Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

68 – Child – Hook, line, and sinker

It was dark when we got back. And all of us were tired, so we just went inside and went straight to sleep.

...Well, there was a bit of a situation with some automated magic circles activating when we stepped in, but Master Roxy was awake and managed to disarm it all in time.

But anyway, we turned in early for the night.

Laws went to the guest room to sleep with Rose.

Dad went to go sleep with Mom and Mama Lily... before getting tossed back out to sleep on the couch.

And as for me and Sylphy, we went to sleep in my room. The usual routine by now. Though Sylphy seemed to still be worried since she hugged me tighter than usual. But other than that, nothing happened.

...Well, Norn and Aisha woke up crying in the middle of the night, but that wasn't my problem.

I had a bunch of other ones to deal with first.

But sleep was important, so I set those aside and then let myself slip off to slumberland, Sylphy hugging my arm next to me.


"I'm sorry." Dad lowered his head and said, "This is all my fault."

The dining room table. And one that was extremely lively because of all the people present.

Sylphy's parents were seated on one side of the table, with Sylphy between them.

Mister Laws was upset, and understandably so. And Miss Rose looked mad too, her eyes uncharacteristically narrowed in anger.

Sylphy didn't seem that upset about it all. But since her parents were like that, she stayed quiet.

Behind Sylphy and her parents were Mom and Mama Lily, sitting in rocking chairs.

Mom's eyes were frosty. But maybe since she had a bit of time to think about it... Or maybe because she was cradling a sleeping Norn in her arms, she didn't seem like wrath incarnate.

Mama Lily's eyes were cold too. But instead of being angry, she looked disappointed. And because of that, she focused most of her attention on Aisha, who was awake and happily gurgling.

Five people who were seriously affected by Dad's actions and five people who he needed to apologize to the most.

...Well, technically seven since Norn and Aisha were there, but they were going to punish Dad every night from now on anyway since they kept waking up randomly, so they didn't count.

Facing those people, Dad bowed his head, sitting across from them all by his lonesome.

And I watched the events unfold from off to the side as an objective observer.

It was kind of pitiful. And I was tempted to go over for moral support.

But it seemed like Mom and the others anticipated that since Master Roxy was standing right beside me and holding my right hand to prevent me from going forward.

Also, I never realized it until now. But Master Roxy had surprisingly rough hands for someone who seemed so delicate...

"Paul." After a long silence, Mom spoke up.

To his credit, Dad didn't raise his head. Instead, he kept his head down and said, "Yes, Zenith."

She checked on Norn, smiling at my baby sister's sleeping form. And then she looked back at Dad and said, "You've realized your mistakes now, right? Every time you go off to do something on your own, you've caused issues."

"...I know."

Mister Laws ran his hand through his hair and muttered, "I still do not understand it. You are more than capable whenever you take the lead and anticipate potential dangers during combat situations. But how is it that you are this terrible in life decisions?"

Mama Lily snorted and said, "It appears that old habits die hard." She looked down at Aisha and then smiled, tickling my baby sister's chin. "You won't be like your father, will you, Aisha?"

Another tense silence passed.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my head with my left hand, muttering, "This is more awkward than I thought it'd be."

We already had a mini intervention earlier after explaining the situation with Being W, but since that was the focus on the conversation, as well as making sure to start countermeasures, we didn't talk that much about Dad's recent actions.

And now they were laid out front and center, along with the FUBAR situation that occurred in Roa.

Plus Mister Laws was here now too.

Dad pressed his head against the table and said, "I won't ask forgiveness from any of you. But I promise that something like this won't happen again."

Mom snorted and said, "You're always breaking your promises, Paul. That doesn't mean much."


Rose spoke up and said, "That's right. What about the promise that we'd let Sylphy and Rudy grow up a bit before talking about marriage?"

Sylphy blushed and then turned to look at me.

I coughed and looked away, feeling my face heat up.

...W-Well. I guess I knew where we stood on that.

B-But this was probably just puppy love, right? Like how I had a crush on Master Roxy... Still had a crush on Master Roxy...


This would be a problem.

I was suddenly very aware of the fact that Master Roxy was holding my right hand and instinctively jerked away.

She blinked and looked at me. And then she noticed Sylphy and laughed. Turning back to me, she poked my cheek and said, "Rudy's being extra cute today, aren't you?"

"S-Shut up!"

Master Roxy laughed again and then gave me a teasing smile.

I ignored her and focused back on the conversation unfolding in front of me.

Dad cleared his throat and said, "T-That's something else I wanted to apologize for. I wasn't thinking about what Rudy or Sylphy might want and I just did what I thought was best for Rudy..."

Laws's eye twitched. "Even though you said you thought of Luffy as your own daughter? Even though I called you Brother?"

"...I'm stupid, okay? Please don't hold it too much against me."


And then Laws let out a deep sigh. "...Yes. I suppose you are."

Rose crossed her arms, still upset.

And Mama Lily still wasn't looking at Dad.

...It seemed like this might take a while. We weren't getting anywhere.

Mom seemed to realize that as she let out a deep sigh. Turning to my dad, she said, "Alright Paul. Look at me."

Dad did.

Mom stared at him and said, "This is the last time." She looked at Mama Lily and said, "We've talked it over and we can forgive you acting like that since there was someone else pulling the strings and causing everything in the background. And we won't blame you for overreacting since it's about the only time you tried acting like a responsible father..."

Dad winced.

Didn't blame him. The fact that it was true probably hurt more.

"...We'll let it slide this time. But this is your last chance, got it?" Mom gave Dad a frosty glare and said, "If you mess up again, I'm moving back to Milis. It'll be annoying having to deal with my parents again and my show-off sister, but we can make it work."

Mama Lily looked up and nodded. "As Zenny said. And we will take Norn and Aisha with us."

I nodded.

That was reasonable. Lay down the ultimatum and-


I blinked and looked over at Mom and Mama Lily. "What about me?"

Mom gave me a blank stare and said, "Do you really think you'll be able to leave Sylphy by herself, Rudy?"

I paused to think about that.

Milis was an entire continent away. A perilous long trip across the ocean, or a perilous and long trip over land and a shorter one across a tiny sea.

Much further away than if I were just in Roa, for example. Or even the Asura Kingdom Capital.

Far enough that it would probably be a half-year to a year each trip.

And that was how far I would be from Sylphy? Not only that, but she'd be that far away and all by herself too?

And if I didn't leave her behind, Mom, Mama Lily, Aisha, and Norn would be that far away?

"...Don't worry about it, Mom." I cracked my knuckles and turned to look at Dad. "That won't happen."

At that time, I felt a soft tap on my head.

I blinked and turned to look at the source.

Master Roxy pulled her hand back and said, "No violence, Rudy. That isn't the answer."

I nodded. "I know." I turned back to look at my dad and said, "It's the question. And the answer is yes."

Master Roxy let out a deep sigh and muttered, "Just where did that cute Rudy run off to...?"

Dad started to sweat.

And then Mom nodded and said, "Alright. That's settled."

Dad blinked. "T-That easily?"

Mom smiled. "That's right. Just as easily as you're getting tossed to the side if you mess up again. So do your best, Honey. But for now... How about we all have a nice breakfast to relax?"


"Alright Mister Laws." I gave Sylphy's Dad a once over, making sure that the golden healing mana was completely covering his limbs. "You're good to go."

"Excellent." Laws smiled and turned to look at my dad.

Dad gulped and turned to look back at me. "A-Are you sure we need to do this, Rudy?"

I nodded. "Absolutely."

We were outside by Mom's tree. By 'we', I meant me, Mister Laws, and Dad.

After breakfast and catching Mister Laws up on the current situation with Being W, it was decided that the most productive use of our time would be to train.

Since I managed to give <Mage Sight> to Mister Laws as well, it would be a lot harder for Being W to do anything with us.

...Which meant that he would definitely be working on things behind the scene else where to try and trap us.

So to make sure we were prepared for that, Master Roxy was going over magic with Mom, Mama Lily, Miss Rose, and Sylphy.

Meanwhile, us guys were working on our melee skills.

At least, that was the excuse. But in actuality...

I wreathed more healing mana around my limbs as well and did my best to keep a straight face. "Since Dad seems to always be involved in troublesome events, we have to make sure you're prepared for anything, you know? And besides, while you're a fighting genius, your body's still a bit too weak. So we're speeding that process up."

My dad glanced at Mister Laws and then gulped on seeing how eager that guy was. After that, he turned to me and said, "A-Are you sure we can't just work on dodging practice? That Auto Nomos Instinct or whatever?"

"We could. But reflexes don't mean anything if your body's too slow to react to them. But don't worry." I grinned and said, "I've been steadily improving by getting beaten up and healing for over three years now. I'm sure that my genius Dad will get even stronger than I will. Right, Mister Laws?"

Laws smacked a fist into an open palm and said, "Of course, Rudy. Paul is that incredible, after all."

My dad stared at me. Then at Mister Laws. And then he sighed and forcibly calmed down. "At least not the fa- Bwaha?!"

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