King of the Mountain

55 - New Comer’s Tournament Domination

Chapter 55: New Comer’s Tournament Domination

After mingling a bit more I see the gentleman I asked questions from earlier. I approach him and smile.

“Excuse me sir, I did not catch your name earlier.”

“My name is Yonder Strongfist son and you be the new boy Mark Anderson that is causing such an uproar. ”

“Yes Sir, how did you know?”

“I identified you kid, you do know how to identify someone right?”

“Yes I do Yonder, but I did not know if it was considered polite. Since you helped me earlier I refrained.”

“That is a sight more manners than most people have youngster. However, there is no room for such politeness at the tournament. You need to know as much about your foes as possible. Go ahead and identify me I don’t mind.”


Name: Yonder Strongfist Race: Dwarf (Giant) Level: 374

Affinities: Water - 50% Earth - 85% Fire – 50%

Unique Skills: (Stubborn as a Rock), (Shared Attributes), (Amplify)

Resistances: Earth 45% Fire – 10%

“I see Yonder. You are quite strong. How long have you been attending the Great Game Competition if you don’t mind me asking?”

“This is my 17th one. Our previous Planetary Leader overestimated his abilities or underestimated his foes. We don’t know which as we never found a trace of him. I just woke up to the message that I was the new Planetary Leader one day.”

“If you don’t mind I have many questions and you seem to have the answers. Is there something I can do for you to get you to help me figure some things out?”

“You don’t need to give me anything boy. That piece of entertainment earlier was enough payment. Ask away.”

Over the next hour I peppered Yonder with question after question. Some of the highlights I learned included the information that a planet can only be part of the New Comer’s tournament once. I was wondering why some high level replacement for a previous leader did not just dominate the lower level new comers. I also discovered a few other important tidbits.

There is a 24 hour rest period after each round in the tournament except for the New Comer’s tournament. In the New Comer’s tournament the rest period was only an hour. The 24 hour rest period came after the entire New Comer’s tournament finished. That made sense as our tournament was so small. It was basically a warm up for the rest of the competition and a chance for the new guys to show off, because usually they had no chance of performing well in the Single’s Tournament.

I also found out that the reason people were so astonished when someone compared me to Silverwing was because of the Tri-Champion legend. Many years ago, enough that people forgot exactly how many as with any good legend a new comer named Silverwing appeared. His strength and magic were tremendous, his abilities depending on who was telling the tale varied, but all story tellers agree that he was the only person in competition history to win two titles in one competition. He easily won the New Comer’s Tournament and through strategy was able to prevail in the Single’s Tournament. Legend has it that he almost managed the mythical three championships and a prize that is untold. However, those that opposed him, gathered the strongest competitors together at the last minute and created a team to oppose him in the Team Tournament meaning he failed to get the three titles in one go. Several years later he managed to put together a team that won the Team Tournament allowing him permanent access to the Dungeon World and was never heard from again.

I also found out that the current champion was only level 496. There seemed to be a restriction put in place by the Great Game. Anyone who achieved tier 6 (Level 500 or higher) was only allowed to participate in one final tournament and then had to pass the mantle of leadership on to someone below level 500 from their planet. This was the main reason that one planet did not keep growing stronger and stronger throughout the years and dominate everything. There was a forced change in the ranks every few years.

This meant that there was an actual possibility of me managing to earn the three championships this year. If I bet well I could raise my level above the current champion and win the Single’s Tournament. However I would then run into the same problem Silverwing did and have to deal with probably several teams gunning to stop me from reaching the mythical three titles. I only had six people on my team, if I wanted to have a chance at winning I needed to fill the other spots I would need to fill my team with others that were strong and loyal. However I only had a limited amount of time to pull this off. I have an idea. This will only work if I read Yonder’s personality correctly.

“Yonder, do you have a team for the Team Tournament?”

“No son I only participate in the Single’s Tournament. I will probably not join a team until after I reach tier 5.”

“If I could guarantee your ascension to tier 5 before the Team Tournament would you be willing to join my team and endorse me as the leader to others?”

I could see him narrow his eyes.

“How can you guarantee my rise to tier 5 lad?”

“Is there somewhere private where we will not be overheard or seen?”

“Aye, there are several private rooms for teams to get together or individuals to plan strategies and establish trade deals.”

“If you join me in one I think I can convince you in under 60 seconds once we are alone.”

Yonder nods and then leads me over to a hallway I had overlooked when walking around earlier. He entered the hall and I followed close on his heels. He led me past several doors on either side of the hall that glowed red until we reached one that glowed green.

“Green means unoccupied, once we enter lad you better be convincing.”

I just nodded and followed him into the room. As soon as I entered the room I accessed my skill False Status and reverted everything back to my real race and level.

“Please identify me again Yonder.”

Yonder looked at me and mumbled Identify under his breath and then I saw his eyes start to get big.

“What did you do lad?”

“I have a Unique Skill called False Status. I only show what I want to be shown when others identify me unless they have the upgraded skill Fountain of Knowledge.”

“Let me understand this correctly. You are actually a level 252, Elemental Dragon King, who possesses a Unique Skill and you are a New Comer to the tournament.”

“Not exactly, I actually possess 20 Unique Skills. Yonder, hello, are you okay?”

Yonder shakes his head as if to clear it.

“This is impossible lad no one has 20 Unique Skills. Plus your level is outrageous for a newbie. Tell me the truth.”

“I am speaking the truth Yonder. Your actual race is Dwarven Giant, you have three Unique Skills yourself, and you have resistances in both Earth – 45% and Fire – 10%”

“There is no way you can possibly know that.”

“It is another of my Unique Skills, fountain of knowledge. It allows me to see through any deception an gives me a better identify skill.”

“Your serious aren’t you.”


“You have convinced me lad. What is your plan and how can I help?”

I explained to Yonder my situation about how with all the bets I would soon possibly out level him. What I needed was a team that could take me through the Team Tournament so I would not end up like SIlverwing in the story. He told me that he only knew about 4 or 5 others over level 300 that he would consider trustworthy.

“We only need 3 more participants besides you. My four Level 100 plus elemental dragons and my Earth Spirit familiar who is level 175 will be joining us on our team. Speaking of which do you know if you can bet pet/companion and familiar levels like your own?”

Poor Yonder I think I broke him with that last reveal.

“You also have 4, not one or two or three, but 4 elemental dragon companions and an Earth spirit who is almost tier 3?”

“Yeah did I forget to mention them?”

“You did lad. Well this changes everything. I can easily fill the rest of the team then.”

“Very well, you need to contact them before the start of the New Comer’s Tournament and have them bet the maximum of everything on my winning. Will they take your word on that or do I need to show them my secret like I showed you?”

“No lad I will explain in a secure room. You go and prepare for the tournament. I will have your team ready by the time you are finished. As for the other thing I do not know if you can bet companion or familiars levels. I don’t have any and have never heard of anyone trying.”

“Thanks Yonder, I’ll be seeing you soon.”

Before I left I made sure to reset my False Status. I then left the room and headed back towards the betting booths. I figured I might as well try to use my companion’s levels as betting stakes. The worst that could happen is the Great Game refused. When I reached the betting booths I stepped into the line for the Level booth and waited patiently, I do not want to cause another scene, once is enough. When it was my turn I mentally ask the Great Game if it is possible to have my companions and familiars bet their levels just like I did.

Yes it is possible, both the owner and the companion and/or familiar has to agree.

I see, how do we get their consent if they are in storage, I do not wish to take them out at this time.

If you initiate the bet I can contact them and check for their consent.

Very well, please bet the maximum levels allowed on Mark Anderson winning the New Comer’s Tournament for each of my companions and my familiar.

Authorization from all parties has been given. The bet is for 25 levels and your companions and familiar may not exceed your level if you win the bet.

Well that won’t be a problem. After placing this last bet I went and found a seat waiting for the firsts round to begin. After just a short wait I see a message pop up in front of me.

All contestants in the New Comer’s Tournament will be transported to the arena. You may use anything you have to fight your opponent, however you may only have on pet or familiar help you at a time. All losing opponents will respawn with a single level penalty subtracted from their total. Transport will begin in 3..2..1..

Well, there were two rules I did not know about. A single pet or familiar and a penalty if you lose. It should not affect me either way. I do not plan on showcasing my companions and I am not going to lose so I can just ignore it for now. I fade out and shimmer back into existence inside a large, maybe 500 meters in circumference. On the opposite side of the arena is my old friend Mr. Hammerfist.

“Hello Hammerfist. Are you ready?”

He does not even have the common courtesy to answer me and charges straight at me. If I remember right he was a frosts giantkin and that should be weak against fire. I pull a fire enchanted Warhammer out of my inventory and charge right back at him. I can see him start to grin. He must think I am falling into his trap and his kind of fight, he really is an idiot. When I am about 100 meters from him I start channeling mana into a fireball. I compress it and keep it small but the damage it should cause will not be. When he sees the fireball start forming over my head his expression turns from happy to worried.

Too late now buddy you are screwed. I release the fireball and make sure it tracks his dodging attempts so it will definitely hit. 2 seconds later the impact is tremendous along with the explosion. In almost comic book fashion I can see his body flying backwards from the explosion. I speed up just a little so I will reach the area where he is going to land just as he hits the ground. I do not want to waste any more time on this guy so I just put my full strength into a mighty swing at his head. One crushed cranium later and both his body and I start to shimmer out of existence into a teleport. I wonder if they will put us back in the general population or separate those fighting from the others?

I reappear in a different room than where I started along with 4 other Great Game users. Identify.

Name: Lady Death (Gertrude Wilkins) Race: Human (High) Level: 94

Affinities: Earth - 60%

Unique Skills: None

Name: Ignis Farrow Race: Dragonkin (Red) Level: 91

Affinities: Fire - 50% Air – 10%

Unique Skills: None

Name: Alan Barker Race: Beastkin (Wolf) Level: 89

Affinities: Air - 30%

Unique Skills: None

Name: Jewel Titus Race: Elf (Shadow) Level: 101

Affinities: Water - 25% Earth - 25%

Unique Skills: Hide in Shadows

Wow that idiot I fought was actually was higher leveled than the other newbies. Speaking of which I should have 20 more levels now. I need to assign the points and then change the False Status to reflect it. Too many people heard about the bet for twenty levels. Status.

Name: Mark Anderson

Level: 272 -30%

Unspent Attribute Points: 200

Str: 470

HP: 4,700

Int: 600 +250% MP

MP: 42,000

Wis: 600 +250% MP/Regen

HP/Regen: 1,000% per 15 min.

Agi: 470

MP/Regen: 1,000% per 15 min.

Con: 470 +250% HP/Regen

Luck: 470

Affinities: Earth - 100%

Water – 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

Resistances: Earth - 100%

Water - 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

First set my False status to level 152, and keep the rest of it as it is. Ok for my real stats let’s bring everything up to 500 and split the rest between INT and WIS. Yep that should work. When I mentally ok the changes I get another message.

Congratulations you have managed to bring all of your stats to 500 or above you are now walking the path of the Gods. You are granted the title Demi-God +10.

Well that was unexpected. Let’s see the final status with the new title then. Status.

Name: Mark Anderson

Level: 272 -30%

Unspent Attribute Points: 200

Str: 510

HP: 5,100

Int: 650 +250% MP

MP: 45,500

Wis: 650 +250% MP/Regen

HP/Regen: 1,000% per 15 min.

Agi: 510

MP/Regen: 1,000% per 15 min.

Con: 510 +250% HP/Regen

Luck: 510

Affinities: Earth - 100%

Water – 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

Resistances: Earth - 100%

Water - 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

I finally pay attention to my surroundings. I notice the others are staring at me. What do I have blood on my shirt? Oh right, it is probably the level thing. Before I can say anything we get yet another message with instructions.

You have one hour to rest and recuperate. After which you will each battle every remaining contestant once. The person with the most wins will be declared champion.

Well that seems simple enough. Time to make some new friends.

“Well hello everyone. My name is Mark Anderson and it is my first time here at the competition just like you. I hope the even though we are opponents we can act civilly towards each other.”

The other four look at each other and seem to come to a consensus.

“Hello my name is Ignis.”

“I am called Lady Death.”

“My name is Alan good to meet you.”

“You may address me as Jewel.”

After that there was a little bit of awkward silence until finally Alan broke the ice again.

“Mark do you mind telling us how you came to be so high leveled when you are a new comer to the Great Game.”

“I was wondering if you were going to ask. I do not mind telling you at all. It was mostly luck, but the last 20 levels came from tricking an idiot named Hammerstrike in the first round.”

“I do not understand.”

“Well you see, everyone experienced the beta test right?”

I see heads nod.

“I through sheer luck and no skill whatsoever that I managed to survive my planet’s beta test. This meant that I was part of the Great Game for just over a year before everyone else joined. This gave me a large advantage in leveling.”

“Ok that makes sense I guess, what about the guy Hammerfist though. How did you trick him if you do not mind me asking?”

“Well you do know that you can bet on the tournament right?”

Once again heads nodded.

“He was being kind of a pain and was challenging me for being higher leveled than him. I asked if he was sure he could beat me. He said yes. I knew that he did not stand a chance, but got him to bet 20 levels of experience. So when I finished the first round and beat him I was awarded twenty levels from the Great Game.”

“Mark, it seems like you had some great luck. I do not even think we can compete with someone that is 50 levels above us.”

Oh if you only knew the truth Alan.

“I am sorry about that. I do ask that you try your best against everyone. There is always a chance and at the very least we all may learn something new from fighting each other.”

“That makes sense. Please do not hold back so we can see what it is like to fight a level 150 powerhouse.”

“Do you all agree with Alan? Or would you like to forfeit some matches?”

The group came to a consensus to fight. If they were going to take an experience penalty anyway they might as well try to learn something. We chatted about inconsequential things for the next few minutes, but one by one people drifted off to mentally prepare for the next round. Soon enough it was time. I once again was transported into the either the same arena or at least its duplicate. Across from me was Ignis. Time to get this party started.

Ignis was a Red Dragonkin, which meant that ice spells should work well against him. I decided the best thing for me was to use a similar strategy on each fight and just overwhelm them with strength. This might cause those Single’s Tournament participants to think that I only could do one thing and underestimate me. I attacked Ignis with an ice explosion spell and beat him down with an ice enchanted hammer. The next three went similar to Ignis. The only variation was that Jewel tried using her Unique Skill Hide in Shadows, the same skill I had, but it failed due to my high level. I wonder if anyone else has figured out that the skills that are supposed to be so unique are duplicated on every planet. There could be thousands of people with your skill, they just have to be born somewhere else in the Great Game. Heck I even had a skill that could copy other skills, so in theory if I saw it I could copy any Unique Skill making them just rarer skills and not necessarily unique.

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