Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

69 – Child – Nice…

After the training session with Dad, Sylphy and her family went back home.

It was a bit lonely since I had gotten used to having Sylphy and Miss Rose around, not to mention how fun it was to hang out and bond with Mister Laws.

But while we were as close as family, we still weren't family. And even if we were, it seemed like they wanted to have a private conversation among themselves.

So, after making sure everyone was properly guarded from Being W's interventions with some magical accessories, it was just me and my family at the Greyrat household.

Me, Dad, Mom, Mama Lily, my sisters... and Master Roxy.

Just like old times... plus my baby sisters.

Well, minus my baby sisters since they were having their afternoon nap.

Which meant it really was just like old times.

"Here you go, Rudy." Mom set down a bowl of stew in front of me, along with a loaf of bread. "Make sure to eat up well, okay?"

Mama Lily set down a cup of juice next to me and nodded. "That's right. Your body is still recovering, so make sure obtain the proper nutrients."

I smiled and slid both the food and the drink towards me. "Thanks Mom, Mama Lily. Love you."

My mom laughed and then kissed my forehead. "Love you too, Rudy."

Dad gave me a blank stare from across the table and said, "What am I, chopped liver?" He pouted and said, "Where's my reward? I spent an entire afternoon getting beaten up!"

Mom rolled her eyes and said, "Please. As if you don't enjoy getting smacked around."

Dad pouted and said, "Only by my beautiful wives, not my best friend and my son!"

Mama Lily nodded. "Understood. Then we will begin training in earnest tomorrow." She rubbed her legs and said, "Since my old wounds have completely recovered and due to recent events, I believe it is time to continue my training."

Dad's face immediately turned serious and he frowned. "Lilia... Are you sure you want to? Didn't you leave Asura Kingdom to get away from fighting?"

Mama Lily rolled her eyes and said, "Considering that our family seems destined for conflict in some manner or another, it would be better to be prepared than not. Furthermore." She frowned and said, "I seem to have no talent in magic."

Master Roxy walked over from the kitchen with her own food and sat down next to me. After placing the bowl of stew and her loaf of bread on the table, she looked at Mama Lily and said, "That isn't true, Lilia. You have talent. It's just that you would be better served putting your time training what you already have than starting from scratch. Especially when a certain someone was overprotective and created a magic tool with every elemental spell primed to fire at a single thought."

After saying that, Master Roxy gave me a pointed gaze.

My face heated up and I coughed, averting my gaze. "I-It wasn't that much..."

"Ah. Of course." Roxy nodded. "Compared to the wand you crafted for Sylphy that continuously grows and adapts with her mana usage, I am sure that such a trifling magic tool pales in comparison."

"Huh?" I blinked and said, "But I didn't really do anything special for Sylphy's wand. I mean, I used my mana and copied your magic circles in my wand, but other than that, it's just a branch from Mom's tree. ...That I grew. With my mana. And come to think of it, I made the wand with the intent to have Sylphy use and learn magic easier..."

Did I subconsciously create something ridiculous? Again?

...Actually, in hindsight it would explain a lot. Maybe a fragment of my mana dwelled in Sylphy's wand and affected her own mana and magical development? It would explain why she could suddenly pick up <Mage Sight> without my help.

And from the way Master Roxy was talking about the wand... Maybe I should take a look at it some time?

Dad laughed and said, "And my genius son strikes again."

I rolled my eyes and said, "You keep using that word, Dad. I do not think you know what it means."

He frowned and said, "And you keep denying that word. I think that you're the one who doesn't know what it means, Rudy... But sure." He shrugged and then gave me a sly smile. "Whatever makes you happier... Little Genius."

My eye twitched.

Mom sat down to the right of Dad with some food and then shoved a loaf of bread in his mouth.


"Stop teasing him, you horndog. Rudy's already been through a lot recently. And because of you."

My dad bit the loaf of bread and then swallowed a chunk. After that, he sighed and said, "Fine, fine. I'll take it easy on him for a bit... Even if he didn't take it easy on me." He rubbed his chin and muttered, "My jaw still doesn't feel right. Laws really knows how to throw a mean hook."

Mama Lily sat down with her food on Dad's left and said, "Of course. Unlike a certain noble runaway, Laws had to experience countless hardships in his youth." She ripped off a piece from her loaf of bread and dipped it in her stew. "With a past like that, it would be more odd if he did not know how to brawl."

Dad nodded and said, "True. Although..." He rubbed his chin and muttered, "His fighting style seems really familiar for some reason. The footwork in particular. He's surprisingly fast on his feet..." He shook his head and said, "Well, it doesn't really matter." He shrugged and then dipped his bread in Mom's stew.

"Hey!" Mom huffed and pulled her stew back. "Get your own!"

My dad let out fake puppy eyes and said, "B-But we always share...?"

Mom rolled her eyes and said, "Fine. But don't think you're getting forgiven that easily, Mister. You're still on the night watch for baby duty."


I decided to ignore my dad's antics and focused on my food.

It looked good. Steaming stew with a fragrant scent. Fluffy bread...

My stomach growled.

Since it did, I dipped my bread in the stew and took a bite.

Tasty. Not too salty or savory. The meat was soft and perfectly cooked. Then there were some fresh herbs that were probably ones Mom grew inside in her small indoor garden...

I smiled and took another bite.

Mom noticed and said, "Does it taste good, Rudy?"

"Mmhm!" I nodded and raised the bowl to take a bigger sip. After that, I let out a content sigh and said, "Mom's cooking is always tasty."

Miss Rose was good at cooking too, but there was something about Mom's cooking that was just different.

Mom laughed and said, "I'm happy to hear that, Rudy. But you know, it was your Mama Lily who cooked this time."

"E-Eh?" I blinked and then looked over at Mama Lily. "R-Really?"

She smiled and said, "Indeed."

I quickly bowed my head and said, "I'm sorry, Mama Lily! I didn't mean anything by it!"

Silence. No, not just silence.

Mom clicked her tongue and muttered, "That's no good."

Shortly after that, Mama Lily sighed and said, "Paul's blood runs a bit too strong after all..."

"E-Eh?" I raised my head. "What do you mean?"

Did I do something weird?

My dad groaned. "I definitely need to be more careful about what I show to Norn and Aisha, don't I?"

Mom nodded. "Definitely."

Mama Lily nodded as well and said, "Absolutely."

I tilted my head, still confused.

Roxy laughed and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry your little head about it, Rudy."

"...If you say so, Master Roxy." I muttered and then went back to eating.

As if my actions were a cue, everyone else did the same. It was quiet, but a relaxed atmosphere hung in the air. Just like old times.

Nostalgic. And that nostalgia made me happy.

But then my dad asked a question. "So Rudy. What do you think about Sylphy?"

I paused in the middle of finishing my bread and then looked at my dad.

It wasn't a casual question. No, the tone was casual, but my dad's expression was serious.

Seeing that, I set my bread down and looked at Mom and Mama Lily.

I expected them to interrupt, but it seemed like they wanted to hear my response as well since they just kept quiet and watched.

Since that was the case, I turned my attention back to Dad and said, "Sylphy?"

"Right." My dad leaned back and placed his right arm over the back of his chair. "Your best friend. The cute elf girl who you rescued and taught magic... and the cute elf girl who supported you and followed you even when she knew she would have to give you up. That Sylphy."

My heart raced.

I frowned and placed my hand over my chest, trying to calm it down. That didn't help, so I cleared my throat and tried to play cool. "W-What about her? She's my best friend."

It wasn't a lie. Sylphy was the one who knew me best in the entire world. Someone who would support me no matter what, and someone who I would support all the same.

Not only that, but she was cute, pretty, and smart. She also made every day fun, and the way she smiled brightened up my mood. And then there was how her hugs were so warm and-


My dad raised an eyebrow. "*Just* your best friend?"

I huffed and said, "W-What are you trying to get your son to say, Dad? What, do you think I'm like you who thinks about girls all the time? I have more important things to do with my time, you know? Unlike you, I'm busy working on projects, magic, and figuring out how to do things. I don't have the leisure to waste my days flirting or chatting up pretty girls and... and stuff."

My dad laughed.

I flinched.

He shook his head and said, "You know, Rudy? I'm glad."


Dad smiled and said, "You might have inherited a lot of my bad traits. Being reckless, stubborn, short-tempered... and the random bouts of stupidity..."

I nodded and said, "Absolutely."

Genetics were a hell of a drug. Chemical. Thing... Whatever the saying was.

"...But unlike me, you're a terrible liar."

I froze.

After that, Dad leaned back, as if he was finished talking.

And then Mom spoke up. Looking at me with a soft gaze, she said, "Rudy, sweetie. Do you like Sylphy?"

I laughed and averted my gaze. "L-Like? What do you mean, like? Of course I like Sylphy. She's my best friend and we play together a lot."


It wasn't a lie.

"I see. Then..." Mom turned to look at Mama Lily.

Mama Lily nodded and then looked at me. "Rudy."

"Y-Yes, Mama Lily?"

She stared at me for a little while and then said, "Does your day seem brighter when you are with Sylphy? Does your heart race a bit faster when you think of her? Or perhaps you feel happy seeing her smiling face?"

"Of course! I mean, that's how I feel with Master Roxy too-"

I cut myself off, suddenly realizing the trap my parents laid out.

And then I saw the shit-eating grin Dad had.


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