Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 33 – Getting a Pregnant Woman More Pregnant

I wake up unadded today, likely for the last time this pregnancy if I have to wake up early. I walk downstairs naked, as normal. Today, I get to choose if I have sex. I'll have to be careful not to do it too much; Mistress may make sex required during them again if I show too much enthusiasm for it.

I joined Mai in the bath and followed the normal routine. Yuki must have had a far appointment today because she didn't stop by for lunch. After lunch, we split ways: I went to the entrance, and Mai went into the lounge.

I looked around the entrance for any damage my blood may have caused. The floors look the same, though it is a red carpet, so maybe that is hiding the damage. But blood dries to a different color, so that can't be it. I wonder if Mistress needed to get some fancy magic to clean up all the blood. I bet that's expensive. Whatever, Mistress can't add it to my debt as I don't have any debt. Well she did say she was going to start tracking how much I cost versus earned. Well, she didn't say anything about adding it, so I'll be fine. I have no reason to shy away from sex now that I don't have to worry about the cruel torture. So I'll naturally earn it back anyway.

Nothing else has changed about the entrance. There was no damage to the carpet or the walls, all the paintings were still in place, and the chandelier still refracting my light through the entrance. So, I have to entertain myself with my tail until I get a client. As usual, it only takes a few minutes of waiting for me to hear the familiar clicks of heels coming up the stairs to the door.

"Good, you're back. During my last few walks, I haven't seen the light on and got worried about you," the woman said, making her way to my counter. "I've been traveling for a few weeks, had a quest on the far side of the forest, and would love some of that strain to be worked out." She pulled out some gold coins.

"The price has dropped. Sex is no longer included in the massage; it now only happens if we both want it. So it is only a single coin now." I answer back.

"That's nice, I hated having to pay the stupid breeding tax when I never got that. Here you go." Dropping the coin on the table and walking to the back. She is a mercenary who often comes here after her longer trips, so she is very familiar with the backroom. I move the coin to Mistress's safe and follow the woman.

"You still do the bath, right?" She asks, pushing into the masseuse's room.

"Yes, my Ma'am."

"Good. I did a little running before the walk, and I would love to get the sweat cleaned up before the massage."

"I would be happy to do that," I say as I begin helping her out of her clothing. She just had on a simple shirt and pants. Her breasts were bound to limit their movement during her run.

Her calluses showed she used a sword, but her muscles weren't as big as those of most of the other sword users. I'm not sure why; her entire body was toned and clearly showed more use than a mage's body, yet she wasn't as big as many of the other warriors who came in here. She is clearly human, with short red hair and an average height of about five seven. Her breasts were about my size, so II or maybe J. She never corrected me when I said Ma'am so she hasn't married a noble despite her power. I guess she likes traveling too much to marry.

Once she is naked, she dips into the pool of water and waits for me to come with the soap. Like always, I start with her back, working hard to get any sweat and grime off her. I finish up with her hair, then let her soak for a little bit.

"Even a bath from you feels divine. I wish the girls at the guild had a fraction of your touch. Thank you for letting me soak for a bit. Alright, please use the oil."

"As you wish, Ma'am," I say with a small bow. I had already gotten everything out while she was soaking, so I just needed to dry her off before getting started.

As I massage the redhead, I don't use my erotic touch, not needing to control the sexual encounter. I also get to spend more time working on each muscle. I think this will make for a better massage, though plenty of girls do this just for the sex, I think. It was cheaper than buying my time out on the floor due to the limited time you would get me for.

When I start on her back, the girl is half asleep, some drool escaping her mouth as I relax each muscle. She doesn't fight to stay awake, just letting it happen as I slowly move up her back. I have to flip her over myself when I finish the back side. When I finish working every inch of her front side, I have to wake her up.

"Shit, I didn't know how much I was missing out on due to the sex portion of this. Girl, you should've warned me about that. I guess you were told to just go with the flow." She says, stretching herself awake. "This is the best I've felt in years."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I can help you back into your clothing now."

"Thank you. Don't do the binding too tight; I'm not going to be exercising anymore today." Once I get her dressed, we walk back to the front, and the waiting game begins again.

I got a few more women who had a similar experience. I only had one noble walkout when I said sex wasn't guaranteed. My next client was a small catgirl who was obviously pregnant, probably eight months along. The weirdest thing is her breasts; they were tiny, almost nonexistent. I've never had them come in by themselves. Only as maids following their Lady in lockstep. She was clearly nervous coming up to my counter. She wore small heels, maybe an inch, and a plain dress due to her large belly. By this time, the lounge had opened, so others were giving her weird looks as they passed her.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I'm giving out massages for a gold coin. There is no guaranteed sex anymore. If that is ok, you can place the coin on the counter, and I'll take you back."

"Yes, please." She whispers back, slowly getting the coin from a pouch. I whisk it away when it touches the counter.

"Please, follow me," I say, moving to the door. I think she says something behind me but I don't catch the words.

"Are you ok, Miss?" I ask, worried about her.

"Yes." She says a little louder.

"Good, there is no need to be nervous. I'm pregnant as well, you see. I've been pregnant a lot in the last decade. I know the pains that come with carrying intimately. I'm going to do my best to relieve that pain. All you need to do is relax and trust me. I'll take care of you."

"Thanks," she squeaks out.

"Ok, through here. Then I'll help you get out of that dress and give you a little bath. Just follow what I'll say, and you'll start to feel good in a few minutes."

"Yes, Ma'am," she says. Now that she isn't looking at me, she can talk correctly. I wonder what is up with that.

"I'm not a Ma'am; I'm a slave. You don't even need to answer me if you don't want to. Now, it will make this easier if you follow what I say, but you are in control."

"Oh, I didn't see the collar. What do I need to do now?"

"Just hold up your arms; I'll take the dress off."

"Like this?"

"Yes, Miss," I say, taking her dress up and over her head. "Due to the cost, I normally have adventurers or nobles as guests. May I know your background? If you would rather not talk about it, I understand; I'm just being nosey."

"That's fine. Um, I'm a maid, you see. And, and my Lady had bought a seeding partner. He asked to have me um, you know, uh join them. I'm normally just doing the laundry. My Lady didn't get pregnant. I, I actually did. Nobles have some way to tell if kids will have an affinity after the kid is born. If mine does, I'll be added as a concubine, and my my kid will be raised with the family." She explains, tears slowly coming down. "They offered to have me come here for a massage due to the pain. I guess having kids with affinity hurts more or something, so they are hopeful."

"I'm happy for you. I wish you and your kids the best. Thank you for sharing. Let me reward you." I wrap her up in a big hug, kissing her cute little ears. "Come on time to bathe you." I gave her a good scrubbing, doing as much as I could to pamper the little kitty.

"Are you allowed to have sex with others?" I dare to ask while drying her off. I rarely get to have sex with pregnant women; always just me with a belly. I don't care who is doing the fucking here; I just can't pass up the opportunity.

"I was told I would have sex with you. So yes?" She says. I think the bath made her comfortable with me.

"Good. I rarely get to play with others who have a belly, and I would love to spend some more time with you."

"I would like that," her voice fading as she spoke. Blush lights up her face hearing yet again someone wants her.

"Good." I've got her dry, so I drop the towel and start teasing her body with a little erotic touch.

"Oh, yes. They warned me about your touch."

"Really, what did they say?" I whisper into her ear.

"That I wouldn't have a choice; I'll need to have sex with you."

"Oh, is that why you were so nervous? Little kitty afraid to be devoured by the dragon."

"A little bit and and all the nobles," she moans out as I tease her ass.

"Good, let me lead, and I'll have you happy you braved it all to come here." I turn up my touch, and my other hand rubs her belly. I wrap her tail up with mine and test if I can send my erotic touch down it. Based on the maid's moans, I can. I guide her over to the massage table. The room lacks a bed, so I'll have to figure out a way that is comfortable for both of us. She's too short for either of us just to bend over and fuck. I start getting her purring as my hands find her slit. We're both getting desperate to move on so I decide just to use the massage table as a bed. I help her up before I strip my robe off and get behind her.

"Please, I need it. My Lady was right; I need you inside me now. Please don't make this lowly maid wait." With that, her first command to me. Before I can lube up, I'm forced inside her wet slit. She lets out a little scream as I enter her tight hole.

"Miss, I'm a slave, remember," fuck she is tight, "I'm the lowly one." I start working inside her, hands on her waist to keep her from moving too much. I add in a bit of my aura to help things move along.

I start moving faster, her wet slit inviting me inside deeper. I move my right hand to her tiny breasts to play with her nipples. I gently caress her big belly.

"I don't know what you are doing, but don't stop." She screams out, forgetting her nerves.

"Be careful with a command like that. You'll need to tell me to stop now."

"Remind me when we need to stop!" she screams out with her first orgasm of the night. I soon follow her, letting my sperm out right by her cervix. I decide to check her status and see if I can tell her the count of children she'll be having and I see something strange. She is ovulating now. I send some mana into her womb and find she just released an egg.

I hope I didn't cause that. I keep an eye on her womb while I pound my way to a second orgasm. Her small tits feel wonderful in my hand. I can reach both nipples with my hand. Her tail wrapped around my waist.

"Let me on top." She demands after I finish a second time inside. She slowly gets up on her knees, and I pick her up, setting her down behind me so I can lie down. She barely has room to saddle my waist; she uses one hand to guide me inside her overflowing pussy. She quickly takes the entire length inside and works her hips up and down to milk my cock; her hands move to my tits to milk them as well.

"Fuck yes, take it all kitten." I moan out, watching her belly go up and down. Slowly, I make my way to one last orgasm. "Miss, I think we should start the massage now."

"Yes, that sounds wonderful," she responds, trying to catch her breath.

"Ok, I don't have a table that will let you lie on your stomach, so you'll have to get on your side."

"Don't worry, I'm used to it." We carefully shuffle into place; I use a bit of magic to clean us both up. I check her womb again and find the egg was fertilized and implanted.

"By the way. I think I made you release another egg, and it was just, well, I got you pregnant again."

"Oh, um, I think that's ok. My Lady shouldn't be upset with me having more kids.

"Good, sorry about that. I know very well how hard back-to-back pregnancies are."

"Pay me back with a great massage."

"Will do."

Once again, my touch makes my client fall asleep. Walking back to the entrance, I can see the relief on her face. "Thank you for the wonderful massage. I'm glad My Lady let me come here," she says before walking out the door. Yuki replaces the little cat in front of my counter.

"You found another pregnant girl to play with?"

"Yes, I actually got her pregnant again. I think she is eight months along, yet I accidentally had her release an egg, which I fertilized, and her body implanted in her womb."

"You are going to need to be careful with that power. Most girls can't handle pregnancies like you do."

"I know. I didn't mean to do it. I just wanted to rub her belly. I guess people without an affinity are easier to manipulate."

"Yes, that is generally how it works. Now ready for one more massage?"

"I'm always ready to massage you," I say, holding the door open for Yuki.

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