Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 75

I looked around carefully again, but still couldn't find any useful clues or information.

This situation is almost like [what the old priest said is true].

There is no such thing as an ambush.

Not some kind of temptation.

Not a witch's trap.

It seems that Father Drew really just wanted to hand a letter from the Sakura family to Sakura Kyoko for a look.

But precisely because of this, it is unreasonable.

It is unreasonable not to mention that this happened in the Witch's Barrier, even if this is really the real world, Kyoko still remembers that the ruins of the church were still there before she left.That miserable appearance that no one cares about is almost the same as himself.

Whether it's good or bad, life or death, I can only be there alone, no one will take a second look, and no one will ask more questions.

It seemed that the miserable, tattered appearance was the most suitable appearance.

Subconsciously fumbled for the pocket, but found nothing in the empty pocket, Kyoko's impatient face suddenly became more sinister.


There was a fierce smacking sound, and Kyoko stared at the door where Father Drew left, viciously, as if she was thinking about who she should poke a few holes in later.

Fortunately, Father Drew's movements are not slow.

Pushing open the door and returning to the church, the old man held a dark envelope in his hand, which made the growing impatience on Kyoko's face slightly diluted by curiosity.

Generally speaking, no one will use an envelope of this color in pitch black.

In cultures around the world, black often symbolizes bad meanings, and jet-black envelopes are more commonly used for funerals and funerals.For ordinary correspondence, there is no need to wrap letters in such unpleasant colors.The person who left the letter used this color, it may be a whim, but it may have some metaphorical meaning.

As soon as he entered the door, Father Drew lifted up his gaze and saw Kyoko with a complicated expression.The old man naturally also noticed the displeasure and curiosity on Kyoko's face. Priest Drew, who didn't like to procrastinate, didn't hesitate. His five- and sixty-year-old body was still steady and fast. Handed it to Kyoko.

"It's this one. It didn't indicate who it was going to be sent to, and no one came to claim it. In desperation, we could only open the letter and read the contents to find information. It turned out that the envelope seemed to be someone's essays and The diary, the content is a bit strange but did not say important information. It often mentions Sakura Kyoko, the missing child of the Sakura family. It was just like this, but these diaries and essays were neatly sealed in envelopes with wax , we speculated that it might be for someone to send it to, but in the end we didn’t have a chance to send it. So since you know the child of the Sakura family, I was wondering if it might be related to you.”

As Father Drew said, the envelope looked a bit bulging, and obviously contained a lot of content, at least as thick as a notebook.On the side facing the apricot, the crimson wax paint has been unsealed,

"This is……?"

Looking at the damaged wax mark on the envelope, Kyoko was a little dazed.

She had never seen this strange pattern that resembled some kind of ancient script, and of course it was impossible to know someone who would use this pattern as a mark of wax paint.

But the priest said that the text in the envelope often mentioned her.

...Would it be possible for a witch to do this?

Frowning, Kyoko took the envelope from the priest's hand, leaned on the bench to open it, and pulled out a small stack of paper pages that were a bit thick inside. She began to read from the beginning while visibly alerting the priest and the surrounding environment in front of her. Started the above content.

And as she flipped through the pages of letter paper and read the lines of text, Kyoko's expression gradually changed from pretending to be careless at the beginning.


Here's the basic reasoning, my friend

The second is more old-fashioned


Chapter 77: Two Paths to the Truth


Leaning on the edge of the roof wall, the almighty Zheng Yi heaved a sigh of relief and adjusted his tired mind.

Although the Pegasus form will not affect the follow-up battle for him, it will still have a considerable burden compared to the other three forms.Especially in modern cities, not only simple sounds and sights, but even electromagnetic waves and hotlines can clearly come into view. The world constructed by the entire five senses is completely distorted. various things in the world.

Only by constantly adapting to the world under the form of Tianma can one gradually grasp the information that one can observe.

Fortunately, the pain of nearly 1 minute was not in vain.

Through the exploration of the commanding heights in the form of Tianma, Zheng Yi basically collected all the information that could be collected, and even found Xingzi's location.For this girl who chose to come in together for some unknown reason, Zheng Yi actually couldn't tell whether she was so angry because of what she said, and wanted to run in to have a fight with him first, or whether she was let go by what she said. With a knot in my heart, I decided to wish myself a helping hand.

But no matter what, he was still a little worried about this little guy.

It's just that the current situation makes Zheng Yi not quite sure what to do next.

"I didn't expect this to happen..."

Zheng Yi sighed unconsciously, and Zheng Yi, who was still in the middle of the battle, had a rare bitter tone.

But this is also understandable.

——Anyone who finds that tens of thousands of people are living in peace like the real world in an area that should be a witch's enchantment will have doubts like Zheng Yi.

Relying on the exploration of the form of Tianma, Zheng Yi discovered that in this city, at least within the effective perception range starting from his current location, there are tens of thousands of people living ordinary and stable daily lives.

Work, school, eating, socializing, shopping.

Tens of thousands of people are living their lives in an orderly manner in this place that should be the witch's enchantment, just like they are in the real world.

Although Zheng Yi couldn't believe the authenticity of these human beings due to their sudden strangeness at the beginning, after confirming the base of this level, Zheng Yi also had to admit that these tens of thousands of people were ordinary human beings.

Except for the church where Xingzi was, Zheng Yi did not find any traces of magic power.

Let alone a witch, there is not even a familiar!

Everywhere he saw, it was as if Zheng Yi had suspected that he and Kyoko were in a city that was different from Mitakihara in the real world.

But this is the most unusual place.

Zheng Yi clearly remembered that when he and Kyoko entered the Witch's Enchantment, the time when they saw Takihara should be close to nightfall, and the sunset that was about to sink into the horizon and the looming moon in the dim sky could still be clearly reflected in his mind.If the city in front of me is really a city in the real world, it is also a city in Japan, and it is impossible to have such a big time difference.

It is near night on one side and early in the morning on the other. Japan is not a country with such a big time zone difference.

But if it is not the real world, then it refers to the tens of thousands of people living here that Zheng Yi perceives, all of whom have been hypnotized and brought into the witch's enchantment from the outside world to raise them up to now.

——Compared to admitting this, Zheng Yi would rather believe that he was transferred to another real city by the witch.

This is not dozens of hundreds or thousands of people, but tens of thousands.

This level of missing persons, no matter what, it is impossible for there to be no leaks.

Tens of thousands of people disappeared without a trace.

It's so bullshit.

But if I am really in a city in the real world now... how can I explain the problem of the difference at that time?

Looking up at the white clouds floating in the clear sky and the dazzling sun, it seems that winter is approaching. Although the weather is so clear, when Zheng Yi was investigating just now, the passers-by on the street were all wearing thicker clothes.

I just don't know if it will get hot at noon...

The troublesome situation made Zheng Yi unconsciously start to diverge his thinking——

and many more.

It's almost winter?

Zheng Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the sky seriously, and then leaned to the edge of the roof, relying on the vision ability in the almighty form to vaguely confirm the clothes of the pedestrians on the street below.

But I remember that today should only be the middle of spring, and there is still some time in summer.


Picking up the wooden knife beside him, the crimson red on Zheng Yi's armor receded, and the azure blue swept up.

Relying on the form of a green dragon, he jumped down from the rooftop where he is now, and his eyes and ears, avoiding the flow of people, jumped quickly between buildings of different heights. After a few back and forth, Zheng Yi landed quietly in a deserted alley.

Putting the green dragon stick transformed from the wooden knife back into the spirit stone, Zheng Yi's body began to change again.The horns and compound eyes retracted back into the cranial cavity, the sharp mouthparts and the carapace of the head began to adhere to the white bone layer, the body and the skin, the hardened skin around the body softened and changed color to its original appearance, and the blue biological armor melted and shrunk into the body.

In the blink of an eye, the monster turned back into a human.

After looking at his unchanged outfit, checking the wallet and various documents in his pocket, Zheng Yi walked towards the avenue outside the alley.

He wants to confirm some important things with a human attitude.

The answer obtained from the investigation will become the last key element for him to confirm his conjecture.


"Can I take this letter?"

"It seems that child, you know the owner of this letter?"

"Ah, it was written by Kyoko's former [teacher] Masayoshi Kujo. These things were left for her by that silly and passionate teacher. Since no one claims them, I will keep them."

Re-folding the letter paper that was a bit messy due to reading, carefully stuffing these things back into the envelope and sealing them, and putting them in the inner lining next to her body, Kyoko stood up.

Seeing Kyoko's series of actions without changing expression, Father Drew did not stop her.For this old priest, this letter has been placed here for a while, and the content is really not very important, and it is almost all the author's random chat.While some of the narrative is confusing, overall, it's not particularly important stuff.

In addition, there is really no one living in the Sakura family.

From Father Drew's point of view, the missing Sakura Kyoko is probably more ominous than good.

Therefore, it is also a good thing that someone is willing to deal with this letter.

Carrying the spear, turning around and walking towards the gate, Xingzi opened the door casually, and walked out facing the morning light outside without looking back.The closed door concealed the last figure of the girl, and with the crisp sound of Kyoko's heels stepping on the ground, the girl's figure gradually drifted away.

And the flame of will beating in those crimson eyes is naturally only known to the girl herself.


Madoka Climax Breaks In!

Second time!There is always only one truth!

But even then, I didn't do anything wrong.


good night

Chapter 78: The Gears, Engaged

When the door was pushed open, the slightly retro wooden door made a dull rattling sound, causing the shopkeeper inside the counter to look up.

"Welcome! The menu is here. Of course, if there is something you want to eat but not on the menu, I will try my best to see if I can make it."

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