Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 37 – Mother’s Long Awaited Marriage

*** Alzi's Mother ***

It's hard to believe I'm attempting this again. The first time, she shut the door on me as soon as the word 'marriage' left my lips. Ilka, in her usual direct manner, insisted I try again in a few weeks. She promised to let me in, and together, we would confront her, or as she put it, 'force a real conversation. '

My neighbors got pregnant a month before me. They'll be too busy dealing with hers to help me, so I'm mainly here in desperation; I'm going to be an emotional mess missing Alzi and worrying about this kid.

"Hi, Armirynth. I'm glad you braved coming here. I know Akhae has hurt you a lot, but she's. Well, she, you know, has problems with friends. I've been trying for a long time to have her make up with you. I wished she had the nerve to ask you out when you got pregnant. It would have saved a lot of heartache. Alzi would still be here, too." Pulling me into her cozy living room. "Sit anywhere, I'll make some tea, or would you prefer some wine? No, that would be better for after Akhae agrees." She wandered off to another room before I could even answer.

"Tea would be lovely," I call after her, knowing I'll be served wine If I don't ask for tea. The room, with its two couches and three chairs, feels like it's pushing me into a corner. The walls, bare and wooden like all the homes in the town, seem to close in on me. In the corner, sewing materials and tools catch my eye. I wonder if they both sew or if Ilka is too busy to join. She is a permanent member of the guards.

Almost all girls have to enter the guard after they come of age but a few with offensive classes will stick around to try and complete their class. Ilka has a strength affinity, so she likely has such a class. Akhae must have a reason not to marry me if Ilka has truly been trying to get me in with them all these years.

"Here we go. I had a pot almost done." She storms back in with a teapot and three cups. I wonder if Akhae likes tea or if Ilka just pours it down her throat. "Now, Akhae should be here in a few minutes. She likes to go for a little walk this time of day, always in the same loop." handing me a cup. I take a sip. It's that same tea everyone has here. We don't get enough trade to have many options.

"Are you sure she wants to marry me? I mean, she didn't hesitate to close the door in my face last time. She ridiculed me the first time I asked. I, I really really can't take it if sh, if she says no again." I fight my tears. I don't know why I still love her. I should hate her, but I just want to be her friend and wake up next to her sometimes. Ilka is nice too, with pretty green scales, has an affinity, she's kind, and hard-working. A wonderful woman to be married to.

"Yes, you won't be leaving here without us becoming a family. I won't let it happen. Both you and Akhae have been hurt enough by her silly games." She suddenly stands up, darting to the door. "Here she comes. Let me do the talking at the start." Not waiting for my response, she leaves for the front door.

Shortly, they both come back into the room, Ilka continues moving, sitting down in a chair near me. Akhae pauses, staring straight at me. She takes a few deep breaths before taking her own seat as far from me as she can.

"Akhae, what are you doing? Is this how we treat guests? Move closer to Armirynth; she isn't here to hurt you. She's here because I asked her to come over. Much better." Akhae slowly got up and moved to the chair across from Ilka, next to the couch I was on. "Now, Akhae, I believe you have something to say to Armirynth. Something you should have said decades ago."

"I did say it." Her head dropped, making her stare between her feet.

"No, you didn't. I'm tired of fighting you to speak the truth to her. Now, do it correctly. Stop lying; nobody cares about the past now."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. Ilka stares deep into Akhae's soul. Akhae and I sit uncomfortably. Akhae does seem to be fighting herself over something, looking to the floor for answers.

"I'm sorry," she whispers to the floor. "I'm an idiot. Please leave this one alone."

"Akhae, that is not what I was talking about. You started correctly, but the rest was wrong. Try again, please." Both Akhae and I were starting to cry.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Happy. I fucked up and didn't fix it. I'm a worthless wife and terrible partner." Akhae screams out. Collapsing into her chair. Her sobs came uncontrollably.

"No, I wanted the truth." Ilka continues to hammer the poor girl to follow some predefined script.

"Ilka, show support for your wife." I steel myself for another rejection and get up, going to comfort my old friend. Hoping she lets the old days come back.

She lets me get next to her on the chair, pulling her into a hug. Her tears still streaming down her face. I slowly work her onto my lap so I can fully embrace her. Ilka just watching, still looking disappointed in her wife.

"If you were talking to me, I forgive you. I don't know if I really should, but I do. I still love you Akhae. I want you in my life, in my children's life." I whisper into her ear.

"Why, I laughed at you. My only friend when you asked before. Slammed the door in your face. Watched you get poisoned, and your daughter sell herself to save you. I did nothing for you. Why try again?"

"Alzi asked me to, which is why I tried. You were my only friend, and I guess I thought I deserved those words, so I didn't hate you for saying them." I was a nobody back then. Weak and ugly is all I thought of myself; my brown scales were all I could focus on. Not till Alzi came around did I let myself focus on other parts of myself.

"I'm part of what hurt her. Why is she sending you to me?"

"You never hurt her. Just me. She felt I loved you still and is a bit idealistic about love, I guess."

"Will you marry us?" Ilka asks before the discussion spirals too far into why we shouldn't get married.

"Yes, will you Akhae?" I respond, Alzi does seem to be right about love in this case. With Ilka around, Akhae and I should mend our strange friendship.

"If you want me still," she lets out, barely any sound escapes her lips.

"I still want you. Before we get too far into this, there is one other thing I should bring up first."

"What is that? Got another girl lined up for us?"

"Yes, a few, actually. Alzi has made some friends in the brothel that she loves and will want to marry." fuck her comes the hard part. "She also, well, you know, asked me to marry her. I love her more than anything but as her mother. But that also makes it difficult for me to say no to her. So, if you two are willing to marry her and the few girls from the brothel, we can get married."

"We'll be married to Alzi. The most powerful herm to ever come from this village. Yes," Ilka responds, almost cutting me off.

"Why, why am I getting this?" Akhae still talking to herself.

"You were my friend, and I never could bring myself to hate you. So just let it be now. I don't want to ever let you go again."

"So, we'll have a chance to have kids of our own? Well, without paying a fortune or getting lucky?"

"Yes, her classes have warped her relationship with sex and kids. I imagine we will all be having a lot of kids. In fact, I'm already pregnant. We'll have a lot of kids to raise, but Yuki is skilled. She knows how to raise a big family and already has a few plans for us. We may fold into a noble marriage."

"You're pregnant? Armirynth, congratulations! Oh, we get a chance to make up for our past failures. Come on, Akhae, give your answer—the one you've told me so many times these years."

"Yes, Armirynth, I'm sorry for being a coward. I thought others liked me. I thought they loved me. I'm sorry for being so stupid."

"It's fine. I'm happy to marry you two now." I start to pet her hair. She's calmed down some; there are just little whimpers coming now. She's moved a hand to my womb—the first girl to do that this pregnancy. I feel almost complete; all that is missing is the father. I'll have to get pregnant again so I can be sandwiched by Alzi and Akhae. Having them pamper me a bit. Maybe Akhae could be pregnant as well. Yes, I can see it. All four of us are pregnant; Alzi, Ilka, Akhae, and I try to play in bed, but our bellies get in the way. Soon, I'll have my baby back. "Ok, now what? I haven't really thought about marriage in years."

"Do we make this official?"

"Yes," comes from the baby dragon on my lap. Ok full-grown dragon, a pregnant woman needs to get prepared for the kids.

"Ok, I don't really want a full wedding until we join up with Alzi and her girls, so are we ok with just going to the temple? Maybe we can have a party. I think my neighbors would like to celebrate with me, and I'm guessing you two have a few friends who would like that as well."

"Yes, we can worry about that tomorrow. Akhae, get up. We need to move fast, or the temple is going to make us wait till tomorrow."

"I know. Let me process a few things here. I've had this fear for decades since I saw Armirynth walking away from me. I didn't think this would happen, that it would end with her doing the same thing to me." Slowly, she got off my lap, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before getting a hug from her current wife. Warmth spread through me, and I finally got a kiss from my wife and friend. I follow the two girls out of the house and to the temple. Nerves building, she still has a chance to say no, to torture me one last time.

The temple is really just a slightly larger house. The town doesn't have the craftswomen or money for anything grand. The major Goddesses all have a painting inside. We are going to the Goddess of love. The same 'priestess' handles all the Goddess. She is just a random woman a real priestess from the capital has assigned to handle the matters of the Goddesses.

"Hi Hesut, we are here to do a marriage," Ilka calls out as we enter. The temple is empty; Hesut must be hiding in the back.

"Why are you doing this so late? Schedule a wedding, and I'll be happy to do it." She says, walking through the back door.

"We don't want to wait, and we are all a little old to do a wedding. Just give us the blessing, and we can get out of your hair."

"No, I need a wedding." Hesut really thinks she is special; the real priestess took the first girl she saw and gave her the job. On any one of my trips, I could talk to a real priestess and have her replaced.

"You're just mad that Alzi is more talented than your daughter. I know you've married plenty of girls without a wedding. Now, come on. It takes a few seconds, and you aren't a priestess; the Goddess won't be happy you are making rules she doesn't have."

"No. Leave you can go to the capital if you want to talk about a real priestess."

"You know Armirynth goes to that capital every month. I think she could find some time to talk to a priestess in the capital about you not performing your duties."

"You're an annoying bunch, Ilka. My daughter will catch you soon."

"I don't care. I do what I can for the village. If she is stronger, then we'll all be safer." She heads to the statue of the Goddess of Love, with the rest following.

"Do you all love one another and promise to work together in your marriage?" Hetus says

"Yes," we all say together.

"Then be married. Now leave."

"We will happily leave you alone bitch. Try not to ruin our temple. Your daughter isn't strong enough to protect us from the Goddess's wrath." Ilka shoots back as we leave. Somehow, that simple ritual adds a new category to the status, not that those without an affinity can see it. This category shows your wives, Ilka and Akhae would be listed there now. They would gain my name on their list.

I turn to head home for the night when I get wrapped up in a hug.

"Now, Armirynth, you're married to us. We need to spend the first night in bed now come along. Akhae has had a lot of dreams to make reality right now."

A new fear starts to grip me as I follow my new wife to my new home. I haven't lived with someone else in years, and now I'm living with two wives. I don't even have extra clothes at their house!

"Girls, I'm very interested in living with you two now. But I need to get a few things from my house and prepare for the move. I mean, what am I going to wear tomorrow? I need extra food, beds, and, well, you know, my personal stuff."

"Your restaurant is closed tomorrow, so we can get all that tomorrow. Tonight, you'll be in our bed naked, so the other things don't matter. We have enough food to feed all of us for a few days, and then we can bring in your stuff." Ilka answers promptly, pulling me along faster back to their house. With no more excuses, I accept my fate.

They drag me straight to their bed. While not really made for three girls in mind, the forced closeness is nice. Ilka immediately gets to work, stripping me. Moving me every which way to get me out of my dress and underwear. Then, tossing me like a sack of wheat onto the bed.

"Now, Akhae, you've said you're sorry. It is time for us to show it," Ilka stares at me with a devilish grin, eyeing every part of me. I lose track of Akhae, and Ilka's eyes draw my full attention.

After taking in every detail of my body, the girl's man handles me once again, legs getting spread wide, and tongue invades my slit. Ilka pins my hands over my head, her body saddling my stomach, careful to hover over it. She forces me into a kiss, a long and lovely kiss. I surrender my body to my new wives and let them pamper my body. Akhae's tongue shows the practice her long marriage has given her. Working every spot so delicately, like she's enjoying the finest dessert. Ilka is more aggressive, massaging my small tits and our tongues fighting for dominance.

She wins out when my first orgasm comes, having me surrender my last fight for control. Akhae starts working a few fingers inside, searching for my weakest point. She finds it quickly, not giving me any breaks as my wives pour the love, I've wanted for so long over me.

They work me over for hours, hands and tongues their only tools. I'm truly exhausted by the time they finish. The entire time Ilka didn't let me get a word in, her tongue looking to move into my mouth permanently. Akhae working both of us to many orgasms. I'll need to pay her back for all the work.

I whisper an 'I love you' out when they finish before passing out.

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