Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 52 – First Action

*** Alzi ***

The food was cold. I still find it editable, but Mom isn't going to like it. She's still asleep after the rough mating my skill put us through. I don't think the food can get much worse, but waiting won't help any.

It only takes a few more minutes for her to get up. She takes one good look at me before turning away in shame. I guess she remembers what happened during the skill.

"It's fine, mom. I caused it to happen. I accidentally used a new skill. You did have a choice but to fuck me. It hurt a bit, but I'll get over it. I'm more worried about you, are you ok?" I ask, hoping she doesn't feel guilty over my mistake. Or does this mean I raped her? I think this is best blamed on the Goddesses.

"Are you sure? I'm the one who did it. I felt well it felt umm it ..."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Sigh, yes." She curls up, trying to hide from her shame.

"Good, there wasn't much joy for me, but like I said, it was my fault to begin with. Come on, eat, it tastes like shit, but it's good for you and the kids. You still need to walk all the way back. Don't do that hungry."

"I'm still sorry. If I picked a more..."

"It would have still hurt. Just eat. I want to knit something with you for the kids. You're going to have my first official kids. I need to start on a high note."

"Ok, it would be nice to give them something from you when they are born. You won't be able to get out of the brothel for it." Finally sitting up and accepting the standard lunch.

We sit in silence for a bit as she tries to stomach the cold food. I sit down beside her on the bed to rest my head on her shoulder. It was a little awkward due to the height difference, but I didn't want her to think I was sad or scared of her. I feel her relax a bit. It is nice to know she's worried about me.

She finishes most of the food, but she's used to much better food. I don't blame her. If I was still used to her food, I wouldn't dare even touch it. Her food is the best in our town. Her new wives are definitely happy with dinner.

"What do you want to make them?"

"Socks are the only thing I could make. I don't have time for a blanket, and hats don't work for us."

"You could do a mini handkerchief. Something that will last a bit long."

"So, a mini blanket? Is knitting a handkerchief a thing?"

"You can always make it a thing. Come on, use the green and make a few."

"Just tell me how many."

"Make five."

"What! There's no way we're having five."

"We aren't, but I can't tell you the number. So you've got more work to do."

"Fine, best be careful. I found out how to control how many eggs the girl releases. Next time may truly be five," I threaten. I would never put my Mommy through that, but it would be fun to dream of.

"Child, if you do that to your poor old mother, my wives are going to spank you."

"Spanking can be nice, bent over their laps, told I'm a bad girl."

All that earns me is a shaking head and a new conversation. "Your mom doesn't need to hear these things. Knit, you've got work to do."

I get to work on the socks. I want the kids to use them, even if it is only for a short time. Even a handkerchief won't last long enough for them to remember them, so if they don't use them, what's the point? But it'll take a lot longer. I just need to do a bit each night. We should have at most three kids.

"How big should I make them? I've had so many kids but never got a good look at their feet if I saw them at all."

"A bit larger than your thumb; too big is better than being too small."

"Ok, sorry for making you do all the clothing."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Akhae is helping a lot. Even Ilka has put in some work. I've got some help thanks to your encouragement. I'm happy you'll give the kids something. Plus, my moms are going to help now that I'm married. They should've helped with you, but my sister's a bitch. I want to ignore them now, but I can't put that kind of pressure on my wives."

"It's nice hearing you say wives. Don't let the grandparents do too much. As soon as I'm out, I'm bringing you three and the kids up here."

"I've let my wives know we'll likely be moving. They're excited to venture out but nervous about leaving all they know behind. Now that they face leaving, they are surprised how quickly you ran out here to get me help. My little girl was brave, not hesitating to head out into the world. Be easy on us old women. We're a little set in our ways."

"Don't worry. We'll have a group moving with us. It won't be that scary." I need to find a way to time my class completion so I can choose my next class right as I leave. It'd be a big help to Yuki if I had a real class. I'll likely not be able to finish the class, but I'll figure out the chances when I get from ten to eleven soon.

"Yes, having you, Yuki, and Mai will be nice. Maybe a real noble would be fun, though scary in its own way."

"Not sure how fast that would be. I think I have a few nobles already interested. So maybe."

"Good, then you should be able to choose. Pick a nice one. You've had too much experience with the shitty ones. Living in a noble mansion would be quite a change. Though it would be nice to keep a smaller family.  My three and you three, wait, isn't there Kelly as well? So you four would be nice. Seven people is a good size."

"Yay, seven would be nice. Yuki warns that it won't be possible for safety or something. Would be nice to keep it to people I already trust." I've just barely had my first sock started. It's been years since I've had to start my own work. I'm normally just patching or lengthening an already-started project. Little rusty, but by the fourth sock, I'll be much faster.

We continue our projects in silence, the little awkward air my skill caused gone. But much too soon, my mother has to leave to go back home.

"Sorry, I have to leave so soon, I've got worrying wives now. In just a few more months, we'll be living under the same roof. I love you, sweetie," she says after wrapping me in a big hug.

"I love you too. Be safe heading back,"

"I will."

*** Mother ***

I feel bad cutting my time short with my daughter, but my wives really want me to check with the fertility temple. I did a little lie, telling her I knew the kids, but I would shortly. We need to see the count and a healthy surprise for Alzi when they come.

I already asked the guard for directions. It's a bit of a walk, but it's doable. It's better now than when I started to truly show. It'll be too late then; I'll struggle enough getting here and back.

Stepping outside, I have to admit the red light district can put on a show. It isn't dark yet, but the lights and shows have started coming out. Each trying to catch your eye and sell a desire. I keep my head down and leave quickly.

The city is beautiful but strange compared to our town. The buildings are bigger, and random decorations give the streets a very different feel. I don't recognize anyone in the crowds. Several different squares hold more people than our entire town has. It's a lot to take in and get used to.

I twist and turn down the streets, following the instructions the guard gave me. One last turn, and I spot the grand building. I have to get closer to be sure, but it looks like the other temples I've passed. Nearing, I start to see the paintings of a pregnant woman over the front. I get to the oversized door and struggle to push it open, getting just enough to slip inside, finding myself in a large room.

I'm not sure what to do. I spot a few women praying in the pews. Is that enough to find out the information? I pick a spot and bow my head. Should I start by saying thanks to Alzi and the new kids? It wouldn't hurt to be a little humble.

"Miss, do you need help?" A voice asks, catching me off guard.

"Yes, I'm from a small town; I know I'm pregnant, but I wanted to know more. I was in the city and decided to stop by. I'm not sure what I need to do?"

"I'm happy to help. Let me do a small spell," the priestess says.

"Thank you," I let out before my vision goes white.

"Finally, someone related to my champion. I'm sorry for earlier in the day. My angel made a silly mistake that I corrected already."

"What? Who are you? What's going on?" I'm confused, but something is stopping me from panicking forcefully.

"Sorry, not used to this. I'm the Goddess of fertility. You are the mother of my champion. A number of women have come here with their kids, but finally, someone who is related. To answer your question that you came for, you have two, a boy and a girl."

"Thank you. What do you mean by champion?"

"Someone who embodies my affinity and will be naturally more powerful. Your daughter is doing her job well, but she deserves a more fitting place. I don't have the power to forcefully free her. More than a few Goddesses stand in my way. I need her to get to my temple. Things will keep the slaving bitch from getting her here for a bit. Her current owner has already sold her to another. Sorry, but your marriage will be put off a bit," the voice rattles off. I struggle to follow the line. Does she greet everyone like this?

"...You'll wake up with a caretaker affinity. Nothing crazy, but I need you to work hard at home. You'll need to convince your wife Akhae to show up at the Sea Goddesses temple for her affinity. You must never say this plan out loud. There is a temple in this city. Bring her to see my champion and then go sightseeing. Take her into the temple and sit down. The priestess there will take care of the rest. You must not tell Alzi she is being sold. Things are delayed for her, but the bumpy road will work out well for her."

"My daughter has been sold. But we had an agreement. That isn't possible. I..."

"Goddess of Justice is a useless bitch. You can try to get compensated when your daughter changes hands, but you won't get her free. That Kitsune has a good enough plan. Follow it. Worst case that pathetic Queendom will find kids stop showing up, and I'll force my will on the world a little. Good luck."

The white light suddenly gets replaced with the temple. All the information she spewed out forces itself into my brain. I try to scream, but I'm frozen in place. The box that has avoided me all these years shows up. A caretaker class and affinity show in the middle of my vision. Alzi, my daughter, your mother is done watching you struggle.

"Looks like you have two kids, lucky you. A boy and a girl. Would you like to say a prayer to the Goddess for the fortune?"

"Yes," I respond, finally free to move now that my surprises are gone. The Goddess has given me much more than a few kids.

"It seems you know what you want to say. I'll let you be."

I quickly say my thanks. I'll need to work hard to convince Akhae to come here. It would be a lot easier if I had both Akhae and Ilka come by to show them the city.

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