Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 74

The dull voice fell to the ground, and Zheng Yi's thick armor changed rapidly, becoming thinner and fitter, reducing the attachment area while improving flexibility, weakening the defense while increasing portability.From a heavily armored fighter who pursues frontal attacks and even rushing attacks, he has transformed into a skilled fighter who relies on agility to evade attacks and wait for opportunities to counterattack.

Kongwo·Qinglong form.

Relying on the excellent jumping ability and maneuverability of the green dragon, Zheng Yi disappeared between the roofs of the house in a vertical leap, leaving behind two people who were still in a state of shock, faltering and faltering in response to the doubtful inquiries of their family members.

Running from roof to roof, avoiding the gradually increasing crowd below, Zheng Yi ran towards the tallest building he could see.

Everywhere you can see, they are all similar to the outside. It is not so much inside the witch's enchantment, but it is like running from Mitakihara to another city.Zheng Yi even began to wonder if the witch inside the witch's enchantment had the ability to move in space, and at the moment his vision was blocked by the strong light of the witch's enchantment, he was transferred to other cities.

If it weren't for the fact that the sky, which had already almost entered the night before, was completely in the morning, Zheng Yi might really be more inclined to this conjecture, thinking that he might no longer be inside the Witch's Barrier.

"This enchantment, what is going on..."

Now, he needs to find a commanding height that is safe enough and has a wide view.

Otherwise, the ability of Tianma form cannot be maximized.

-Dividing line-

"Is this... a joke?"

Looking at the black wooden door that was so familiar before her, Kyoko's outstretched palm rested on the gold-plated metal doorknob, and she couldn't exert any strength to push open the seemingly heavy door.

Pushing open the door, if there is no one inside, Kyoko doesn't know what to do.

Pushing open the door, Kyoko doesn't know what to do if there is really someone inside.

Dilemma, indecisive.

However, if she was to just let go and leave without doing anything...

Sakura Kyoko, can't do it.

How to do?


second later


Chapter 75: Hongmen Banquet

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

The voice of inquiry from behind made Xingzi's whole body stiff, and the disturbed girl let go of the doorknob she was holding, and the long spear on her shoulder swirled around her neck suddenly, and the tip of the spear hit the visitor from bottom to top inches in front of the tip of the nose.

"Oh! Don't get excited, I mean no harm."

Being held in front of the eyes by a sharp blade with a cold light is an experience that ordinary people will never experience a few times in a lifetime.The visitor in front of him is no exception.However, the people who came here were not too panicked. Although they were a little caught off guard when they were caught by the gun point, they quickly suppressed their restlessness and raised their hands to show that they were harmless to humans and animals.

It was only then that Kyoko was able to calm down and take a look at the guy who suddenly appeared behind her to talk to her.

He wore a navy blue priest's uniform and an old gray-brown windbreaker. On his vicissitudes of face, the traces of time's beating could be vaguely seen. The faint white hair at the temples made this man look even older.The tall body is not straight, but there is no sign of rickets, and there are quite conspicuous calluses on the raised hands. Obviously, this old priest, who is about 60 or [-] years old, often does some relatively heavy physical work. .

This is a face that Kyoko has no impression of.

"...Are you a priest here?"

"Exactly, boy. I'm the priest of this church. You may call me Father Drew."


——Kyoko really wanted to blurt it out like this, but the old man with a kind face in front of him, who didn't get angry even when he was pointed at with a knife and threatened, didn't look like a liar at all.

More importantly, Kyoko can feel the kindness and sincerity of the old man.

I'm afraid he really thought that Kyoko's visit to the church might be something troublesome, so he came up to talk to her.

But precisely because of this, Kyoko felt even more painful and helpless.

If you want Kyoko to admit that the old man in front of her is not lying, it means that the building in front of her is exactly the same as the church that is always in flames in her memory, not the church belonging to [Sakura Kyoko].Naturally, there would not be those existences that Kyoko expected.

Sakura Kyoko was always the monster who had nowhere to go after that night.

"……whispering sound!"

Smacking her lips fiercely, Kyoko withdrew the spear that was in front of Father Drew, and wanted to leave from his side with her head buried.

She knew that she was in the witch's enchantment, even though she was shocked by the series of events in front of her, the basic awareness of prevention still existed.Since the church in front of her was not a place in her memory, she had absolutely no reason to stay here.The priest named Drew in front of him didn't know how to bypass his own perception and appeared behind him. No matter what angle he looked at, even if the other party might really be an ordinary person hypnotized by the witch, now Kyoko thought that There is no leeway to help the other party.

She still has more important people to find and more important things to do.

"Wait, kid, are you... are you an acquaintance of Father Sakura?"

Kyoko turned her head abruptly, and raised the spear in her hand again.

This time, it was placed directly on the opponent's neck.

"... Where did you hear about 【Father Sakura】?"

For the first time, the girl's eyes surged with a color that can be called ferocious in the true sense, and the straightforward face that is always full of emotion is completely cold at this time, and the expressionless appearance is like a flesh-colored mask, tightly buttoned. It seemed to be on Kyoko's head.

That posture seemed to pull the blade of the gun and tear open his carotid artery if the priest in front of him, who called himself Drew, said something that was not to his liking.

Being threatened with a weapon by the same person twice a day is probably an unprecedented experience for this priest Drew.The old man was obviously much more panicked than last time. After all, the impact feeling directly placed on the neck is different from that in front of his eyes. The touch of the cold front against the skin is enough to make it difficult for people with poor mental endurance to breathe. Not to mention the oppressive force of Kyoko's serious eyes.

Raising his hands again, Father Drew responded in a helpless and hasty voice: "This, this church was originally managed by a priest named Sakura, but later some things were burnt down. After rebuilding, it was restored. Most of the time, and I was assigned here to manage the new church. So I just saw you thinking like that, and I wondered if it might be someone that Father Sakura knew..."

Speaking of this, the old man seemed to have calmed down a lot, and raised his eyes to look at Kyoko, who was still in the magical girl attire, and asked tentatively, "Is it the child of the Qi family, the father of Sakura?"

"...No, I'm just a former friend of the Sakura family's children. I passed by and saw the church was rebuilt, so I took a second look."

After judging again that the old man was not lying, Kyoko replied in a cold and perfunctory tone, then put down the gun blade on the old man's neck and carried it on his shoulder, turning around to leave.

Now that she got the answer, the old man and the church in front of her are no longer attractive to Kyoko.

Why does the same scene as in the real world appear in Witch's Ward?

Why does this church appear in Witch's Ward?

Why is there a message about my past in the Witch's Barrier?

Where is that fool now?

For Kyoko, there are too many problems to solve, and there is no time for her to chat with an old man who doesn't even know that she is in crisis.

However, the old man's words once again forced Kyoko to stop leaving.

"In that case, is that thing left for you?"


Seeing Kyoko turn her head slightly, Father Drew wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Actually, when we were dealing with the ruins of the old church, we found something from the relics of the Priest Sakura's family. In addition to some trivial items, there was also a letter addressed to whom I don't know. Because there has never been a letter from the Priest Sakura's family. Those who are related to claim it, so they will always be kept with me in the new church. Since you are the related party, the child, maybe the letter is for you."

Not lying.

However, the possibility of being a trap is high.

The hypnotized person will think that the information he has been indoctrinated is true, so he can only judge whether the other party is lying or not from the old man alone, but cannot determine whether the other party's truth is the truth.This is obviously an argument that he should enter the church by himself, coupled with this weird witch barrier, it looks like a harbinger of a trap no matter how you look at it.

So, what to do?

Glancing at the priest, then at the closed church door, Xingzi grinned, showing her playful little canine teeth.

"Then let me confirm."

Now that they have all come to the door, as long as the witch in this enchantment is killed, no matter what the problem is, it can be easily solved.

No one refuses to fight.

Respond to provocation.

Clings to its prey.

Sakura Kyoko is such a magical girl.


Respect the old and love the young Sakura Kyoko (no)

When I saw the event, my friend urged me to offer a reward

But the thing is, I'm so busy (sad)

Hey, let's talk, let's talk


good night

Chapter 76: Information

Entering the church together with Father Drew, Kyoko has already begun to feel a little strange about the layout in the church that is exactly the same as in memory.Whether it's the colored glaze above, the crucifix hanging high in the middle of the church, or the mahogany benches neatly arranged on both sides, they are all exactly the same as Kyoko remembers, and she can even see the window sills and The decorations and statues carved on the corners of the columns have been perfectly reproduced.

If it wasn't for the fact that the whole church was too brand new, exuding a sense of brightness that was different from cleanliness, Kyoko would even mistakenly think that this was the place where she once lived.

But whether it's the spotless new bench or the colorful glass dome, they remind Kyoko all the time that everything in front of her is just a false illusion, a trap worth mentioning in the witch's enchantment.

The church in my memory has long been devoured by fire and despair.

"Son, wait here for a moment, I'll go to the back and get the letter."

She waved her hand to signal Father Drew to just get the letter, and Kyoko was not polite as she carried the spear. She casually found a corner near the gate, and sat down in the middle of the wide bench.

This location is close to the gate, and it is also convenient for Kyoko to withdraw at any time if she finds that she is invincible. At the same time, she is in a closed triangle, except for the front of the girl, her back and left and right are covered by walls and benches.Once a battle breaks out, only attacks launched from the front will be threatening, and attacks from the left, right and behind will be delayed to a large extent.

Although the goal from the very beginning was to use tricks and tricks, Kyoko will not relax her vigilance and use of necessary tactics.

The scale of victory often begins to tilt because of the accumulation of details.

He didn't care about Kyoko's lack of etiquette. Father Drew was obviously a very good-natured old man. Seeing Kyoko's appearance, he hesitated for a while, then sighed and turned to the person behind the church. Go to the living room.

She seems to be looking around carelessly, but two-thirds of Kyoko's attention is actually on Father Drew.From the old priest's words and deeds to the receding back, Kyoko's undisciplined posture has actually pointed the tip of the gun at the priest's heart and throat several times.

The moment the old man turned his back and closed the door, Kyoko's body tightened a little, eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at the position of Father Drew's medulla, and the finger against the handle of the gun did not carelessly rub Guanghua's metal rod .However, nothing unusual happened in the whole church until the old man closed the door and disappeared from Kyoko's sight.

The expected timing of the attack did not happen, and the church where only Kyoko was left was completely silent.Except for the sound of the girl's steady breathing and the sound of her fingertips tapping on the barrel of the gun, the whole church could hear the sound of a needle being dropped.

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