Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch121- Good Morning Family!

The next day, the soft light streaming through the windows touched Kai's eyes, prompting him to stir from his sleep. He turned his head slightly and saw Aiko, still cozied up to his side, her eyes closed and her breathing steady.

"Morning, sis," he whispered, leaning over to press a gentle kiss on her forehead.

A sleepy purr escaped Aiko's lips, but she remained nestled in her dreams. Smiling, Kai slid carefully out of bed, making sure not to disturb her slumber.

Slipping on a shirt and heading out, he peeked into each room. Yoruichi, Orihime, Tatsuki, Rangiku, Rukia, Chizuru, Michiru, Lisa, and Mashiro—all of them still adrift in the realm of sleep, a peaceful tableau that made him pause for a second, soaking in the quiet bliss.

His eyes met Nel's as he walked down the hallway. She was wide awake, her turquoise irises glistening with youthful energy. In a burst of motion, she transformed into her child form and jumped onto his shoulder.

"Morning, Kai!" Nel squealed, planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Morning, Nel," he grinned, patting her head affectionately. "You're up early."

"Couldn't sleep!" she chirped. "Too excited for the day!"

Kai chuckled. "Always the optimist, huh? Well, since you're up, want to help me with breakfast?"

"Sure!" Nel clapped her hands, her eyes glowing at the idea of a shared task.

The kitchen was calm, the early morning quiet punctuated by the sounds of sizzling and the clinking of utensils. Nel hopped off his shoulder and got busy setting the table, while Kai took charge of the stove.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Nel asked, curious.

Kai glanced at Nel as the sizzle of bacon filled the air. "I was thinking of visiting Urahara-san later. Interested in tagging along?"

Nel's eyes sparkled. "Really? I'd love to!"

Just then, the kitchen door swung open. Emiko, Kai's mother, stepped in, her eyes half-closed but her aura always inviting. "Something smells good."

Kai grinned. "Morning, Mom." He leaned over to give her a peck on the cheek.

Emiko reached over to squeeze Nel's cheeks affectionately. "Good morning, Nel." She moved effortlessly around the kitchen, grabbing plates and utensils to set the table.

Nel clapped excitedly, still buzzing with the anticipation of the day ahead. "Emiko-san, Kai's taking me to Urahara-san's shop!"

Emiko raised an eyebrow, looking at Kai. "Really?"

Kai shrugged, a lazy smile on his face.

Just then, another figure drifted into the kitchen. Rangiku, her hand instinctively going to her belly, joined the morning tableau. She looked almost ethereal, her pregnancy glow highlighting her natural beauty.

Kai caught her eye and walked over, first leaning down to kiss the swell of her stomach. "Morning, little one."

Rangiku feigned a pout. "Kissing the baby first, huh? Should I be jealous?"

Grinning, Kai met her lips, a gentle, lingering connection that left them both smiling. "No one could ever take your place."

At that moment, the smell of breakfast seemed to reach every corner of the house, acting like an aromatic alarm clock. One by one, the others started to make their appearances.

With Rangiku now seated and chatting with Emiko, the kitchen door creaked open again, revealing Yoruichi. Her gaze met Kai's, a playful gleam lighting her eyes. Kai moved from his place at the stove, greeting her first with a tender kiss on her slightly rounded belly.

"Good morning, my precious," he mumbled against her skin, making her chuckle.

His lips then met Yoruichi's, and for a moment, the world faded away in the sweetness of that kiss. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning," she purred back, caressing his face before floating over to the table, her stride as graceful as ever.

As Yoruichi settled beside Rangiku, Rukia walked in. Her petite frame was illuminated by the morning light streaming through the windows, making her almost glow. Kai paused his work at the stove and approached her. Like he'd done with Yoruichi and Rangiku, he bent down to kiss her belly gently, feeling the unmistakable flutter of new life within.

"Morning, little ice prince or princess," he whispered.

Rukia chuckled softly, her hand caressing the spot where his lips had been. "You're getting good at this, aren't you?"

"Practice makes perfect," he grinned, leaning up to kiss her lips lightly.

She blushed but smiled, capturing his gaze for a lingering moment before taking a seat at the ever-filling breakfast table.

As Kai returned to the stove, Nel swung her legs excitedly, looking up as the door opened again to reveal Orihime and Tatsuki. They walked in hand-in-hand, chatting about something that made them both laugh. Upon seeing Kai, both of them paused their conversation.

"Morning," Kai said, opening his arms in invitation.

Orihime enveloped him in a hug first, her eyes beaming. He planted a sweet kiss on her lips. "Sleep well?" he asked.

"Like a rock!" she giggled, freeing him for Tatsuki.

Tatsuki's arms were firm around him, her hug a grounding force. He kissed her deeply, eyes meeting afterwards. "Morning," he murmured.

"Hey," she said softly, smiling as if they shared a secret.

The room felt livelier as Michiru and Chizuru entered next, their contrasting personalities somehow complementary. Michiru’s soft, artistic aura balanced Chizuru's energetic demeanor. Kai approached them, pecking each on the lips as they stepped in.

"Morning, you two," he greeted.

"Morning, Kai," they chimed in almost unison, giggling at their accidental synchrony before joining the others.

Finally, Lisa and Mashiro made their way in, both looking like they had just wrestled their way out of sleep. Lisa’s eyes were still a little foggy, but they cleared as Kai approached her. After a brief yet heartfelt kiss, he turned to Mashiro, whose animated persona was already gearing up for the day. Her kiss was quick but playful, making him chuckle.

"You two survive the morning okay?" he asked, winking at them.

"Survived and thrived!" Mashiro declared, bounding over to the table with enthusiasm.

Kai finally returned to his position at the stove, flipping the last of the pancakes onto a plate. As he carried the steaming food to the table, he felt their eyes on him, each gaze different, but all full of a complex cocktail of love, understanding, and shared histories.

The table was now fully set, thanks to Nel and Emiko. Kai placed the food down, smiling at the family he had somehow built and was continuing to build.


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