Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 36 – Alzi Sale

*** Mistress, a week later ***

When I walked in this morning, a package was on my desk. It could only be the Princess's contract and notification method. It's time to seal Alzi's future. I carefully open the package; just a simple string keeps the brown paper sealed. Inside are a few pages of paper bound together with magic, a small green stone, and a small note. The note just states the stone is how I will notify her when Alzi has given birth; just sending some mana into it will alert the Princess.

I spent the next hour reading through the contract. It lines up with what we agreed to for the most part, but I can tell she had someone word some of the provisions to squirm out of some promises regarding Alzi. I'll have to let Yuki deal with that and I sign it. The gold will come when she picks up Alzi, so all that's left is to wait for her last batch to finish. If Yuki is watching me hopefully she saw all the agreements. I finish up the day with the balance sheets.

*** Yuki ***

I was being too obvious with my spying; Mistress made it way too easy for me to read the contract. She was honestly going out of her way to let me see the words on the page. She probably wasn't certain, but when you always find her the second she is free, it would be embarrassing not to figure it out.

The damn contract locks Alzi as a slave forever if she fears that someone will steal Alzi from the damn Princess. Mother already said she can't make it into our realm as a slave, so I'll have to come up with a different plan to free her. I'm not happy about having to work with Nakuma, but the Queen is truly the only option I have for getting Alzi free now. I'll have her start working on making a name for herself. We'll need more than my name to get a strong enough warrior to earn a request.

I'm nearing my last week of far appointments, and my last few performances are making me less desired, I think. I've been a little too distracted with the Mistress to do my best. Whatever, I don't need to try so hard now. I have no real power. The only reason to try is to make it more painful when I leave. And I guess to level up, though, at the pace I've been going, it will take a decade for that to happen. Nakuma is truly special to have already completed her sixth class.

She found time to contact me about her journey. She is still on track to arrive in three weeks. I asked her to complete some missions before getting here but she doesn't care about anything but seeing me and testing Alzi. Hopefully, I can control her better when we meet.

Alzi has been doing a lot better this last week. No longer having so much rough sex has greatly improved her mood and energy. Her belly is scary; she's about a month in accounting for her double-speed pregnancies, yet she looks like she is three months along. I'll fight for her to get the last month off; if needed, I'll just threaten to kill Mistress if required. She should back off knowing she has given me plenty of reason to do it.

I need to check if Kelly is willing to join the small group I'm starting. It'll be nice to have a healer. She doesn't have much to do here; her main job is to help Alzi give birth, so I should be able to see her when I return from my appointment.

Her room is on the first floor just to cause Alzi as much trouble as possible. While her main purpose is to keep Alzi alive during labor, she does help any girl who gets sick or hurt. We rarely get anyone seriously injured. I think Mai was the last girl who needed an extended stay here besides Alzi's overnight pregnancies. I give the door a gentle knock.

"Come in," someone shouts from the other side. I walk in and see the split room, half for Kelly's patients and the other for herself, making the large room smaller than most. "Hi Yuki, Is everything alright? I don't think you've ever been sick before."

"No, I'm not here for that. Do you have a moment to talk?" I ask.

"Yes, come on, sit down here. I've got some tea already started if you would like some," she says, pointing to a small couch.

"Yes, please. Thank you. It has been a while since someone else has made me tea." This used to be the norm, but now I'm expected to make tea as part of the show but.

"Yes, it isn't very common these days. Most just go straight to the wine. It isn't as healthy, I think. Plus, you're always walking around drunk. Great for those that own the grapes, terrible for the budget."

"Yes, I've now got a skill to help me play while drunk due to all the bottles I've been pressured to drink before performing. I think nobles are starting up a new challenge for performers. They are always coming up with new stupid rules for their entertainment." I find a spot on the couch. It is comfortable, not the softest, but I'm more than happy to sit on it over the floor.

"I'm Glad I don't have to deal with nobles. I'm just dealing with the burning vaginas, the occasional cuts, bruises, and ..." The tea cuts her off, saving me from her likely long list of ailments she treats. "Here you go. Now, what are you here to talk about? I think we were getting a little off-topic."

"You like Alzi." I start off blunt; most healers like you to just say what you mean.

"Yes, but it doesn't sound like you were asking."

"I wasn't. I know there is no reason for you to stick around for the pay you get. The guild would pay twice what you're making right now. You have to promise not to tell Alzi about this meeting."

"So she is being sold."

"Yes, please don't tell Alzi. She'll become extremely depressed. I have a way to marry her, but it will take a bit. I would like your help. She'll still be sold to the Princess. We'll just get into her harem or take Alzi from her. Depends on the timeline for a few things."

"I won't share. But we should tell her a few days before her due date. Having it be a surprise would be worse for her. We can try to comfort her and let her know we'll be coming after her."

"I'll try to let her know. But I think this one may come early for once. She is getting bigger a lot faster than normal."

"Just don't wait too long. What do you need me to do?"

"We are going to earn a request from the Queen. I'll need a group to maintain our home. I would like you to be a part of that. You'll heal the fighting group and make some money for us at home. You'll be with Mai and Alzi's Mother."

"I can handle that. It has been a while since I've been in general practice, but it's easy to pick up. It'll be nice not being alone, but are you sure I shouldn't be with the group?"

"No, our group won't need a healer with us. We have a lot of escape potential, so having all fighters will let us move faster and be a bit more aggressive with how we move about. We will be coming back with some serious wounds for you to heal, so be ready for that."

"I'll get back into potion making. I'm not the greatest at it, but it can save you in a pinch and earn us some gold while you do the missions." She nods her head as she thinks through her part. "Thank you for letting me join. I was worried I might be left behind when Alzi left. She's a lot closer to you and Mai than me."

"You are an important part of her life here; helping her through all her labors is important. She just doesn't get a lot of chances to come here. Plus, I think your room is a painful place for her."

"I know, but having someone say they want me feels good."

"That's very true, and trust me, we will need you. Alzi went and got her mother pregnant. You'll need to help her give birth. I imagine Mai will leave her pregnant as well. Then like I said, the fighting group will need to mend us. I know Alzi will be happy to have you around her. Thank you for all the help you give her. Sorry, I can't spend more time with you. I need to get to Alzi for the nightly massage."

"Thanks again for letting me in the group. I'll keep it a secret, but try to tell her sooner rather than later. She'll panic if she gets taken without warning."

"I will; I just want to see her happy," I say, heading for the door.

*** Goddess of Fertility ***

"How nice of you to visit. I haven't seen you since the Goddess of 'Justice' made the stupidest ruling I've ever heard," I say, trying to do the whole sarcasm thing. I'm not the greatest at it, but my lovers are trying to teach me.

"Shut up; I've supported you plenty over the years. I've done more than the Goddess ordered I do for you. I always planned to let you go; I just needed a good foundation to grow my domain. Can I please come in? Goddesses shouldn't be talking through a door." Goddess of Nature says, trying to make my rape sound noble.

"Fine, but this better be worth my time." I step aside as she enters my humble home.

"I think it will be worth it. Is there a good place for a discussion?" The dryad flicks off her shoes when she enters, waiting for me to show her the way.

"Yes, come on." I lead the way to my drawing room. This one is rather small, perfect for a meeting between two people. A few simple chairs, a coffee table, and some paintings fill the room, which is receiving plenty of natural light from the windows this evening.

"You should try getting out more. You may not like me, but there are plenty of Goddesses that would love to be your friend. This mansion is lovely but a little empty." She picks a seat at random; I sit in one next to her.

"I have maids; they are busy right now."

"Oh, busy. Glad they get some free time even during the day." She crosses her legs and gives a slight chuckle. "Well, to the purpose of my visit. I know you have found an interesting girl down below. I asked the Goddess of Futures about her and found a rather depressing turn of events. You'll need some help; I have gathered a group that would be willing to give you that help. I think you know what help you would need to provide to the Goddesses. I can handle the details; I believe all of us will have a simple part to play, really."

"I was worried she would have problems. I'm happy to help them conceive if that is what they want." Shit, how does a champion of a Goddess need help? Which bitch is scheming against me now?

"Perfect. I'll let the others know they will get paid, and I'll let you know when everything is in place to free her." A wicked smile spread across her silly face. "Now, how about we have a bit more fun? The maids shouldn't be the only girls getting to have fun in this house."

"No, I rather enjoy my time with the maids. I would prefer a simple game or to hear more about the world. It seems I need to get out more. I didn't think she would have any more trouble when I marked her."

"Fine, you'll have to join others in bed to pay the Goddesses, including me. But we'll accept the payment after the deads are done." She says with a big sigh. "The world hasn't changed much. You're still important, but Goddesses of Justice, Royalty, Magic, and Trade still are the most popular. Followed by us, Sea, and other needed Goddesses. Elves still have the most power, followed by the humans. The rest mainly fight for the scrapes or to get in their good graces. Men are still just as rare; some blame you for that."

"I am the reason for that. I like women more than men, so why wouldn't I make it easier for women to be born?"

"Well, at least they place the blame correctly. It would be best if you thought about changing that; a lot of women miss out on having kids due to the imbalance."

"Hmm, maybe they should provide more to my church instead of that useless Justice bitch. I used to be nice and let everyone have a chance. I'm sure I could be reformed."

"Stubborn as always."

"When you're a slave for a century, you tend to start demanding things go your way. Anything big going on?"

"No, most of us are happy watching and playing with our angels and maids. Goddess of Swamps is having a bit more fun trying to create new creatures; so far, she has failed."

"I felt those. She needs to let me know, or the kids will likely die before they have a chance to start growing."

"More reason for you to get out of this house and interact with us more. I promised the others I would let them know how this went, so I should get going." Standing up from her seat. I guess she only wants to fuck me again. She'll get her chance soon; I'll need to make sure she doesn't like the aftermath. I get to be a little petty to her; she did lock me up for a while.

"I see. Thank you for coming by and for the help. I'll see what I can do about getting out more. I prefer it here over that oversized monstrosity." I walk her to the front door; I need to make sure she leaves and doesn't try to sneak into my maid's beds.

"Your angels worked hard to create that temple. It's beautiful and suits you. Don't hide from them."

"I'll try." Closing the door in her face. I've got some maids to join.

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