Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 53 – Another Rough Morning

*** Alzi, Morning After ***

An orphan wakes me up. I'm no longer sore from my accidental skill use, but I'm not as refreshed as I usually am after Mommy visits me. Damn, Goddess giving me this stupid skill. Wait, why does it have a different description now? 'ACTIVE you force a target to become extremely aroused, not able to think about anything but sex till they are impregnated or get pregnant. They will settle down in two hours or if you release them. If they are already pregnant, if you cum they will also be released. If they are already pregnant, you may choose the target of their lust; this new target can satisfy the cum requirement'. So I would've been able to stop it. I swear those extra ways to end it weren't there before. Are they fucking with me now? They did that just, so Mommy would fuck me for a few hours!

Damn whores, is that why everything gets worse? They enjoy watching me suffer, giving me all this 'talent' just so I can be a good showgirl for them. I didn't even know they could switch the fucking abilities. Who do I need to pray to for damn classes to switch to something of actual value? I want to be a healer! Not a damn whore.


"Hey, Alzi! Is everything alright?" Comes through the door.

"No! I've woken up, learned I'm a playing thing even for the Goddesses, and cried. How could anything be alright?" I lash out.

"Can I come in?"

"I'm a slave, do what you want."

"Alzi, please give a real answer."

I just stay curled up. Mai has walked in on me enough; I don't know why she is being respectful now.

"Alzi, I'm coming in to check on you. If you don't want me in the room, you can send me away, but the Mistress is going to call you downstairs soon."

"She can make the damn beautiful collar force me down the stairs. I've just a stupid toy for everyone's amusement," my raspy voice lets out.

"Alzi, you're more than a toy. This isn't a permanent thing; you'll be free soon, and you'll have a loving family bound together by the Goddesses."

"Fuck the Goddesses. They're the first to use me as a toy. They don't care; they'll find some way to fuck up my happy little family too. They probably made it so I could only keep my Mother stable so I would sell myself. Maybe even made me think this was the only way to get help! Fuck all of them!" Strong arms wrap around me, fur brushing against my ear.

"Alzi, the Goddesses aren't using you as a toy. I promise you that. They don't give a woman these assets just to torment her. Honestly, there is probably a Goddess just as mad as you are about how your life is going right now. They don't give out power easily. You've had a rough start here, but you'll be free, and when you are, you'll be able to use all the power the Goddesses give you. Just give it some time."

"No, I'm their toy. Yesterday I got a level and new skill. I just thought about maybe using it, and then it activated, making my Mom fuck me for two hours. Today, I woke up to find the text changed; I could've prevented the entire thing with this new text! Plus, why was it so easy to use? Half a thought was all that was needed to make Mommy fuck me for two hours."

"Some are more in tune with our mana than others. Your life mana and class are very sex-related, likely making it easy to use. I know it feels like they are messing with you, but I doubt a Goddess picked that skill and then changed it. Something strange must've happened with the skill creation. Now, I know this is harsh, but you need to get up. The Mistress isn't going to let you hide here much longer. You can have a bad day; you just need to come downstairs."


"Thank you, I really don't want you to lose your privileges right after you got them. Sorry to force you."

"Better you than Vasati or Mistress." I stretch my body slowly, feeling how I move the girl attached to my back. "Thank you for trying to comfort me. I'll get through the day; I just have to give out massages today. I can fake my joy there easily enough."

"Good. I need to get to my lessons. Hurry and get something to eat; you're feeding a lot of people at once." Getting off my bed she starts to the door, leaving me to get dressed on my own.

"Don't remind me," I let out under my breath. I slowly move to my dresser and get a robe. Quickly, I put my heels on. I dress as I walk down the stairs for my late lunch, forced to take my time on the stupid fucking stairs.

*** Mai ***

Fuck that felt awful. This is the worst I've seen her. At least, mood-wise. Physically, I've obviously seen her in much worse states. She normally bounces back quickly, but this one isn't sexual. No class to help her out of the rut, and I don't even have the time to help her. Even if I walked with her to lunch, I would have to leave her after that. I'm not allowed to join her during the massages, and she doesn't have a choice of doing them. I do have some questions to ask whoever the Silvana family sends today. It's mostly been Esmeralda. Sometimes, Quintella joins her; a few times, others have shown up. The only other girl to appear repeatedly is Lorelei, Esmeralda's first wife.

The brothel doesn't have a good room for my lessons. Not that the Mistress would allow me to use it anyway. She's not happy about my debt being paid off. So I have to use my room. I'm not happy to have a Countess and her family do these lessons in a prostitute's room, but it's all I've got. Walking into my room, I find Esmeralda sitting on my bed, waiting for me all Ladylike.

"Sorry, Esmeralda, I had to help Alzi out of her bed. She had a weird thing happen yesterday and this morning making her upset. I would actually like to ask you a bit about it. I know you've said the Goddesses have control over our classes and skills, but how much? Alzi says her new skill changed descriptions this morning. This description change would make something that happened yesterday with it not possible. The change is for the better, she feels, but she, well, we, I guess, don't understand how it could change overnight?"

"This is a bit of a guess. The heavens don't like explaining these things, but we are pretty sure angels give out the skills, passives, and stat increases. This is directed from the system Goddess of Power setup; the angel picks the skill, comes up with the stats and whatnot, and then sends it down. My guess is that the angel and whichever Goddess she works for didn't agree on the skill. A Goddess will easily overrule the angel causing the change," she explains easily.

"How do we figure this out?" thinking out loud.

"A lot of priestesses ask a lot of questions over hundreds of years and share the answers. I'm sure we're missing some nuances with the system, where the guessing part comes in, but that is the gist we've gathered."

"Oh, do you think the Goddess of Sex or Fertility is controlling Alzi class?"

"The name makes it clear Fertility has control. This also means that the Goddess of Fertility is taking a more active role. Most of her priestesses say it's difficult to talk to her; I think those going to her services are in for a welcome surprise. Don't share this with anyone. Try to get Alzi to shut up about it. A number of people that will soon be around her are not going to be happy to find the Goddess behind her is more active. Goddess of Fertility is normally a bit of an outcast. Mother of many, many Goddesses, a threat to most life in this world, and often slighted, her return is often prophesied to be hard for those that stand in her way. Just let Alzi know the power behind her is simply showing her desire to help. Now, let us get on with your lessons."

"Thank you, Esmeralda."

*** Alzi, night ***

Despite my less-than-happy mood, I manage to fake a smile and please each client that comes my way. I honestly may have done a better job; my focus was completely on just the massage. No thoughts about if I want to fuck them or any number of wandering thoughts. Just massages today, my anger simmering in the back of my mind. I focus all my feelings on rage at the world and, well, everyone. Almost everyone, my loved ones, is still loved. The rest are hated till proven otherwise! For now, I'll have to see if my slave classes turn that hate down or not. This isn't the first time I've felt like burning the world to the ground. The other brothel owners are first on the list. Mistress always goes on and off the list depending on the day. But she somehow finds a way to stay off it. She did save my Mother.

Don't get me wrong, if I get the chance to put a collar around her, I would. But going out of my way to make her life miserable? Not really there, maybe if the collar comes off or given enough time as a free woman with a true class. Perhaps if I'm not able to get a true class? Who knows. I will say if I get a collar around Mistress, she'll be a personal servant to me. Her womb will be mine to fill with as many children as I see fit. And now I know I can fill it in whenever! Even with extra children if I'm in the mood before her current batch is done.

But I won't be randomly getting a chance to enslave her, so I won't have the personal womb.

"Alzi, are you ready for me?"

"Yes, Yuki!" Finally someone I can share my anger with. She'll be happy I want some revenge. I can see her smile falter every time I go easy on those that hurt me. Though I doubt she'll be happy, I'm cursing the Goddesses this time.

"Is something wrong, Alzi? That smile looks a bit stiff," my snowy kit says. Her eyes squint, looking for more clues.

"Yes, let us talk more in the room!" Turning on the spot and, forced to hold the door open for the Kitsune, ruining my dramatic walk.

"Alzi, is this something..."

"No, room first, please."


We get through the door, and she immediately stares me down. Her tail flares out, making her look a lot bigger and scarier.

"Spill it," is all she lets out. A simple command she likely didn't mean to give.

"I want to kill a Goddess and possibly the world. Some bitch decided to make me rape myself yesterday with my Mother and then switched the skill description this morning. I'm not happy about it. They made my Mother sad. That should cover everything."

"Shit, sorry, I didn't think about the command. But you aren't going to get a Goddess. Yes, one is behind why you had a skill description change, but she likely was the one to make it better. It is better now, right?"


"Then a Goddess was the one to help you there. Some angel fucked up. I will admit that makes your goal of gutting them a bit easier. But a bit easier from gutting a Goddess is still impossible. The only angels you can gut are the ones present in this world and they didn't cause your ability."

"Don't care. A Goddess owes me something. They've made me a plaything and are hinting I'm their plaything as well. I need them to feel a bit of pain."

"Well, the first step is losing the collar. I'll help you, but don't go saying that in the presence of a priestess or temple. We don't need to get smited," her tails flopping down, a forced smile coming out. "Sorry to hear things went bad yesterday with your Mother. That's meant to be a nice, easy day. Not one that has you going through more abuse. Come on, let's bathe."

"Fine, but I'm holding you to that help."

"If we get to a level where we can get a Goddess, I'll be right next to you, Alzi. Just don't go doing something stupid."

"Um? I'll do my best."

"You know what I meant, you goofball. Come on, get in with me."

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