King of the Mountain

54 - I Trick The Idiots

Chapter 54 – I Trick The Idiots

My six hours of training turned into almost 10 hours due to a single thing. That one little reason is that FLYING IS FANTASTIC. Holy cow, now that I can actually fly with skill it is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I tried everything I could think of barrel rolls, loop de loops, dives, swerving, stalling and hovering, even just gliding properly now is fun and easy when you know what to do. What is even better is I can do it in either my Dragonkin form or as a full dragon. In my full dragon form I am about 25 meters in length and have two large rear facing horns on top of my head. My scales are a deep indigo purple. Almost black on the edges. I assume the color is different from the other elemental dragons to depict royalty. My underbelly is a lighter shade of purple almost violet in color. The final notable feature is the membranes of my wings are speckled with the four elemental dragon colors green, black, blue and white in several different shades of those colors. To me it gives of a feel of a splatter paint picture or possibly a starry sky vibe.

After my great time playing around, I mean training, I set a wind up alarm clock to get me up an hour before my 2 week training period was over. I did not want to be asleep and transported somewhere new. That would be a little embarrassing. After a good rest I woke up took care of my business and waited a little impatiently to be teleported to the start of the Great Game competition. I was ready to go physically and mentally when the message came.

Your training period time is over. You will now be transported to the waiting room for participants in the Great Competition in 3..2..1..

The by now familiar shimmering of an impending teleport took over and I arrived in a large room with couches, tables and chairs, and sign boards all over the walls. I scan the room and see several people already present and several more spots of shimmering indicating that new people are being teleported in. The signs on the wall actually seem to be similar to betting statistics. They name the participants, planet of origin, and have a column for odds for winning each style of tournament. I quickly locate the New Comer’s tournament board and look for my name.



New Comers



Mark Anderson





Henrik Terrinso





Ignis Farrow





Alan Barker





Eloise Renaud










Lady Death





Jewel Titus





Nathon Gillmore





Fred the Champion





Not much information other than name and planet. I guess that makes sense. No one knows us except for the Great Game. So no one can rate our chances yet. I scan the Singles Tournament and see that there are two boards. One is labeled General Melee and the Other is labeled top 1024. I see my name at the 501st position. This must be what the Great Game meant when it said that I would skip the first round of the competition. This seems to be causing a stir among people looking at the board. I guess they are trying to figure out how an unknown got onto the board.

The team tournament board is also split into two sections. The top 32 and the King of the Castle general melee. Only the top 10 spots are taken on the top 32 board. I guess I might as well go signup for the team competition and just use my companions as team mates. If I do not win no big deal, but if I even place it means more rewards. As I walk across the room towards the team boards I see several people stare at me and then eyes go wide or mouths drop open. They must be identifying me. I am glad I got the false status skill, because even with me setting my level down low it looks like I am drawing much more attention than I thought. Maybe I should have set my level even lower? No changing it now.

As I approach the team board I see a line queuing up next to it leading into an alcove. I glance around and ask the friendliest looking guy I see the obvious question.

“Excuse me sir, but what are those people doing?”

“Ah lad, you must be new.”

“Yes sir, this is my first time competing.”

“That I where you go to sign up for the team competition.”

“Thank you for helping me sir. May I ask you some more questions?”

“Sure go ahead.”

“I heard there was gambling available?”

“Oh so you are one of those are you. Yes, you can gamble but be careful, there are only 3 things accepted as bets during the competition between the participants. Those are World Perks, Levels, and Lots of Mithral Coins boy.”

“I do not understand. How can you bet World Perks and Levels?”

“The Great Game will hold stakes for bets on how you personally will do in the tournaments or you can bet directly with other contestants. Many of us bet on our own prowess. However, I would recommend against personal bets with other contestants especially your first year.”

“Thank you for the information, can you point out the betting booth?”

“Tis on the other side of the room lad. Good Luck.”

After thanking the gentleman profusely, I get in line for the team tournament sign up. Soon it is my turn to enter the little alcove. When I enter I get a Great Game message.

Welcome to the Team Tournament Sign Up. Please enter the names of your team mates.

I carefully type in the information requested about my companions and familiar.

Your team consists only of pets and familiars and no other competition participants. Thus you are considered a team of one. Your rewards will thus be doubled if you place in the tournament. Is this acceptable?

I mentally select yes and step out of the booth. Well that is good. If I can actually place in the team tournament I will get extra stuff. I guess that only makes sense as many pets are probably either lower level or of lower intelligence. There cannot be many dragons walking around as companions. I start walking over to the betting booth when I am stopped by a very large and seemingly very angry man.

“Little man how are you a higher level than the great Hammerfist.”

“Excuse me, but do I know you?”

“I am Hammerfist the greatest warrior that the planet of Spyke has ever known. My enemies tremble before me.”

Several people were starting to gather round now. Many of them had the look of holding back laughter.

“Well Hammerfist, I am glad to meet you. My name is Mark and I represent the planet Earth.”

“Puny man I can see that I want to know what trick you used to be a higher level than Hammerfist.”

“Just hard work, now if you will excuse me I want to go place a couple bets.”

“Hammerfist is not done with you.”

“’Well I am done with Hammerfist. Unless you wish to follow me to the betting booth and we can see how determined you really are.”

“I fear no one, I will take your puny bet and collect the winnings from your corpse.”

“Whatever, just follow me.”

I started walking towards the betting booth once again with my new friend Hammerfist close behind me. Several people seemed to start following us. Probably want to know if me and old Hammerfist are actually going to get in a fight before the actual competition.

“Well Mr. Hammerfist, what would you like to bet? Mithril, World Perks, or Levels?”

“Money holds no meaning for true warriors, but it is an insult that you are a higher level than Hammer fist so we will bet levels. Thus when you fall I will rise and all will know the glory of Hammerfist.”



Name: Hammerfist (William Fields) Race: Giantkin (Frost) Level: 103

Affinities: Water - 30% Earth - 20%

Unique Skills: None

Wow, first time I have used the new skill Fountain of Knowledge on another user. I am getting much more data than I used to. Well I better pretend to only know his basic information.

“Level 103 Mr. Hammerfist. Not Bad. Are you sure you want to bet against me? I am almost 30 levels above you.”

“Levels are just a number I will defeat you quite easily.”

“Alrighty then, how about we bet twenty levels then. If you beat me I will lose twenty levels of experience and drop down to level 112 and you will rise to level 123 more than 10 levels above me.”

“Enough talk let us bet. Twenty levels is fine.”

I walk up to the betting booth and look up at four different boards. 1 alcove is labeled Mithril, one is labeled Levels, one is labeled, World Perks, and one is labeled Personal Bets. Seems straight forward, I walk over to the alcove labeled personal bets and see a new message arrive.

Please state the nature of the bet, the participants, the stakes, and the tournament.

One versus one, Mark Anderson and Hammerfist, 20 levels of experience, New comer’s Tournament.

Bet has been verified with your opponent. You will face Hammerfist in the first round to determine the outcome.

So because we placed a personal bet it arranged for us to meet so we could settle it? I need to be careful then who I bet with in the future. I know that I can beat any new comer but if I am going to bet against others I need to keep that in mind. I just had a wicked idea though. I wonder if the rules permit it? Only one way to find out, I make a general announcement to the room.

“Is there anyone else that would like to bet against me? Perhaps in regards to the singles tournament?”

Several people looked offended at that. A lot of muttering about fresh meat is going on and I heard something about stupid new kids.

“I will make it easy for you. I will bet one World Perk . 1,000,000 mithral coins, or up to 50 levels against anyone who does not believe I can make it to the first round after the general melee. “

Instantly I saw several people’s eyes light up with greed and a few cover their mouths to hold back laughter. Those must be the smart ones who have already looked at the singles tournament board and saw the anomaly where I was the 501st person to be accepted. Basically if anyone was stupid enough to take this bet I would win instantly. A voice called out from the crowd.

“How do we know you are good for it?”

Perfect Mark, the hook is set, now reel these little fishes in. In my most condescending voice I replied.

“Don’t be stupid. The Great Game won’t let me bet what I do not have. I will bet against as many of you as come up until I run out of things to bet. That’s how confident I am in my ability. However, I do only have so much so first come first serve. The first people that initiate the bet will get more than those that lag behind.”

I need them to be a little angry, just enough to lose their sense for a moment and step up and make a bet.

Several beings started to head towards the Personal Bets alcove. I start getting Great Game messages almost immediately. I scan them each as quickly and as carefully as I can to make sure no one is actually reverse trolling me. The ones I accept come in three varieties.

Clear the General Melee Round, Mark Anderson and Dumb Guy, 10 levels of experience, Single’sTournament

Clear the General Melee Round, Mark Anderson and Dumb Guy, 1,000,000 Mithral Coins, Single’sTournament

Clear the General Melee Round, Mark Anderson and Dumb Guy, 1 World Perk, Single’sTournament

The only difference is the name of the dumb guy that took the bet and the amount of levels and coins. I did get a notice that I was not allowed to bet more than 3 World Perks on a single round. After about five minutes someone could not handle it anymore and started laughing out loud. Several people started looking at them like they were crazy. One finally had the courage to ask.

“What’s so funny?”

“You idiots already lost the bet.”

“What do you mean? The singles tournament does not even start until tomorrow after the New Comer’s tournament finishes.”

“You moron, look at the singles board. I do not know how but this kid Mark Anderson already has secured a place after the general melee. He is number 501.”

Heads swivel and stare at the single’s tournament board.

“That’s Cheating!”

“No you idiot, you were the one that made the bet thinking you would fleece some new comer. He did nothing wrong. In fact you strengthened him by giving him more levels you moron. I predict he will go far in his first tournament. I haven’t seen this type of planning and cunning ever in my 37 Great Game Competitions. I think he might even have a chance of beating Silverwing’s Record.”

At the mention of Silverwing several people had sharp intakes of breath. Who the heck is Silverwing? He must be someone important. Well I can find out in a bit. First though I need to place some bets on myself. First though I need a question answered. I think quietly Help.


Why have I not been awarded my winnings? I have already passed the general melee round.

All bets about surpassing a round or defeating an opponent will not be awarded until after the round is complete or the opponent is defeated.

Ok that makes sense. I should get a big boost in power after the general melee though. I will place my bets and then go find a quiet corner to do the math. Never stick around longer than you have to when gambling. Someone will always try something stupid even if it is against the rules. I walk over to the Mithral alcove.

Please state the nature of the bet, the stakes, and the tournament.

I wish to bet 6,000,000 mithral coins on Mark Anderson winning the New Comer’s tournament.

Bet Accepted for 6,000,000 Mithral Coins

This is another indication that a person is not in charge of the system or at least is not watching at all times. With my level this is a sucker bet. A real bookie would never let me make it if he knew about my skills and levels, which the Great Game does. This just reinforces to me that some sort of computer is managing at least aspects of the Great Game. Well I will keep taking everything I can until I am stopped or until I meet the “creators” of this system. Next stop is the World Perks alcove.

Please state the nature of the bet, the stakes, and the tournament.

I wish to bet the maximum number of World Perks allowed on Mark Anderson winning the New Comer’s tournament.

Bet Accepted for 3 World Perks

Next I walk over to the last alcove Levels.

Please state the nature of the bet, the stakes, and the tournament.

I wish to bet the maximum number of levels allowed on Mark Anderson winning the New Comer’s tournament.

Bet Accepted for 50 levels.

This is going to be epic. I wander around a while to make sure no one is trying to target me. I don’t see anyone so the Great Game must enforce a no fighting rule outside of the tournament. That is the only thing that makes sense. Normally if you were to sucker that many people in and take them for a ride it would cause a response fairly quickly. They may be buying their time but I doubt it. It looks like I am free and clear on those free goodies.

I sit down and start scrolling through my past messages to add up everything I earned from those sucker bets. That is a big number. This calls for some investigation. Help.


Why do I have bets totaling 25 million mithral coins? I do not have enough money to cover the bet.

Due to the nature of your automatic wins the Great Game let you bid to the maximum amount allowed.

To understand this correctly at the end of the General Melee in the Single’s Tournament I will automatically be awarded 25 million mithral coins, 50 levels worth of experience, and 3 additional World Perks.


This is great. So the grand total would be 70 levels of experience after the New Comer’s tournament plus another 50 levels for betting on the General Melee in the Single’s Tournament, 31,000,000 more mithral Coins, and 6 Additional World Perks. That is on top of whatever the reward is for winning the New Comer’s tournament. I wonder what the reward actually is? I don’t think that I ever checked on that. I mean I know you can win World Perks, but how many and is there anything else. Help.


Can you tell me the rewards for the tournaments I am registered for?


Literal piece of junk, it is times like this that I think that there may be an actual person just messing with me. Reality says the easiest answer is probably true so it is most likely a literal computer system, but still this gets old quick.

Help, please explain the rewards for the three tournaments I am registered for and the rounds need to earn them.

New Comer’s Tournament Champion: 3 World Perks +10 Levels Title: New Comer’s Champion +10

New Comer’s Tournament 2nd Place: 2 World Perks +5 Levels

New Comer’s Tournament 3rd Place: 1 World Perk +3 Levels

Single’s Tournament Champion: 5 World Perks +10 Levels Title: Single’s Champion +10

Single’s Tournament 2nd Place: 4 World Perks +8 Levels

Single’s Tournament 3rd Place: 3 World Perks +6 Levels

Single’s Tournament 4th Place: 2 World Perks +4 Levels

Single’s Tournament 5th – 8th Place: 1 World Perk +3 Levels

Single’s Tournament 9th-16th Place: 1 World Perk +2 Levels

Single’s Tournament 17th-32nd Place: 1 World Perk +1 Level

Single’s Tournament 33rd-64th Place: 1 World Perk

Team Tournament Champions: 5 World Perks + 10 Levels Title: Team Champion +5

Team Tournament 2nd Place: 4 World Perks + 7 Levels

Team Tournament 3rd Place: 3 World Perks + 5 Levels

Team Tournament 4th Place: 2 World Perks + 3 Levels

Team Tournament 5th Place: 1 World Perk +1 Level

All champions are awarded 1 year’s access to Dungeon World.

Possession of all three champion titles earns permanent access Dungeon World.

Alright my goal is in sight. I do not know if it is attainable this year, but it should be easy enough to get in the future. As long as you are the winner of the New Comer’s tournament you can take your time earning the other titles if necessary. I decide that to kill the final amount of time I will look for the gentleman that answered my questions earlier and see if I can ask about that Silverwing character. After that I will just sit in the corner and Identify opponents and try to identify the top 5 contenders from last year to see how far I have to go.

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