nipple, and I groaned once again at the intensely sharp pain. Her smile turned into another small grin. She leaned forward, and whispered, “I want you to say it. Tell me out loud what it is you want me to do.”

She wanted me to… say it?

I licked my lips, and hesitantly, parted them. My already rosy cheeks brightened further. After a slow breath of air, I muttered, “I — I want. I want you to touch me.” She gave me a look, a question in her eyes as an eyebrow raised. I held in a squeak.

“Is that all? I’m already touching you, dear Pearl.” Her eyes shined with mirth. As though to emphasize it, she circled her fingers around my breasts.

Biting my lip, I fidgetted. “Umm…” Surely she didn’t need me to be that specific?

She hummed. “Is your horny and empty little mind giving you trouble? Come on, you can do it. Just one little sentence for me. Tell me.” The wide grin she had told me exactly what she wanted.

“I want you t-to touch my — my cock,” I managed to say, with a surprising amount of effort. I felt so hot and flustered that I was worried I would faint. “T-to make me -c-cum.” She tilted her head, humming once again, and for a moment, I was terrified that that wasn’t enough. “Please! Please touch me. Please, Mistress.”

She paused for a moment longer, dragging it out as I whimpered. The pleased smile that came to her face brought a giddy feeling rolling in my chest.

“You’re such a good little maid.”

And then her fingers trailed downward.

I’m back again! Hope you all haven’t missed me too much =3.

The posting delay period is finally over, thank goodness. I’m writing again, not exactly at the pace I was before, but it’s improving enough that I’m certain I’ll be back to that amount soon. I recently got an iPad, specifically for writing more easily on the go. It should make writing a bit after work, or during the rare longer break, more feasible.

I’ve also been working more on the Succubus Tail rewrite. Particularly, character development stuffs. Not too long until the first chapter will be going up on Patreon, I expect. But it’s difficult to guarantee when exactly, at this point. Speaking of which, you can read all the way to chapter 47 of Lunar Marked there (that’s 10 whole chapters! with the next chapter being a WIP atm and hopefully up soon.) And if you’d like to join my public discord and chat/theorize about the story/post silly memes/etc, we’d love to have ya: Discord

Oh, and did you notice the nice new cover!? I’m super happy with how it’s turned out! Been waiting for ages to be able to finally post it lol. I really wanted to get through the previous chapter before I did, though. Give me your thoughts, and tell me how you’ve been doing over the last few weeks down in the comments! (Or the discord, if you wanna)

I’m thrilled to be back! Till next week!~ 

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