Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 32 – Learning the New Terms

*** Alzi ***

I wake up feeling great, with Mai being the perfect teddy bear. Yesterday was perfect, too. I didn't feel like a slave, even with the few commands I had to follow from Yuki. Even when you're free, there are going to be some commands you have to follow, but I'll have to help the others earn money, probably as a healer. But the feeling of being free will be there, not having to worry about what I'll be forced to do.

Waiting for Mai to stir, I check my stats and find I'm level nine now. I wonder if it was the party or Mai and Yuki that got me up. This is the fastest I've grown since my first class. The first ten are always quicker than the last fifteen. They aren't even connected first ten could take a day, and the last fifteen a decade, so who knows how long it will take to finish out this class.

Mai's ears start to flick my chin. I give her a little kiss atop her head as she begins to awaken fully.

"Morning, kitty."

"Good morning. I'll have to work today. You should still have it off, but can you come down with me to bathe and eat? After that, you should go talk to Mistress." She lets out a big yawn and rolls out of my grasp.

"I would love to. Guess I should be clothed when meeting Mistress."

"Yes, that would probably be a brilliant idea. In fact, that should be the default way when you meet people, you little exhibitionist."

"I've been trained to be naked in this building, plus I'm used to clothing not really fitting me."

"I know, come on, girl, get a robe. I'll let you skip the undergarments."

"Thank you, Mai. I was ssssooooo worried about that."

"I'm glad to comfort you. Come on, your clothing is much too big for me. We'll need to stop at my room before the bath." Her room is just a floor below mine.

In her room, she puts on underwear and a similar robe to mine, and we head to the bath. After helping each other out, we get dressed again and head for lunch. Yuki is already waiting for us at a table, and we sit on either side of her.

"It seems you two are doing well." She says to us as we sit.

"Yes, we are, Yuki. You also look happier than normal. Alzi must be getting better at massages or gave you a special one." Mai teases her.

"I'm happy to see Alzi happy. Just a bit ago, she was on the verge of death. The fact that she was as energetic as she was yesterday speaks to how much life mana she has."

"I was that bad? I don't remember much about that night, and when I woke up, I was just a little sore." I tried to remember what caused me the most damage, but I guess I passed out for it.

"Yes, you were a bloody mess. Your blood made a trail all the way from the door to your room."

"Damn, I really don't remember it. I just remember someone on my dick, then I woke up with Mai resting her head on my bed and going back to sleep."

"Well, I'm glad for that. I don't think memories of those events would be worth carrying around. Mistress would like to talk to you today."

"Yay, I planned on going to her after lunch."

"Good. Well, I have to go again. In two more weeks, I'll have some appointments in the building, letting me eat with you two."

"I can't wait. Have a nice day, Yuki." When she left, I scooted over so we didn't waste a seat. Rest of lunch Mai and I just talked about random things. We were trying not to bring up anything sexual for once. After lunch, we went our separate ways. Mai normally helps the orphans set things up. I think it lowers the debt her stupid pregnancy racked up.

I make my way to the entrance to check the office for Mistress. I don't dare walk in, instead politely knocking and waiting for an answer.

"Come in," comes through the door. Pushing my way in, I find Mistress looking at some paper behind her desk.

"Hi, Mistress. Yuki and Mai said you would like to talk to me."

"Yes, come on, we can sit by the fire." She put the paper down and pushed her oversized chair back. I let her take the lead, about a step behind her, and sat in the chair opposite her. Mistress had already lit the fire. Currently, it was fighting my tail and hair to light up the room.

"Alzi, I'm going to let you relax this last year here. You'll be spending every other day working as a masseuse. The other days, you'll be working the floor or as a buy girl. I won't have you dance anymore. I can tell we will be going through a lot of material trying to keep the custom big enough for you."

"Thank you, Mistress. Will I be having sex during the massages?"

"No. Well, if you want to, you may. I'll have the toys locked up, so only you can get them out. Try to limit the number of girls you get pregnant." She hasn't looked at me once since sitting by the fire. I hope that doesn't mean all of this will change once she stops feeling bad about the party. The clients are always worse when they haven't had a release in a while and this one may be a long time.

"Thank you. I appreciate that. I enjoy the massage portion; the sex can be a bit hard to handle in the room."

"I'll also let you say no like the other girls. I will start keeping track of the debt you bring in: food, water, clothing, and housing. I don't expect you to earn any debt, but I can't have you being lazy here."

"What if this pregnancy makes me bedridden? I didn't choose to get pregnant or how many kids I carry."

"We will work that out if that happens. Your tattoo should prevent that from happening."

"I guess. But I would imagine the Duchess would be willing to house me then if needed which would eliminate all the cost."

"Like I said, we will discuss that if it happens. Now I'm sure you felt someone ride you at the party."

"Yes, I finished inside of them." I was worried about this. I hope they didn't throw one of the musicians or serving girls on me. They would have to choose to either sell the kids to the brothel or take on the debt of raising them. I wouldn't get the option to take them for another year. Newborns earn a lot of debt, taking away the mother's time and extra food and clothing. Then they aren't able to do any work to pay for some of it.

"Yes, you finished inside me. That is what the random bet they forced me into was about. I had to ride you. I'm pregnant. I visited the Fertility Temple and found I'm pregnant. You're the only person who could be the father." Finally she turns to me, small tears in her eyes. "My wives want me to keep them. I also want to now. I'm having triplets."

"Congratulations. I'm happy to bring some joy to your family."

"Alzi, you don't need to fake happiness. I know you don't like that you haven't been able to raise a single kid of your own, and now you gave your owner something you can't have yet. I just feel it is only fair you know that you did father some kids with me."

"I am happy for you and your family. I have a year, and then I'll be able to have kids I will raise."

"You do manage to keep a positive outlook on things. I have a number of forms I need to finish today, so please leave unless you have something to ask. Tomorrow, you will work as a masseuse."

"Thank you, Mistress," is all I say before my beautiful collar forces me up and out of the office. I don't have anything to do, but I guess I could return my dance outfit and the extra material they sent up. So, I go up to the fourth floor and back down to the back room. I don't see the orphan who was in charge last time around.

"Hi, do you know where I should put my dance uniform? Mistress told me I won't be dancing anymore." I ask a random orphan here.

"I can take it for you. I'll make sure it gets put away," she answers, head bowed.

"Thanks; here is the outfit and some extra material."

"Thank you, miss." The orphan bowing a bit deeper before walking off.

Now I don't have anything to do. I guess I can sleep. My days won't be as rough on me now, but twelve kids are going to take a lot out of me soon. Yuki should know that she'll need to get me today so I should be all fine to take it easy the rest of the day.


My door wakes me up as I expect. Yuki is just standing in the doorway, waiting for me to get up and follow her back down.

"I need to set up a system to alert you so I don't have to walk up and down these steps so much," she complains as I slowly rise.

"That would be nice. Why am I not on the first floor anyway? I struggle with the steps when I'm later in my pregnancy."

"To show your standing in the brothel. Annoying, but customers wouldn't pay the price to be with you if you were on the first floor."


"Looks can sometimes be more important than skill."

"Still stupid." I'm finally up and heading over to her.

"Yes, I guess so. Come on, time to loosen up a little."

"I talked with Mistress. She said I'd have the same rules as the other girls with clients, being able to say no and stuff. Also, I won't have to do the sex massages anymore. I wonder how long that'll last."

"It'll last till you're free. Bothe Vasati and I talked to her about some things, and she came up with that plan herself. We'll both be mad if she tries to backtrack."

"That's good to hear." We went the rest of the way in silence, just Yuki's heels on the stairs making noise. I'm barefoot, so I don't make any sounds.

The massage goes like usual: no sex, just making my friend feel good. So overall a relaxing day. One that makes me happy for the future again.

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