Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch122- Warrior Princess

With the breakfast table filling up and lively chatter echoing through the room, Kai suddenly realized Aiko hadn't yet made her way downstairs. Smiling at Nel, who was sipping her orange juice while swinging her legs, he made his way back upstairs.

Kai turned the doorknob and stepped into the room, finding Aiko in the midst of a deep yawn. She seemed caught between sleep and wakefulness, a cozy blanket still wrapped around her.

"Morning, Aiko," he greeted, his voice tinged with amusement.

Aiko blinked a few times before focusing her gaze on him. Her cheeks flushed, but she didn't shy away. "Morning, Kai."

In a burst of playful energy, Kai leaned down and planted a barrage of quick kisses all over Aiko's face—forehead, cheeks, and nose. "Breakfast is ready, you know. Time to get up, lazy bone."

Aiko looked up at him, her eyes wide with exaggerated disbelief. "Wait, you prepared breakfast? Is the apocalypse upon us?"

Kai snorted at her dramatics, then his fingers found their way to her sides, wiggling in a tickling motion.

"Ah! Stop! Stop!" Aiko burst into laughter, her arms flailing in a mock attempt to defend herself. "I'm sorry, Kai! I'm sorry! Mercy!"

He grinned, relenting but keeping his hands poised for another tickling attack. "Apology accepted. Now, come on, everyone's waiting."

The breakfast table was a scene of bustling activity and chattering voices. As Aiko finally descended the stairs and joined the group, her eyes caught each person's gaze for a brief moment—moments filled with a complex yet comforting web of emotions.

"Ah, the sleepyhead has graced us with her presence," Lisa teased, nudging a bowl of fruit towards Aiko.

Michiru giggled softly, her eyes meeting Kai's for a fleeting second before she focused back on her plate.

"Better late than never," Orihime chirped, her upbeat energy a morning constant.

"I smell pancakes," Aiko announced, settling into the seat next to Rukia. "My little brother actually cooked?"

Kai smirked, lifting an eyebrow. "Hey, it's not just me. Nel helped."

Nel, still in her child form, swiveled her head towards Aiko and puffed out her chest proudly. "Yup! We make a great team!"

"And don't forget, I supervised," Emiko interjected, a playful tone in her voice as she glanced towards Kai.

Rangiku grinned. "Well, as long as the house is still standing, I'll consider it a success."

The room filled with laughter, lightening the morning air even further.

Kai chuckled as the room’s chatter finally began to subside. Pushing his chair back, he stood up, beginning his usual post-meal routine. First up was Yoruichi, who sat next to him. He leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, lingering a moment to place his hand on her baby bump.

"How's our little one doing?" he whispered, eyes meeting Yoruichi’s.

"Kickin' just like their dad," she grinned, placing her hand over his.

Kai chuckled softly, squeezing her hand before moving to the next chair where Orihime sat, meticulously folding her napkin. He bent down to peck her cheek.

"Thanks for the rice balls, Orihime. They were divine," he complimented.

Orihime beamed, her eyes practically sparkling. "I'm glad you liked them, Kai!"

Next was Tatsuki. He planted a kiss on her forehead, making her snort. "You know, you’re too tall."

"And you're just the right height," he shot back with a grin.

Rangiku was next, and given her expecting state, he took extra care as he leaned down for a kiss, brushing his lips lightly over hers. "Feeling okay?" he asked softly.

"As good as a woman can feel carrying an extra load," she winked.

Onward he went, moving like a butterfly from flower to flower, each kiss bestowed with its unique quality, each received with a loving smile or a playful roll of the eyes. The atmosphere was casual, intimate—a family in its untraditional yet heartwarming form.

Having completed his circuit, Kai was about to make his exit when he felt two tiny arms latch onto his neck. "Kai, you forgot me!"

He laughed, gently lifting Nel off the ground as she clung to him. "How could I forget my most ferocious warrior?"

"Take me with you!" Nel demanded, her eyes wide and imploring.

"Alright, alright. A little detour won't hurt," he agreed.

As Kai stepped out of the house, Nel still attached to his neck like a little koala, he couldn't help but breathe in the crisp morning air.

Kai stepped out into the morning sun, the air crisp and fresh as it filled his lungs. Nel clung to his neck, her little arms wrapped tightly around him like a cozy scarf. The streets were already alive with people—shopkeepers setting out their wares, children dashing off to school, and commuters hurrying to catch their trains.

"Kai, sing me that song," Nel requested, her small hands gently framing his cheeks.

"Which song?" Kai teased, already knowing the answer but delighting in hearing her voice.

Kai felt Nel's small hands touch his cheeks, her fingers framing his face with a sense of earnestness that only a child could muster. "The princess and prince song!" she insisted, looking up at him with big, hopeful eyes.

"Ah, that one?" Kai teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "How does it go again?"

Nel's face scrunched up in adorable concentration before she started to sing, her voice tiny but filled with passion. "A prince and a princess, under the sun and the moon..."

Listening to her, Kai couldn't help but smile at her innocent enthusiasm. Her words might not have been pitch-perfect, but the genuine emotion behind them was undeniable.

He finally joined in, letting his voice harmonize with hers, "A tale of adventure, love, and a magical tune."

A woman walking her dog slowed down, her eyes softening as she let out an audible "Aww!"

A group of schoolgirls halted their chatter, their faces lighting up in unison at the cute scene. One girl pulled out her phone, whispering to her friends, "I've got to capture this!"

Meanwhile, a group of men in business suits couldn't help but snort and shake their heads, their faces tinged with a mix of amusement and mild envy. It was the kind of look single guys often gave when faced with an overt display of familial love.

Finally, as they reached the end of the road, Kai felt Nel's grip loosen, her arms unwinding from around his neck as her energy waned.

"That was fun, wasn't it, Kai?" she beamed, her eyes half-closed, clearly worn out from the excitement.

"Absolutely, my little warrior princess," Kai chuckled, lowering her onto her feet but keeping a protective hand on her shoulder.


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